package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.acra.ACRA; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources.NotFoundException; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationManager; import; import android.speech.RecognizerIntent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewStub; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class handles most of the EasyEdit mode actions, to keep it separate from the main class. * @author Jan * */ public class EasyEditManager { private static final String DEBUG_TAG = EasyEditManager.class.getSimpleName(); private final Main main; private final Logic logic; /** the touch listener from Main */ private ActionMode currentActionMode = null; private EasyEditActionModeCallback currentActionModeCallback = null; private final Object actionModeCallbackLock = new Object(); private ActionMenuView cabBottomBar; public final static int GROUP_MODE = 0; public final static int GROUP_BASE = 1; private static final int MENUITEM_HELP = 0; public EasyEditManager(Main main) { this.main = main; this.logic = App.getLogic(); } /** * Returns true if a actionmode is currently active * @return */ public boolean isProcessingAction() { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { return (currentActionModeCallback != null); } } public boolean inElementSelectedMode() { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { return (currentActionModeCallback != null) && (currentActionModeCallback instanceof ElementSelectionActionModeCallback || currentActionModeCallback instanceof ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback); } } /** * Check if the actionmode ants its own context menu * @return */ public boolean needsCustomContextMenu() { return isProcessingAction() && currentActionModeCallback.needsCustomContextMenu(); } /** * call if you need to abort the current action mode */ public void finish() { if (currentActionMode != null) { currentActionMode.finish(); } } /** * Call to let the action mode (if any) have a first go at the click. * @param x the x coordinate (screen coordinate?) of the click * @param y the y coordinate (screen coordinate?) of the click * @return true if the click was handled */ public boolean actionModeHandledClick(float x, float y) { return (currentActionModeCallback != null && currentActionModeCallback.handleClick(x, y)); } /** * Handle case where nothing is touched. * @param doubleTap TODO */ public void nothingTouched(boolean doubleTap) { // User clicked an empty area. If something is selected, deselect it. if (!doubleTap && currentActionModeCallback instanceof ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback) { return; // don't deselect all just because we didn't hit anything TODO display a toast } synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionModeCallback instanceof ElementSelectionActionModeCallback || currentActionModeCallback instanceof ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback || currentActionModeCallback instanceof WayRotationActionModeCallback || currentActionModeCallback instanceof WayAppendingActionModeCallback) { currentActionMode.finish(); } } logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); } /** * Handle editing the given element. * @param element The OSM element to edit. */ public void editElement(OsmElement element) { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionModeCallback == null || !currentActionModeCallback.handleElementClick(element)) { // No callback or didn't handle the click, perform default (select element) ActionMode.Callback cb = null; if (element instanceof Node) cb = new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback((Node)element); if (element instanceof Way ) cb = new WaySelectionActionModeCallback((Way )element); if (element instanceof Relation ) cb = new RelationSelectionActionModeCallback((Relation )element); if (cb != null) { main.startSupportActionMode(cb); String toast = element.getDescription(main); if (element.hasProblem(main)) { String problem = element.describeProblem(); toast = !problem.equals("") ? toast + "\n" + problem : toast; } Snack.toastTopInfo(main, toast); } } } } /** * Edit currently selected elements. */ public void editElements() { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionModeCallback == null) { // No callback or didn't handle the click, perform default (select element) ActionMode.Callback cb = null; OsmElement e = null; if (logic.getSelectedNodes() != null && logic.getSelectedNodes().size() == 1 && logic.getSelectedWays() == null && logic.getSelectedRelations() == null) { e = logic.getSelectedNode(); cb = new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback((Node) e); } else if (logic.getSelectedNodes() == null && logic.getSelectedWays() != null && logic.getSelectedWays().size() == 1 && logic.getSelectedRelations() == null) { e = logic.getSelectedWay(); cb = new WaySelectionActionModeCallback((Way) e); } else if (logic.getSelectedNodes() == null && logic.getSelectedWays() == null && logic.getSelectedRelations() != null && logic.getSelectedRelations().size() == 1) { e = logic.getSelectedRelations().get(0); cb = new RelationSelectionActionModeCallback((Relation )e); } else if (logic.getSelectedNodes() != null || logic.getSelectedWays() != null || logic.getSelectedRelations() != null) { ArrayList<OsmElement> selection = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); if (logic.getSelectedNodes() != null) { selection.addAll(logic.getSelectedNodes()); } if (logic.getSelectedWays() != null) { selection.addAll(logic.getSelectedWays()); } if (logic.getSelectedRelations() != null) { selection.addAll(logic.getSelectedRelations()); } cb = new ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(selection); } if (cb != null) { main.startSupportActionMode(cb); if (e != null) { String toast = e.getDescription(main); if (e.hasProblem(main)) { String problem = e.describeProblem(); toast = !problem.equals("") ? toast + "\n" + problem : toast; } Snack.toastTopInfo(main, toast); } } } } } /** This gets called when the map is long-pressed in easy-edit mode */ public boolean handleLongClick(View v, float x, float y) { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if ((currentActionModeCallback instanceof PathCreationActionModeCallback)) { // we don't do long clicks in the above modes Log.d("EasyEditManager", "handleLongClick ignoring long click"); return false; // this probably should really return true aka click handled } } v.performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.LONG_PRESS); if (main.startSupportActionMode(new LongClickActionModeCallback(x, y)) == null) { main.startSupportActionMode(new PathCreationActionModeCallback(x, y)); } return true; } public void startExtendedSelection(OsmElement osmElement) { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if ((currentActionModeCallback instanceof WaySelectionActionModeCallback) || (currentActionModeCallback instanceof NodeSelectionActionModeCallback) || (currentActionModeCallback instanceof RelationSelectionActionModeCallback)) { // one element already selected ((ElementSelectionActionModeCallback)currentActionModeCallback).deselect = false; // keep the element visually selected main.startSupportActionMode(new ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(((ElementSelectionActionModeCallback)currentActionModeCallback).element)); // add 2nd element FIXME may need some checks ((ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback)currentActionModeCallback).handleElementClick(osmElement); } else if (currentActionModeCallback instanceof ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback) { // ignore for now } else if (currentActionModeCallback != null) { // ignore for now } else { // nothing selected main.startSupportActionMode(new ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(osmElement)); } } } public void invalidate() { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionMode != null) { currentActionMode.invalidate(); } } } /** * call the onBackPressed method for the currently active action mode * @return true if the press was consumed */ public boolean handleBackPressed() { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionModeCallback != null) { Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "handleBackPressed for " + currentActionModeCallback.getClass().getSimpleName()); return currentActionModeCallback.onBackPressed(); } return false; } } /** * Takes a parameter for a node and one for a way. * If the way is not null, opens a tag editor for the way. * Otherwise, opens a tag editor for the node * (unless the node is also null, then nothing happens). * @param possibleNode a node that was edited, or null * @param possibleWay a way that was edited, or null * @param select TODO * @param askForName TODO */ private void tagApplicable(final Node possibleNode, final Way possibleWay, final boolean select, final boolean askForName) { if (possibleWay == null) { // Single node was added if (possibleNode != null) { // null-check to be sure if (select) { main.startSupportActionMode(new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback(possibleNode)); } main.performTagEdit(possibleNode, null, false, false, askForName); } } else { // way was added if (select) { main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySelectionActionModeCallback(possibleWay)); } main.performTagEdit(possibleWay, null, false, false, askForName); } } /** * Finds which ways can be merged with a way. * For this, the ways must not be equal, need to share at least one end node, * and either at least one of them must not have tags, or the tags on both ways must be equal. * * @param way the way into which other ways may be merged * @return a list of all ways which can be merged into the given way */ private Set<OsmElement> findMergeableWays(Way way) { Set<Way> candidates = new HashSet<Way>(); Set<OsmElement> result = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); candidates.addAll(logic.getWaysForNode(way.getFirstNode())); candidates.addAll(logic.getWaysForNode(way.getLastNode())); for (Way candidate : candidates) { if ((way != candidate) && (candidate.isEndNode(way.getFirstNode()) || candidate.isEndNode(way.getLastNode())) && (candidate.getTags().isEmpty() || way.getTags().isEmpty() || way.getTags().entrySet().equals(candidate.getTags().entrySet()) ) //TODO check for relations too ) { result.add(candidate); } } return result; } /** * Finds which nodes can be append targets. * @param way The way that will be appended to. * @return The set of nodes suitable for appending. */ private Set<OsmElement> findAppendableNodes(Way way) { Set<OsmElement> result = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); for (Node node : way.getNodes()) { if (way.isEndNode(node)) result.add(node); } // don't allow appending to circular ways if (result.size() == 1) result.clear(); return result; } /** * Finds which ways or nodes can be used as a via element in a restriction relation * * @param way the from way * @return a list of all applicable objects */ private Set<OsmElement> findViaElements(Way way) { Set<OsmElement> result = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); for (Node n:way.getNodes()) { for (Way w:logic.getWaysForNode(n)) { if (w.getTagWithKey(Tags.KEY_HIGHWAY) != null) { result.add(w); result.add(n); // result is a set so we wont get dups } } } return result; } /** * Find possible elements for the "to" role of a restriction relation * @param viaElement the current via OSM element * @return a set of the candidate to OSM elements */ private Set<OsmElement> findToElements(OsmElement viaElement) { Set<OsmElement> result = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>(); if (Node.NAME.equals(viaElement.getName())) { nodes.add((Node) viaElement); } else if (Way.NAME.equals(viaElement.getName())) { nodes.addAll(((Way)viaElement).getNodes()); } else { Log.e(DEBUG_TAG, "Unknown element type for via element " + viaElement.getName() + " " + viaElement.getDescription()); } for (Node n:nodes) { for (Way w:logic.getWaysForNode(n)) { if (w.getTagWithKey(Tags.KEY_HIGHWAY) != null) { result.add(w); } } } return result; } public void handleActivityResult(final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionModeCallback instanceof LongClickActionModeCallback) { ((LongClickActionModeCallback)currentActionModeCallback).handleActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } } } public boolean processShortcut(Character c) { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { return currentActionModeCallback != null && currentActionModeCallback.processShortcut(c); } } /** * Replace the menu used by the action mode by our toolbar if necessary * @param menu original menu * @param actionMode the current action mode * @param callback the callback we are currently in * @return */ private Menu replaceMenu(Menu menu, final ActionMode actionMode, final ActionMode.Callback callback) { if (cabBottomBar!