/* Copyright (C) 2003 Vladimir Roubtsov. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/cpl-v10.html * * $Id: IPathEnumerator.java,v 2004/07/16 23:32:04 vlad_r Exp $ */ package com.vladium.util; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.zip.ZipEntry; import com.vladium.logging.Logger; import com.vladium.util.asserts.$assert; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @author Vlad Roubtsov, (C) 2003 */ public interface IPathEnumerator { // public: ................................................................ // TODO: archives inside archives? (.war ?) public static interface IPathHandler { void handleDirStart (File pathDir, File dir); // not generated for path dirs themselves void handleFile (File pathDir, File file); void handleDirEnd (File pathDir, File dir); /** * Called just after the enumerator's zip input stream for this archive * is opened and the manifest entry is read. */ void handleArchiveStart (File parentDir, File archive, Manifest manifest); void handleArchiveEntry (JarInputStream in, ZipEntry entry); /** * Called after the enumerator's zip input stream for this archive * has been closed. */ void handleArchiveEnd (File parentDir, File archive); } // end of nested interface void enumerate () throws IOException; public static abstract class Factory { public static IPathEnumerator create (final File [] path, final boolean canonical, final IPathHandler handler) { return new PathEnumerator (path, canonical, handler); } private static final class PathEnumerator implements IPathEnumerator { public void enumerate () throws IOException { final IPathHandler handler = m_handler; for (m_pathIndex = 0; m_pathIndex < m_path.size (); ++ m_pathIndex) // important not to cache m_path.size() { final File f = (File) m_path.get (m_pathIndex); if (! f.exists ()) { if (IGNORE_INVALID_ENTRIES) continue; else throw new IllegalArgumentException ("path entry does not exist: [" + f + "]"); } if (f.isDirectory ()) { if (m_verbose) m_log.verbose ("processing dir path entry [" + f.getAbsolutePath () + "] ..."); m_currentPathDir = f; enumeratePathDir (null); } else { final String name = f.getName (); final String lcName = name.toLowerCase (); if (lcName.endsWith (".zip") || lcName.endsWith (".jar")) { if (m_verbose) m_log.verbose ("processing archive path entry [" + f.getAbsolutePath () + "] ..."); final File parent = f.getParentFile (); // could be null final File archive = new File (name); m_currentPathDir = parent; // move to enumeratePathArchive(): handler.handleArchiveStart (parent, archive); enumeratePathArchive (name); handler.handleArchiveEnd (parent, archive); // note: it is important that this is called after the zip stream has been closed } else if (! IGNORE_INVALID_ENTRIES) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("path entry is not a directory or an archive: [" + f + "]"); } } } } PathEnumerator (final File [] path, final boolean canonical, final IPathHandler handler) { m_path = new ArrayList (path.length); for (int p = 0; p < path.length; ++ p) m_path.add (path [p]); m_canonical = canonical; if (handler == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("null input: handler"); m_handler = handler; m_processManifest = true; // TODO if (m_processManifest) { m_pathSet = new HashSet (path.length); for (int p = 0; p < path.length; ++ p) { m_pathSet.add (path [p].getPath ()); // set of [possibly canonical] paths } } else { m_pathSet = null; } m_log = Logger.getLogger (); // each path enumerator caches its logger at creation time m_verbose = m_log.atVERBOSE (); m_trace1 = m_log.atTRACE1 (); } private void enumeratePathDir (final String dir) throws IOException { final boolean trace1 = m_trace1; final File currentPathDir = m_currentPathDir; final File fullDir = dir != null ? new File (currentPathDir, dir) : currentPathDir; final String [] children = fullDir.list (); final IPathHandler handler = m_handler; for (int c = 0, cLimit = children.length; c < cLimit; ++ c) { final String childName = children [c]; final File child = dir != null ? new File (dir, childName) : new File (childName); final File fullChild = new File (fullDir, childName); if (fullChild.isDirectory ()) { handler.handleDirStart (currentPathDir, child); if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("enumeratePathDir", "recursing into [" + child.getName () + "] ..."); enumeratePathDir (child.getPath ()); handler.handleDirEnd (currentPathDir, child); } else { // final String