package org.pitest.maven; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject; import org.pitest.coverage.CoverageSummary; import org.pitest.functional.Option; import org.pitest.functional.predicate.Predicate; import org.pitest.mutationtest.config.PluginServices; import org.pitest.mutationtest.config.ReportOptions; import org.pitest.mutationtest.statistics.MutationStatistics; import org.pitest.mutationtest.tooling.CombinedStatistics; import org.pitest.plugin.ClientClasspathPlugin; import org.pitest.plugin.ToolClasspathPlugin; import org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler; import; public class AbstractPitMojo extends AbstractMojo { private final Predicate<MavenProject> notEmptyProject; protected final Predicate<Artifact> filter; protected final PluginServices plugins; // Concrete List types declared for all fields to work around maven 2 bug /** * Classes to include in mutation test */ @Parameter(property = "targetClasses") protected ArrayList<String> targetClasses; /** * Tests to run */ @Parameter(property = "targetTests") protected ArrayList<String> targetTests; /** * Methods not to mutate */ @Parameter(property = "excludedMethods") private ArrayList<String> excludedMethods; /** * Classes not to mutate or run tests from */ @Parameter(property = "excludedClasses") private ArrayList<String> excludedClasses; /** * Globs to be matched against method calls. No mutations will be created on * the same line as a match. */ @Parameter(property = "avoidCallsTo") private ArrayList<String> avoidCallsTo; /** * Base directory where all reports are written to. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "${}/pit-reports", property = "reportsDirectory") private File reportsDirectory; /** * File to write history information to for incremental analysis */ @Parameter(property = "historyOutputFile") private File historyOutputFile; /** * File to read history from for incremental analysis (can be same as output * file) */ @Parameter(property = "historyInputFile") private File historyInputFile; /** * Convenience flag to read and write history to a local temp file. * * Setting this flag is the equivalent to calling maven with -DhistoryInputFile=file -DhistoryOutputFile=file * * Where file is a file named [groupid][artifactid][version]_pitest_history.bin in the temp directory * */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "withHistory") private boolean withHistory; /** * Maximum distance to look from test to class. Relevant when mutating static * initializers * */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "-1", property = "maxDependencyDistance") private int maxDependencyDistance; /** * Number of threads to use */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "1", property = "threads") private int threads; /** * Mutate static initializers */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "mutateStaticInitializers") private boolean mutateStaticInitializers; /** * Detect inlined code */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true", property = "detectInlinedCode") private boolean detectInlinedCode; /** * Mutation operators to apply */ @Parameter(property = "mutators") private ArrayList<String> mutators; /** * Weighting to allow for timeouts */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "1.25", property = "timeoutFactor") private float timeoutFactor; /** * Constant factor to allow for timeouts */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "3000", property = "timeoutConstant") private long timeoutConstant; /** * Maximum number of mutations to allow per class */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "-1", property = "maxMutationsPerClass") private int maxMutationsPerClass; /** * Arguments to pass to child processes */ @Parameter private ArrayList<String> jvmArgs; /** * Formats to output during analysis phase */ @Parameter(property = "outputFormats") private ArrayList<String> outputFormats; /** * Output verbose logging */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "verbose") private boolean verbose; /** * Throw error if no mutations found */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true", property = "failWhenNoMutations") private boolean failWhenNoMutations; /** * Create timestamped subdirectory for report */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true", property = "timestampedReports") private boolean timestampedReports; /** * TestNG Groups/JUnit Categories to exclude */ @Parameter(property = "excludedGroups") private ArrayList<String> excludedGroups; /** * TestNG Groups/JUnit Categories to include */ @Parameter(property = "includedGroups") private ArrayList<String> includedGroups; /** * Maximum number of mutations to include in a single analysis