=null) { menu = cabBottomBar.getMenu(); listener = new { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { return callback.onActionItemClicked(actionMode,item); } }; cabBottomBar.setOnMenuItemClickListener(listener); } return menu; } /** * Call the per actionmode onCreateContextMenu * @param menu */ public void createContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { if (currentActionModeCallback != null) { currentActionModeCallback.onCreateContextMenu(menu); } } } /** * Base class for ActionMode callbacks inside {@link EasyEditManager}. * Derived classes should call {@link #onCreateActionMode(ActionMode, Menu)} and {@link #onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode)}. * It will handle registering and de-registering the action mode callback with the {@link EasyEditManager}. * When the {@link EasyEditManager} receives a click on a node or way, it may pass it to the current action mode callback. * The callback can then swallow it by returning true or allow the default handling to happen by returning false * in the {@link #handleElementClick(OsmElement)} method. * * @author Jan * */ public abstract class EasyEditActionModeCallback implements ActionMode.Callback { private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "EasyEditActionModeCa..."; int helpTopic = 0; MenuUtil menuUtil = new MenuUtil(main); @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onCreateActionMode"); synchronized (actionModeCallbackLock) { currentActionMode = mode; currentActionModeCallback = this; } main.hideLock(); if (main.getBottomBar() != null) { View v = main.findViewById(; if (v instanceof ViewStub) { // only need to inflate once ViewStub stub = (ViewStub) v; stub.setLayoutResource(R.layout.toolbar); stub.setInflatedId(; cabBottomBar = (ActionMenuView) stub.inflate(); Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); MenuUtil.setupBottomBar(main, cabBottomBar, main.isFullScreen(), prefs.lightThemeEnabled()); } else if (v instanceof ActionMenuView) { cabBottomBar = (ActionMenuView) v; cabBottomBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); cabBottomBar.getMenu().clear(); } main.hideBottomBar(); } return false; } /** * Override this is you want to create a custom context menu in onCreateContextMenu * @return */ public boolean needsCustomContextMenu() { return false; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onDestroyActionMode"); currentActionMode = null; currentActionModeCallback = null; logic.hideCrosshairs(); main.invalidateMap(); main.triggerMenuInvalidation(); if (cabBottomBar != null) { cabBottomBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); main.showBottomBar(); } main.showLock(); } /** * This method gets called when the map is clicked, before checking for clicked nodes/ways. * The ActionModeCallback can then either return true to indicate that the click was handled (or should be ignored), * or return false to indicate default handling should apply * (which includes checking for node/way clicks and calling the corresponding methods). * * @param x the x screen coordinate of the click * @param y the y screen coordinate of the click * @return true if the click has been handled, false if default handling should apply */ public boolean handleClick(float x, float y) { return false; } /** * This method gets called when an OsmElement click has to be handled. * The ActionModeCallback can then either return true to indicate that the click was handled (or should be ignored), * or return false to indicate default handling should apply. * @param element the OsmElement that was clicked * @return true if the click has been handled, false if default handling should apply */ public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { return false; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ // placed here for convenience, allows to avoid unnecessary methods in subclasses @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menuUtil.reset(); return false; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ // placed here for convenience, allows to avoid unnecessary methods in subclasses @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onActionItemClicked"); if (item.getItemId() == MENUITEM_HELP) { if (helpTopic != 0) { HelpViewer.start(main, helpTopic); } else { Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_nohelp); // this is essentially just an error message } } return false; } /** * modify behavior of back button in action mode * @return */ public boolean onBackPressed() { finish(); return true; } public boolean processShortcut(Character c) { return false; } void arrangeMenu(Menu menu) { menuUtil.setShowAlways(menu); } public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { } } private class LongClickActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback implements android.view.MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener { private static final String DEBUG2_TAG = "LongClickActionMode..."; private static final int MENUITEM_OSB = 1; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWNODEWAY = 2; private static final int MENUITEM_SPLITWAY = 3; private static final int MENUITEM_PASTE = 4; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWNODE_GPS = 5; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWNODE_ADDRESS = 6; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWNODE_PRESET = 7; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWNODE_NAME = 8; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWNODE_VOICE = 9; private float startX; private float startY; private int startLon; private int startLat; private float x; private float y; LocationManager locationManager = null; private List<OsmElement> clickedNodes; private List<Way>clickedNonClosedWays; public LongClickActionModeCallback(float x, float y) { super(); this.x = x; this.y = y; clickedNodes = logic.getClickedNodes(x, y); clickedNonClosedWays = logic.getClickedWays(false, x, y); // } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_longclick; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); mode.setTitle(R.string.menu_add); mode.setSubtitle(null); // mode.setTitleOptionalHint(true); // show crosshairs logic.showCrosshairs(x, y); startX = x; startY = y; startLon = logic.xToLonE7(x); startLat = logic.yToLatE7(y); // return isNeeded(); // always required for paste return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); super.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); menu.clear(); menuUtil.reset(); Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); if (prefs.voiceCommandsEnabled()) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWNODE_VOICE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_voice_commands).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.mic)).setEnabled(NetworkStatus.isConnected(main)); } menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWNODE_ADDRESS, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_address).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_address)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWNODE_PRESET, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_preset).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_preset)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_OSB, Menu.NONE, R.string.openstreetbug_new_bug).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_bug)); if ((clickedNonClosedWays != null && clickedNonClosedWays.size() > 0) && (clickedNodes == null || clickedNodes.size()==0) ) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_SPLITWAY, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_split).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_split)); } if (prefs.tagFormEnabled()) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWNODE_NAME, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_set_name).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,; } menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWNODEWAY, Menu.NONE, R.string.openstreetbug_new_nodeway).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_append)); if (!logic.clipboardIsEmpty()) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_PASTE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_paste).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_paste)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_paste)); } // check if GPS is enabled locationManager = (LocationManager)main.getSystemService(android.content.Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); if (locationManager.isProviderEnabled(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWNODE_GPS, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_newnode_gps).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_gps)); } menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_HELP, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_help).