lcName = childName.toLowerCase (); // // if (lcName.endsWith (".zip") || lcName.endsWith (".jar")) // { // handler.handleArchiveStart (currentPathDir, child); // enumeratePathArchive (child.getPath ()); // handler.handleArchiveEnd (currentPathDir, child); // } // else { if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("enumeratePathDir", "processing file [" + child.getName () + "] ..."); handler.handleFile (currentPathDir, child); } } } } private void enumeratePathArchive (final String archive) throws IOException { final boolean trace1 = m_trace1; final File fullArchive = new File (m_currentPathDir, archive); JarInputStream in = null; try { // note: Sun's JarFile uses native code and has been known to // crash the JVM in some builds; however, it uses random file // access and can find "bad" manifests that are not the first // entries in their archives (which JarInputStream can't do); // [bugs: 4263225, 4696354, 4338238] // // there is really no good solution here but as a compromise // I try to read the manifest again via a JarFile if the stream // returns null for it: in = new JarInputStream (new BufferedInputStream (new FileInputStream (fullArchive), 32 * 1024)); final IPathHandler handler = m_handler; Manifest manifest = in.getManifest (); // can be null if (manifest == null) manifest = readManifestViaJarFile (fullArchive); // can be null handler.handleArchiveStart (m_currentPathDir, new File (archive), manifest); // note: this loop does not skip over the manifest-related // entries [the handler needs to be smart about that] for (ZipEntry entry; (entry = in.getNextEntry ()) != null; ) { // TODO: handle nested archives if (trace1) m_log.trace1 ("enumeratePathArchive", "processing archive entry [" + entry.getName () + "] ..."); handler.handleArchiveEntry (in, entry); in.closeEntry (); } // TODO: this needs major testing if (m_processManifest) { // note: JarInputStream only reads the manifest if it the // first jar entry if (manifest == null) manifest = in.getManifest (); if (manifest != null) { final Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes (); if (attributes != null) { // note: Sun's documentation says that multiple Class-Path: // entries are merged sequentially (http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/1.2/docs/guide/extensions/spec.html) // however, their own code does not implement this final String jarClassPath = attributes.getValue (Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH); if (jarClassPath != null) { final StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer (jarClassPath); for (int p = 1; tokenizer.hasMoreTokens (); ) { final String relPath = tokenizer.nextToken (); final File archiveParent = fullArchive.getParentFile (); final File path = archiveParent != null ? new File (archiveParent, relPath) : new File (relPath); final String fullPath = m_canonical ? Files.canonicalizePathname (path.getPath ()) : path.getPath (); if (m_pathSet.add (fullPath)) { if (m_verbose) m_log.verbose (" added manifest Class-Path entry [" + path + "]"); m_path.add (m_pathIndex + (p ++), path); // insert after the current m_path entry } } } } } } } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) // ignore: this should not happen { if ($assert.ENABLED) throw fnfe; } finally { if (in != null) try { in.close (); } catch (Exception ignore) {} } } // see comments at the start of enumeratePathArchive() private static Manifest readManifestViaJarFile (final File archive) { Manifest result = null; JarFile jarfile = null; try { jarfile = new JarFile (archive, false); // 3-arg constructor is not in J2SE 1.2 result = jarfile.getManifest (); } catch (IOException ignore) { } finally { if (jarfile != null) try { jarfile.close (); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } return result; } private final ArrayList /* File */ m_path; private final boolean m_canonical; private final Set /* String */ m_pathSet; private final IPathHandler m_handler; private final boolean m_processManifest; private final Logger m_log; private boolean m_verbose, m_trace1; private int m_pathIndex; private File m_currentPathDir; // if 'true', non-existent or non-archive or non-directory path entries // will be silently ignored: private static final boolean IGNORE_INVALID_ENTRIES = true; // this is consistent with the normal JVM behavior } // end of nested class } // end of nested class } // end of interface // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------