unit. * * If set to 1 will analyse very slowly, but with string (jvm per mutant) * isolation. * */ @Parameter(property = "mutationUnitSize") private int mutationUnitSize; /** * Export line coverage data */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "exportLineCoverage") private boolean exportLineCoverage; /** * Mutation score threshold at which to fail build */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "0", property = "mutationThreshold") private int mutationThreshold; /** * Maximum surviving mutants to allow */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "-1", property = "maxSurviving") private int maxSurviving = -1; /** * Line coverage threshold at which to fail build */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "0", property = "coverageThreshold") private int coverageThreshold; /** * Path to java executable to use when running tests. Will default to * executable in JAVA_HOME if none set. */ @Parameter private String jvm; /** * Engine to use when generating mutations. */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "gregor", property = "mutationEngine") private String mutationEngine; /** * List of additional classpath entries to use when looking for tests and * mutable code. These will be used in addition to the classpath with which * PIT is launched. */ @Parameter(property = "additionalClasspathElements") private ArrayList<String> additionalClasspathElements; /** * List of classpath entries, formatted as "groupId:artifactId", which should * not be included in the classpath when running mutation tests. Modelled * after the corresponding Surefire/Failsafe property. */ @Parameter(property = "classpathDependencyExcludes") private ArrayList<String> classpathDependencyExcludes; /** * */ @Parameter(property = "excludedRunners") private ArrayList<String> excludedRunners; /** * When set indicates that analysis of this project should be skipped */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false") private boolean skip; /** * When set will try and create settings based on surefire configuration. This * may not give the desired result in some circumstances */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "true") private boolean parseSurefireConfig; /** * honours common skipTests flag in a maven run */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false") private boolean skipTests; /** * Use slf4j for logging */ @Parameter(defaultValue = "false", property = "useSlf4j") private boolean useSlf4j; /** * Configuration properties. * * Value pairs may be used by pitest plugins. * */ @Parameter private Map<String, String> pluginConfiguration; /** * environment configuration * * Value pairs may be used by pitest plugins. */ @Parameter private Map<String, String> environmentVariables = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * <i>Internal</i>: Project to interact with. * */ @Parameter(property = "project", readonly = true, required = true) protected MavenProject project; /** * <i>Internal</i>: Map of plugin artifacts. */ @Parameter(property = "plugin.artifactMap", readonly = true, required = true) private Map<String, Artifact> pluginArtifactMap; protected final GoalStrategy goalStrategy; public AbstractPitMojo() { this(new RunPitStrategy(), new DependencyFilter(new PluginServices( AbstractPitMojo.class.getClassLoader())), new PluginServices( AbstractPitMojo.class.getClassLoader()), new NonEmptyProjectCheck()); } public AbstractPitMojo(final GoalStrategy strategy, final Predicate<Artifact> filter, final PluginServices plugins, final Predicate<MavenProject> emptyProjectCheck) { this.goalStrategy = strategy; this.filter = filter; this.plugins = plugins; this.notEmptyProject = emptyProjectCheck; } @Override public final void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { switchLogging(); if (shouldRun()) { for (final ToolClasspathPlugin each : this.plugins .findToolClasspathPlugins()) { this.getLog().info("Found plugin : " + each.description()); } for (final ClientClasspathPlugin each : this.plugins .findClientClasspathPlugins()) { this.getLog().info( "Found shared classpath plugin : " + each.description()); } final Option<CombinedStatistics> result = analyse(); if (result.hasSome()) { throwErrorIfScoreBelowThreshold(result.value().getMutationStatistics()); throwErrorIfMoreThanMaximumSurvivors(result.value().getMutationStatistics()); throwErrorIfCoverageBelowThreshold(result.value().getCoverageSummary()); } } else { this.getLog().info("Skipping project"); } } private void switchLogging() { if (this.useSlf4j) { SLF4JBridgeHandler.removeHandlersForRootLogger(); SLF4JBridgeHandler.install(); Logger.getLogger("PIT").addHandler(new SLF4JBridgeHandler()); SysOutOverSLF4J.sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4J(); } } private