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_help)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_help)); arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } /** * if we get a short click go to path creation mode */ @Override public boolean handleClick(float x, float y) { PathCreationActionModeCallback pcamc = new PathCreationActionModeCallback(logic.lonE7ToX(startLon), logic.latE7ToY(startLat)); main.startSupportActionMode(pcamc); pcamc.handleClick(x, y); logic.hideCrosshairs(); return true; } @Override public boolean needsCustomContextMenu() { return true; } @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) { if (clickedNonClosedWays != null && clickedNonClosedWays.size() > 0) { int id = 0; menu.add(Menu.NONE, id++, Menu.NONE, R.string.split_all_ways).setOnMenuItemClickListener(this); for (Way w:clickedNonClosedWays) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, id++, Menu.NONE, w.getDescription(main)).setOnMenuItemClickListener(this); } } } @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) { int itemId = item.getItemId(); List<Way>ways = new ArrayList<Way>(); if (itemId==0) { ways = clickedNonClosedWays; } else { ways.add(clickedNonClosedWays.get(itemId -1)); } try { Node splitPosition = logic.performAddOnWay(main, ways,startX, startY, false); if (splitPosition != null) { for (Way way:ways) { if (way.hasNode(splitPosition)) { logic.performSplit(main, way,logic.getSelectedNode()); } } } } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); Log.d(DEBUG2_TAG,"Caught exception " + e); } currentActionMode.finish(); return false; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item); switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_OSB: // mode.finish(); logic.setSelectedBug(logic.makeNewBug(x, y)); FragmentManager fm = main.getSupportFragmentManager(); FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction(); Fragment prev = fm.findFragmentByTag("fragment_bug"); if (prev != null) { ft.remove(prev); } ft.commit(); TaskFragment bugDialog = TaskFragment.newInstance(logic.getSelectedBug());, "fragment_bug"); logic.hideCrosshairs(); return true; case MENUITEM_NEWNODEWAY: main.startSupportActionMode(new PathCreationActionModeCallback(x, y)); logic.hideCrosshairs(); return true; case MENUITEM_SPLITWAY: if (clickedNonClosedWays.size() > 1) { main.getMap().showContextMenu(); } else { Way way = clickedNonClosedWays.get(0); ArrayList<Way>ways = new ArrayList<Way>(); ways.add(way); try { Node node = logic.performAddOnWay(main, ways,startX, startY, false); if (node != null) { logic.performSplit(main, way,node); } } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); Log.d(DEBUG2_TAG,"Caught exception " + e); } currentActionMode.finish(); } return true; case MENUITEM_NEWNODE_ADDRESS: case MENUITEM_NEWNODE_PRESET: case MENUITEM_NEWNODE_NAME: logic.hideCrosshairs(); try { logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.performAdd(main, x, y); } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e1) { Snack.barError(main, e1.getLocalizedMessage()); Log.d(DEBUG2_TAG,"Caught exception " + e1); } Node lastSelectedNode = logic.getSelectedNode(); if (lastSelectedNode != null) { main.startSupportActionMode(new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback(lastSelectedNode)); main.performTagEdit(lastSelectedNode, null, item.getItemId() == MENUITEM_NEWNODE_ADDRESS, item.getItemId() == MENUITEM_NEWNODE_PRESET, item.getItemId() == MENUITEM_NEWNODE_NAME); // show preset screen or add addresses } return true; case MENUITEM_PASTE: logic.pasteFromClipboard(main, startX, startY); logic.hideCrosshairs(); mode.finish(); return true; case MENUITEM_NEWNODE_GPS: logic.hideCrosshairs(); try { logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.performAdd(main, x, y); Node node = logic.getSelectedNode(); if (locationManager != null && node != null) { Location location = null; try { location = locationManager.getLastKnownLocation(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); } catch (SecurityException sex) { // can be safely ignored, this is only called when GPS is enabled } if (location != null) { double lon = location.getLongitude(); double lat = location.getLatitude(); if (lon >= -180 && lon <= 180 && lat >= -GeoMath.MAX_LAT && lat <= GeoMath.MAX_LAT) { logic.performSetPosition(main, node,lon,lat); TreeMap<String, String> tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(node.getTags()); if (location.hasAltitude()) { tags.put(Tags.KEY_ELE, String.format(Locale.US,"%.1f",location.getAltitude())); tags.put(Tags.KEY_ELE_MSL, String.format(Locale.US,"%.1f",location.getAltitude())); tags.put(Tags.KEY_SOURCE_ELE, Tags.VALUE_GPS); } tags.put(Tags.KEY_SOURCE, Tags.VALUE_GPS); logic.setTags(main, node, tags); } } } currentActionMode.finish(); } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); Log.d(DEBUG2_TAG,"Caught exception " + e); } return true; case MENUITEM_NEWNODE_VOICE: logic.hideCrosshairs(); logic.setSelectedNode(null); Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH); intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL, RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM); try { main.startActivityForResult(intent, Main.VOICE_RECOGNITION_REQUEST_CODE); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.d(DEBUG2_TAG,"Caught exception " + ex); Snack.barError(main, R.string.toast_no_voice_recognition); logic.showCrosshairs(startX, startY); } return true; default: Log.e(DEBUG2_TAG, "Unknown menu item"); break; } return false; } /** * Path creation action mode is ending */ @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setSelectedNode(null); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } /** * FIXME This is still very hackish with lots of code duplication * @param requestCode * @param resultCode * @param data */ void handleActivityResult(final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) { ArrayList<String> matches = data.getStringArrayListExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_RESULTS); // StorageDelegator storageDelegator = App.getDelegator(); for (String v:matches) { String[] words = v.split("\\s+", 2); if (words.length > 0) { // String first = words[0]; try { int number = Integer.parseInt(first); // worked if there is a further word(s) simply add it/them Snack.barInfoShort(main, + number + (words.length == 2?words[1]:"")); Node node = logic.performAddNode(main, startLon/1E7D, startLat/1E7D); if (node != null) { TreeMap<String, String> tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(node.getTags()); tags.put(Tags.KEY_ADDR_HOUSENUMBER, "" + number + (words.length == 3?words[2]:"")); tags.put("source:original_text", v); LinkedHashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> map = Address.predictAddressTags(main, Node.NAME, node.getOsmId(), new ElementSearch(new int[]{node.getLon(),node.getLat()}, true), Util.getArrayListMap(tags), Address.NO_HYSTERESIS); tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(); for (String key:map.keySet()) { tags.put(key, map.get(key).get(0)); } logic.setTags(main, node, tags); main.startSupportActionMode(new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback(node)); return; } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // ok wasn't a number, just ignore } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { // FIXME something went seriously wrong Log.e(DEBUG_TAG,e.getMessage()); } List<PresetItem> presetItems = SearchIndexUtils.searchInPresets(main, first,ElementType.NODE,2,1); if (presetItems != null && presetItems.size()==1) { Node node = addNode(logic.performAddNode(main, startLon/1E7D, startLat/1E7D), words.length == 2? words[1]:null, presetItems.get(0), logic, v); if (node != null) { main.startSupportActionMode(new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback(node)); return; } } Map<String, NameAndTags> namesSearchIndex = App.getNameSearchIndex(main); if (namesSearchIndex == null) { return; } // search in names NameAndTags nt = SearchIndexUtils.searchInNames(main, v, 2); if (nt != null) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.putAll(nt.getTags()); PresetItem pi = Preset.findBestMatch(App.getCurrentPresets(main), map); if (pi != null) { Node node = addNode(logic.performAddNode(main, startLon/1E7D, startLat/1E7D), nt.getName(), pi, logic, v); if (node != null) { // set tags from name suggestions Map<String,String> tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(node.getTags()); for (String k:map.keySet()) { tags.put(k, map.get(k)); } storageDelegator.setTags(node,tags); // note doesn't create a new undo checkpoint, performAddNode has already done that main.startSupportActionMode(new NodeSelectionActionModeCallback(node)); return; } } } } } logic.showCrosshairs(startX, startY); // re-show the cross hairs nothing found/something went wrong } Node addNode(Node node, String name, PresetItem pi, Logic logic, String original) { if (node != null) { try { Snack.barInfo(main,pi.getName() + (name != null? " name: " + name:"")); TreeMap<String, String> tags = new TreeMap<String, String>(node.getTags()); for (Entry<String, StringWithDescription> tag : pi.getFixedTags().entrySet()) { tags.put(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue().getValue()); } if (name != null) { tags.put(Tags.KEY_NAME, name); } tags.put("source:original_text", original); logic.setTags(main, node, tags); logic.setSelectedNode(node); return node; } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Log.e(DEBUG_TAG,e.getMessage()); Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); return null; } } return null; } public boolean processShortcut(Character c) { if (c == Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_paste)) { logic.pasteFromClipboard(main, startX, startY); logic.hideCrosshairs(); if (currentActionMode != null) { currentActionMode.finish(); } return true; } return false; } } /** * This callback handles path creation. It is started after a long-press. * During this action mode, clicks are handled by custom code. * The node and way click handlers are thus never called. */ private class PathCreationActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private static final String DEBUG3_TAG = "PathCreationAction..."; private static final int MENUITEM_UNDO = 1; private static final int MENUITEM_NEWWAY_PRESET = 2; /** x coordinate of first node */ private float x; /** y coordinate of first node */ private float y; /** Node to append to */ private Node appendTargetNode; /** Way to append to */ private Way appendTargetWay; /** flag if we don't want to start the property editor in onDestroy **/ private boolean dontTag = false; /** contains a pointer to the created way if one was created. used to fix selection after undo. */ private Way createdWay = null; /** contains a list of created nodes. used to fix selection after undo. */ private ArrayList<Node> createdNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); public PathCreationActionModeCallback(float x, float y) { super(); this.x = x; this.y = y; appendTargetNode = null; appendTargetWay = null; } public PathCreationActionModeCallback(Node node) { super(); appendTargetNode = node; appendTargetWay = null; } public PathCreationActionModeCallback(Way way, Node node) { super(); appendTargetNode = node; appendTargetWay = way; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_pathcreation; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); mode.setSubtitle(R.string.actionmode_createpath); logic.setSelectedWay(null); logic.setSelectedNode(appendTargetNode); if (appendTargetNode != null) { if (appendTargetWay != null) { logic.performAppendStart(appendTargetWay, appendTargetNode); } else { logic.performAppendStart(appendTargetNode); } } else { try { pathCreateNode(x, y); } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } logic.hideCrosshairs(); return true; } @Override public boolean handleClick(float x, float y) { super.handleClick(x, y); try { pathCreateNode(x, y); } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return true; } /** * Creates/adds a node into a path during path creation * @param x x screen coordinate * @param y y screen coordinate * @throws OsmIllegalOperationException */ private void pathCreateNode(float x, float y) throws OsmIllegalOperationException { Node lastSelectedNode = logic.getSelectedNode(); Way lastSelectedWay = logic.getSelectedWay(); if (appendTargetNode != null) { logic.performAppendAppend(main, x, y); } else { logic.performAdd(main, x, y); } if (logic.getSelectedNode() == null) { // user clicked last node again -> finish adding if (currentActionMode != null) // TODO for unknown reasons this now and then seems to be null currentActionMode.finish(); tagApplicable(lastSelectedNode, lastSelectedWay, true, false); } else { // update cache for undo createdWay = logic.getSelectedWay(); if (createdWay == null) { createdNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); } createdNodes.add(logic.getSelectedNode()); } main.invalidateMap(); } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); super.