package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; /** * ActionScript 3.0 language parser that detects classes and methods. * @author rhollines */ public class ActionScriptParser implements Parser { static int parseCount = 0; private List<ActionScriptScanner.Token> tokens; private int index = 0; ActionScriptScanner.Token currentToken; Map<Integer, String> functions = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); private ActionScriptScanner scanner; private StringBuffer functionMetrics; private String filename; private int functionCount = 0; /** * Default Constructor * */ public ActionScriptParser() { } /** * Initializes the parser class * * @param filename file to parse */ private void initialize(String filename) throws IOException { this.filename = filename; BufferedReader reader = null; FileWriter inclFile = null; FileWriter sourceFile = null; try { // read file StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder(); reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line = reader.readLine(); while (line != null) { input.append(line); input.append('\n'); line = reader.readLine(); } File outputDirectory = new File("output/intdir"); outputDirectory.mkdir(); outputDirectory = new File(CoveritySaFormatter.OUTPUT_PATH); outputDirectory.mkdir(); outputDirectory = new File(CoveritySaFormatter.OUTPUT_PATH + "/emit"); outputDirectory.mkdir(); outputDirectory = new File(CoveritySaFormatter.OUTPUT_PATH + "/output"); outputDirectory.mkdir(); outputDirectory = new File(CoveritySaFormatter.OUTPUT_PATH + "/emit/f" + (parseCount++)); outputDirectory.mkdir(); // create incl file inclFile = new FileWriter(outputDirectory.toString() + "/incl"); inclFile.write(filename + '|'); // create source file final String source = input.toString(); sourceFile = new FileWriter(outputDirectory.toString() + "/source"); sourceFile.write(source); // scan source this.scanner = new ActionScriptScanner(source); tokens = this.scanner.scan(); nextToken(); } finally { try { if (reader != null) { reader.close(); } if (inclFile != null) { inclFile.close(); } if (sourceFile != null) { sourceFile.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length > 0) { ActionScriptParser parser = new ActionScriptParser(); parser.parse(args[0], new StringBuffer()); } } /** * Get next token */ private void nextToken() { if (index < tokens.size()) { currentToken = (ActionScriptScanner.Token) tokens.get(index++); } else { currentToken = new ActionScriptScanner.Token(-1, ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.EOS); } } /** * Get next token * * @param i position */ private ActionScriptScanner.Token getToken(int i) { if (i < tokens.size()) { return tokens.get(i); } return new ActionScriptScanner.Token(-1, ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.EOS); } private boolean match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type type) { return type == currentToken.getType(); } private ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type getTokenType() { return currentToken.getType(); } private int getTokenLineNumber() { return currentToken.getLineNumber(); } private String getTokenValue() { return currentToken.getValue(); } public String getFunction(int lineNumber) { String function = this.functions.get(lineNumber); if (function != null) { return function; } return "unknown"; } public int getFunctionCount() { return this.functionCount; } public int getLineCount() { return this.scanner.getLineCount(); } /** * Parses ActionScript file * @throws IOException */ public boolean parse(String filename, StringBuffer functionMetrics) throws IOException { initialize(filename); this.functionMetrics = functionMetrics; StringBuilder packageName = new StringBuilder(); String className = ""; while (!match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.EOS)) { if (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.PACKAGE)) { nextToken(); while (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.IDENT)) { packageName.append(currentToken.getValue()); nextToken(); if (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.DOT)) { packageName.append('.'); nextToken(); } } } if (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.CLASS)) { nextToken(); className = currentToken.getValue(); } // found a function if (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.FUNCTION)) { int start = currentToken.getLineNumber(); nextToken(); // check to see if we have an anonymous function final String functionName = currentToken.getValue() == "(" ? "unknown" : (packageName.toString() + "." + className + "." + currentToken .getValue()); this.functionCount ++; // add function entry this.functionMetrics.append("<fnmetric><file>"); this.functionMetrics.append(this.filename); this.functionMetrics.append("</file><fnmet>"); this.functionMetrics.append(functionName); this.functionMetrics.append("</fnmet></fnmetric>"); // find function end via curly braces int state = -1; do { nextToken(); if (currentToken.getLineNumber() != start) { functions.put(start, functionName); start = currentToken.getLineNumber(); } if (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.OCBR)) { if (state < 0) { state = 1; } else { state++; } } if (match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.CCBR)) { state--; } } while (!match(ActionScriptScanner.Token.Type.EOS) && state != 0); functions.put(start, functionName); } // default update nextToken(); } return true; } }