package net.pms.util; import net.pms.PMS; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaSubtitle; import net.pms.formats.v2.SubtitleType; import; import org.mozilla.universalchardet.UniversalDetector; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isBlank; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.mozilla.universalchardet.Constants.*; public class FileUtil { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FileUtil.class); private static Map<File, File[]> cache; // signal an invalid parameter in getFileLocation() without raising an exception or returning null private static final String DEFAULT_BASENAME = "NO_DEFAULT_BASENAME_SUPPLIED.conf"; // this class is not instantiable private FileUtil() { } /** * A helper class used by {@link #getFileLocation(String, String, String)} * which provides access to a file's absolute path and that of its directory. * * @since 1.90.0 */ public static final class FileLocation { private String directoryPath; private String filePath; FileLocation(File directory, File file) { this.directoryPath = FilenameUtils.normalize(directory.getAbsolutePath()); this.filePath = FilenameUtils.normalize(file.getAbsolutePath()); } public String getDirectoryPath() { return directoryPath; } public String getFilePath() { return filePath; } } /** * Returns a {@link FileLocation} object which provides access to the directory * and file paths of the specified file as normalised, absolute paths. * * This determines the directory and file path of a file according to the rules * outlined here: * * @since 1.90.0 * @param customPath an optional user-defined path for the resource * @param defaultDirectory a default directory path used if no custom path is provided * @param defaultBasename a default filename used if a) no custom path is provided * or b) the custom path is a directory * @return a {@link FileLocation} object providing access to the file's directory and file paths */ // this is called from a static initialiser, where errors aren't clearly reported, // so do everything possible to return a valid reponse, even if the parameters // aren't sane static public FileLocation getFileLocation( String customPath, String defaultDirectory, String defaultBasename ) { File customFile = null; File directory = null; File file = null; if (isBlank(defaultBasename)) { // shouldn't get here defaultBasename = DEFAULT_BASENAME; } if (defaultDirectory == null) { defaultDirectory = ""; // current directory } if (customPath != null) { customFile = new File(customPath).getAbsoluteFile(); } if (customFile != null) { if (customFile.exists()) { if (customFile.isDirectory()) { directory = customFile; file = new File(customFile, defaultBasename).getAbsoluteFile(); } else { directory = customFile.getParentFile(); file = customFile; } } else { File parentDirectoryFile = customFile.getParentFile(); if (parentDirectoryFile != null && parentDirectoryFile.exists()) { // parent directory exists: the file can be created directory = parentDirectoryFile; file = customFile; } } } if (directory == null || file == null) { directory = new File(defaultDirectory).getAbsoluteFile(); file = new File(directory, defaultBasename).getAbsoluteFile(); } return new FileLocation(directory, file); } public static File isFileExists(String f, String ext) { return isFileExists(new File(f), ext); } /** * Returns the protocol of the supplied filename if it's a URI, * or <code>null</code> if it's not. * * @param filename the filename whose protocol is to be determined * @return the filename's protocol if it's a URI, or <code>null</code> * if it's not. */ public static String getProtocol(String filename) { String protocol = null; if (filename != null) { try { URI uri = new URI(filename.toLowerCase()); protocol = uri.getScheme(); } catch (URISyntaxException use) { } } return protocol; } /** * @deprecated use {@link FilenameUtils#getExtension(String filePath)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static String getExtension(final String filePath) { return FilenameUtils.getExtension(filePath); } /** * @deprecated use {@link FilenameUtils#getBaseName(String filePath)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static String getFileNameWithoutExtension(final String filePath) { return FilenameUtils.getBaseName(filePath); } public static String getFileNameWithRewriting(String f) { String formattedName; int point = f.lastIndexOf("."); if (point == -1) { point = f.length(); } // Remove file extension formattedName = f.substring(0, point); String commonFileEnds = "[\\s\\.]AC3.