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); menu.clear(); menuUtil.reset(); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_UNDO, Menu.NONE, R.string.undo).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_undo)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_undo)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_NEWWAY_PRESET, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_preset).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_preset)); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_HELP, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_help).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_help)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_help)); arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item); switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_UNDO: handleUndo(); break; case MENUITEM_NEWWAY_PRESET: Way lastSelectedWay = logic.getSelectedWay(); if (lastSelectedWay != null) { dontTag = true; main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySelectionActionModeCallback(lastSelectedWay)); main.performTagEdit(lastSelectedWay, null, false, item.getItemId() == MENUITEM_NEWWAY_PRESET, false); // show preset screen } return true; default: Log.e(DEBUG3_TAG, "Unknown menu item"); break; } return false; } private void handleUndo() { logic.undo(); if (logic.getSelectedNode() == null) { // should always happen when we added a new node and removed it Iterator<Node> nodeIterator = createdNodes.iterator(); while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) { // remove nodes that do not exist anymore if (!logic.exists( nodeIterator.remove(); } } else { // remove existing node from list createdNodes.remove(logic.getSelectedNode()); } // exit or select the previous node if (createdNodes.isEmpty()) { logic.setSelectedNode(null); // all nodes have been deleted, cancel action mode if (currentActionMode != null) { //TODO shouldn't happen but does currentActionMode.finish(); } } else { // select last node logic.setSelectedNode(createdNodes.get(createdNodes.size()-1)); } createdWay = logic.getSelectedWay(); // will be null if way was deleted by undo main.invalidateMap(); } /** * Path creation action mode is ending */ @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { Node lastSelectedNode = logic.getSelectedNode(); Way lastSelectedWay = logic.getSelectedWay(); logic.setSelectedWay(null); logic.setSelectedNode(null); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); if (appendTargetNode == null && !dontTag) { // doesn't work as intended element selected modes get zapped, don't try to select because of this tagApplicable(lastSelectedNode, lastSelectedWay, false, false); } } } /** * This action mode handles element selection. When a node or way should be selected, just start this mode. * The element will be automatically selected, and a second click on the same element will open the tag editor. * @author Jan * */ private abstract class ElementSelectionActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private static final String DEBUG4_TAG = "ElementSelectionActi..."; private static final int MENUITEM_UNDO = 0; private static final int MENUITEM_TAG = 1; private static final int MENUITEM_DELETE = 2; private static final int MENUITEM_HISTORY = 3; private static final int MENUITEM_COPY = 4; private static final int MENUITEM_CUT = 5; private static final int MENUITEM_RELATION = 6; private static final int MENUITEM_EXTEND_SELECTION = 7; private static final int MENUITEM_ELEMENT_INFO = 8; protected static final int MENUITEM_SHARE_POSITION = 21; private static final int MENUITEM_TAG_LAST = 22; private static final int MENUITEM_ZOOM_TO_SELECTION = 23; private static final int MENUITEM_PREFERENCES = 24; private static final int MENUITEM_JS_CONSOLE = 25; OsmElement element = null; boolean deselect = true; UndoListener undoListener; public ElementSelectionActionModeCallback(OsmElement element) { super(); this.element = element; undoListener = UndoListener(); } /** * Internal helper to avoid duplicate code in {@link #handleElementClick(OsmElement)}}. * @param element clicked element * @return true if handled, false if default handling should apply */ @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { super.handleElementClick(element); if (element == this.element) { main.performTagEdit(element, null, false, false, false); return true; } return false; } @SuppressLint("InflateParams") @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); super.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); menu.clear(); menuUtil.reset(); main.getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); MenuItem undo = menu.findItem(; if (logic.getUndo().canUndo() || logic.getUndo().canRedo()) { undo.setVisible(true); undo.setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_undo)); } else { undo.setVisible(false); } View undoView = MenuItemCompat.getActionView(undo); if (undoView == null) { // FIXME this is a temp workaround for pre-11 Android, we could probably simply always do the following Log.d(DEBUG4_TAG,"undoView null"); Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); Context context = new ContextThemeWrapper(main, prefs.lightThemeEnabled() ? :; undoView = ((LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.undo_action_view, null); } undoView.setOnClickListener(undoListener); undoView.setOnLongClickListener(undoListener); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_TAG, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_tags).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_tagedit)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_tags)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_DELETE, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.delete).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_delete)); // disabled for now menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_TAG_LAST, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_repeat).setIcon(R.drawable.tag_menu_repeat); if (!(element instanceof Relation)) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_COPY, Menu.CATEGORY_SECONDARY, R.string.menu_copy).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_copy)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_copy)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_CUT, Menu.CATEGORY_SECONDARY, R.string.menu_cut).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_cut)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_cut)); } menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_EXTEND_SELECTION, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.menu_extend_selection).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_multi_select)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_RELATION, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.menu_relation).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_relation)); if (element.getOsmId() > 0) { menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_HISTORY, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.menu_history).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_history)).setEnabled(NetworkStatus.isConnected(main)); } menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_ELEMENT_INFO, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.menu_information).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_info)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_information)); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_ZOOM_TO_SELECTION, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_zoom_to_selection); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_SHARE_POSITION, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.share_position); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_PREFERENCES, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_config).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_config)); Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_JS_CONSOLE, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.tag_menu_js_console).setEnabled(prefs.isJsConsoleEnabled()); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_HELP, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_help).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_help)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_help)); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item); switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_TAG: main.performTagEdit(element, null, false, false, false); break; case MENUITEM_TAG_LAST: main.performTagEdit(element, null, true, false, false); break; case MENUITEM_DELETE: menuDelete(mode); break; case MENUITEM_HISTORY: showHistory(); break; case MENUITEM_COPY: logic.copyToClipboard(element); mode.finish(); break; case MENUITEM_CUT: logic.cutToClipboard(main, element); mode.finish(); break; case MENUITEM_RELATION: deselect = false; logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); logic.setSelectedRelation(null); main.startSupportActionMode(new AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback(element)); break; case MENUITEM_EXTEND_SELECTION: deselect = false; main.startSupportActionMode(new ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(element)); break; case MENUITEM_ELEMENT_INFO: ElementInfo.showDialog(main,element); break; case MENUITEM_PREFERENCES: PrefEditor.start(main, main.getMap().getViewBox()); break; case MENUITEM_ZOOM_TO_SELECTION: main.zoomTo(element); main.invalidateMap(); break; case MENUITEM_JS_CONSOLE: Main.showJsConsole(main); break; case // should not happen Log.d(DEBUG4_TAG,"menu undo clicked"); undoListener.onClick(null); break; default: return false; } return true; } protected abstract void menuDelete(ActionMode mode); /** * Opens the history page of the selected element in a browser */ private void showHistory() { Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); intent.setData(Uri.parse(prefs.getServer().getWebsiteBaseUrl()+element.getName()+"/"+element.getOsmId()+"/history")); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); main.startActivity(intent); } /** * Element selection action mode is ending */ @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); if (deselect) { Log.d(DEBUG4_TAG,"deselecting"); logic.deselectAll(); } super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } public boolean processShortcut(Character c) { if (c == Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_copy)) { logic.copyToClipboard(element); currentActionMode.finish(); return true; } else if (c == Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_cut)) { logic.cutToClipboard(main, element); currentActionMode.finish(); return true; } else if (c == Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_info)) { ElementInfo.showDialog(main,element); return true; } else if (c == Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_tagedit)) { main.performTagEdit(element, null, false, false, false); return true; } return false; } } private class NodeSelectionActionModeCallback extends ElementSelectionActionModeCallback { private static final int MENUITEM_APPEND = 9; private static final int MENUITEM_JOIN = 10; private static final int MENUITEM_UNJOIN = 11; private static final int MENUITEM_EXTRACT = 12; private static final int MENUITEM_SET_POSITION = 15; private static final int MENUITEM_ADDRESS = 16; private OsmElement joinableElement = null; private NodeSelectionActionModeCallback(Node node) { super(node); } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_nodeselection; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); logic.setSelectedNode((Node)element); logic.setSelectedWay(null); logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); main.invalidateMap(); mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_nodeselect); mode.setSubtitle(null); // mode.setTitleOptionalHint(true); // no need to display the title, only available in 4.1 up return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); super.