package org.osmdroid.views.overlay; import org.osmdroid.views.MapView; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import org.osmdroid.api.IMapView; /** * This will allow an {@link Overlay} that is not HW acceleration compatible to work in a HW * accelerated MapView. It will create a screen-sized backing Bitmap for the Overlay to draw to and * then will draw the Bitmap to the HW accelerated canvas. Due to the extra work, it does not draw * the shadow layer. If the Canvas passed into the Overlay is not HW accelerated or if * {@link #isUsingBackingBitmap()} returns false then it draws normally (including the shadow layer) * without the backing Bitmap. <br> * <br> * TODO: * <ol> * <li>Implement a flag to determine if the drawing has actually changed. If not, then reuse the * last frame's backing bitmap. This will prevent having to re-upload the bitmap texture to GPU.</li> * </ol> */ public abstract class NonAcceleratedOverlay extends Overlay { private Bitmap mBackingBitmap; private Canvas mBackingCanvas; private final Matrix mBackingMatrix = new Matrix(); private final Matrix mCanvasIdentityMatrix = new Matrix(); /** * A delegate for {@link #draw(Canvas, MapView, boolean)}. */ protected abstract void onDraw(Canvas c, MapView osmv, boolean shadow); /** Use {@link #NonAcceleratedOverlay()} instead */ @Deprecated public NonAcceleratedOverlay(Context ctx) { super(ctx); } public NonAcceleratedOverlay() { super(); } /** * Override if you really want access to the original (possibly) accelerated canvas. */ protected void onDraw(Canvas c, Canvas acceleratedCanvas, MapView osmv, boolean shadow) { onDraw(c, osmv, shadow); } /** * Allow forcing this overlay to skip drawing using backing Bitmap by returning false. */ public boolean isUsingBackingBitmap() { return true; } @Override public void onDetach(MapView mapView) { mBackingBitmap = null; mBackingCanvas = null; super.onDetach(mapView); } @Override public final void draw(Canvas c, MapView osmv, boolean shadow) { // First check to see if we want to use the backing bitmap final boolean atLeastHoneycomb = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB; if (isUsingBackingBitmap() && atLeastHoneycomb && c.isHardwareAccelerated()) { // Drawing a shadow layer would require a second backing Bitmap due to the way HW // accelerated drawBitmap works. One could extend this Overlay to implement that if // needed. if (shadow) return; // If we don't have any drawing area, then don't draw if (c.getWidth() == 0 || c.getHeight() == 0) return; if (mBackingBitmap == null || mBackingBitmap.getWidth() != c.getWidth() || mBackingBitmap.getHeight() != c.getHeight()) { mBackingBitmap = null; mBackingCanvas = null; try { mBackingBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(c.getWidth(), c.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.e(IMapView.LOGTAG,"OutOfMemoryError creating backing bitmap in NonAcceleratedOverlay."); System.gc(); return; } mBackingCanvas = new Canvas(mBackingBitmap); } mBackingCanvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, Mode.CLEAR); c.getMatrix(mBackingMatrix); mBackingCanvas.setMatrix(mBackingMatrix); onDraw(mBackingCanvas, c, osmv, shadow);; c.getMatrix(mCanvasIdentityMatrix); mCanvasIdentityMatrix.invert(mCanvasIdentityMatrix); c.concat(mCanvasIdentityMatrix); c.drawBitmap(mBackingBitmap, 0, 0, null); c.restore(); } else onDraw(c, c, osmv, shadow); } }