void throwErrorIfCoverageBelowThreshold( final CoverageSummary coverageSummary) throws MojoFailureException { if ((this.coverageThreshold != 0) && (coverageSummary.getCoverage() < this.coverageThreshold)) { throw new MojoFailureException("Line coverage of " + coverageSummary.getCoverage() + "(" + coverageSummary.getNumberOfCoveredLines() + "/" + coverageSummary.getNumberOfLines() + ") is below threshold of " + this.coverageThreshold); } } private void throwErrorIfScoreBelowThreshold(final MutationStatistics result) throws MojoFailureException { if ((this.mutationThreshold != 0) && (result.getPercentageDetected() < this.mutationThreshold)) { throw new MojoFailureException("Mutation score of " + result.getPercentageDetected() + " is below threshold of " + this.mutationThreshold); } } private void throwErrorIfMoreThanMaximumSurvivors(final MutationStatistics result) throws MojoFailureException { if ((this.maxSurviving >= 0) && (result.getTotalSurvivingMutations() > this.maxSurviving)) { throw new MojoFailureException("Had " + result.getTotalSurvivingMutations() + " surviving mutants, but only " + this.maxSurviving + " survivors allowed"); } } protected Option<CombinedStatistics> analyse() throws MojoExecutionException { final ReportOptions data = new MojoToReportOptionsConverter(this, new SurefireConfigConverter(), this.filter).convert(); return Option.some(this.goalStrategy.execute(detectBaseDir(), data, this.plugins, this.environmentVariables)); } protected File detectBaseDir() { // execution project doesn't seem to always be available. // possibily a maven 2 vs maven 3 issue? final MavenProject executionProject = this.project.getExecutionProject(); if (executionProject == null) { return null; } return executionProject.getBasedir(); } public List<String> getTargetClasses() { return this.targetClasses; } public List<String> getTargetTests() { return this.targetTests; } public List<String> getExcludedMethods() { return this.excludedMethods; } public List<String> getExcludedClasses() { return this.excludedClasses; } public List<String> getAvoidCallsTo() { return this.avoidCallsTo; } public File getReportsDirectory() { return this.reportsDirectory; } public int getMaxDependencyDistance() { return this.maxDependencyDistance; } public int getThreads() { return this.threads; } public boolean isMutateStaticInitializers() { return this.mutateStaticInitializers; } public List<String> getMutators() { return this.mutators; } public float getTimeoutFactor() { return this.timeoutFactor; } public long getTimeoutConstant() { return this.timeoutConstant; } public int getMaxMutationsPerClass() { return this.maxMutationsPerClass; } public List<String> getJvmArgs() { return this.jvmArgs; } public List<String> getOutputFormats() { return this.outputFormats; } public boolean isVerbose() { return this.verbose; } public MavenProject getProject() { return this.project; } public Map<String, Artifact> getPluginArtifactMap() { return this.pluginArtifactMap; } public boolean isFailWhenNoMutations() { return this.failWhenNoMutations; } public List<String> getExcludedGroups() { return this.excludedGroups; } public List<String> getIncludedGroups() { return this.includedGroups; } public int getMutationUnitSize() { return this.mutationUnitSize; } public boolean isTimestampedReports() { return this.timestampedReports; } public boolean isDetectInlinedCode() { return this.detectInlinedCode; } public void setTimestampedReports(final boolean timestampedReports) { this.timestampedReports = timestampedReports; } public File getHistoryOutputFile() { return this.historyOutputFile; } public File getHistoryInputFile() { return this.historyInputFile; } public boolean isExportLineCoverage() { return this.exportLineCoverage; } protected boolean shouldRun() { return !this.skip && !this.skipTests && !this.project.getPackaging().equalsIgnoreCase("pom") && notEmptyProject.apply(project); } public String getMutationEngine() { return this.mutationEngine; } public String getJavaExecutable() { return this.jvm; } public void setJavaExecutable(final String javaExecutable) { this.jvm = javaExecutable; } public List<String> getAdditionalClasspathElements() { return this.additionalClasspathElements; } public List<String> getClasspathDependencyExcludes() { return this.classpathDependencyExcludes; } public boolean isParseSurefireConfig() { return this.parseSurefireConfig; } public Map<String, String> getPluginProperties() { return pluginConfiguration; } public Map<String, String> getEnvironmentVariables() { return environmentVariables; } public boolean useHistory() { return this.withHistory; } public ArrayList<String> getExcludedRunners() { return excludedRunners; } }