*|[\\s\\.]REPACK.*|[\\s\\.]480p.*|[\\s\\.]720p.*|[\\s\\.]m-720p.*|[\\s\\.]900p.*|[\\s\\.]1080p.*|[\\s\\.]HDTV.*|[\\s\\.]DSR.*|[\\s\\.]PDTV.*|[\\s\\.]WS.*|[\\s\\.]HQ.*|[\\s\\.]DVDRip.*|[\\s\\.]TVRiP.*|[\\s\\.]BDRip.*|[\\s\\.]BluRay.*|[\\s\\.]SUBBED.*|[\\s\\.]x264.*|[\\s\\.]Dual[\\s\\.]Audio.*|[\\s\\.]HSBS.*|[\\s\\.]H-SBS.*"; String commonFileEndsMatch = ".*[\\s\\.]AC3.*|.*[\\s\\.]REPACK.*|.*[\\s\\.]480p.*|.*[\\s\\.]720p.*|.*[\\s\\.]m-720p.*|.*[\\s\\.]900p.*|.*[\\s\\.]1080p.*|.*[\\s\\.]HDTV.*|.*[\\s\\.]DSR.*|.*[\\s\\.]PDTV.*|.*[\\s\\.]WS.*|.*[\\s\\.]HQ.*|.*[\\s\\.]DVDRip.*|.*[\\s\\.]TVRiP.*|.*[\\s\\.]BDRip.*|.*[\\s\\.]BluRay.*|.*[\\s\\.]SUBBED.*|.*[\\s\\.]x264.*|.*[\\s\\.]Dual[\\s\\.]Audio.*|.*[\\s\\.]HSBS.*|.*[\\s\\.]H-SBS.*"; String commonFileEndsCaseSensitive = "[\\s\\.]PROPER.*|[\\s\\.]iNTERNAL.*|[\\s\\.]LIMITED.*|[\\s\\.]FESTiVAL.*|[\\s\\.]NORDIC.*"; if (formattedName.matches(".*[sS]0\\d[eE]\\d\\d.*")) { // This matches scene and most p2p TV episodes within the first 9 seasons // Rename the season/episode numbers. For example, "S01E01" changes to " - 101" // Then strip the end of the episode if it does not have the episode name in the title formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)[\\s\\.]S0(\\d)E(\\d)(\\d)(" + commonFileEnds + ")", " - $1$2$3"); // If it matches this then it didn't match the previous one, which means there is probably an episode title in the filename formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)[\\s\\.]S0(\\d)E(\\d)(\\d)[\\s\\.]", " - $1$2$3 - "); // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); // Replace periods with spaces formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.", " "); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*[sS][1-9]\\d[eE]\\d\\d.*")) { // This matches scene and most p2p TV episodes after their first 9 seasons // Rename the season/episode numbers. For example, "S11E01" changes to " - 1101" formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)[\\s\\.]S([1-9]\\d)E(\\d)(\\d)(" + commonFileEnds + ")", " - $1$2$3"); // If it matches this then it didn't match the previous one, which means there is probably an episode title in the filename formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)[\\s\\.]S([1-9]\\d)E(\\d)(\\d)[\\s\\.]", " - $1$2$3 - "); // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); // Replace periods with spaces formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.", " "); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\.(19|20)\\d\\d\\.[0-1]\\d\\.[0-3]\\d\\..*")) { // This matches scene and most p2p TV episodes that release several times per week // Rename the date. For example, "2013.03.18" changes to " - 2013/03/18" formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\.(19|20)(\\d\\d)\\.([0-1]\\d)\\.([0-3]\\d)(" + commonFileEnds + ")", " - $1$2/$3/$4"); // If it matches this then it didn't match the previous one, which means there is probably an episode title in the filename formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\.(19|20)(\\d\\d)\\.([0-1]\\d)\\.([0-3]\\d)\\.", " - $1$2/$3/$4 - "); // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); // Replace periods with spaces formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.", " "); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\.(19|20)\\d\\d\\..*")) { // This matches scene and most p2p movies // Rename the year. For example, "2013" changes to " (2013)" formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.(19|20)(\\d\\d)", " ($1$2)"); // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); // Change "3D" to " (3D)", "CD1" to "(1)", etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\.(CD[1-3])\\.|\\.(3D)\\.|\\.(Special.Edition)\\.|\\.(Unrated)\\.|\\.(Final.Cut)\\.|\\.(Remastered)\\.|\\.(Extended.Cut)\\.", " ($1)"); // Replace periods with spaces formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.", " "); } else if (formattedName.matches(commonFileEndsMatch)) { // This matches files that partially follow the scene format // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); // Change "3D" to " (3D)", "CD1" to "(1)", etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\.