package com.breakersoft.plow.dao.pgsql; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import com.breakersoft.plow.Cluster; import com.breakersoft.plow.Defaults; import com.breakersoft.plow.Node; import com.breakersoft.plow.NodeE; import com.breakersoft.plow.dao.AbstractDao; import com.breakersoft.plow.dao.NodeDao; import com.breakersoft.plow.exceptions.PlowWriteException; import com.breakersoft.plow.rnd.thrift.Ping; import com.breakersoft.plow.thrift.NodeState; import com.breakersoft.plow.thrift.SlotMode; import com.breakersoft.plow.util.JdbcUtils; import com.breakersoft.plow.util.PlowUtils; import; @Repository public class NodeDaoImpl extends AbstractDao implements NodeDao { private static final String INSERT[] = { JdbcUtils.Insert("plow.node", "pk_node", "pk_cluster", "str_name", "str_ipaddr", "str_tags"), JdbcUtils.Insert("plow.node_sys", "pk_node", "int_phys_cores", "int_log_cores", "int_ram", "int_free_ram", "int_swap", "int_free_swap", "time_booted", "str_cpu_model", "str_platform", "flt_load"), JdbcUtils.Insert("plow.node_dsp", "pk_node", "int_cores", "int_idle_cores", "int_ram", "int_free_ram") }; @Override public Node create(final Cluster cluster, final Ping ping) { final UUID id = UUID.randomUUID(); final List<String> tags = jdbc.queryForList("SELECT unnest(str_tags) " + "FROM plow.cluster WHERE pk_cluster=?", String.class, cluster.getClusterId()); jdbc.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { final PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(INSERT[0]); ps.setObject(1, id); ps.setObject(2, cluster.getClusterId()); ps.setString(3, ping.hostname); ps.setString(4, ping.ipAddr); ps.setArray(5, conn.createArrayOf("text", tags.toArray())); return ps; } }); jdbc.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { final PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(INSERT[1]); ps.setObject(1, id); ps.setInt(2, ping.hw.physicalCpus); ps.setInt(3, ping.hw.logicalCpus); ps.setInt(4, ping.hw.totalRamMb); ps.setInt(5, ping.hw.freeRamMb); ps.setInt(6, ping.hw.totalSwapMb); ps.setInt(7, ping.hw.freeSwapMb); ps.setLong(8, ping.bootTime * 1000); ps.setString(9, ping.hw.cpuModel); ps.setString(10, ping.hw.platform); if (!PlowUtils.isValid(ping.hw.load)) { ps.setArray(11, conn.createArrayOf("float", new Float[] { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f })); } else { ps.setArray(11, conn.createArrayOf("float", ping.hw.load.toArray())); } return ps; } }); final int memMb = ping.hw.totalRamMb - PlowUtils.getReservedRam(ping.hw.totalRamMb); jdbc.update(INSERT[2], id, ping.hw.physicalCpus, ping.hw.physicalCpus, memMb, memMb); NodeE node = new NodeE(); node.setNodeId(id); node.setClusterId(cluster.getClusterId()); node.setName(ping.hostname); return node; } private static final String FULL_UPDATE = JdbcUtils.Update("plow.node_sys", "pk_node", "int_phys_cores", "int_log_cores", "int_ram", "int_free_ram", "int_swap", "int_free_swap", "time_booted", "str_cpu_model", "str_platform"); @Override public void update(Node node, Ping ping) { jdbc.update("UPDATE plow.node SET " + "time_updated=plow.txTimeMillis() WHERE pk_node=?", node.getNodeId()); jdbc.update("UPDATE plow.node SET " + "int_state=? WHERE pk_node=? AND int_state=?", NodeState.UP.ordinal(), node.getNodeId(), NodeState.DOWN.ordinal()); jdbc.update(FULL_UPDATE, ping.hw.physicalCpus, ping.hw.logicalCpus, ping.hw.totalRamMb, ping.hw.freeRamMb, ping.hw.totalSwapMb, ping.hw.freeSwapMb, ping.bootTime * 1000, ping.hw.cpuModel, ping.hw.platform, node.getNodeId()); } public static final RowMapper<Node> MAPPER = new RowMapper<Node>() { @Override public Node mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException { NodeE node = new NodeE(); node.setNodeId((UUID) rs.getObject(1)); node.setClusterId((UUID) rs.getObject(2)); node.setName(rs.getString(3)); return node; } }; private static final String GET_BY_NAME = "SELECT " + "pk_node, " + "pk_cluster, "+ "str_name " + "FROM " + "plow.node " + "WHERE " + "str_name = ?"; @Override public Node get(String hostname) { return jdbc.queryForObject(GET_BY_NAME, MAPPER, hostname); } private static final String GET_BY_ID = "SELECT " + "pk_node, " + "pk_cluster, "+ "str_name " + "FROM " + "plow.node " + "WHERE " + "node.pk_node=?"; @Override public Node get(UUID id) { return jdbc.queryForObject(GET_BY_ID, MAPPER, id); } private static final String GET_UNRESPONSIVE = "SELECT " + "pk_node, " + "pk_cluster, "+ "str_name " + "FROM " + "plow.node " + "WHERE " + "node.int_state = ? " + "AND " + "plow.currentTimeMillis() - node.time_updated >= ? " + "LIMIT 50"; @Override public List<Node> getUnresponsiveNodes() { return jdbc.query(GET_UNRESPONSIVE, MAPPER, NodeState.UP.ordinal(), Defaults.NODE_UNRESPONSIVE_MS); } private static final String ALLOCATE_RESOURCES = "UPDATE " + "plow.node_dsp " + "SET " + "int_idle_cores = int_idle_cores - ?," + "int_free_ram = int_free_ram - ? " + "WHERE " + "node_dsp.pk_node = ? "; @Override public void allocate(Node node, int cores, int memory) { // Check constraints will throw. jdbc.update(ALLOCATE_RESOURCES, cores, memory, node.getNodeId()); } private static final String FREE_RESOURCES = "UPDATE " + "plow.node_dsp " + "SET " + "int_idle_cores = int_idle_cores + ?," + "int_free_ram = int_free_ram + ? " + "WHERE " + "node_dsp.pk_node = ? "; @Override public void free(Node node, int cores, int memory) { jdbc.update(FREE_RESOURCES, cores, memory, node.getNodeId()); } @Override public void setLocked(Node node, boolean locked) { jdbc.update("UPDATE plow.node SET bool_locked=? WHERE pk_node=?", locked, node.getNodeId()); } @Override public boolean hasProcs(Node node, boolean lock) { String query = "SELECT int_cores - int_idle_cores FROM plow.node_dsp WHERE pk_node=?"; if (lock) { query = query + " FOR UPDATE"; } return jdbc.queryForObject(query, Integer.class, node.getNodeId()) != 0; } private static final String SET_CLUSTER = "UPDATE plow.node SET pk_cluster=?, str_tags=? WHERE pk_node=?"; @Override public void setCluster(final Node node, final Cluster cluster) { final List<String> tags = jdbc.queryForList("SELECT unnest(str_tags) " + "FROM plow.cluster WHERE pk_cluster=?", String.class, cluster.getClusterId()); if (tags.isEmpty()) { throw new PlowWriteException("Cannot assign node, the cluster " + cluster + " has no tags."); } jdbc.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { final PreparedStatement ret = conn.prepareStatement(SET_CLUSTER); ret.setObject(1, cluster.getClusterId()); ret.setObject(2, JdbcUtils.toArray(conn, tags)); ret.setObject(3, node.getNodeId()); return ret; } }); } private static final String UPDATE_TAGS = "UPDATE plow.node SET str_tags=? WHERE pk_node=?"; @Override public void setTags(final Node node, final Set<String> tags) { jdbc.update(new PreparedStatementCreator() { @Override public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(final Connection conn) throws SQLException { final PreparedStatement ret = conn.prepareStatement(UPDATE_TAGS); ret.setObject(1, JdbcUtils.toArray(conn, tags)); ret.setObject(2, node.getNodeId()); return ret; } }); } @Override public boolean setState(Node node, NodeState state) { return jdbc.update("UPDATE plow.node SET int_state=? WHERE pk_node=? AND int_state!=?", state.ordinal(), node.getNodeId(), state.ordinal()) == 1; } private static final String UPDATE_SLOT_MODE = "UPDATE " + "plow.node " + "SET " + "int_slot_mode=?,"+ "int_slot_cores=?,"+ "int_slot_ram=? "+ "WHERE " + "pk_node=?"; @Override public void setSlotMode(Node node, SlotMode mode, int cores, int ram) { if (mode.equals(SlotMode.SINGLE) || mode.equals(SlotMode.DYNAMIC)) { cores = 0; ram = 0; } else if (mode.equals(SlotMode.SLOTS)) { Preconditions.checkArgument(cores > 0, "Cores must be greater than 0 in slot mode"); Preconditions.checkArgument(ram > 0, "Ram must be greater than 0 in slot mode"); } jdbc.update(UPDATE_SLOT_MODE, mode.ordinal(), cores, ram, node.getNodeId()); } }