/* * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.im.provider; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.UriMatcher; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.URLDecoder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; /** * A content provider for IM */ public class ImpsProvider extends ContentProvider { private static final String LOG_TAG = "imProvider"; private static final boolean DBG = false; private static final String AUTHORITY = "imps"; private static final String TABLE_ACCOUNTS = "accounts"; private static final String TABLE_PROVIDERS = "providers"; private static final String TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS = "providerSettings"; private static final String TABLE_CONTACTS = "contacts"; private static final String TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG = "contactsEtag"; private static final String TABLE_BLOCKED_LIST = "blockedList"; private static final String TABLE_CONTACT_LIST = "contactList"; private static final String TABLE_INVITATIONS = "invitations"; private static final String TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS = "groupMembers"; private static final String TABLE_PRESENCE = "presence"; private static final String USERNAME = "username"; private static final String TABLE_CHATS = "chats"; private static final String TABLE_AVATARS = "avatars"; private static final String TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES = "sessionCookies"; private static final String TABLE_MESSAGES = "messages"; private static final String TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES = "inMemoryMessages"; private static final String TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS = "accountStatus"; private static final String TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE = "brandingResMapCache"; // tables for mcs and rmq private static final String TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES = "outgoingRmqMessages"; private static final String TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID = "lastrmqid"; private static final String TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS = "s2dRmqIds"; private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "imps.db"; private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1; protected static final int MATCH_PROVIDERS = 1; protected static final int MATCH_PROVIDERS_BY_ID = 2; protected static final int MATCH_PROVIDERS_WITH_ACCOUNT = 3; protected static final int MATCH_ACCOUNTS = 10; protected static final int MATCH_ACCOUNTS_BY_ID = 11; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS = 18; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS_JOIN_PRESENCE = 19; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE = 20; protected static final int MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS = 21; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER = 22; protected static final int MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER = 23; protected static final int MATCH_NO_CHATTING_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER = 24; protected static final int MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER = 25; protected static final int MATCH_OFFLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER = 26; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACT = 27; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS_BULK = 28; protected static final int MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACT_COUNT = 30; protected static final int MATCH_BLOCKED_CONTACTS = 31; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTLISTS = 32; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTLISTS_BY_PROVIDER = 33; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTLIST = 34; protected static final int MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST = 35; protected static final int MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST_BY_PROVIDER = 36; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS = 37; protected static final int MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAG = 38; protected static final int MATCH_PRESENCE = 40; protected static final int MATCH_PRESENCE_ID = 41; protected static final int MATCH_PRESENCE_BY_ACCOUNT = 42; protected static final int MATCH_PRESENCE_SEED_BY_ACCOUNT = 43; protected static final int MATCH_PRESENCE_BULK = 44; protected static final int MATCH_MESSAGES = 50; protected static final int MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT = 51; protected static final int MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID = 52; protected static final int MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER = 53; protected static final int MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT = 54; protected static final int MATCH_MESSAGE = 55; protected static final int MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES = 56; protected static final int MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT = 57; protected static final int MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID = 58; protected static final int MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER = 59; protected static final int MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT = 60; protected static final int MATCH_OTR_MESSAGE = 61; protected static final int MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS = 65; protected static final int MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_BY_GROUP = 66; protected static final int MATCH_AVATARS = 70; protected static final int MATCH_AVATAR = 71; protected static final int MATCH_AVATAR_BY_PROVIDER = 72; protected static final int MATCH_CHATS = 80; protected static final int MATCH_CHATS_BY_ACCOUNT = 81; protected static final int MATCH_CHATS_ID = 82; protected static final int MATCH_SESSIONS = 83; protected static final int MATCH_SESSIONS_BY_PROVIDER = 84; protected static final int MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS = 90; protected static final int MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID = 91; protected static final int MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID_AND_NAME = 92; protected static final int MATCH_INVITATIONS = 100; protected static final int MATCH_INVITATION = 101; protected static final int MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS = 104; protected static final int MATCH_ACCOUNT_STATUS = 105; protected static final int MATCH_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE = 106; // mcs url matcher protected static final int MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES = 200; protected static final int MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGE = 201; protected static final int MATCH_OUTGOING_HIGHEST_RMQ_ID = 202; protected static final int MATCH_LAST_RMQ_ID = 203; protected static final int MATCH_S2D_RMQ_IDS = 204; protected final UriMatcher mUrlMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); private final String mTransientDbName; private static final HashMap<String, String> sProviderAccountsProjectionMap; private static final HashMap<String, String> sContactsProjectionMap; private static final HashMap<String, String> sContactListProjectionMap; private static final HashMap<String, String> sBlockedListProjectionMap; private static final HashMap<String, String> sMessagesProjectionMap; private static final HashMap<String, String> sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap; private static final String PROVIDER_JOIN_ACCOUNT_TABLE = "providers LEFT OUTER JOIN accounts ON " + "(providers._id = accounts.provider AND accounts.active = 1) " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN accountStatus ON (accounts._id = accountStatus.account)"; private static final String CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_TABLE = "contacts LEFT OUTER JOIN presence ON (contacts._id = presence.contact_id)"; private static final String CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_TABLE = CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_TABLE + " LEFT OUTER JOIN chats ON (contacts._id = chats.contact_id)"; private static final String CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_AVATAR_TABLE = CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_TABLE + " LEFT OUTER JOIN avatars ON (contacts.username = avatars.contact" + " AND contacts.account = avatars.account_id)"; private static final String BLOCKEDLIST_JOIN_AVATAR_TABLE = "blockedList LEFT OUTER JOIN avatars ON (blockedList.username = avatars.contact" + " AND blockedList.account = avatars.account_id)"; private static final String MESSAGE_JOIN_CONTACT_TABLE = "messages LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts ON (contacts._id = messages.thread_id)"; private static final String IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES_JOIN_CONTACT_TABLE = "inMemoryMessages LEFT OUTER JOIN contacts ON " + "(contacts._id = inMemoryMessages.thread_id)"; /** * The where clause for filtering out blocked contacts */ private static final String NON_BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE = "(" + Imps.Contacts.TYPE + " IS NULL OR " + Imps.Contacts.TYPE + "!=" + String.valueOf(Imps.Contacts.TYPE_BLOCKED) + ")"; private static final String BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE = "(contacts." + Imps.Contacts.TYPE + "=" + Imps.Contacts.TYPE_BLOCKED + ")"; private static final String CONTACT_ID = TABLE_CONTACTS + '.' + Imps.Contacts._ID; private static final String PRESENCE_CONTACT_ID = TABLE_PRESENCE + '.' + Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID; protected SQLiteOpenHelper mOpenHelper; private final String mDatabaseName; private final int mDatabaseVersion; private final String[] BACKFILL_PROJECTION = { Imps.Chats._ID, Imps.Chats.SHORTCUT, Imps.Chats.LAST_MESSAGE_DATE }; private final String[] FIND_SHORTCUT_PROJECTION = { Imps.Chats._ID, Imps.Chats.SHORTCUT }; // contact id query projection private static final String[] CONTACT_ID_PROJECTION = new String[] { Imps.Contacts._ID, // 0 }; private static final int CONTACT_ID_COLUMN = 0; // contact id query selection for "seed presence" operation private static final String CONTACTS_WITH_NO_PRESENCE_SELECTION = Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "=?" + " AND " + Imps.Contacts._ID + " in (select " + CONTACT_ID + " from " + TABLE_CONTACTS + " left outer join " + TABLE_PRESENCE + " on " + CONTACT_ID + '=' + PRESENCE_CONTACT_ID + " where " + PRESENCE_CONTACT_ID + " IS NULL)"; // contact id query selection args 1 private String[] mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs1 = new String[1]; // contact id query selection for getContactId() private static final String CONTACT_ID_QUERY_SELECTION = Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "=? AND " + Imps.Contacts.USERNAME + "=?"; // contact id query selection args 2 private String[] mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs2 = new String[2]; private class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { DatabaseHelper(Context context) { super(context, mDatabaseName, null, mDatabaseVersion); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { if (DBG) log("DatabaseHelper.onCreate"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_PROVIDERS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "name TEXT," + // eg AIM "fullname TEXT," + // eg AOL Instance Messenger "category TEXT," + // a category used for forming intent "signup_url TEXT" + // web url to visit to create a new account ");"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_ACCOUNTS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "name TEXT," + "provider INTEGER," + "username TEXT," + "pw TEXT," + "active INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," + "locked INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," + "keep_signed_in INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," + "last_login_state INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," + "UNIQUE (provider, username)" + ");"); createContactsTables(db); createMessageChatTables(db, true /* create show_ts column */); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_AVATARS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "contact TEXT," + "provider_id INTEGER," + "account_id INTEGER," + "hash TEXT," + "data BLOB," + // raw image data "UNIQUE (account_id, contact)" + ");"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE " + TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "provider INTEGER," + "name TEXT," + "value TEXT," + "UNIQUE (provider, name)" + ");"); db.execSQL("create TABLE " + TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "provider_id INTEGER," + "app_res_id INTEGER," + "plugin_res_id INTEGER" + ");"); // clean up account specific data when an account is deleted. db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER account_cleanup " + "DELETE ON " + TABLE_ACCOUNTS + " BEGIN " + "DELETE FROM " + TABLE_AVATARS + " WHERE account_id= OLD._id;" + "END"); // add a database trigger to clean up associated provider settings // while deleting a provider db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER provider_cleanup " + "DELETE ON " + TABLE_PROVIDERS + " BEGIN " + "DELETE FROM " + TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS + " WHERE provider= OLD._id;" + "END"); // the following are tables for mcs db.execSQL("create TABLE " + TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "rmq_id INTEGER," + "type INTEGER," + "ts INTEGER," + "data TEXT" + ");"); db.execSQL("create TABLE " + TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "rmq_id INTEGER" + ");"); db.execSQL("create TABLE " + TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "rmq_id INTEGER" + ");"); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion); switch (oldVersion) { case 43: // this is the db version shipped in Dream 1.0 // no-op: no schema changed from 43 to 44. The db version was changed to flush // old provider settings, so new provider setting (including new name/value // pairs) could be inserted by the plugins. // follow thru. case 44: if (newVersion <= 44) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); try { // add category column to the providers table db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_PROVIDERS + " ADD COLUMN category TEXT;"); // add otr column to the contacts table db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_CONTACTS + " ADD COLUMN otr INTEGER;"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); break; // force to destroy all old data; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } case 45: if (newVersion <= 45) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); try { // add an otr_etag column to contact etag table db.execSQL( "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG + " ADD COLUMN otr_etag TEXT;"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); break; // force to destroy all old data; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } case 46: if (newVersion <= 46) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); try { // add branding resource map cache table db.execSQL("create TABLE " + TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "provider_id INTEGER," + "app_res_id INTEGER," + "plugin_res_id INTEGER" + ");"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); break; // force to destroy all old data; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } case 47: if (newVersion <= 47) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); try { // when upgrading from version 47, don't create the show_ts column // here. The upgrade step in 51 will add the show_ts column to the // messages table. If we created the messages table with show_ts here, // we'll get a duplicate column error later. createMessageChatTables(db, false /* don't create show_ts column */); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); break; // force to destroy all old data; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } // fall thru. case 48: case 49: case 50: if (newVersion <= 50) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); try { // add rmq2 s2d ids table db.execSQL("create TABLE " + TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "rmq_id INTEGER" + ");"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); break; // force to destroy all old data; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } case 51: if (newVersion <= 51) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); try { db.execSQL( "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_MESSAGES + " ADD COLUMN show_ts INTEGER;"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Throwable ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, ex.getMessage(), ex); break; // force to destroy all old data; } finally { db.endTransaction(); } return; } Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Couldn't upgrade db to " + newVersion + ". Destroying old data."); destroyOldTables(db); onCreate(db); } private void destroyOldTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_PROVIDERS); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_ACCOUNTS); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_CONTACT_LIST); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_BLOCKED_LIST); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_CONTACTS); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_AVATARS); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_MESSAGES); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_CHATS); // mcs/rmq stuff db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID); db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS); } private void createContactsTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { if (DBG) log("createContactsTables"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); String contactsTableName = TABLE_CONTACTS; // creating the "contacts" table buf.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); buf.append(contactsTableName); buf.append(" ("); buf.append("_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"); buf.append("username TEXT,"); buf.append("nickname TEXT,"); buf.append("provider INTEGER,"); buf.append("account INTEGER,"); buf.append("contactList INTEGER,"); buf.append("type INTEGER,"); buf.append("subscriptionStatus INTEGER,"); buf.append("subscriptionType INTEGER,"); // the following are derived from Google Contact Extension, we don't include all // the attributes, just the ones we can use. // (see http://code.google.com/apis/talk/jep_extensions/roster_attributes.html) // // qc: quick contact (derived from message count) // rejected: if the contact has ever been rejected by the user buf.append("qc INTEGER,"); buf.append("rejected INTEGER,"); // Off the record status buf.append("otr INTEGER"); buf.append(");"); db.execSQL(buf.toString()); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); // creating contact etag table buf.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); buf.append(TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG); buf.append(" ("); buf.append("_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"); buf.append("etag TEXT,"); buf.append("otr_etag TEXT,"); buf.append("account INTEGER UNIQUE"); buf.append(");"); db.execSQL(buf.toString()); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); // creating the "contactList" table buf.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); buf.append(TABLE_CONTACT_LIST); buf.append(" ("); buf.append("_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"); buf.append("name TEXT,"); buf.append("provider INTEGER,"); buf.append("account INTEGER"); buf.append(");"); db.execSQL(buf.toString()); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); // creating the "blockedList" table buf.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); buf.append(TABLE_BLOCKED_LIST); buf.append(" ("); buf.append("_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"); buf.append("username TEXT,"); buf.append("nickname TEXT,"); buf.append("provider INTEGER,"); buf.append("account INTEGER"); buf.append(");"); db.execSQL(buf.toString()); } private void createMessageChatTables(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean addShowTsColumnForMessagesTable) { if (DBG) log("createMessageChatTables"); // message table StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); buf.append(TABLE_MESSAGES); buf.append(" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"); buf.append("thread_id INTEGER,"); buf.append("nickname TEXT,"); buf.append("body TEXT,"); buf.append("date INTEGER,"); buf.append("type INTEGER,"); buf.append("packet_id TEXT UNIQUE,"); buf.append("err_code INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,"); buf.append("err_msg TEXT,"); buf.append("is_muc INTEGER"); if (addShowTsColumnForMessagesTable) { buf.append(",show_ts INTEGER"); } buf.append(");"); String sqlStatement = buf.toString(); if (DBG) log("create message table: " + sqlStatement); db.execSQL(sqlStatement); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); buf.append("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "); buf.append(TABLE_CHATS); buf.append(" (_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"); buf.append("contact_id INTEGER UNIQUE,"); buf.append("jid_resource TEXT,"); // the JID resource for the user, for non-group chats buf.append("groupchat INTEGER,"); // 1 if group chat, 0 if not TODO: remove this column buf.append("last_unread_message TEXT,"); // the last unread message buf.append("last_message_date INTEGER,"); // in seconds buf.append("unsent_composed_message TEXT,"); // a composed, but not sent message buf.append("shortcut INTEGER);"); // which of 10 slots (if any) this chat occupies // chat sessions, including single person chats and group chats sqlStatement = buf.toString(); if (DBG) log("create chat table: " + sqlStatement); db.execSQL(sqlStatement); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); buf.append("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS contact_cleanup "); buf.append("DELETE ON contacts "); buf.append("BEGIN "); buf.append("DELETE FROM ").append(TABLE_CHATS).append(" WHERE contact_id = OLD._id;"); buf.append("DELETE FROM ").append(TABLE_MESSAGES).append(" WHERE thread_id = OLD._id;"); buf.append("END"); sqlStatement = buf.toString(); if (DBG) log("create trigger: " + sqlStatement); db.execSQL(sqlStatement); } private void createInMemoryMessageTables(SQLiteDatabase db, String tablePrefix) { String tableName = (tablePrefix != null) ? tablePrefix+TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES : TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tableName + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "thread_id INTEGER," + "nickname TEXT," + "body TEXT," + "date INTEGER," + // in millisec "type INTEGER," + "packet_id TEXT UNIQUE," + "err_code INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," + "err_msg TEXT," + "is_muc INTEGER," + "show_ts INTEGER" + ");"); } @Override public void onOpen(SQLiteDatabase db) { if (db.isReadOnly()) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "ImProvider database opened in read only mode."); Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Transient tables not created."); return; } if (DBG) log("##### createTransientTables"); // Create transient tables String cpDbName; db.execSQL("ATTACH DATABASE ':memory:' AS " + mTransientDbName + ";"); cpDbName = mTransientDbName + "."; // in-memory message table createInMemoryMessageTables(db, cpDbName); // presence db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cpDbName + TABLE_PRESENCE + " ("+ "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "contact_id INTEGER UNIQUE," + "jid_resource TEXT," + // jid resource for the presence "client_type INTEGER," + // client type "priority INTEGER," + // presence priority (XMPP) "mode INTEGER," + // presence mode "status TEXT" + // custom status ");"); // group chat invitations db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cpDbName + TABLE_INVITATIONS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "providerId INTEGER," + "accountId INTEGER," + "inviteId TEXT," + "sender TEXT," + "groupName TEXT," + "note TEXT," + "status INTEGER" + ");"); // group chat members db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cpDbName + TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "groupId INTEGER," + "username TEXT," + "nickname TEXT" + ");"); db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cpDbName + TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "account INTEGER UNIQUE," + "presenceStatus INTEGER," + "connStatus INTEGER" + ");" ); /* when we moved the contact table out of transient_db and into the main db, the presence and groupchat cleanup triggers don't work anymore. It seems we can't create triggers that reference objects in a different database! // Insert a default presence for newly inserted contact db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS contact_create_presence " + "AFTER INSERT ON " + contactsTableName + " WHEN NEW.type != " + Im.Contacts.TYPE_GROUP + " BEGIN " + "INSERT INTO presence (contact_id) VALUES (NEW._id);" + " END"); // Remove the presence when the contact is removed. db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS contact_presence_cleanup " + "DELETE ON " + contactsTableName + " BEGIN " + "DELETE FROM presence WHERE contact_id = OLD._id;" + "END"); // Cleans up group members and group messages when a group chat is deleted db.execSQL("CREATE TRIGGER IF NOT EXISTS " + cpDbName + "group_cleanup " + "DELETE ON " + cpDbName + contactsTableName + " FOR EACH ROW WHEN OLD.type = " + Im.Contacts.TYPE_GROUP + " BEGIN " + "DELETE FROM groupMembers WHERE groupId = OLD._id;" + "DELETE FROM groupMessages WHERE groupId = OLD._id;" + " END"); */ // only store the session cookies in memory right now. This means // that we don't persist them across device reboot db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + cpDbName + TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES + " ("+ "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," + "provider INTEGER," + "account INTEGER," + "name TEXT," + "value TEXT" + ");"); } } static { sProviderAccountsProjectionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider._ID, "providers._id AS _id"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider._COUNT, "COUNT(*) AS _account"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.NAME, "providers.name AS name"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.FULLNAME, "providers.fullname AS fullname"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.CATEGORY, "providers.category AS category"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_ID, "accounts._id AS account_id"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_USERNAME, "accounts.username