package; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import se.kodapan.osm.parser.xml.OsmXmlParserException; import se.kodapan.osm.parser.xml.instantiated.InstantiatedOsmXmlParser; import se.kodapan.osm.domain.*; import se.kodapan.osm.util.distance.ArcDistance; import se.kodapan.osm.jts.AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer; import se.kodapan.osm.jts.EnvelopeGrid; import se.kodapan.osm.jts.JtsSerializer; import se.kodapan.osm.jts.LineInterpolation; import; import; import; import se.kodapan.osm.sweden.OsmSweden; import se.kodapan.osm.sweden.Sweden; import se.kodapan.osm.sweden.util.Scored; import se.kodapan.osm.xml.OsmXmlWriter; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author kalle * @since 2013-08-31 6:29 PM */ public class PostortPolygonsExtractorFactory2 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Overpass overpass = new Overpass(); overpass.setServerURL(""); overpass.setUserAgent(" PostortPolygonsExtractorFactory");; OsmSweden.getInstance().open(); try { PostortPolygonsExtractorFactory2 factory = new PostortPolygonsExtractorFactory2(OsmSweden.getInstance().getLocalPosten(), overpass); factory.init(); factory.firstIteration(); Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> secondIteration = factory.secondIteration(); Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> thirdIteration = factory.thirdIteration(secondIteration); System.currentTimeMillis(); } finally { overpass.close(); OsmSweden.getInstance().close(); } } private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostortPolygonsExtractorFactory2.class); private GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(PrecisionModel.FLOATING)); private File path = new File("target/postort"); private Root localPosten; private Overpass overpass; private OverpassUtils overpassUtils; private int numberOfThreads = 16; public PostortPolygonsExtractorFactory2(Root localPosten, Overpass overpass) { this.localPosten = localPosten; this.overpass = overpass; this.overpassUtils = new OverpassUtils(overpass); } private boolean useBorderland = false; /** * 4500 points rather than 12000 points, making the voronoi result a lot faster to evaluate */ private boolean usingSimplifiedSwedishBorders = true; private Postort borderland; private double borderlandInterpolationKilometers = 1; private se.kodapan.osm.domain.root.Root sweden; /** * Loads the Swedish border, etc. Things used by all iterations. */ public void init() throws OsmXmlParserException, OverpassException { borderland = new Postort(); borderland.setIdentity("borderland"); if (useBorderland) { log.debug("Downloading and processing the Swedish border."); if (usingSimplifiedSwedishBorders) { sweden = new Sweden(overpass).loadSimplifiedBorders(); } else { sweden = new Sweden(overpass).loadBorders(); } } } /** * Create postort Voronoi polygons from ref:se:pts:postort in OpenStreetMap. */ public Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> firstIteration() {"First iteration."); // not really needed, but is nice for demonstration File path = new File(this.path, "iteration 1"); path.mkdirs(); File voronoiOsmFile = new File(path, "postorter.osm"); File voronoiObjectFile = new File(path, "postorter.object"); Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> voronoi = null; if (voronoiObjectFile.exists()) { try { voronoi = deserializeVoronoi(voronoiObjectFile, borderland, new JtsSerializer(geometryFactory)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not load " + voronoiObjectFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); voronoi = null; } } if (voronoi == null) { final InstantiatedOsmXmlParser parser = new InstantiatedOsmXmlParser(); final AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort> voronoiFactory = new AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort>(geometryFactory); if (useBorderland) { for (Way way : sweden.getWays().values()) { for (Coordinate coordinate : new LineInterpolation().interpolate(borderlandInterpolationKilometers, way)) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(borderland, coordinate); } } } for (final Postort postort : localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().values()) { for (OsmObject osmObject : postort.getReferencedObjects()) { osmObject.accept(new OsmObjectVisitor<Void>() { @Override public Void visit(Node node) { if (!node.isLoaded()) { try { overpassUtils.loadNode(parser, node.getId()); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } } voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(postort, node); return null; } @Override public Void visit(Way way) { log.warn("Skipping import of way in postort " + postort.getIdentity()); return null; } @Override public Void visit(Relation relation) { log.warn("Skipping import relation way in postort " + postort.getIdentity()); return null; } }); } } try { voronoi =; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { serializeVoronoi(voronoiObjectFile, new JtsSerializer(geometryFactory), voronoi); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Could not write " + voronoiOsmFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } } try { OsmXmlWriter osmxml = new OsmXmlWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(voronoiOsmFile), "utf8")); AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer.OsmRootFactory<Postort> factory = new AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer.OsmRootFactory<Postort>() { private String source = "Voronoi of points with ref:se:pts:postort set."; @Override public void setNode(Node node, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry, Coordinate coordinate) { node.setTag("note", "Swedish postort border point. Might be inaccurate."); node.setTag("source", source); } @Override public void setWay(Way way, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry) { way.setTag("note", "Swedish postort border. Might be inaccurate."); way.setTag("source", source); } @Override public void setClassTypeInstanceMultiPolygon(Relation relation, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries) { relation.setTag("source", source); relation.setTag("ref:se:pts:postort", postort.getIdentity()); } @Override public void setGeometryMultiPolygon(Relation relation, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry) { relation.setTag("note", "A complex polygon describing part of the Swedish postal town " + postort.getIdentity()); relation.setTag("source", source); } }; osmxml.write(factory.factory(voronoi)); osmxml.