/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.contacts.editor; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.MoreAsserts; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountType; import com.android.contacts.common.model.account.AccountWithDataSet; import com.android.contacts.common.test.mocks.MockAccountTypeManager; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; /** * Test case for {@link ContactEditorUtils}. * * adb shell am instrument -w -e class com.android.contacts.editor.ContactEditorUtilsTest \ com.android.contacts.tests/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner */ @SmallTest public class ContactEditorUtilsTest extends AndroidTestCase { private MockAccountTypeManager mAccountTypes; private ContactEditorUtils mTarget; private static final MockAccountType TYPE1 = new MockAccountType("type1", null, true); private static final MockAccountType TYPE2 = new MockAccountType("type2", null, true); private static final MockAccountType TYPE2EX = new MockAccountType("type2", "ext", true); // Only type 3 is "readonly". private static final MockAccountType TYPE3 = new MockAccountType("type3", null, false); private static final AccountWithDataSet ACCOUNT_1_A = new AccountWithDataSet( "a", TYPE1.accountType, TYPE1.dataSet); private static final AccountWithDataSet ACCOUNT_1_B = new AccountWithDataSet( "b", TYPE1.accountType, TYPE1.dataSet); private static final AccountWithDataSet ACCOUNT_2_A = new AccountWithDataSet( "a", TYPE2.accountType, TYPE2.dataSet); private static final AccountWithDataSet ACCOUNT_2EX_A = new AccountWithDataSet( "a", TYPE2EX.accountType, TYPE2EX.dataSet); private static final AccountWithDataSet ACCOUNT_3_C = new AccountWithDataSet( "c", TYPE3.accountType, TYPE3.dataSet); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { // Initialize with 0 types, 0 accounts. mAccountTypes = new MockAccountTypeManager(new AccountType[] {}, new AccountWithDataSet[] {}); mTarget = new ContactEditorUtils(getContext(), mAccountTypes); // Clear the preferences. mTarget.cleanupForTest(); } private void setAccountTypes(AccountType... types) { mAccountTypes.mTypes = types; } private void setAccounts(AccountWithDataSet... accounts) { mAccountTypes.mAccounts = accounts; } public void testGetWritableAccountTypeStrings() { String[] types; // 0 writable types setAccountTypes(); types = mTarget.getWritableAccountTypeStrings(); MoreAsserts.assertEquals(types, new String[0]); // 1 writable type setAccountTypes(TYPE1); types = mTarget.getWritableAccountTypeStrings(); MoreAsserts.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(TYPE1.accountType), Sets.newHashSet(types)); // 2 writable types setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2EX); types = mTarget.getWritableAccountTypeStrings(); MoreAsserts.assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet(TYPE1.accountType, TYPE2EX.accountType), Sets.newHashSet(types)); // 3 writable types + 1 readonly type setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE2EX, TYPE3); types = mTarget.getWritableAccountTypeStrings(); MoreAsserts.assertEquals( Sets.newHashSet(TYPE1.accountType, TYPE2.accountType, TYPE2EX.accountType), Sets.newHashSet(types)); } /** * Test for * - {@link ContactEditorUtils#saveDefaultAndAllAccounts} * - {@link ContactEditorUtils#getDefaultAccount} * - {@link ContactEditorUtils#getSavedAccounts()} */ public void testSaveDefaultAndAllAccounts() { // Use these account types here. setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2); // If none has been saved, it should return an empty list. assertEquals(0, mTarget.getSavedAccounts().size()); // Save 0 accounts. mAccountTypes.mAccounts = new AccountWithDataSet[]{}; mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(null); assertNull(mTarget.getDefaultAccount()); MoreAsserts.assertEquals( Sets.newHashSet(mAccountTypes.mAccounts), toSet(mTarget.getSavedAccounts())); // 1 account mAccountTypes.mAccounts = new AccountWithDataSet[]{ACCOUNT_1_A}; mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); assertEquals(ACCOUNT_1_A, mTarget.getDefaultAccount()); MoreAsserts.assertEquals( Sets.newHashSet(mAccountTypes.mAccounts), toSet(mTarget.getSavedAccounts())); // 2 accounts mAccountTypes.mAccounts = new AccountWithDataSet[]{ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_1_B}; mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_B); assertEquals(ACCOUNT_1_B, mTarget.getDefaultAccount()); MoreAsserts.assertEquals( Sets.newHashSet(mAccountTypes.mAccounts), toSet(mTarget.getSavedAccounts())); // 2 accounts, and save null as the default. Even though there are accounts, the saved // account list should be empty in this case. mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(null); assertNull(mTarget.getDefaultAccount()); assertEquals(0, mTarget.getSavedAccounts().size()); } public void testIsAccountValid() { // Use these account types here. setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2); // 0 accounts mAccountTypes.mAccounts = new AccountWithDataSet[]{}; assertFalse(mTarget.isValidAccount(ACCOUNT_1_A)); assertTrue(mTarget.isValidAccount(null)); // null is always valid // 2 accounts mAccountTypes.mAccounts = new AccountWithDataSet[]{ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_2_A}; assertTrue(mTarget.isValidAccount(ACCOUNT_1_A)); assertTrue(mTarget.isValidAccount(ACCOUNT_2_A)); assertFalse(mTarget.isValidAccount(ACCOUNT_2EX_A)); assertTrue(mTarget.isValidAccount(null)); // null