AS account_username"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_PW, "accounts.pw AS account_pw"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_LOCKED, "accounts.locked AS account_locked"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_KEEP_SIGNED_IN, "accounts.keep_signed_in AS account_keepSignedIn"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACCOUNT_PRESENCE_STATUS, "accountStatus.presenceStatus AS account_presenceStatus"); sProviderAccountsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Provider.ACCOUNT_CONNECTION_STATUS, "accountStatus.connStatus AS account_connStatus"); // contacts projection map sContactsProjectionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Base column sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts._ID, "contacts._id AS _id"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts._COUNT, "COUNT(*) AS _count"); // contacts column sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts._ID, "contacts._id as _id"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME, "contacts.username as username"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.NICKNAME, "contacts.nickname as nickname"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER, "contacts.provider as provider"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, "contacts.account as account"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.CONTACTLIST, "contacts.contactList as contactList"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.TYPE, "contacts.type as type"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS, "contacts.subscriptionStatus as subscriptionStatus"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, "contacts.subscriptionType as subscriptionType"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.QUICK_CONTACT, "contacts.qc as qc"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.REJECTED, "contacts.rejected as rejected"); // Presence columns sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID, "presence.contact_id AS contact_id"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.PRESENCE_STATUS, "presence.mode AS mode"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.PRESENCE_CUSTOM_STATUS, "presence.status AS status"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.CLIENT_TYPE, "presence.client_type AS client_type"); // Chats columns sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.CHATS_CONTACT, "chats.contact_id AS chats_contact_id"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Chats.JID_RESOURCE, "chats.jid_resource AS jid_resource"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Chats.GROUP_CHAT, "chats.groupchat AS groupchat"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.LAST_UNREAD_MESSAGE, "chats.last_unread_message AS last_unread_message"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.LAST_MESSAGE_DATE, "chats.last_message_date AS last_message_date"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.UNSENT_COMPOSED_MESSAGE, "chats.unsent_composed_message AS unsent_composed_message"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.SHORTCUT, "chats.SHORTCUT AS shortcut"); // Avatars columns sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.AVATAR_HASH, "avatars.hash AS avatars_hash"); sContactsProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.AVATAR_DATA, "avatars.data AS avatars_data"); // contactList projection map sContactListProjectionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sContactListProjectionMap.put(Imps.ContactList._ID, "contactList._id AS _id"); sContactListProjectionMap.put(Imps.ContactList._COUNT, "COUNT(*) AS _count"); sContactListProjectionMap.put(Imps.ContactList.NAME, "name"); sContactListProjectionMap.put(Imps.ContactList.PROVIDER, "provider"); sContactListProjectionMap.put(Imps.ContactList.ACCOUNT, "account"); // blockedList projection map sBlockedListProjectionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList._ID, "blockedList._id AS _id"); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList._COUNT, "COUNT(*) AS _count"); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList.USERNAME, "username"); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList.NICKNAME, "nickname"); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList.PROVIDER, "provider"); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList.ACCOUNT, "account"); sBlockedListProjectionMap.put(Imps.BlockedList.AVATAR_DATA, "avatars.data AS avatars_data"); // messages projection map sMessagesProjectionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages._ID, "messages._id AS _id"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages._COUNT, "COUNT(*) AS _count"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "messages.thread_id AS thread_id"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.PACKET_ID, "messages.packet_id AS packet_id"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.NICKNAME, "messages.nickname AS nickname"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.BODY, "messages.body AS body"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.DATE, "messages.date AS date"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.TYPE, "messages.type AS type"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.ERROR_CODE, "messages.err_code AS err_code"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.ERROR_MESSAGE, "messages.err_msg AS err_msg"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.IS_GROUP_CHAT, "messages.is_muc AS is_muc"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.DISPLAY_SENT_TIME, "messages.show_ts AS show_ts"); // contacts columns sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.CONTACT, "contacts.username AS contact"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER, "contacts.provider AS provider"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, "contacts.account AS account"); sMessagesProjectionMap.put("contact_type", "contacts.type AS contact_type"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages._ID, "inMemoryMessages._id AS _id"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages._COUNT, "COUNT(*) AS _count"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "inMemoryMessages.thread_id AS thread_id"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.PACKET_ID, "inMemoryMessages.packet_id AS packet_id"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.NICKNAME, "inMemoryMessages.nickname AS nickname"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.BODY, "inMemoryMessages.body AS body"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.DATE, "inMemoryMessages.date AS date"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.TYPE, "inMemoryMessages.type AS type"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.ERROR_CODE, "inMemoryMessages.err_code AS err_code"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.ERROR_MESSAGE, "inMemoryMessages.err_msg AS err_msg"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.IS_GROUP_CHAT, "inMemoryMessages.is_muc AS is_muc"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.DISPLAY_SENT_TIME, "inMemoryMessages.show_ts AS show_ts"); // contacts columns sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Messages.CONTACT, "contacts.username AS contact"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER, "contacts.provider AS provider"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, "contacts.account AS account"); sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap.put("contact_type", "contacts.type AS contact_type"); } public ImpsProvider() { this(DATABASE_NAME, DATABASE_VERSION); setupImUrlMatchers(AUTHORITY); setupMcsUrlMatchers(AUTHORITY); } protected ImpsProvider(String dbName, int dbVersion) { mDatabaseName = dbName; mDatabaseVersion = dbVersion; mTransientDbName = "transient_" + dbName.replace(".", "_"); } private void setupImUrlMatchers(String authority) { mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "providers", MATCH_PROVIDERS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "providers/#", MATCH_PROVIDERS_BY_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "providers/account", MATCH_PROVIDERS_WITH_ACCOUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "accounts", MATCH_ACCOUNTS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "accounts/#", MATCH_ACCOUNTS_BY_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts", MATCH_CONTACTS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactsWithPresence", MATCH_CONTACTS_JOIN_PRESENCE); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactsBarebone", MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/#/#", MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/chatting", MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/chatting/#/#", MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/online/#/#", MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/offline/#/#", MATCH_OFFLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/#", MATCH_CONTACT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/blocked", MATCH_BLOCKED_CONTACTS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "bulk_contacts", MATCH_CONTACTS_BULK); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contacts/onlineCount", MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACT_COUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactLists", MATCH_CONTACTLISTS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactLists/#/#", MATCH_CONTACTLISTS_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactLists/#", MATCH_CONTACTLIST); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "blockedList", MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "blockedList/#/#", MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactsEtag", MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "contactsEtag/#", MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAG); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "presence", MATCH_PRESENCE); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "presence/#", MATCH_PRESENCE_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "presence/account/#", MATCH_PRESENCE_BY_ACCOUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "seed_presence/account/#", MATCH_PRESENCE_SEED_BY_ACCOUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "bulk_presence", MATCH_PRESENCE_BULK); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "messages", MATCH_MESSAGES); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "messagesByAcctAndContact/#/*", MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "messagesByThreadId/#", MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "messagesByProvider/#", MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "messagesByAccount/#", MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "messages/#", MATCH_MESSAGE); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "otrMessages", MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "otrMessagesByAcctAndContact/#/*", MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "otrMessagesByThreadId/#", MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "otrMessagesByProvider/#", MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "otrMessagesByAccount/#", MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "otrMessages/#", MATCH_OTR_MESSAGE); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "groupMembers", MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "groupMembers/#", MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_BY_GROUP); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "avatars", MATCH_AVATARS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "avatars/#", MATCH_AVATAR); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "avatarsBy/#/#", MATCH_AVATAR_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "chats", MATCH_CHATS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "chats/account/#", MATCH_CHATS_BY_ACCOUNT); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "chats/#", MATCH_CHATS_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "sessionCookies", MATCH_SESSIONS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "sessionCookiesBy/#/#", MATCH_SESSIONS_BY_PROVIDER); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "providerSettings", MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "providerSettings/#", MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "providerSettings/#/*", MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID_AND_NAME); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "invitations", MATCH_INVITATIONS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "invitations/#", MATCH_INVITATION); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "accountStatus", MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "accountStatus/#", MATCH_ACCOUNT_STATUS); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "brandingResMapCache", MATCH_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE); } private void setupMcsUrlMatchers(String authority) { mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "outgoingRmqMessages", MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "outgoingRmqMessages/#", MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGE); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "outgoingHighestRmqId", MATCH_OUTGOING_HIGHEST_RMQ_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "lastRmqId", MATCH_LAST_RMQ_ID); mUrlMatcher.addURI(authority, "s2dids", MATCH_S2D_RMQ_IDS); } @Override