(CD[1-3])\\.|\\.(3D)\\.|\\.(Special.Edition)\\.|\\.(Unrated)\\.|\\.(Final.Cut)\\.|\\.(Remastered)\\.|\\.(Extended.Cut)\\.", " ($1)"); // Replace periods with spaces formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.", " "); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\[(19|20)\\d\\d\\].*")) { // This matches rarer types of movies // Rename the year. For example, "2013" changes to " (2013)" formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\[(19|20)(\\d\\d)\\].*", " ($1$2)"); // Replace periods with spaces formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("\\.", " "); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\((19|20)\\d\\d\\).*")) { // This matches rarer types of movies // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\((19|20)\\d\\d\\).*")) { // This matches rarer types of movies // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like release group, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)" + commonFileEnds, ""); formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll(commonFileEndsCaseSensitive, ""); } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\[[0-9a-zA-Z]{8}\\]$")) { // This matches anime with a hash at the end of the name // Remove underscores formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("_", " "); // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like hash, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\s\\(1280x720.*|\\s\\(1920x1080.*|\\s\\(720x400.*|\\[720p.*|\\[1080p.*|\\[480p.*|\\s\\(BD.*|\\s\\[Blu-Ray.*|\\s\\[DVD.*|\\.DVD.*|\\[[0-9a-zA-Z]{8}\\]$|\\[h264.*|R1DVD.*|\\[BD.*", ""); // Remove group name from the beginning of the filename if (formattedName.substring(0, 1).matches("\\[")) { int closingBracketIndex = formattedName.indexOf("]"); if (closingBracketIndex != -1) { formattedName = formattedName.substring(closingBracketIndex + 1); } if (formattedName.substring(0, 1).matches("\\s")) { formattedName = formattedName.substring(1); } } } else if (formattedName.matches(".*\\[BD\\].*|.*\\[720p\\].*|.*\\[1080p\\].*|.*\\[480p\\].*|.*\\[Blu-Ray.*|.*\\[h264.*")) { // This matches anime without a hash in the name // Remove underscores formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("_", " "); // Remove stuff at the end of the filename like hash, quality, source, etc. formattedName = formattedName.replaceAll("(?i)\\[BD\\].*|\\[720p.*|\\[1080p.*|\\[480p.*|\\[Blu-Ray.*\\[h264.*", ""); // Remove group name from the beginning of the filename if (formattedName.substring(0, 1).matches("\\[")) { int closingBracketIndex = formattedName.indexOf("]"); if (closingBracketIndex != -1) { formattedName = formattedName.substring(closingBracketIndex + 1); } if (formattedName.substring(0, 1).matches("\\s")) { formattedName = formattedName.substring(1); } } } return formattedName; } public static File getFileNameWithNewExtension(File parent, File file, String ext) { return isFileExists(new File(parent, file.getName()), ext); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getFileNameWithNewExtension(File, File, String)}. */ @Deprecated public static File getFileNameWitNewExtension(File parent, File f, String ext) { return getFileNameWithNewExtension(parent, f, ext); } public static File getFileNameWithAddedExtension(File parent, File f, String ext) { File ff = new File(parent, f.getName() + ext); if (ff.exists()) { return ff; } return null; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #getFileNameWithAddedExtension(File, File, String)}. */ @Deprecated public static File getFileNameWitAddedExtension(File parent, File file, String ext) { return getFileNameWithAddedExtension(parent, file, ext); } public static File isFileExists(File f, String ext) { int point = f.getName().lastIndexOf("."); if (point == -1) { point = f.getName().length(); } File lowerCasedFile = new File(f.getParentFile(), f.getName().substring(0, point) + "." + ext.toLowerCase()); if (lowerCasedFile.exists()) { return lowerCasedFile; } File upperCasedFile = new File(f.getParentFile(), f.getName().substring(0, point) + "." + ext.toUpperCase()); if (upperCasedFile.exists()) { return