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); if (((Node)element).getTags().containsKey(Tags.KEY_ENTRANCE) && !((Node)element).getTags().containsKey(Tags.KEY_ADDR_HOUSENUMBER)) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_ADDRESS, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_address).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_address)); } if (logic.isEndNode((Node)element)) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_APPEND, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_append).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_append)); } joinableElement = logic.findJoinableElement((Node)element); if (joinableElement != null) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_JOIN, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_join).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_merge)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_merge)); } int wayMembershipCount = logic.getFilteredWaysForNode((Node)element).size(); if (wayMembershipCount > 1) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_UNJOIN, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_unjoin).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_split)); } if (wayMembershipCount > 0) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_EXTRACT, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_extract).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_extract_node)); } menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_SET_POSITION, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.menu_set_position).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_gps)); arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { if (!super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item)) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_APPEND: main.startSupportActionMode(new PathCreationActionModeCallback((Node)element)); break; case MENUITEM_JOIN: try { if (!logic.performJoin(main, joinableElement, (Node) element)) { Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_merge_tag_conflict); main.performTagEdit(element, null, false, false, false); } else { mode.finish(); } } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } break; case MENUITEM_UNJOIN: logic.performUnjoin(main, (Node)element); mode.finish(); break; case MENUITEM_EXTRACT: logic.performExtract(main, (Node)element); invalidate(); break; case MENUITEM_SET_POSITION: setPosition(); break; case MENUITEM_ADDRESS: main.performTagEdit(element, null, true, false, false); break; case MENUITEM_SHARE_POSITION: double[] lonLat = new double[2]; lonLat[0] = ((Node)element).getLon()/1E7; lonLat[1] = ((Node)element).getLat()/1E7; Util.sharePosition(main, lonLat); break; default: return false; } } return true; } @Override protected void menuDelete(final ActionMode mode) { if (element.hasParentRelations()) { new AlertDialog.Builder(main) .setTitle(R.string.delete) .setMessage(R.string.deletenode_relation_description) .setPositiveButton(R.string.deletenode, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { logic.performEraseNode(main, (Node)element, true); if (mode != null) { mode.finish(); } } }) .show(); } else { logic.performEraseNode(main, (Node)element, true); mode.finish(); } } private void setPosition() { if (element instanceof Node) { // show dialog to set lon/lat createSetPositionDialog(((Node)element).getLon(), ((Node)element).getLat()).show(); } } @SuppressLint("InflateParams") AppCompatDialog createSetPositionDialog(int lonE7, int latE7) { final LayoutInflater inflater = ThemeUtils.getLayoutInflater(main); Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(main); dialog.setTitle(R.string.menu_set_position); View layout = inflater.inflate(R.layout.set_position, null); dialog.setView(layout); TextView datum = (TextView) layout.findViewById(; // TODO add conversion to/from other datums datum.setText("WGS84"); EditText lon = (EditText) layout.findViewById(; lon.setText(String.format(Locale.US,"%.7f", lonE7/1E7d)); EditText lat = (EditText) layout.findViewById(; lat.setText(String.format(Locale.US,"%.7f", latE7/1E7d)); dialog.setPositiveButton(R.string.set, createSetButtonListener(lon, lat, (Node)element)); dialog.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null); return dialog.create(); } /** * Create an onClick listener that sets the coordnaties in the node * @return the OnClickListnener */ private OnClickListener createSetButtonListener(final EditText lonField, final EditText latField, final Node node) { return new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { double lon = Double.valueOf(lonField.getText().toString()); double lat = Double.valueOf(latField.getText().toString()); if (lon >= -180 && lon <= 180 && lat >= -GeoMath.MAX_LAT && lat <= GeoMath.MAX_LAT) { logic.performSetPosition(main, node,lon,lat); invalidate(); } else { createSetPositionDialog((int)(lon*1E7), (int)(lat*1E7)).show(); Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.coordinates_out_of_range); } } }; } } private class WaySelectionActionModeCallback extends ElementSelectionActionModeCallback { private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "WaySelectionAction..."; private static final int MENUITEM_SPLIT = 9; private static final int MENUITEM_MERGE = 10; private static final int MENUITEM_REVERSE = 11; private static final int MENUITEM_APPEND = 12; private static final int MENUITEM_RESTRICTION = 13; private static final int MENUITEM_ROTATE = 14; private static final int MENUITEM_ORTHOGONALIZE = 15; private static final int MENUITEM_CIRCULIZE = 16; private static final int MENUITEM_SPLIT_POLYGON = 17; private static final int MENUITEM_ADDRESS = 18; private Set<OsmElement> cachedMergeableWays; private Set<OsmElement> cachedAppendableNodes; private Set<OsmElement> cachedViaElements; private WaySelectionActionModeCallback(Way way) { super(way); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "constructor"); cachedMergeableWays = findMergeableWays(way); cachedAppendableNodes = findAppendableNodes(way); cachedViaElements = findViaElements(way); } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_wayselection; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onCreateActionMode"); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); logic.setSelectedWay((Way)element); main.invalidateMap(); mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_wayselect); mode.setSubtitle(null); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); super.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onPrepareActionMode"); if (((Way)element).getTags().containsKey(Tags.KEY_BUILDING) && !((Way)element).getTags().containsKey(Tags.KEY_ADDR_HOUSENUMBER)) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_ADDRESS, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_address).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_address)); } menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_REVERSE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_reverse).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_reverse)); if (((Way)element).getNodes().size() > 2) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_SPLIT, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_split).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_split)); } if (cachedMergeableWays.size() > 0) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_MERGE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_merge).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_merge)); } if (cachedAppendableNodes.size() > 0) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_APPEND, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_append).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_append)); } if (((Way)element).getTagWithKey(Tags.KEY_HIGHWAY) != null && (cachedViaElements.size() > 0)) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_RESTRICTION, Menu.NONE, R.string.actionmode_restriction).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_add_restriction)); } if (((Way)element).getNodes().size() > 2) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_ORTHOGONALIZE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_orthogonalize).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_ortho)); } menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_ROTATE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_rotate).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_rotate)); if (((Way)element).getNodes().size() > 3 && ((Way)element).isClosed()) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_CIRCULIZE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_circulize); if (((Way)element).getNodes().size() > 4) { // 5 nodes is the minimum required to be able to split in to two polygons menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_SPLIT_POLYGON, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_split_polygon); } } arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } private void reverseWay() { final Way way = (Way) element; if (way.notReversable()) { new AlertDialog.Builder(main) .setTitle(R.string.menu_reverse) .setMessage(R.string.notreversable_description) .setPositiveButton(R.string.reverse_anyway, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (logic.performReverse(main, way)) { // true if it had oneway tag Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_oneway_reversed); main.performTagEdit(way, null, false, false, false); } } }) .show(); } else if (logic.performReverse(main, way)) { // true if it had oneway tag Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_oneway_reversed); main.performTagEdit(way, null, false, false, false); } else { invalidate(); // sucessful reverseal update menubar } } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { if (!super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item)) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_SPLIT: main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySplittingActionModeCallback((Way)element, false)); break; case MENUITEM_MERGE: main.startSupportActionMode(new WayMergingActionModeCallback((Way)element, cachedMergeableWays)); break; case MENUITEM_REVERSE: reverseWay(); break; case MENUITEM_APPEND: main.startSupportActionMode(new WayAppendingActionModeCallback((Way)element, cachedAppendableNodes)); break; case MENUITEM_RESTRICTION: main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback((Way)element, cachedViaElements)); break; case MENUITEM_ROTATE: deselect=false; main.startSupportActionMode(new WayRotationActionModeCallback((Way)element)); break; case MENUITEM_ORTHOGONALIZE: logic.performOrthogonalize(main, (Way)element); invalidate(); break; // FIXME