public boolean onCreate() { mOpenHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext()); return true; } @Override public final int update(final Uri url, final ContentValues values, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs) { int result = 0; SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { result = updateInternal(url, values, selection, selectionArgs); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (result > 0) { getContext().getContentResolver() .notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, false /* sync */); } return result; } @Override public final int delete(final Uri url, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs) { int result; SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { result = deleteInternal(url, selection, selectionArgs); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (result > 0) { getContext().getContentResolver() .notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, false /* sync */); } return result; } @Override public final Uri insert(final Uri url, final ContentValues values) { Uri result; SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { result = insertInternal(url, values); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (result != null) { getContext().getContentResolver() .notifyChange(url, null /* observer */, false /* sync */); } return result; } @Override public final Cursor query(final Uri url, final String[] projection, final String selection, final String[] selectionArgs, final String sortOrder) { return queryInternal(url, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); } public Cursor queryInternal(Uri url, String[] projectionIn, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sort) { SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); if(selection != null) { whereClause.append(selection); } String groupBy = null; String limit = null; // Generate the body of the query int match = mUrlMatcher.match(url); if (DBG) { log("query " + url + ", match " + match + ", where " + selection); if (selectionArgs != null) { for (String selectionArg : selectionArgs) { log(" selectionArg: " + selectionArg); } } } switch (match) { case MATCH_PROVIDERS_BY_ID: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Provider._ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); // fall thru. case MATCH_PROVIDERS: qb.setTables(TABLE_PROVIDERS); break; case MATCH_PROVIDERS_WITH_ACCOUNT: qb.setTables(PROVIDER_JOIN_ACCOUNT_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sProviderAccountsProjectionMap); break; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_BY_ID: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Account._ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); // falls down case MATCH_ACCOUNTS: qb.setTables(TABLE_ACCOUNTS); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS: qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_JOIN_PRESENCE: qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE: qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACTS); break; case MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS: qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); appendWhere(whereClause, "chats.last_message_date IS NOT NULL"); // no need to add the non blocked contacts clause because // blocked contacts can't have conversations. break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: buildQueryContactsByProvider(qb, whereClause, url); appendWhere(whereClause, NON_BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE); break; case MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: buildQueryContactsByProvider(qb, whereClause, url); appendWhere(whereClause, "chats.last_message_date IS NOT NULL"); // no need to add the non blocked contacts clause because // blocked contacts can't have conversations. break; case MATCH_NO_CHATTING_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: buildQueryContactsByProvider(qb, whereClause, url); appendWhere(whereClause, "chats.last_message_date IS NULL"); appendWhere(whereClause, NON_BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE); break; case MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: buildQueryContactsByProvider(qb, whereClause, url); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Contacts.PRESENCE_STATUS, "!=", Imps.Presence.OFFLINE); appendWhere(whereClause, NON_BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE); break; case MATCH_OFFLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: buildQueryContactsByProvider(qb, whereClause, url); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Contacts.PRESENCE_STATUS, "=", Imps.Presence.OFFLINE); appendWhere(whereClause, NON_BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE); break; case MATCH_BLOCKED_CONTACTS: qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); appendWhere(whereClause, BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE); break; case MATCH_CONTACT: qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); appendWhere(whereClause, "contacts._id", "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACT_COUNT: qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Contacts.PRESENCE_STATUS, "!=", Imps.Presence.OFFLINE); appendWhere(whereClause, "chats.last_message_date IS NULL"); appendWhere(whereClause, NON_BLOCKED_CONTACTS_WHERE_CLAUSE); groupBy = Imps.Contacts.CONTACTLIST; break; case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS_BY_PROVIDER: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ContactList.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); // fall through case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS: qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACT_LIST); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactListProjectionMap); break; case MATCH_CONTACTLIST: qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACT_LIST); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ContactList._ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST: qb.setTables(BLOCKEDLIST_JOIN_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sBlockedListProjectionMap); break; case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST_BY_PROVIDER: qb.setTables(BLOCKEDLIST_JOIN_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sBlockedListProjectionMap); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.BlockedList.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS: qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAG: qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG); appendWhere(whereClause, "_id", "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); // fall thru. case MATCH_MESSAGES: qb.setTables(TABLE_MESSAGES); final String selectionClause = whereClause.toString(); final String query1 = qb.buildQuery(projectionIn, selectionClause, null, null, null, null, null /* limit */); // Build the second query for frequent qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); qb.setTables(TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES); final String query2 = qb.buildQuery(projectionIn, selectionClause, null, null, null, null, null /* limit */); // Put them together final String query = qb.buildUnionQuery(new String[] {query1, query2}, sort, null); final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor c = db.rawQueryWithFactory(null, query, null, TABLE_MESSAGES); if ((c != null) && !isTemporary()) { c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), url); } return c; case MATCH_MESSAGE: qb.setTables(TABLE_MESSAGES); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages._ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: qb.setTables(MESSAGE_JOIN_CONTACT_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sMessagesProjectionMap); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); appendWhere(whereClause, "contacts.username", "=", decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2))); final String sel = whereClause.toString(); final String q1 = qb.buildQuery(projectionIn, sel, null, null, null, null, null); // Build the second query for frequent qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); qb.setTables(IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES_JOIN_CONTACT_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sInMemoryMessagesProjectionMap); final String q2 = qb.buildQuery(projectionIn, sel, null, null, null, null, null); // Put them together final String q3 = qb.buildUnionQuery(new String[] {q1, q2}, sort, null); final SQLiteDatabase db2 = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); Cursor c2 = db2.rawQueryWithFactory(null, q3, null, MESSAGE_JOIN_CONTACT_TABLE); if ((c2 != null) && !isTemporary()) { c2.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), url); } return c2; case MATCH_INVITATIONS: qb.setTables(TABLE_INVITATIONS); break; case MATCH_INVITATION: qb.setTables(TABLE_INVITATIONS); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Invitation._ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS: qb.setTables(TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS); break; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_BY_GROUP: qb.setTables(TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.GroupMembers.GROUP, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_AVATARS: qb.setTables(TABLE_AVATARS); break; case MATCH_AVATAR_BY_PROVIDER: qb.setTables(TABLE_AVATARS); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Avatars.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); break; case MATCH_CHATS: qb.setTables(TABLE_CHATS); break; case MATCH_CHATS_ID: qb.setTables(TABLE_CHATS); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_CHATS_BY_ACCOUNT: qb.setTables(TABLE_CHATS); String accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getLastPathSegment()); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "='" + accountStr + "'")); break; case MATCH_PRESENCE: qb.setTables(TABLE_PRESENCE); break; case MATCH_PRESENCE_ID: qb.setTables(TABLE_PRESENCE); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_SESSIONS: qb.setTables(TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES); break; case MATCH_SESSIONS_BY_PROVIDER: qb.setTables(TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.SessionCookies.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); break; case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID_AND_NAME: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ProviderSettings.NAME, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); // fall through case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ProviderSettings.PROVIDER, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); // fall through case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS: qb.setTables(TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS); break; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS: qb.setTables(TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS); break; case MATCH_ACCOUNT_STATUS: qb.setTables(TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.AccountStatus.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE: qb.setTables(TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE); break; // mcs and rmq queries case MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES: qb.setTables(TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES); break; case MATCH_OUTGOING_HIGHEST_RMQ_ID: qb.setTables(TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES); sort = "rmq_id DESC"; limit = "1"; break; case MATCH_LAST_RMQ_ID: qb.setTables(TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID); limit = "1"; break; case MATCH_S2D_RMQ_IDS: qb.setTables(TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URL " + url); } // run the query final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); Cursor c = null; try { c = qb.query(db, projectionIn, whereClause.toString(), selectionArgs, groupBy, null, sort, limit); if (c != null) { switch(match) { case MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_CHATTING_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_OFFLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE: case MATCH_CONTACTS_JOIN_PRESENCE: case MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACT_COUNT: url = Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI; break; } if (DBG) log("set notify url " + url); c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), url); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "query db caught ", ex); } return c; } private void buildQueryContactsByProvider(SQLiteQueryBuilder qb, StringBuilder whereClause, Uri url) { qb.setTables(CONTACT_JOIN_PRESENCE_CHAT_AVATAR_TABLE); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); // we don't really need the provider id in query. account id is enough. appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getLastPathSegment()); } @Override public String getType(Uri url) { int match = mUrlMatcher.match(url); switch (match) { case MATCH_PROVIDERS: return Imps.Provider.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_PROVIDERS_BY_ID: return Imps.Provider.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS: return Imps.Account.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_BY_ID: return Imps.Account.