upperCasedFile; } return null; } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #isSubtitlesExists(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static boolean doesSubtitlesExists(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media) { return isSubtitlesExists(file, media); } public static boolean isSubtitlesExists(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media) { return isSubtitlesExists(file, media, true); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #isSubtitlesExists(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media, boolean usecache)} instead. */ @Deprecated public static boolean doesSubtitlesExists(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media, boolean usecache) { return isSubtitlesExists(file, media, usecache); } public static boolean isSubtitlesExists(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media, boolean usecache) { boolean found = browseFolderForSubtitles(file.getParentFile(), file, media, usecache); String alternate = PMS.getConfiguration().getAlternateSubtitlesFolder(); if (isNotBlank(alternate)) { // File subFolder = new File(alternate); if (!subFolder.isAbsolute()) { subFolder = new File(file.getParent() + "/" + alternate); try { subFolder = subFolder.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Caught exception", e); } } if (subFolder.exists()) { found = found || browseFolderForSubtitles(subFolder, file, media, usecache); } } return found; } private synchronized static boolean browseFolderForSubtitles(File subFolder, File file, DLNAMediaInfo media, boolean usecache) { boolean found = false; if (!usecache) { cache = null; } if (cache == null) { cache = new HashMap<File, File[]>(); } File[] allSubs = cache.get(subFolder); if (allSubs == null) { allSubs = subFolder.listFiles(); if (allSubs != null) { cache.put(subFolder, allSubs); } } String fileName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file.getName()).toLowerCase(); if (allSubs != null) { for (File f : allSubs) { if (f.isFile() && !f.isHidden()) { String fName = f.getName().toLowerCase(); for (String ext : SubtitleType.getSupportedFileExtensions()) { if (fName.length() > ext.length() && fName.startsWith(fileName) && endsWithIgnoreCase(fName, "." + ext)) { int a = fileName.length(); int b = fName.length() - ext.length() - 1; String code = ""; if (a <= b) { // handling case with several dots: <video>..<extension> code = fName.substring(a, b); } if (code.startsWith(".")) { code = code.substring(1); } boolean exists = false; if (media != null) { for (DLNAMediaSubtitle sub : media.getSubtitleTracksList()) { if (f.equals(sub.getExternalFile())) { exists = true; } else if (equalsIgnoreCase(ext, "idx") && sub.getType() == SubtitleType.MICRODVD) { // sub+idx => VOBSUB sub.setType(SubtitleType.VOBSUB); exists = true; } else if (equalsIgnoreCase(ext, "sub") && sub.getType() == SubtitleType.VOBSUB) { // VOBSUB try { sub.setExternalFile(f); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.warn("Exception during external subtitles scan.", ex); } exists = true; } } } if (!exists) { DLNAMediaSubtitle sub = new DLNAMediaSubtitle(); sub.setId(100 + (media == null ? 0 : media.getSubtitleTracksList().size())); // fake id, not used if (code.length() == 0 || !Iso639.getCodeList().contains(code)) { sub.setLang(DLNAMediaSubtitle.UND); sub.setType(SubtitleType.valueOfFileExtension(ext)); if (code.length() > 0) { sub.setFlavor(code); if (sub.getFlavor().contains("-")) { String flavorLang = sub.getFlavor().substring(0, sub.getFlavor().indexOf("-")); String flavorTitle = sub.getFlavor().substring(sub.getFlavor().indexOf("-") + 1); if (Iso639.getCodeList().contains(flavorLang)) { sub.setLang(flavorLang); sub.setFlavor(flavorTitle); } } } } else { sub.setLang(code); sub.setType(SubtitleType.valueOfFileExtension(ext)); } try { sub.setExternalFile(f); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { logger.warn("Exception during external subtitles scan.", ex); } found = true; if (media != null) { media.getSubtitleTracksList().add(sub); } } } } } } } return found; } /** * Detects charset/encoding for given file. Not 100% accurate for * non-Unicode files. * * @param file File to detect charset/encoding * @return file's charset {@link org.mozilla.universalchardet.Constants} * or null