move to asynctask case MENUITEM_CIRCULIZE: logic.performCirculize(main, (Way)element); invalidate(); break; case MENUITEM_SPLIT_POLYGON: main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySplittingActionModeCallback((Way)element, true)); break; case MENUITEM_ADDRESS: main.performTagEdit(element, null, true, false, false); break; case MENUITEM_SHARE_POSITION: Util.sharePosition(main, Logic.centroidLonLat((Way) element)); break; default: return false; } } return true; } @Override protected void menuDelete(final ActionMode mode) { boolean isRelationMember = element.hasParentRelations(); boolean allNodesDownloaded = logic.isInDownload((Way)element); if ( allNodesDownloaded) { new AlertDialog.Builder(main) .setTitle(R.string.delete) .setMessage(isRelationMember ? R.string.deleteway_relation_description : R.string.deleteway_description) .setPositiveButton(R.string.deleteway_wayonly, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { logic.performEraseWay(main, (Way)element, false, true); if (mode != null) { mode.finish(); } } }) .setNeutralButton(R.string.deleteway_wayandnodes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { logic.performEraseWay(main, (Way)element, true, true); if (mode != null) { mode.finish(); } } }) .show(); } else { new AlertDialog.Builder(main) .setTitle(R.string.delete) .setMessage(R.string.deleteway_nodesnotdownloaded_description) .setPositiveButton(R.string.okay, null) .show(); } } } private class WaySplittingActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private Way way; private List<OsmElement> nodes = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); private boolean createPolygons = false; public WaySplittingActionModeCallback(Way way, boolean createPolygons) { super(); this.way = way; nodes.addAll(way.getNodes()); if (!way.isClosed()) { // remove first and last node nodes.remove(0); nodes.remove(nodes.size()-1); } else { this.createPolygons = createPolygons; } } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_waysplitting; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); if (way.isClosed()) mode.setSubtitle(R.string.actionmode_closed_way_split_1); else mode.setSubtitle(R.string.menu_split); logic.setClickableElements(new HashSet<OsmElement>(nodes)); logic.setReturnRelations(false); return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid nodes can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); // protect against race conditions if (!(element instanceof Node)) { // TODO fix properly return false; } if (way.isClosed()) main.startSupportActionMode(new ClosedWaySplittingActionModeCallback(way, (Node) element, createPolygons)); else { logic.performSplit(main, way, (Node)element); currentActionMode.finish(); } return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class ClosedWaySplittingActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private Way way; private Node node; private Set<OsmElement> nodes = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); private boolean createPolygons = false; public ClosedWaySplittingActionModeCallback(Way way, Node node, boolean createPolygons) { super(); this.way = way; this.node = node; this.createPolygons = createPolygons; List<Node> allNodes = way.getNodes(); nodes.addAll(allNodes); if (createPolygons) { // remove neighbouring nodes if (way.isEndNode(node)) { // we have at least 4 nodes so this will not cause problems nodes.remove(allNodes.get(1)); // remove 2nd element nodes.remove(allNodes.get(allNodes.size()-2)); // remove 2nd last element } else { int nodeIndex = allNodes.indexOf(node); nodes.remove(allNodes.get(nodeIndex-1)); nodes.remove(allNodes.get(nodeIndex+1)); } } nodes.remove(node); } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_closedwaysplitting; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); mode.setSubtitle(R.string.actionmode_closed_way_split_2); logic.setClickableElements(nodes); logic.setReturnRelations(false); return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid nodes can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); Way[] result = logic.performClosedWaySplit(main, way, node, (Node)element, createPolygons); if (result!= null && result.length == 2) { logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedRelation(null); logic.setSelectedWay(result[0]); logic.addSelectedWay(result[1]); ArrayList<OsmElement> selection = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); selection.addAll(logic.getSelectedWays()); main.startSupportActionMode(new ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(selection)); } else { //FIXME toast here? Log.d(DEBUG_TAG,"split failed"); currentActionMode.finish(); } return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class WayMergingActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private Way way; private Set<OsmElement> ways; public WayMergingActionModeCallback(Way way, Set<OsmElement> mergeableWays) { super(); this.way = way; ways = mergeableWays; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_mergingways; mode.setSubtitle(R.string.menu_merge); logic.setClickableElements(ways); logic.setReturnRelations(false); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid ways can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); // race conditions with touch events seem to make the impossible possible //TODO fix properly if (!(element instanceof Way)) { return false; } if (!findMergeableWays(way).contains((Way)element)) { return false; } try { if (!logic.performMerge(main, way, (Way)element)) { Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_merge_tag_conflict); if (way.getState() != OsmElement.STATE_DELETED) main.performTagEdit(way, null, false, false, false); else main.performTagEdit(element, null, false, false, false); } else { if (way.getState() != OsmElement.STATE_DELETED) main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySelectionActionModeCallback(way)); else main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySelectionActionModeCallback((Way)element)); } } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class WayAppendingActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private Way way; private Set<OsmElement> nodes; public WayAppendingActionModeCallback(Way way, Set<OsmElement> appendNodes) { super(); this.way = way; nodes = appendNodes; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_appendtoway; mode.setSubtitle(R.string.menu_append); logic.setClickableElements(nodes); logic.setReturnRelations(false); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid nodes can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); main.startSupportActionMode(new PathCreationActionModeCallback(way, (Node)element)); return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class WayRotationActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "WayRotationAction..."; public WayRotationActionModeCallback(Way way) { super(); } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_wayselection; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onCreateActionMode"); logic.setRotationMode(true); logic.showCrosshairsForCentroid(); mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_rotateway); mode.setSubtitle(null); return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.deselectAll(); logic.setRotationMode(false); logic.hideCrosshairs(); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class RelationSelectionActionModeCallback extends ElementSelectionActionModeCallback { private static final String DEBUG7_TAG = "RelationSelectionAct..."; private static final int MENUITEM_ADD_RELATION_MEMBERS = 9; private static final int MENUITEM_SELECT_RELATION_MEMBERS = 10; private RelationSelectionActionModeCallback(Relation relation) { super(relation); } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_relationselection; super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); if (element != null && (((Relation)element).getMembers()==null || ((Relation)element).getMembers().size()==0)) { // we can only select an empty relation if there is a reference from another object, this is always a bug String message = "relation " + element.getOsmId() + " is empty"; Log.e(DEBUG7_TAG, message); Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_rmpty_relation); ACRA.getErrorReporter().putCustomData("CAUSE", message); ACRA.getErrorReporter().putCustomData("STATUS", "NOCRASH"); ACRA.getErrorReporter().handleException(null); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); return false; } logic.setSelectedRelation((Relation) element); Log.d(DEBUG7_TAG,"selected relations " + logic.selectedRelationsCount()); mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_relationselect); mode.setSubtitle(null); main.invalidateMap(); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); super.onPrepareActionMode(mode, menu); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_ADD_RELATION_MEMBERS, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_add_relation_member).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_relation_add_member)); if (((Relation)element).getMembers() != null) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_SELECT_RELATION_MEMBERS, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_select_relation_members).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_relation_members)); } arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { if (!super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item)) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_ADD_RELATION_MEMBERS: main.startSupportActionMode(new AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback((Relation)element, null)); break; case MENUITEM_SELECT_RELATION_MEMBERS: ArrayList<OsmElement> selection = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); if (((Relation)element).getMembers() != null) { for (RelationMember rm : ((Relation)element).getMembers()) { selection.add(rm.getElement()); } } if (selection.size() > 0) { deselect = false; main.startSupportActionMode(new ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(selection)); } break; case MENUITEM_SHARE_POSITION: BoundingBox box = element.getBounds(); double[] lonLat = new double[2]; lonLat[0] = ((box.getRight() - box.getLeft())/2 + box.getLeft())/1E7; lonLat[1] = ((box.getTop() - box.getBottom())/2 + box.getBottom())/1E7; // rough Util.sharePosition(main, lonLat); break; default: return false; } } return true; } @Override protected void menuDelete(final ActionMode mode) { if (element.hasParentRelations()) { new AlertDialog.Builder(main) .setTitle(R.string.delete) .setMessage(R.string.deleterelation_relation_description) .setPositiveButton(R.string.deleterelation, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { logic.performEraseRelation(main, (Relation)element, true); if (mode != null) { mode.finish(); } } }) .show(); } else { logic.performEraseRelation(main, (Relation)element, true); mode.finish(); } } } private class RestartRestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private final static String DEBUG8_TAG = "RestartRestrictionFr..."; private Set<OsmElement> fromElements; private Set<OsmElement> viaElements; private boolean fromSelected = false; public RestartRestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback(Set<OsmElement> froms, Set<OsmElement> vias) { super(); fromElements = froms; viaElements = vias; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_addingrestriction; mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_restriction_restart_from); logic.setClickableElements(fromElements); logic.setReturnRelations(false); logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); // just to be safe logic.addSelectedRelationWay(null); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); return true; } @Override /** */ public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid nodes can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); if (viaElements.size() > 1) { fromSelected = true; // redo via selection, this time with pre-split way main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback(R.string.actionmode_restriction_restart_via,(Way)element, viaElements)); return true; } else if (viaElements.size() == 1) { fromSelected = true; main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionViaElementActionModeCallback((Way)element, viaElements.iterator().next())); return true; } Log.e(DEBUG8_TAG, "viaElements size " + viaElements.size()); return false; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); if (!fromSelected) { logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); } super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class RestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private Way fromWay; private Set<OsmElement> viaElements; private boolean viaSelected = false; private int titleId = R.string.actionmode_restriction_via; public RestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback(Way way, Set<OsmElement> vias) { super(); this.fromWay = way; viaElements = vias; } public RestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback(int titleId, Way way, Set<OsmElement> vias) { this(way,vias); this.titleId = titleId; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_addingrestriction; mode.setTitle(titleId); logic.setClickableElements(viaElements); logic.setReturnRelations(false); logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); // just to be safe logic.addSelectedRelationWay(fromWay); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); return true; } @Override /** * In the simplest case this selects the next step in creating the restriction, in the worst it splits both the via and from way and * restarts the process. */ public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid nodes can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); // check if we have to split from or via Node viaNode = null; Way viaWay = null; if (Node.NAME.equals(element.getName())) { viaNode = (Node) element; } else if (Way.NAME.equals(element.getName())) { viaWay = (Way) element; viaNode = fromWay.getCommonNode(viaWay); } else { // ABORT } Way newFromWay = null; if (!fromWay.getFirstNode().equals(viaNode) && !fromWay.getLastNode().equals(viaNode)) { // split from at node newFromWay = logic.performSplit(main, fromWay,viaNode); } Way newViaWay = null; if (viaWay != null && !viaWay.getFirstNode().equals(viaNode) && !viaWay.getLastNode().equals(viaNode)) { newViaWay = logic.performSplit(main, viaWay,viaNode); } Set<OsmElement> viaElements = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); viaElements.add(element); if (newViaWay != null) { viaElements.add(newViaWay); } if (newFromWay != null) { Set<OsmElement> fromElements = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); fromElements.add(fromWay); fromElements.add(newFromWay); Snack.barInfo(main, newViaWay == null ? R.string.toast_split_from:R.string.toast_split_from_and_via); main.startSupportActionMode(new RestartRestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback(fromElements, viaElements)); return true; } if (newViaWay != null) { // restart via selection Snack.barInfo(main, R.string.toast_split_via); main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionFromElementActionModeCallback(R.string.actionmode_restriction_restart_via,fromWay, viaElements)); return true; } viaSelected = true; main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionViaElementActionModeCallback(fromWay, element)); return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); if (!viaSelected) { // back button or done pressed early logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); } super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class RestrictionViaElementActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private Way fromWay; private OsmElement viaElement; private Set<OsmElement> cachedToElements; private boolean toSelected = false; private int titleId = R.string.actionmode_restriction_to; public RestrictionViaElementActionModeCallback(Way from, OsmElement via) { super(); fromWay = from; viaElement = via; cachedToElements = findToElements(viaElement); } public RestrictionViaElementActionModeCallback(Way from, OsmElement via, Set<OsmElement>toElements) { super(); fromWay = from; viaElement = via; cachedToElements = toElements; this.titleId = R.string.actionmode_restriction_restart_to; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_addingrestriction; mode.setTitle(titleId); logic.setClickableElements(cachedToElements); logic.setReturnRelations(false); if (Node.NAME.equals(viaElement.getName())) { logic.addSelectedRelationNode((Node) viaElement); } else { logic.addSelectedRelationWay((Way) viaElement); } super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid elements can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); Node viaNode = null; Way toWay = (Way) element; if (Node.NAME.equals(viaElement.getName())) { viaNode = (Node) viaElement; } else if (Way.NAME.equals(viaElement.getName())) { Way viaWay = (Way) viaElement; viaNode = ((Way)viaElement).getCommonNode(toWay); if (!viaWay.getFirstNode().equals(viaNode) && !viaWay.getLastNode().equals(viaNode)) { // split via way and use appropriate segment Way newViaWay = logic.performSplit(main, viaWay, viaNode); Snack.barInfo(main, R.string.toast_split_via); if (fromWay.hasNode(newViaWay.getFirstNode()) || fromWay.hasNode(newViaWay.getLastNode())) { viaElement = newViaWay; } } } // now check if we need to split the toWay if (!toWay.getFirstNode().equals(viaNode) && !toWay.getLastNode().equals(viaNode)) { Way newToWay = logic.performSplit(main, toWay, viaNode); Snack.barInfo(main, R.string.toast_split_to); Set<OsmElement> toCandidates = new HashSet<OsmElement>(); toCandidates.add(toWay); toCandidates.add(newToWay); main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionViaElementActionModeCallback(fromWay, viaElement, toCandidates)); return true; } toSelected = true; main.startSupportActionMode(new RestrictionToElementActionModeCallback(fromWay, viaElement, (Way) element)); return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); if (!toSelected) { // back button or done pressed early logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); } super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class RestrictionToElementActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private final static String DEBUG9_TAG = "RestrictionToElement..."; private Way fromWay; private OsmElement viaElement; private Way toWay; public RestrictionToElementActionModeCallback(Way from, OsmElement via, Way to) { super(); fromWay = from; viaElement = via; toWay = to; } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_addingrestriction; mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_restriction); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); logic.addSelectedRelationWay(toWay); boolean uTurn = fromWay == toWay; Relation restriction = logic.createRestriction(main, fromWay, viaElement, toWay, uTurn ? Tags.VALUE_NO_U_TURN : null); Log.i(DEBUG9_TAG, "Created restriction"); main.performTagEdit(restriction, !uTurn ? Tags.VALUE_RESTRICTION : null, false, false, false); main.startSupportActionMode(new RelationSelectionActionModeCallback(restriction)); return false; // we are actually already finished } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { // note never called logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); logic.setSelectedRelationWays(null); logic.setSelectedRelationNodes(null); logic.setSelectedNode(null); logic.setSelectedWay(null); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); } } private class AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private static final int MENUITEM_REVERT = 1; private ArrayList<OsmElement> members; private Relation relation = null; private MenuItem revert = null; private boolean backPressed = false; public AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback(ArrayList<OsmElement> selection) { super(); members = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(selection); } public AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback(OsmElement element) { super(); members = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); addElement(element); } public AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback(Relation relation, OsmElement element) { super(); members = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); if (element != null) addElement(element); this.relation = relation; } private void addElement(OsmElement element) { members.add(element); if (element.getName().equals(Way.NAME)) { logic.addSelectedRelationWay((Way)element); } else if (element.getName().equals(Node.NAME)) { logic.addSelectedRelationNode((Node)element); } else if (element.getName().equals(Relation.NAME)) { logic.addSelectedRelationRelation((Relation)element); } } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_addrelationmember; mode.setTitle(R.string.menu_relation); mode.setSubtitle(R.string.menu_add_relation_member); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); logic.setReturnRelations(true); // can add relations menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_REVERT, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_revert).