is always valid } /** * Tests for {@link ContactEditorUtils#shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()}, starting with * 0 accounts. */ public void testShouldShowAccountChangedNotification_0Accounts() { // There's always at least one writable type... setAccountTypes(TYPE1); // First launch -- always true. assertTrue(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // We show the notification here, and user clicked "add account" setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); // Now we open the contact editor with the new account. // When closing the editor, we save the default account. mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); // Next time the user creates a contact, we don't show the notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // User added a new writable account, ACCOUNT_1_B. setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_1_B); // Since default account is still ACCOUNT_1_A, we don't show the notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // User saved a new contact. We update the account list and the default account. mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_B); // User created another contact. Now we don't show the notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // User installed a new contact sync adapter... // Added a new account type: TYPE2, and the TYPE2EX extension. setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE2EX); // Add new accounts: ACCOUNT_2_A, ACCOUNT_2EX_A. setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_1_B, ACCOUNT_2_A, ACCOUNT_2EX_A); // New added account but default account is still not changed, so no notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // User saves a new contact, with a different default account. mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_2_A); // Next time user creates a contact, no notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // Remove ACCOUNT_2EX_A. setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE2EX); setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_1_B, ACCOUNT_2_A); // ACCOUNT_2EX_A was not default, so no notification either. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // Remove ACCOUNT_1_B, which is default. setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE2EX); setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_1_B); // Now we show the notification. assertTrue(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // Do not save the default account, and add a new account now. setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE2EX); setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A, ACCOUNT_1_B, ACCOUNT_2EX_A); // No default account, so show notification. assertTrue(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); } /** * Tests for {@link ContactEditorUtils#shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()}, starting with * 1 accounts. */ public void testShouldShowAccountChangedNotification_1Account() { setAccountTypes(TYPE1, TYPE2); setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); // First launch -- always true. assertTrue(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // User saves a new contact. mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); // Next time, no notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // The rest is the same... } /** * Tests for {@link ContactEditorUtils#shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()}, starting with * 0 accounts, and the user selected "local only". */ public void testShouldShowAccountChangedNotification_0Account_localOnly() { // There's always at least one writable type... setAccountTypes(TYPE1); // First launch -- always true. assertTrue(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // We show the notification here, and user clicked "keep local" and saved an contact. mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(null); // Now there are no accounts, and default account is null. // The user created another contact, but this we shouldn't show the notification. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); } public void testShouldShowAccountChangedNotification_sanity_check() { // Prepare 1 account and save it as the default. setAccountTypes(TYPE1); setAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); mTarget.saveDefaultAndAllAccounts(ACCOUNT_1_A); // Right after a save, the dialog shouldn't show up. assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); // Remove the default account to emulate broken preferences. mTarget.removeDefaultAccountForTest(); // The dialog shouldn't show up. // The logic is, if there's a writable account, we'll pick it as default assertFalse(mTarget.shouldShowAccountChangedNotification()); } private static <T> Set<T> toSet(Collection<T> collection) { Set<T> ret = Sets.newHashSet(); ret.addAll(collection); return ret; } private static class MockAccountType extends AccountType { private boolean mAreContactsWritable; public MockAccountType(String accountType, String dataSet, boolean areContactsWritable) { this.accountType = accountType; this.dataSet = dataSet; mAreContactsWritable = areContactsWritable; } @Override public boolean areContactsWritable() { return mAreContactsWritable; } @Override public boolean isGroupMembershipEditable() { return true; } } }