if not detected * @throws IOException */ public static String getFileCharset(File file) throws IOException { byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; BufferedInputStream bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); final UniversalDetector universalDetector = new UniversalDetector(null); int numberOfBytesRead; while ((numberOfBytesRead = > 0 && !universalDetector.isDone()) { universalDetector.handleData(buf, 0, numberOfBytesRead); } universalDetector.dataEnd(); bufferedInputStream.close(); String encoding = universalDetector.getDetectedCharset(); if (encoding != null) { logger.debug("Detected encoding for {} is {}.", file.getAbsolutePath(), encoding); } else { logger.debug("No encoding detected for {}.", file.getAbsolutePath()); } universalDetector.reset(); return encoding; } /** * Tests if file is UTF-8 encoded with or without BOM. * * @param file File to test * @return true if file is UTF-8 encoded with or without BOM, false otherwise. * @throws IOException */ public static boolean isFileUTF8(File file) throws IOException { return isCharsetUTF8(getFileCharset(file)); } /** * Tests if charset is UTF-8 encoded with or without BOM. * * @param charset Charset to test * @return true if charset is UTF-8 encoded with or without BOM, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isCharsetUTF8(String charset) { return equalsIgnoreCase(charset, CHARSET_UTF_8); } /** * Tests if file is UTF-16 encoded LE or BE. * @param file File to test * @return true if file is UTF-16 encoded LE or BE, false otherwise. * @throws IOException */ public static boolean isFileUTF16(File file) throws IOException { return isCharsetUTF16(getFileCharset(file)); } /** * Tests if charset is UTF-16 encoded LE or BE. * @param charset Charset to test * @return true if charset is UTF-16 encoded LE or BE, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isCharsetUTF16(String charset) { return (equalsIgnoreCase(charset, CHARSET_UTF_16LE) || equalsIgnoreCase(charset, CHARSET_UTF_16BE)); } /** * Tests if charset is UTF-32 encoded LE or BE. * @param charset Charset to test * @return true if charset is UTF-32 encoded LE or BE, false otherwise. */ public static boolean isCharsetUTF32(String charset) { return (equalsIgnoreCase(charset, CHARSET_UTF_32LE) || equalsIgnoreCase(charset, CHARSET_UTF_32BE)); } /** * Converts UTF-16 inputFile to UTF-8 outputFile. Does not overwrite existing outputFile file. * @param inputFile UTF-16 file * @param outputFile UTF-8 file after conversion * @throws IOException */ public static void convertFileFromUtf16ToUtf8(File inputFile, File outputFile) throws IOException { String charset; if (inputFile == null || !inputFile.canRead()) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't read inputFile."); } try { charset = getFileCharset(inputFile); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.debug("Exception during charset detection.", ex); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't confirm inputFile is UTF-16."); } if (isCharsetUTF16(charset)) { if (!outputFile.exists()) { BufferedReader reader = null; try { if (equalsIgnoreCase(charset, CHARSET_UTF_16LE)) { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(inputFile), "UTF-16")); } else { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(inputFile), "UTF-16BE")); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { logger.warn("Unsupported exception.", ex); throw ex; } BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outputFile), "UTF-8")); int c; while ((c = != -1) { writer.write(c); } writer.close(); reader.close(); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("File is not UTF-16"); } } /** * Determine whether a file is readable by trying to read it. This works around JDK bugs which * return the wrong results for {@link} on Windows and, in some cases, on Unix. * <p> * Note: since this method accesses the filesystem, it should not be used in contexts in which performance is critical. * Note: this method changes the file access time. * * @since 1.71.0 * @param file the File whose permissions are to be determined * @return <code>true</code> if the file is not null, exists, is a file and can be read, <code>false</code> otherwise */ // based on the workaround posted here: // // XXX why isn't this in