package origo.listeners; import models.origo.admin.AdminPage; import models.origo.core.BasicPage; import models.origo.core.Content; import models.origo.core.RootNode; import origo.helpers.AdminHelper; import origo.helpers.forms.FormHelper; import play.modules.origo.admin.annotations.Admin; import play.modules.origo.core.Node; import play.modules.origo.core.annotations.OnLoad; import play.modules.origo.core.annotations.Provides; import play.modules.origo.core.annotations.Types; import play.modules.origo.core.annotations.forms.OnLoadForm; import play.modules.origo.core.annotations.forms.OnSubmit; import play.modules.origo.core.annotations.forms.SubmitState; import play.modules.origo.core.ui.UIElement; import play.mvc.Scope; import play.mvc.results.Redirect; import java.util.List; /** * Admin provider for the BasicPage type. It provides a dashboard element, a method to list existing pages, a method * to edit a page's content and a method to store the content. * TODO: Needs validation */ public class BasicPageAdminProvider { private static final String BASE_TYPE = "origo.admin.basicpage"; private static final String LIST_TYPE = BASE_TYPE + ".list"; private static final String EDIT_TYPE = BASE_TYPE + ".edit"; private static final String DASHBOARD_TYPE = BASE_TYPE + ".dashboard"; private static final String TITLE_PARAM = "origo-basicpageform-title"; private static final String LEAD_PARAM = "origo-basicpageform-lead"; private static final String BODY_PARAM = "origo-basicpageform-body"; /** * Dashboard element for the admin front page. * * @return a UIElement that contains a dashboard element. */ @Provides(type = Admin.DASHBOARD, with = DASHBOARD_TYPE) public static UIElement createDashboardItem() { String url = AdminHelper.getURLForAdminAction(BASE_TYPE + ".list"); return new UIElement(Admin.DASHBOARD).addAttribute("class", "dashboard"). addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL, 10). addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.PARAGRAPH, 10, "Basic Page").addAttribute("class", "dashboard item title")). addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.PARAGRAPH, 20, "Basic pages have a lead and a body").addAttribute("class", "dashboard item description")). addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.ANCHOR, 30, "List All").addAttribute("href", url).addAttribute("class", "dashboard item link")) ); } /** * Provides a type with the static name 'origo.admin.basicpage.list'. * * @param rootNode a root node with an node id * @return a node to be presented as part of the admin UI */ @Provides(type = Types.NODE, with = LIST_TYPE) public static Node createListPage(RootNode rootNode) { AdminPage page = new AdminPage(rootNode.nodeId); page.setTitle("List Basic Pages"); page.rootNode = rootNode; return page; } /** * Adds content to the nodes with the static name 'origo.admin.basicpage.list'. * * @param node a node of the type 'origo.admin.basicpage.list'. */ @OnLoad(type = Types.NODE, with = LIST_TYPE) public static void createListPage(Node node) { List<BasicPage> basicPages = BasicPage.findAllLatestVersions(); UIElement panelElement = new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL, 10).addAttribute("class", "panel pages"); for (BasicPage page : basicPages) { String editURL = AdminHelper.getURLForAdminAction(EDIT_TYPE, page.getNodeId()); UIElement panel = new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL). addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.ANCHOR, 10, page.getTitle()).addAttribute("href", editURL)). addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.TEXT, 20, " (" + page.nodeId + " / " + page.getVersion() + ")")); panelElement.addChild(panel); } node.addUIElement(panelElement); } /** * Provides a type with the static name 'origo.admin.basicpage.edit'. * * @param rootNode a root node with an node id * @return a node to be presented as part of the admin UI */ @Provides(type = Types.NODE, with = EDIT_TYPE) public static Node createEditPage(RootNode rootNode) { AdminPage page = new AdminPage(rootNode.nodeId); page.setTitle("Edit Basic Page"); if (rootNode.version == null || rootNode.version == 0) { page.rootNode = RootNode.findLatestVersionWithNodeId(rootNode.nodeId).copy(); } else { page.rootNode = rootNode; } page.addUIElement(FormHelper.createFormElement(page, BASE_TYPE)); return page; } /** * Adds content to the nodes with the static name 'origo.admin.basicpage.edit'. * * @param node a node of the type 'origo.admin.basicpage.edit'. * @param formElement the form element created with \@ProvidesForm */ @OnLoadForm(with = BASE_TYPE) public static void loadEditForm(Node node, UIElement formElement) { BasicPage basicPage = BasicPage.findLatestVersion(node.getNodeId()); if (basicPage == null) { node.addUIElement(new UIElement(UIElement.PARAGRAPH, 10, "Page '" + node.getNodeId() + "' does not exist.")); return; } Content leadContent = Content.findWithIdentifier(basicPage.leadReferenceId); Content bodyContent = Content.findWithIdentifier(basicPage.bodyReferenceId); formElement.setId("basicpageform").addAttribute("class", "origo-basicpageform, form"); UIElement titleElement = new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL, 10).addAttribute("class", "field"); titleElement.addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.LABEL, 10, "Title").addAttribute("for", TITLE_PARAM)); titleElement.addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.INPUT_TEXT, 20).addAttribute("name", TITLE_PARAM).addAttribute("value", basicPage.getTitle())); formElement.addChild(titleElement); UIElement leadElement = new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL, 20).addAttribute("class", "field"); leadElement.addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.LABEL, 10, "Lead").addAttribute("for", LEAD_PARAM)); leadElement.addChild(AdminHelper.createRichTextEditor(node, leadContent).setWeight(20).addAttribute("class", "editor richtext"). addAttribute("name", LEAD_PARAM).addAttribute("cols", "80").addAttribute("rows", "10")); formElement.addChild(leadElement); UIElement bodyElement = new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL, 30).addAttribute("class", "field"); bodyElement.addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.LABEL, 10, "Body").addAttribute("for", BODY_PARAM)); bodyElement.addChild(AdminHelper.createRichTextEditor(node, bodyContent).setWeight(20).addAttribute("class", "editor richtext"). addAttribute("name", BODY_PARAM).addAttribute("cols", "80").addAttribute("rows", "20")); formElement.addChild(bodyElement); UIElement actionPanel = new UIElement(UIElement.PANEL, 40).addAttribute("class", "field"); actionPanel.addChild(new UIElement(UIElement.INPUT_BUTTON, 10, "Save").addAttribute("type", "submit")); formElement.addChild(actionPanel); } /** * Hooks in to the submit process and stores a BasicPage when it is submitted. * * @param params The request params */ @OnSubmit(with = BASE_TYPE) public static void storePage(Scope.Params params) { String nodeId = FormHelper.getNodeId(params); Long version = FormHelper.getNodeVersion(params); RootNode oldRootNode = RootNode.findWithNodeIdAndSpecificVersion(nodeId, version); if (oldRootNode == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Root node with id=\'" + nodeId + "\' does not exist"); } BasicPage newPageVersion = BasicPage.findLatestVersion(nodeId).copy(oldRootNode); boolean changed = false; Content leadContent = Content.findWithIdentifier(newPageVersion.leadReferenceId); if (!leadContent.value.equals(params.get(LEAD_PARAM))) { Content newLeadContent = new Content(); newLeadContent.value = params.get(LEAD_PARAM); newPageVersion.leadReferenceId = newLeadContent.identifier;; changed = true; } Content bodyContent = Content.findWithIdentifier(newPageVersion.bodyReferenceId); if (!bodyContent.value.equals(params.get(BODY_PARAM))) { Content newBodyContent = new Content(); newBodyContent.value = params.get(BODY_PARAM); newPageVersion.bodyReferenceId = newBodyContent.identifier;; changed = true; } if (!newPageVersion.title.equals(params.get(TITLE_PARAM))) { newPageVersion.title = params.get(TITLE_PARAM); changed = true; } if (changed) {;; } } /** * Handling the routing at the end of the submit process, it redirects to listing the pages. * * @param params The request params */ @SubmitState(with = BASE_TYPE) public static void handleSuccess(Scope.Params params) { String endpointURL = AdminHelper.getURLForAdminAction(LIST_TYPE); throw new Redirect(endpointURL); } }