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_CONTACTS: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_ONLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_OFFLINE_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BULK: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE: case MATCH_CONTACTS_JOIN_PRESENCE: return Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_CONTACT: return Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS: case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS_BY_PROVIDER: return Imps.ContactList.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_CONTACTLIST: return Imps.ContactList.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST: case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST_BY_PROVIDER: return Imps.BlockedList.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS: case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAG: return Imps.ContactsEtag.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_MESSAGES: case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT: case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES: case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER: case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT: return Imps.Messages.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_MESSAGE: case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGE: return Imps.Messages.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_PRESENCE: case MATCH_PRESENCE_BULK: return Imps.Presence.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_AVATARS: return Imps.Avatars.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_AVATAR: return Imps.Avatars.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_CHATS: return Imps.Chats.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_CHATS_ID: return Imps.Chats.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_INVITATIONS: return Imps.Invitation.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_INVITATION: return Imps.Invitation.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS: case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_BY_GROUP: return Imps.GroupMembers.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_SESSIONS: case MATCH_SESSIONS_BY_PROVIDER: return Imps.SessionCookies.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS: return Imps.ProviderSettings.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS: return Imps.AccountStatus.CONTENT_TYPE; case MATCH_ACCOUNT_STATUS: return Imps.AccountStatus.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown URL"); } } // package scope for testing. boolean insertBulkContacts(ContentValues values) { //if (DBG) log("insertBulkContacts: begin"); ArrayList<String> usernames = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME); ArrayList<String> nicknames = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.NICKNAME); int usernameCount = usernames.size(); int nicknameCount = nicknames.size(); if (usernameCount != nicknameCount) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[ImProvider] insertBulkContacts: input bundle " + "username & nickname lists have diff. length!"); return false; } ArrayList<String> contactTypeArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.TYPE); ArrayList<String> subscriptionStatusArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS); ArrayList<String> subscriptionTypeArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE); ArrayList<String> quickContactArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.QUICK_CONTACT); ArrayList<String> rejectedArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.REJECTED); int sum = 0; final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); try { Long provider = values.getAsLong(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER); Long account = values.getAsLong(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT); Long listId = values.getAsLong(Imps.Contacts.CONTACTLIST); ContentValues contactValues = new ContentValues(); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER, provider); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, account); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.CONTACTLIST, listId); ContentValues presenceValues = new ContentValues(); presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_STATUS, Imps.Presence.OFFLINE); for (int i=0; i<usernameCount; i++) { String username = usernames.get(i); String nickname = nicknames.get(i); int type = 0; int subscriptionStatus = 0; int subscriptionType = 0; int quickContact = 0; int rejected = 0; try { type = Integer.parseInt(contactTypeArray.get(i)); if (subscriptionStatusArray != null) { subscriptionStatus = Integer.parseInt(subscriptionStatusArray.get(i)); } if (subscriptionTypeArray != null) { subscriptionType = Integer.parseInt(subscriptionTypeArray.get(i)); } if (quickContactArray != null) { quickContact = Integer.parseInt(quickContactArray.get(i)); } if (rejectedArray != null) { rejected = Integer.parseInt(rejectedArray.get(i)); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "insertBulkContacts: caught " + ex); } /* if (DBG) log("insertBulkContacts[" + i + "] username=" + username + ", nickname=" + nickname + ", type=" + type + ", subscriptionStatus=" + subscriptionStatus + ", subscriptionType=" + subscriptionType + ", qc=" + quickContact); */ contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME, username); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.NICKNAME, nickname); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.TYPE, type); if (subscriptionStatusArray != null) { contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS, subscriptionStatus); } if (subscriptionTypeArray != null) { contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, subscriptionType); } if (quickContactArray != null) { contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.QUICK_CONTACT, quickContact); } if (rejectedArray != null) { contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.REJECTED, rejected); } long rowId; /* save this code for when we add constraint (account, username) to the contacts table try { rowId = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE_CONTACTS, USERNAME, contactValues); } catch (android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException ex) { if (DBG) log("insertBulkContacts: insert " + username + " caught " + ex); // append username to the selection clause updateSelection.delete(0, updateSelection.length()); updateSelection.append(Im.Contacts.USERNAME); updateSelection.append("=?"); updateSelectionArgs[0] = username; int updated = db.update(TABLE_CONTACTS, contactValues, updateSelection.toString(), updateSelectionArgs); if (DBG && updated != 1) { log("insertBulkContacts: update " + username + " failed!"); } } */ rowId = db.insert(TABLE_CONTACTS, USERNAME, contactValues); if (rowId > 0) { sum++; // seed the presence for the new contact if (DBG) log("### seedPresence for contact id " + rowId); presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID, rowId); try { db.insert(TABLE_PRESENCE, null, presenceValues); } catch (android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException ex) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "insertBulkContacts: seeding presence caught " + ex); } } // yield the lock if anyone else is trying to // perform a db operation here. db.yieldIfContended(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } // We know that we succeeded becuase endTransaction throws if the transaction failed. if (DBG) log("insertBulkContacts: added " + sum + " contacts!"); return true; } // package scope for testing. int updateBulkContacts(ContentValues values, String userWhere) { ArrayList<String> usernames = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME); ArrayList<String> nicknames = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.NICKNAME); int usernameCount = usernames.size(); int nicknameCount = nicknames.size(); if (usernameCount != nicknameCount) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[ImProvider] updateBulkContacts: input bundle " + "username & nickname lists have diff. length!"); return 0; } ArrayList<String> contactTypeArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.TYPE); ArrayList<String> subscriptionStatusArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS); ArrayList<String> subscriptionTypeArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE); ArrayList<String> quickContactArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.QUICK_CONTACT); ArrayList<String> rejectedArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.REJECTED); final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); int sum = 0; try { Long provider = values.getAsLong(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER); Long account = values.getAsLong(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT); ContentValues contactValues = new ContentValues(); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER, provider); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, account); StringBuilder updateSelection = new StringBuilder(); String[] updateSelectionArgs = new String[1]; for (int i=0; i<usernameCount; i++) { String username = usernames.get(i); String nickname = nicknames.get(i); int type = 0; int subscriptionStatus = 0; int subscriptionType = 0; int quickContact = 0; int rejected = 0; try { type = Integer.parseInt(contactTypeArray.get(i)); subscriptionStatus = Integer.parseInt(subscriptionStatusArray.get(i)); subscriptionType = Integer.parseInt(subscriptionTypeArray.get(i)); quickContact = Integer.parseInt(quickContactArray.get(i)); rejected = Integer.parseInt(rejectedArray.get(i)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "insertBulkContacts: caught " + ex); } if (DBG) log("updateBulkContacts[" + i + "] username=" + username + ", nickname=" + nickname + ", type=" + type + ", subscriptionStatus=" + subscriptionStatus + ", subscriptionType=" + subscriptionType + ", qc=" + quickContact); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME, username); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.NICKNAME, nickname); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.TYPE, type); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS, subscriptionStatus); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE, subscriptionType); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.QUICK_CONTACT, quickContact); contactValues.put(Imps.Contacts.REJECTED, rejected); // append username to the selection clause updateSelection.delete(0, updateSelection.length()); updateSelection.append(userWhere); updateSelection.append(" AND "); updateSelection.append(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME); updateSelection.append("=?"); updateSelectionArgs[0] = username; int numUpdated = db.update(TABLE_CONTACTS, contactValues, updateSelection.toString(), updateSelectionArgs); if (numUpdated == 0) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[ImProvider] updateBulkContacts: " + " update failed for selection = " + updateSelection); } else { sum += numUpdated; } // yield the lock if anyone else is trying to // perform a db operation here. db.yieldIfContended(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (DBG) log("updateBulkContacts: " + sum + " entries updated"); return sum; } /** * make sure the presence for all contacts of a given account is set to offline, and * each contact has a presence row associated with it. However, this method does not remove * presences for which the corresponding contacts no longer exist. That's probably ok since * presence is kept in memory, so it won't stay around for too long. Here is the algorithm. * * 1. for all presence that have a corresponding contact, make it OFFLINE. This is one sqlite * call. * 2. query for all the contacts that don't have a presence, and add a presence row for them. * * TODO simplify the presence management! The desire is to have a presence row for each * TODO contact in the database, so later we can just call update() on the presence rows * TODO instead of checking for the existence of presence first. The assumption is we get * TODO presence updates much more frequently. However, the logic to maintain that goal is * TODO overly complicated. One possible solution is to use insert_or_replace the presence rows * TODO when updating the presence. That way we don't always need to maintain an empty presence * TODO row for each contact. * * @param account the account of the contacts for which we want to create seed presence rows. */ private void seedInitialPresenceByAccount(long account) { SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACTS); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs1[0] = String.valueOf(account); final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); Cursor c = null; try { ContentValues presenceValues = new ContentValues(); presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_STATUS, Imps.Presence.OFFLINE); presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_CUSTOM_STATUS, ""); // update all the presence for the account so they are offline StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID); buf.append(" in (select "); buf.append(Imps.Contacts._ID); buf.append(" from "); buf.append(TABLE_CONTACTS); buf.append(" where "); buf.append(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT); buf.append("=?) "); String selection = buf.toString(); if (DBG) log("seedInitialPresence: reset presence selection=" + selection); int count = db.update(TABLE_PRESENCE, presenceValues, selection, mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs1); if (DBG) log("seedInitialPresence: reset " + count + " presence rows to OFFLINE"); // for in-memory presence table, add a presence row for each contact that // doesn't have a presence. in-memory presence table isn't reliable, and goes away // when device reboot or IMProvider process dies, so we can't rely on each contact // have a corresponding presence. if (DBG) { log("seedInitialPresence: contacts_with_no_presence_selection => " + CONTACTS_WITH_NO_PRESENCE_SELECTION); } c = qb.query(db, CONTACT_ID_PROJECTION, CONTACTS_WITH_NO_PRESENCE_SELECTION, mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs1, null, null, null, null); if (DBG) log("seedInitialPresence: found " + c.getCount() + " contacts w/o presence"); count = 0; while (c.moveToNext()) { long id = c.getLong(CONTACT_ID_COLUMN); presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID, id); try { if (db.insert(TABLE_PRESENCE, null, presenceValues) > 0) { count++; } } catch (SQLiteConstraintException ex) { // we could possibly catch this exception, since there could be a presence // row with the same contact_id. That's fine, just ignore the error if (DBG) log("seedInitialPresence: insert presence for contact_id " + id + " failed, caught " + ex); } } if (DBG) log("seedInitialPresence: added " + count + " new presence rows"); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } db.endTransaction(); } } private int updateBulkPresence(ContentValues values, String userWhere, String[] whereArgs) { ArrayList<String> usernames = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME); int count = usernames.size(); Long account = values.getAsLong(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT); ArrayList<String> priorityArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Presence.PRIORITY); ArrayList<String> modeArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_STATUS); ArrayList<String> statusArray = values.getStringArrayList( Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_CUSTOM_STATUS); ArrayList<String> clientTypeArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Presence.CLIENT_TYPE); ArrayList<String> resourceArray = values.getStringArrayList(Imps.Presence.JID_RESOURCE); // append username to the selection clause StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(userWhere)) { buf.append(userWhere); buf.append(" AND "); } buf.append(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID); buf.append(" in (select "); buf.append(Imps.Contacts._ID); buf.append(" from "); buf.append(TABLE_CONTACTS); buf.append(" where "); buf.append(Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT); buf.append("=? AND "); // use username LIKE ? for case insensitive comparison buf.append(Imps.Contacts.USERNAME); buf.append(" LIKE ?) AND ("); buf.append(Imps.Presence.PRIORITY); buf.append("<=? OR "); buf.append(Imps.Presence.PRIORITY); buf.append(" IS NULL OR "); buf.append(Imps.Presence.JID_RESOURCE); buf.append("=?)"); String selection = buf.toString(); if (DBG) log("updateBulkPresence: selection => " + selection); int numArgs = (whereArgs != null ? whereArgs.length + 4 : 4); String[] selectionArgs = new String[numArgs]; int selArgsIndex = 0; if (whereArgs != null) { for (selArgsIndex=0; selArgsIndex<numArgs-1; selArgsIndex++) { selectionArgs[selArgsIndex] = whereArgs[selArgsIndex]; } } final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); db.beginTransaction(); int sum = 0; try { ContentValues presenceValues = new ContentValues(); for (int i=0; i<count; i++) { String username = usernames.get(i); int priority = 0; int mode = 0; String status = statusArray.get(i); String jidResource = resourceArray == null ? "" : resourceArray.get(i); int clientType = Imps.Presence.CLIENT_TYPE_DEFAULT; try { if (priorityArray != null) { priority = Integer.parseInt(priorityArray.get(i)); } if (modeArray != null) { mode = Integer.parseInt(modeArray.get(i)); } if (clientTypeArray != null) { clientType = Integer.parseInt(clientTypeArray.get(i)); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[ImProvider] updateBulkPresence: caught " + ex); } /* if (DBG) { log("updateBulkPresence[" + i + "] username=" + username + ", priority=" + priority + ", mode=" + mode + ", status=" + status + ", resource=" + jidResource + ", clientType=" + clientType); } */ if (modeArray != null) { presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_STATUS, mode); } if (priorityArray != null) { presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.PRIORITY, priority); } presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.PRESENCE_CUSTOM_STATUS, status); if (clientTypeArray != null) { presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.CLIENT_TYPE, clientType); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(jidResource)) { presenceValues.put(Imps.Presence.JID_RESOURCE, jidResource); } // fill in the selection args int idx = selArgsIndex; selectionArgs[idx++] = String.valueOf(account); selectionArgs[idx++] = username; selectionArgs[idx++] = String.valueOf(priority); selectionArgs[idx] = jidResource; int numUpdated = db.update(TABLE_PRESENCE, presenceValues, selection, selectionArgs); if (numUpdated == 0) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[ImProvider] updateBulkPresence: failed for " + username); } else { sum += numUpdated; } // yield the lock if anyone else is trying to // perform a db operation here. db.yieldIfContended(); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (DBG) log("updateBulkPresence: " + sum + " entries updated"); return sum; } private Uri insertInternal(Uri url, ContentValues initialValues) { Uri resultUri = null; long rowID = 0; long account = 0; String contact = null; long threadId = 0; boolean notifyContactListContentUri = false; boolean notifyContactContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesByContactContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri = false; boolean notifyProviderAccountContentUri = false; final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int match = mUrlMatcher.match(url); if (DBG) log("insert to " + url + ", match " + match); switch (match) { case MATCH_PROVIDERS: // Insert into the providers table rowID = db.insert(TABLE_PROVIDERS, "name", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS: // Insert into the accounts table rowID = db.insert(TABLE_ACCOUNTS, "name", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Account.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT); // fall through case MATCH_CONTACTS: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE: // Insert into the contacts table rowID = db.insert(TABLE_CONTACTS, "username", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } notifyContactContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BULK: if (insertBulkContacts(initialValues)) { // notify change using the "content://im/contacts" url, // so the change will be observed by listeners interested // in contacts changes. resultUri = Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI; } notifyContactContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS_BY_PROVIDER: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.ContactList.PROVIDER, Imps.ContactList.ACCOUNT); // fall through case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS: // Insert into the contactList table rowID = db.insert(TABLE_CONTACT_LIST, "name", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.ContactList.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } notifyContactListContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST_BY_PROVIDER: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.BlockedList.PROVIDER, Imps.BlockedList.ACCOUNT); // fall through case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST: // Insert into the blockedList table rowID = db.insert(TABLE_BLOCKED_LIST, "username", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.BlockedList.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS: rowID = db.replace(TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG, Imps.ContactsEtag.ETAG, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.ContactsEtag.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: String accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); try { account = Long.parseLong(accountStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contact = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2)); initialValues.put(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, getContactId(db, accountStr, contact)); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; // Insert into the messages table. rowID = db.insert(TABLE_MESSAGES, "thread_id", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID); // fall through case MATCH_MESSAGES: // Insert into the messages table. notifyMessagesContentUri = true; rowID = db.insert(TABLE_MESSAGES, "thread_id", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: String accountStr2 = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); try { account = Long.parseLong(accountStr2); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contact = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2)); initialValues.put(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, getContactId(db, accountStr2, contact)); notifyMessagesByContactContentUri = true; // Insert into the in-memory messages table. rowID = db.insert(TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES, "thread_id", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Messages.OTR_MESSAGES_CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: try { threadId = Long.parseLong(decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } initialValues.put(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, threadId); notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri = true; // fall through case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES: // Insert into the messages table. rowID = db.insert(TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES, "thread_id", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Messages.OTR_MESSAGES_CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_INVITATIONS: rowID = db.insert(TABLE_INVITATIONS, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Invitation.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS: rowID = db.insert(TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS, "nickname", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.GroupMembers.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_BY_GROUP: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.GroupMembers.GROUP); rowID = db.insert(TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS, "nickname", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.GroupMembers.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_AVATAR_BY_PROVIDER: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.Avatars.PROVIDER, Imps.Avatars.ACCOUNT); // fall through case MATCH_AVATARS: // Insert into the avatars table rowID = db.replace(TABLE_AVATARS, "contact", initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Avatars.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_CHATS_ID: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID); // fall through case MATCH_CHATS: // Insert into the chats table initialValues.put(Imps.Chats.SHORTCUT, -1); rowID = db.replace(TABLE_CHATS, Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Chats.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); addToQuickSwitch(rowID); } notifyContactContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE: rowID = db.replace(TABLE_PRESENCE, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.Presence.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } notifyContactContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE_SEED_BY_ACCOUNT: try { seedInitialPresenceByAccount(Long.parseLong(url.getLastPathSegment())); resultUri = Imps.Presence.CONTENT_URI; } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } break; case MATCH_SESSIONS_BY_PROVIDER: appendValuesFromUrl(initialValues, url, Imps.SessionCookies.PROVIDER, Imps.SessionCookies.ACCOUNT); // fall through case MATCH_SESSIONS: rowID = db.insert(TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES, null, initialValues); if(rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.SessionCookies.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS: rowID = db.replace(TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.ProviderSettings.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS: rowID = db.replace(TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.AccountStatus.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE: rowID = db.insert(TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.BrandingResourceMapCache.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; // mcs/rmq stuff case MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES: rowID = db.insert(TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.OutgoingRmq.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_LAST_RMQ_ID: rowID = db.replace(TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.LastRmqId.