Apache Commons? public static boolean isFileReadable(File file) { boolean isReadable = false; if ((file != null) && file.isFile()) { try { new FileInputStream(file).close(); isReadable = true; } catch (IOException ioe) { } } return isReadable; } /** * Determine whether a file is writable by trying to write it. This works around JDK bugs which * return the wrong results for {@link} on Windows and, in some cases, on Unix. * <p> * Note: since this method accesses the filesystem, it should not be used in contexts in which performance is critical. * Note: this method changes the file access time and may change the file modification time. * * @since 1.71.0 * @param file the File whose permissions are to be determined * @return <code>true</code> if the file is not null and either a) exists, is a file and can be written to or b) doesn't * exist and can be created; otherwise returns <code>false</code> */ // Loosely based on the workaround posted here: // // XXX why isn't this in Apache Commons? public static boolean isFileWritable(File file) { boolean isWritable = false; if (file != null) { boolean fileAlreadyExists = file.isFile(); // i.e. exists and is a File if (fileAlreadyExists || !file.exists()) { try { // true: open for append: make sure the open // doesn't clobber the file new FileOutputStream(file, true).close(); isWritable = true; if (!fileAlreadyExists) { // a new file has been "touch"ed; try to remove it try { if (!file.delete()) { logger.warn("Can't delete temporary test file: {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (SecurityException se) { logger.error("Error deleting temporary test file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), se); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { } catch (SecurityException se) { } } } return isWritable; } /** * Determines whether the supplied directory is readable by trying to * read its contents. * This works around JDK bugs which return the wrong results for * {@link} on Windows and possibly on Unix. * * Note: since this method accesses the filesystem, it should not be * used in contexts in which performance is critical. * Note: this method changes the file access time. * * @since 1.71.0 * @param dir the File whose permissions are to be determined * @return <code>true</code> if the File is not null, exists, is a * directory and can be read, <code>false</code> otherwise */ // XXX dir.canRead() has issues on Windows, so verify it directly: // public static boolean isDirectoryReadable(File dir) { boolean isReadable = false; if (dir != null) { // new File("").isDirectory() is false, even though getAbsolutePath() returns the right path. // this resolves it dir = dir.getAbsoluteFile(); if (dir.isDirectory()) { try { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); // null if an I/O error occurs isReadable = files != null; } catch (SecurityException se) { } } } return isReadable; } /** * Determines whether the supplied directory is writable by trying to * write a file to it. * This works around JDK bugs which return the wrong results for * {@link} on Windows and possibly on Unix. * * Note: since this method accesses the filesystem, it should not be * used in contexts in which performance is critical. * Note: this method changes the file access time and may change the * file modification time. * * @since 1.71.0 * @param dir the File whose permissions are to be determined * @return <code>true</code> if the File is not null, exists, is a * directory and can be written to, <code>false</code> otherwise */ // XXX dir.canWrite() has issues on Windows, so verify it directly: // public static boolean isDirectoryWritable(File dir) { boolean isWritable = false; if (dir != null) { // new File("").isDirectory() is false, even though getAbsolutePath() returns the right path. // this resolves it dir = dir.getAbsoluteFile(); if (dir.isDirectory()) { File file = new File( dir, String.format( "pms_directory_write_test_%d_%d.tmp", System.currentTimeMillis(), Thread.currentThread().getId() ) ); try { if (file.createNewFile()) { if (isFileWritable(file)) { isWritable = true; } if (!file.delete()) { logger.warn("Can't delete temporary test file: {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { } catch (SecurityException se) { } } } return isWritable; } }