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_undo)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_undo)); revert = menu.findItem(MENUITEM_REVERT); revert.setVisible(false); setClickableElements(); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { if (members.size() > 0) revert.setVisible(true); arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { if (!super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item)) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_REVERT: // remove last item in list if(members.size() > 0) { OsmElement element = members.get(members.size()-1); if (element.getName().equals(Way.NAME)) logic.removeSelectedRelationWay((Way)element); else if (element.getName().equals(Node.NAME)) logic.removeSelectedRelationNode((Node)element); members.remove(members.size()-1); setClickableElements(); main.invalidateMap(); if (members.size() == 0) item.setVisible(false); } break; default: return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid elements can be clicked super.handleElementClick(element); addElement(element); setClickableElements(); if (members.size() > 0) revert.setVisible(true); main.invalidateMap(); return true; } private void setClickableElements() { ArrayList<OsmElement> excludes = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(members); if (relation != null) { logic.selectRelation(relation); excludes.addAll(relation.getMemberElements()); } logic.setClickableElements(logic.findClickableElements(excludes)); } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); logic.deselectAll(); if (!backPressed) { if (members.size() > 0) { // something was actually added if (relation == null) { relation = logic.createRelation(main, null, members); main.performTagEdit(relation,"type", false, false, false); } else { logic.addMembers(main, relation, members); main.performTagEdit(relation, null, false, false, false); } // starting action mode here doesn't seem to work ... main.startSupportActionMode(new RelationSelectionActionModeCallback(relation)); } } } /** * back button should abort relation creation */ @Override public boolean onBackPressed() { backPressed = true; return super.onBackPressed(); // call the normal stuff } } private class ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback extends EasyEditActionModeCallback { private final static String DEBUG10_TAG = "ExtendSelectionAct..."; private static final int MENUITEM_TAG = 2; private static final int MENUITEM_DELETE = 3; private static final int MENUITEM_COPY = 4; private static final int MENUITEM_CUT = 5; private static final int MENUITEM_MERGE = 6; private static final int MENUITEM_RELATION = 7; private static final int MENUITEM_ORTHOGONALIZE = 8; private static final int MENUITEM_MERGE_POLYGONS = 9; private static final int MENUITEM_PREFERENCES = 10; private static final int MENUITEM_JS_CONSOLE = 11; private ArrayList<OsmElement> selection; private List<OsmElement> sortedWays; private ActionMode mode; UndoListener undoListener; private boolean deselect = true; public ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(ArrayList<OsmElement> elements) { super(); selection = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); for (OsmElement e: elements) { if (e != null) { addOrRemoveElement(e); } } undoListener = UndoListener(); } public ExtendSelectionActionModeCallback(OsmElement element) { super(); Log.d(DEBUG10_TAG,"Multi-Select create mode with " + element); selection = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); if (element != null) { addOrRemoveElement(element); } undoListener = UndoListener(); } /** * Add or remove objects from the selection * @param element object to add or remove */ private void addOrRemoveElement(OsmElement element) { if (!selection.contains(element)) { selection.add(element); if (element.getName().equals(Way.NAME)) { logic.addSelectedWay((Way)element); } else if (element.getName().equals(Node.NAME)) { logic.addSelectedNode((Node)element); } else if (element.getName().equals(Relation.NAME)) { logic.addSelectedRelation((Relation)element); } } else { selection.remove(element); if (element.getName().equals(Way.NAME)) { logic.removeSelectedWay((Way)element); } else if (element.getName().equals(Node.NAME)) { logic.removeSelectedNode((Node)element); } else if (element.getName().equals(Relation.NAME)) { logic.removeSelectedRelation((Relation)element); } } if (selection.size() == 0) { // nothing slected more .... stop currentActionMode.finish(); } else { sortedWays = Util.sortWays(selection); invalidate(); } setSubTitle(mode); main.invalidateMap(); } /** * Set aselected object count in the action mode subtitle * @param mode the ActionMode */ private void setSubTitle(ActionMode mode) { if (mode != null) { int count = selection.size(); if (count > 1) { mode.setSubtitle(main.getString(R.string.actionmode_object_count,count)); } else { mode.setSubtitle(R.string.actionmode_one_object); } } } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { helpTopic = R.string.help_multiselect; this.mode = mode; mode.setTitle(R.string.actionmode_multiselect); setSubTitle(mode); super.onCreateActionMode(mode, menu); logic.setReturnRelations(true); // can add relations setClickableElements(); return true; } @SuppressLint("InflateParams") @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { menu = replaceMenu(menu, mode, this); menu.clear(); menuUtil.reset(); main.getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); MenuItem undo = menu.findItem(; if (logic.getUndo().canUndo() || logic.getUndo().canRedo()) { undo.setVisible(true); undo.setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_undo)); } View undoView = MenuItemCompat.getActionView(undo); if (undoView == null) { // FIXME this is a temp workaround for pre-11 Android Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); Context context = new ContextThemeWrapper(main, prefs.lightThemeEnabled() ? :; undoView = ((LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE)).inflate(R.layout.undo_action_view, null); } undoView.setOnClickListener(undoListener); undoView.setOnLongClickListener(undoListener); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_TAG, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_tags).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_tags)); menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_DELETE, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.delete).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_delete)); // disabled for now menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_TAG_LAST, Menu.NONE, R.string.tag_menu_repeat).setIcon(R.drawable.tag_menu_repeat); // if (!(element instanceof Relation)) { // menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_COPY, Menu.CATEGORY_SECONDARY, R.string.menu_copy).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(caller.getActivity(),R.attr.menu_copy)).setShowAsAction(menuSize.showAlways()); // menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_CUT, Menu.CATEGORY_SECONDARY, R.string.menu_cut).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_cut)).setShowAsAction(menuSize.showAlways()); //} if (sortedWays != null) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_MERGE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_merge).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_merge)); } menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_RELATION, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM, R.string.menu_relation).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_relation)); List<Way> selectedWays = logic.getSelectedWays(); if (selectedWays != null && selectedWays.size() >0) { menu.add(Menu.NONE, MENUITEM_ORTHOGONALIZE, Menu.NONE, R.string.menu_orthogonalize).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_ortho)); } // // for now just two // if (selection.size() == 2 && canMerge(selection)) { // menu.add(Menu.NONE,MENUITEM_MERGE_POLYGONS, Menu.NONE, "Merge polygons"); // } menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_PREFERENCES, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_config).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_config)); Preferences prefs = new Preferences(main); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_JS_CONSOLE, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.tag_menu_js_console).setEnabled(prefs.isJsConsoleEnabled()); menu.add(GROUP_BASE, MENUITEM_HELP, Menu.CATEGORY_SYSTEM|10, R.string.menu_help).setAlphabeticShortcut(Util.getShortCut(main, R.string.shortcut_help)).setIcon(ThemeUtils.getResIdFromAttribute(main,R.attr.menu_help)); arrangeMenu(menu); return true; } // private boolean canMerge(ArrayList<OsmElement> selection) { // for (OsmElement e:selection) { // if (!(e.getName().equals(Way.NAME) && ((Way)e).isClosed())) { // return false; // } // } // // return true; // } // // private ArrayList<OsmElement> merge(ArrayList<OsmElement> selection) { // if (selection.size() > 1) { // Way first = (Way) selection.get(0); // ArrayList<OsmElement> rest = (ArrayList<OsmElement>) selection.subList(1,selection.size()); // ArrayList<OsmElement> newSelection = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(); // for (OsmElement w:rest) { // Way n = logic.mergeSimplePolygons(first, (Way)w); // if (n!=null) { // first = n; // } else { // newSelection.add(first); // first = (Way)w; // } // } // newSelection.add(first); // return // } // } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { if (!super.onActionItemClicked(mode, item)) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENUITEM_TAG: main.performTagEdit(selection, false, false); break; // case MENUITEM_TAG_LAST: main.performTagEdit(element, null, true); break; case MENUITEM_DELETE: menuDelete(false); break; // case MENUITEM_COPY: logic.copyToClipboard(element); currentActionMode.finish(); break; // case MENUITEM_CUT: logic.cutToClipboard(element); currentActionMode.finish(); break; case MENUITEM_RELATION: main.startSupportActionMode(new AddRelationMemberActionModeCallback(selection)); break; case MENUITEM_ORTHOGONALIZE: List<Way> selectedWays = logic.getSelectedWays(); if (selectedWays != null && selectedWays.size() >0) { logic.performOrthogonalize(main, selectedWays); } break; case MENUITEM_MERGE: // check if the tags are the same for all ways first ... ignores direction dependent stuff Map<String,String> firstTags = selection.get(0).getTags(); boolean ok = true; for (int i=1;i<selection.size();i++) { if ((firstTags.isEmpty() && !selection.get(i).getTags().isEmpty()) || !firstTags.entrySet().equals(selection.get(i).getTags().entrySet())) { ok = false; } } if (!ok) { Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_potential_merge_tag_conflict); main.performTagEdit(selection, false, false); } else { try { boolean result = logic.performMerge(main,sortedWays); // find the remaing way Way remaining = null; for (OsmElement w:selection) { if (!(w.getState()==OsmElement.STATE_DELETED)) { remaining = (Way) w; } } if (remaining != null) { main.startSupportActionMode(new WaySelectionActionModeCallback(remaining)); if (!result) { // merge conflict Snack.barWarning(main, R.string.toast_merge_tag_conflict); main.performTagEdit(remaining, null, false, false, false); } else { invalidate(); // update menubar } } else { Log.e(DEBUG10_TAG,"no merged way"); } } catch (OsmIllegalOperationException e) { Snack.barError(main, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } break; case MENUITEM_PREFERENCES: PrefEditor.start(main, main.getMap().getViewBox()); break; case MENUITEM_JS_CONSOLE: Main.showJsConsole(main); break; case // should not happen Log.d(DEBUG10_TAG,"menu undo clicked"); undoListener.onClick(null); break; default: return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean handleElementClick(OsmElement element) { // due to clickableElements, only valid elements can be clicked Log.d(DEBUG10_TAG,"Multi-Select add/remove " + element); addOrRemoveElement(element); setClickableElements(); main.invalidateMap(); return true; } private void setClickableElements() { // ArrayList<OsmElement> excludes = new ArrayList<OsmElement>(selection); // logic.setClickableElements(logic.findClickableElements(excludes)); } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { Log.d(DEBUG10_TAG,"onDestroyActionMode deselect " + deselect); super.onDestroyActionMode(mode); logic.setClickableElements(null); logic.setReturnRelations(true); if (deselect) { logic.deselectAll(); main.invalidateMap(); } } private void menuDelete(boolean deleteFromRelations) { Log.d(DEBUG10_TAG,"menuDelete " + deleteFromRelations + " " + selection); // check for relation membership if (!deleteFromRelations) { for (OsmElement e:selection) { if (e.hasParentRelations()) { new AlertDialog.Builder(main) .setTitle(R.string.delete) .setMessage(R.string.delete_from_relation_description) .setPositiveButton(R.string.delete, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { menuDelete(true); } }) .show(); return; } } } logic.performEraseMultipleObjects(main, selection); currentActionMode.finish(); } @Override public boolean onBackPressed() { Log.d(DEBUG10_TAG,"onBackPressed"); deselect = true; return super.onBackPressed(); // call the normal stuff } } }