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; case MATCH_S2D_RMQ_IDS: rowID = db.insert(TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS, null, initialValues); if (rowID > 0) { resultUri = Uri.parse(Imps.ServerToDeviceRmqIds.CONTENT_URI + "/" + rowID); } break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot insert into URL: " + url); } // TODO: notify the data change observer? if (resultUri != null) { ContentResolver resolver = getContext().getContentResolver(); // In most case, we query contacts with presence and chats joined, thus // we should also notify that contacts changes when presence or chats changed. if (notifyContactContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyContactListContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.ContactList.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyMessagesContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyMessagesByContactContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.getContentUriByContact(account, contact), null); } if (notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.getContentUriByThreadId(threadId), null); } if (notifyProviderAccountContentUri) { if (DBG) log("notify insert for " + Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI_WITH_ACCOUNT); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI_WITH_ACCOUNT, null); } } return resultUri; } private void appendValuesFromUrl(ContentValues values, Uri url, String...columns){ if(url.getPathSegments().size() <= columns.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not enough values in url"); } for(int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++){ if(values.containsKey(columns[i])){ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot override the value for " + columns[i]); } values.put(columns[i], decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(i + 1))); } } private long getContactId(final SQLiteDatabase db, final String accountId, final String contact) { SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); qb.setTables(TABLE_CONTACTS); qb.setProjectionMap(sContactsProjectionMap); mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs2[0] = accountId; mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs2[1] = contact; Cursor c = qb.query(db, CONTACT_ID_PROJECTION, CONTACT_ID_QUERY_SELECTION, mQueryContactIdSelectionArgs2, null, null, null, null); long contactId = 0; try { if (c.moveToFirst()) { contactId = c.getLong(CONTACT_ID_COLUMN); } } finally { c.close(); } return contactId; } // Quick-switch management // The chat UI provides slots (0, 9, .., 1) for the first 10 chats. This allows you to // quickly switch between these chats by chording menu+#. We number from the right end of // the number row and move leftward to make an easier two-hand chord with the menu button // on the left side of the keyboard. private void addToQuickSwitch(long newRow) { // Since there are fewer than 10, there must be an empty slot. Let's find it. int slot = findEmptyQuickSwitchSlot(); if (slot == -1) { return; } updateSlotForChat(newRow, slot); } // If there are more than 10 chats and one with a quick switch slot ends then pick a chat // that doesn't have a slot and have it inhabit the newly emptied slot. private void backfillQuickSwitchSlots() { // Find all the chats without a quick switch slot, and order Cursor c = query(Imps.Chats.CONTENT_URI, BACKFILL_PROJECTION, Imps.Chats.SHORTCUT + "=-1", null, Imps.Chats.LAST_MESSAGE_DATE + " DESC"); try { if (c.getCount() < 1) { return; } int slot = findEmptyQuickSwitchSlot(); if (slot != -1) { c.moveToFirst(); long id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(Imps.Chats._ID)); updateSlotForChat(id, slot); } } finally { c.close(); } } private int updateSlotForChat(long chatId, int slot) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Imps.Chats.SHORTCUT, slot); return update(Imps.Chats.CONTENT_URI, values, Imps.Chats._ID + "=?", new String[] { Long.toString(chatId) }); } private int findEmptyQuickSwitchSlot() { Cursor c = queryInternal(Imps.Chats.CONTENT_URI, FIND_SHORTCUT_PROJECTION, null, null, null); final int N = c.getCount(); try { // If there are 10 or more chats then all the quick switch slots are already filled if (N >= 10) { return -1; } int slots = 0; int column = c.getColumnIndex(Imps.Chats.SHORTCUT); // The map is here because numbers go from 0-9, but we want to assign slots in // 0, 9, 8, ..., 1 order to match the right-to-left reading of the number row // on the keyboard. int[] map = new int[] { 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }; // Mark all the slots that are in use // The shortcuts represent actual keyboard number row keys, and not ordinals. // So 7 would mean the shortcut is the 7 key on the keyboard and NOT the 7th // shortcut. The passing of slot through map[] below maps these keyboard key // shortcuts into an ordinal bit position in the 'slots' bitfield. for (c.moveToFirst(); ! c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()) { int slot = c.getInt(column); if (slot != -1) { slots |= (1 << map[slot]); } } // Try to find an empty one // As we exit this, the push of i through map[] maps the ordinal bit position // in the 'slots' bitfield onto a key on the number row of the device keyboard. // The keyboard key is what is used to designate the shortcut. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if ((slots & (1 << i)) == 0) { return map[i]; } } return -1; } finally { c.close(); } } /** * manual trigger for deleting contacts */ private static final String DELETE_PRESENCE_SELECTION = Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID + " in (select " + PRESENCE_CONTACT_ID + " from " + TABLE_PRESENCE + " left outer join " + TABLE_CONTACTS + " on " + PRESENCE_CONTACT_ID + '=' + CONTACT_ID + " where " + CONTACT_ID + " IS NULL)"; private static final String CHATS_CONTACT_ID = TABLE_CHATS + '.' + Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID; private static final String DELETE_CHATS_SELECTION = Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID + " in (select "+ CHATS_CONTACT_ID + " from " + TABLE_CHATS + " left outer join " + TABLE_CONTACTS + " on " + CHATS_CONTACT_ID + '=' + CONTACT_ID + " where " + CONTACT_ID + " IS NULL)"; private static final String GROUP_MEMBER_ID = TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS + '.' + Imps.GroupMembers.GROUP; private static final String DELETE_GROUP_MEMBER_SELECTION = Imps.GroupMembers.GROUP + " in (select "+ GROUP_MEMBER_ID + " from " + TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS + " left outer join " + TABLE_CONTACTS + " on " + GROUP_MEMBER_ID + '=' + CONTACT_ID + " where " + CONTACT_ID + " IS NULL)"; private static final String GROUP_MESSAGES_ID = TABLE_MESSAGES + '.' + Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID; private static final String DELETE_GROUP_MESSAGES_SELECTION = Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID + " in (select "+ GROUP_MESSAGES_ID + " from " + TABLE_MESSAGES + " left outer join " + TABLE_CONTACTS + " on " + GROUP_MESSAGES_ID + '=' + CONTACT_ID + " where " + CONTACT_ID + " IS NULL)"; private void performContactRemovalCleanup(long contactId) { final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); if (contactId > 0) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // delete presence buf.append(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID).append('=').append(contactId); deleteWithSelection(db, TABLE_PRESENCE, buf.toString(), null); // delete group memebers buf.delete(0, buf.length()); buf.append(Imps.GroupMembers.GROUP).append('=').append(contactId); deleteWithSelection(db, TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS, buf.toString(), null); } else { // delete presence deleteWithSelection(db, TABLE_PRESENCE, DELETE_PRESENCE_SELECTION, null); // delete group members deleteWithSelection(db, TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS, DELETE_GROUP_MEMBER_SELECTION, null); } } private void deleteWithSelection(SQLiteDatabase db, String tableName, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { if (DBG) log("deleteWithSelection: table " + tableName + ", selection => " + selection); int count = db.delete(tableName, selection, selectionArgs); if (DBG) log("deleteWithSelection: deleted " + count + " rows"); } private String buildContactIdSelection(String columnName, String contactSelection) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(columnName); buf.append(" in (select "); buf.append(Imps.Contacts._ID); buf.append(" from "); buf.append(TABLE_CONTACTS); buf.append(" where "); buf.append(contactSelection); buf.append(")"); return buf.toString(); } private int deleteInternal(Uri url, String userWhere, String[] whereArgs) { String tableToChange; // In some cases a given url requires that we delete rows from more than one // table. The motivating example is deleting messages from both the on disk // and in memory messages tables. String tableToChange2 = null; String idColumnName = null; String changedItemId = null; String provider = null; String accountStr = null; long account = 0; String contact = null; long threadId = 0; StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); if(userWhere != null) { whereClause.append(userWhere); } boolean notifyMessagesContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesByContactContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri = false; boolean notifyContactListContentUri = false; boolean notifyProviderAccountContentUri = false; int match = mUrlMatcher.match(url); boolean contactDeleted = false; long deletedContactId = 0; boolean backfillQuickSwitchSlots = false; final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); switch (match) { case MATCH_PROVIDERS: tableToChange = TABLE_PROVIDERS; notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_BY_ID: changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); // fall through case MATCH_ACCOUNTS: tableToChange = TABLE_ACCOUNTS; notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_ACCOUNT_STATUS: changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); // fall through case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS: tableToChange = TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS; notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS; contactDeleted = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACT: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); try { deletedContactId = Long.parseLong(changedItemId); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contactDeleted = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS; appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); contactDeleted = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS_BY_PROVIDER: appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ContactList.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); // fall through case MATCH_CONTACTLISTS: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACT_LIST; notifyContactListContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTLIST: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACT_LIST; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST: tableToChange = TABLE_BLOCKED_LIST; break; case MATCH_BLOCKEDLIST_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_BLOCKED_LIST; appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.BlockedList.ACCOUNT, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(2)); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAG: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_MESSAGES: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; tableToChange2 = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); try { account = Long.parseLong(accountStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contact = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2)); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", getContactId(db, accountStr, contact)); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; tableToChange2 = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; try { threadId = Long.parseLong(decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", threadId); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; provider = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER + "='" + provider + "'")); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "='" + accountStr + "'")); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_MESSAGE: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); try { account = Long.parseLong(accountStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contact = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2)); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", getContactId(db, accountStr, contact)); notifyMessagesByContactContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; try { threadId = Long.parseLong(decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", threadId); notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; provider = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, Imps.Contacts.PROVIDER + "='" + provider + "'")); if (DBG) log("delete (MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_PROVIDER) sel => " + whereClause); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "='" + accountStr + "'")); if (DBG) log("delete (MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_ACCOUNT) sel => " + whereClause); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGE: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS: tableToChange = TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS; break; case MATCH_GROUP_MEMBERS_BY_GROUP: tableToChange = TABLE_GROUP_MEMBERS; appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.GroupMembers.GROUP, "=", url.getPathSegments().get(1)); break; case MATCH_INVITATIONS: tableToChange = TABLE_INVITATIONS; break; case MATCH_INVITATION: tableToChange = TABLE_INVITATIONS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_AVATARS: tableToChange = TABLE_AVATARS; break; case MATCH_AVATAR: tableToChange = TABLE_AVATARS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_AVATAR_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_AVATARS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(2); idColumnName = Imps.Avatars.ACCOUNT; break; case MATCH_CHATS: tableToChange = TABLE_CHATS; backfillQuickSwitchSlots = true; break; case MATCH_CHATS_BY_ACCOUNT: tableToChange = TABLE_CHATS; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getLastPathSegment()); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "='" + accountStr + "'")); if (DBG) log("delete (MATCH_CHATS_BY_ACCOUNT) sel => " + whereClause); changedItemId = null; break; case MATCH_CHATS_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_CHATS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); idColumnName = Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE: tableToChange = TABLE_PRESENCE; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_PRESENCE; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); idColumnName = Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE_BY_ACCOUNT: tableToChange = TABLE_PRESENCE; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getLastPathSegment()); appendWhere(whereClause, buildContactIdSelection(Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID, Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT + "='" + accountStr + "'")); if (DBG) log("delete (MATCH_PRESENCE_BY_ACCOUNT): sel => " + whereClause); changedItemId = null; break; case MATCH_SESSIONS: tableToChange = TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES; break; case MATCH_SESSIONS_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(2); idColumnName = Imps.SessionCookies.ACCOUNT; break; case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); idColumnName = Imps.ProviderSettings.PROVIDER; break; case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID_AND_NAME: tableToChange = TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS; String providerId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); String name = url.getPathSegments().get(2); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ProviderSettings.PROVIDER, "=", providerId); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ProviderSettings.NAME, "=", name); break; case MATCH_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE: tableToChange = TABLE_BRANDING_RESOURCE_MAP_CACHE; break; // mcs/rmq stuff case MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES: tableToChange = TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES; break; case MATCH_LAST_RMQ_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID; break; case MATCH_S2D_RMQ_IDS: tableToChange = TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS; break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot delete that URL: " + url); } if (idColumnName == null) { idColumnName = "_id"; } if (changedItemId != null) { appendWhere(whereClause, idColumnName, "=", changedItemId); } if (DBG) log("delete from " + url + " WHERE " + whereClause); int count = db.delete(tableToChange, whereClause.toString(), whereArgs); // see the comment at the declaration of tableToChange2 for an explanation if (tableToChange2 != null){ count += db.delete(tableToChange2, whereClause.toString(), whereArgs); } if (contactDeleted && count > 0) { // since the contact cleanup triggers no longer work for cross database tables, // we have to do it by hand here. performContactRemovalCleanup(deletedContactId); } if (count > 0) { ContentResolver resolver = getContext().getContentResolver(); // In most case, we query contacts with presence and chats joined, thus // we should also notify that contacts changes when presence or chats changed. if (match == MATCH_CHATS || match == MATCH_CHATS_ID || match == MATCH_PRESENCE || match == MATCH_PRESENCE_ID || match == MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyMessagesContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyMessagesByContactContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.getContentUriByContact(account, contact), null); } if (notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.getContentUriByThreadId(threadId), null); } if (notifyContactListContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.ContactList.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyProviderAccountContentUri) { if (DBG) log("notify delete for " + Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI_WITH_ACCOUNT); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI_WITH_ACCOUNT, null); } if (backfillQuickSwitchSlots) { backfillQuickSwitchSlots(); } } return count; } private int updateInternal(Uri url, ContentValues values, String userWhere, String[] whereArgs) { String tableToChange; String idColumnName = null; String changedItemId = null; String accountStr = null; long account = 0; String contact = null; long threadId = 0; int count; StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder(); if(userWhere != null) { whereClause.append(userWhere); } boolean notifyMessagesContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesByContactContentUri = false; boolean notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri = false; boolean notifyContactListContentUri = false; boolean notifyProviderAccountContentUri = false; int match = mUrlMatcher.match(url); final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); switch (match) { case MATCH_PROVIDERS_BY_ID: changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); // fall through case MATCH_PROVIDERS: tableToChange = TABLE_PROVIDERS; break; case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_BY_ID: changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); // fall through case MATCH_ACCOUNTS: tableToChange = TABLE_ACCOUNTS; notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_ACCOUNT_STATUS: changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); // fall through case MATCH_ACCOUNTS_STATUS: tableToChange = TABLE_ACCOUNT_STATUS; notifyProviderAccountContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS: case MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(2); idColumnName = Imps.Contacts.ACCOUNT; break; case MATCH_CONTACT: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_BULK: count = updateBulkContacts(values, userWhere); // notify change using the "content://im/contacts" url, // so the change will be observed by listeners interested // in contacts changes. if (count > 0) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange( Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null); } return count; case MATCH_CONTACTLIST: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACT_LIST; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); notifyContactListContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAGS: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG; break; case MATCH_CONTACTS_ETAG: tableToChange = TABLE_CONTACTS_ETAG; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_MESSAGES: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); try { account = Long.parseLong(accountStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contact = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2)); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", getContactId(db, accountStr, contact)); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; try { threadId = Long.parseLong(decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", threadId); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_MESSAGE: tableToChange = TABLE_MESSAGES; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_CONTACT: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; accountStr = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1)); try { account = Long.parseLong(accountStr); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } contact = decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(2)); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", getContactId(db, accountStr, contact)); notifyMessagesByContactContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGES_BY_THREAD_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; try { threadId = Long.parseLong(decodeURLSegment(url.getPathSegments().get(1))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.Messages.THREAD_ID, "=", threadId); notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_OTR_MESSAGE: tableToChange = TABLE_IN_MEMORY_MESSAGES; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); notifyMessagesContentUri = true; break; case MATCH_AVATARS: tableToChange = TABLE_AVATARS; break; case MATCH_AVATAR: tableToChange = TABLE_AVATARS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_AVATAR_BY_PROVIDER: tableToChange = TABLE_AVATARS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(2); idColumnName = Imps.Avatars.ACCOUNT; break; case MATCH_CHATS: tableToChange = TABLE_CHATS; break; case MATCH_CHATS_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_CHATS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); idColumnName = Imps.Chats.CONTACT_ID; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE: //if (DBG) log("update presence: where='" + userWhere + "'"); tableToChange = TABLE_PRESENCE; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_PRESENCE; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); idColumnName = Imps.Presence.CONTACT_ID; break; case MATCH_PRESENCE_BULK: count = updateBulkPresence(values, userWhere, whereArgs); // notify change using the "content://im/contacts" url, // so the change will be observed by listeners interested // in contacts changes. if (count > 0) { getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null); } return count; case MATCH_INVITATION: tableToChange = TABLE_INVITATIONS; changedItemId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); break; case MATCH_SESSIONS: tableToChange = TABLE_SESSION_COOKIES; break; case MATCH_PROVIDER_SETTINGS_BY_ID_AND_NAME: tableToChange = TABLE_PROVIDER_SETTINGS; String providerId = url.getPathSegments().get(1); String name = url.getPathSegments().get(2); if (values.containsKey(Imps.ProviderSettings.PROVIDER) || values.containsKey(Imps.ProviderSettings.NAME)) { throw new SecurityException("Cannot override the value for provider|name"); } appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ProviderSettings.PROVIDER, "=", providerId); appendWhere(whereClause, Imps.ProviderSettings.NAME, "=", name); break; case MATCH_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES: tableToChange = TABLE_OUTGOING_RMQ_MESSAGES; break; case MATCH_LAST_RMQ_ID: tableToChange = TABLE_LAST_RMQ_ID; break; case MATCH_S2D_RMQ_IDS: tableToChange = TABLE_S2D_RMQ_IDS; break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot update URL: " + url); } if (idColumnName == null) { idColumnName = "_id"; } if(changedItemId != null) { appendWhere(whereClause, idColumnName, "=", changedItemId); } if (DBG) log("update " + url + " WHERE " + whereClause); count = db.update(tableToChange, values, whereClause.toString(), whereArgs); if (count > 0) { ContentResolver resolver = getContext().getContentResolver(); // In most case, we query contacts with presence and chats joined, thus // we should also notify that contacts changes when presence or chats changed. if (match == MATCH_CHATS || match == MATCH_CHATS_ID || match == MATCH_PRESENCE || match == MATCH_PRESENCE_ID || match == MATCH_CONTACTS_BAREBONE) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Contacts.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyMessagesContentUri) { if (DBG) log("notify change for " + Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyMessagesByContactContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.getContentUriByContact(account, contact), null); } if (notifyMessagesByThreadIdContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.CONTENT_URI, null); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Messages.getContentUriByThreadId(threadId), null); } if (notifyContactListContentUri) { resolver.notifyChange(Imps.ContactList.CONTENT_URI, null); } if (notifyProviderAccountContentUri) { if (DBG) log("notify change for " + Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI_WITH_ACCOUNT); resolver.notifyChange(Imps.Provider.CONTENT_URI_WITH_ACCOUNT, null); } } return count; } @Override public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { return openFileHelper(uri, mode); } private static void appendWhere(StringBuilder where, String columnName, String condition, Object value) { if (where.length() > 0) { where.append(" AND "); } where.append(columnName).append(condition); if(value != null) { DatabaseUtils.appendValueToSql(where, value); } } private static void appendWhere(StringBuilder where, String clause) { if (where.length() > 0) { where.append(" AND "); } where.append(clause); } private static String decodeURLSegment(String segment) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(segment, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // impossible return segment; } } static void log(String message) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, message); } }