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Could not write " + voronoiOsmFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } return voronoi; } /** * Classify a grid around each point ref:se:pts:postort in OpenStreetMap, * adding a point for found postort at centroid of classification area. */ public Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> secondIteration() {"Second iteration."); File path = new File(this.path, "iteration 2"); path.mkdirs(); File voronoiOsmFile = new File(path, "postorter.osm"); File voronoiObjectFile = new File(path, "postorter.object"); final File previousPointsPath = new File(path, "search points"); previousPointsPath.mkdirs(); final AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort> voronoiFactory = new AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort>(geometryFactory); if (useBorderland) { for (Way way : sweden.getWays().values()) { for (Coordinate coordinate : new LineInterpolation().interpolate(borderlandInterpolationKilometers, way)) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(borderland, coordinate); } } } Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> voronoi = null; if (voronoiObjectFile.exists()) { try { voronoi = deserializeVoronoi(voronoiObjectFile, borderland, new JtsSerializer(geometryFactory)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not load " + voronoiObjectFile.getAbsolutePath(), e); voronoi = null; } } if (voronoi == null) { final Set<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> envelopesAlreadyClassified = loadClassifications(previousPointsPath, voronoiFactory); log.debug("classify in a grid around each postort ref:se:pts:postort point"); List<Postort> postorter = new ArrayList<Postort>(getPostorterOrderedByDistanceFromPoint(stockholmLatLon, localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().values())); //todo debug remove // postorter.clear(); // postorter.add(localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().get("ÄLVSJÖ")); //todo debug remove final AtomicBoolean stopThreads = new AtomicBoolean(false); for (final Postort postort : postorter) {"Processing " + postort.getIdentity()); for (OsmObject osmObject : postort.getReferencedObjects()) { osmObject.accept(new OsmObjectVisitor<Void>() { private ArcDistance distance = new ArcDistance(); @Override public Void visit(final Node node) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(postort, node); if (stopThreads.get()) { return null; } EnvelopeGrid grid = new EnvelopeGrid(10000, node.getLatitude(), node.getLongitude(), 20, 20); List<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> envelopes = new ArrayList<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(); for (EnvelopeGrid.Envelope[] rows : grid.getGrid()) { Collections.addAll(envelopes, rows); } Collections.sort(envelopes, new Comparator<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>() { @Override public int compare(EnvelopeGrid.Envelope o1, EnvelopeGrid.Envelope o2) { double distance1 = distance.calculate(node.getLatitude(), node.getLongitude(), o1.getNorthLatitude(), o1.getWestLongitude()); double distance2 = distance.calculate(node.getLatitude(), node.getLongitude(), o2.getNorthLatitude(), o2.getWestLongitude()); return, distance2); } }); final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(envelopes); Thread[] threads = new Thread[numberOfThreads]; String suffix = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < numberOfThreads; threadIndex++) { final File logFile; try { logFile = new File(previousPointsPath, URLEncoder.encode(postort.getIdentity(), "utf8") + "." + threadIndex + "." + suffix); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } threads[threadIndex] = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final ObjectOutputStream searchPointsLog; { ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream; try { objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(logFile)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not create search point log!", e); objectOutputStream = null; } searchPointsLog = objectOutputStream; } try { EnvelopeGrid.Envelope envelope; while (!stopThreads.get() && (envelope = queue.poll()) != null) { if (envelopesAlreadyClassified.contains(envelope)) { log.debug("Skipping envelope in " + postort.getIdentity() + " since it already was loaded. " + envelope); continue; } List<Scored<Postort>> classifications; try { classifications = classifyPostort(envelope); } catch (Exception e) { stopThreads.set(true); log.error("Caught exception in worker thread. Stopping all.", e); return; } new PostortsClassificationSelector<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(envelope) { @Override public void select(Postort postort) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(postort, node); if (searchPointsLog != null) { // save envelope as classified try { searchPointsLog.writeBoolean(true); if (postort == null) { searchPointsLog.writeObject(null); } else { searchPointsLog.writeObject(postort.getIdentity()); } searchPointsLog.writeObject(getMetaData()); searchPointsLog.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error writing to voronoi search log!", e); } } } }.select(classifications); } } finally { if (searchPointsLog != null) { try { searchPointsLog.writeBoolean(false); searchPointsLog.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while closing postort classification log " + logFile.getName(), e); } } } } }); threads[threadIndex].setDaemon(true); threads[threadIndex].setName("Scan grid around ref:se:pts:postort thread #" + threadIndex); threads[threadIndex].start(); } Thread debugThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Caught exception while sleeping", e); break; } if (stopThreads.get()) { break; } if (queue.isEmpty()) { break; } + " envelopes left to process in grid around references of " + postort.getIdentity() + "..."); } } }); debugThread.setDaemon(true); debugThread.setName("Scan grid around references debug thread"); debugThread.start(); for (Thread thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.error("Caught exception when joining worker threads. Breaks out of joining threads.", ie); break; } } // end visitor return null; } @Override public Void visit(Way way) { log.warn("Skipping import of way in postort " + postort.getIdentity()); return null; } @Override public Void visit(Relation relation) { log.warn("Skipping import of relation in postort " + postort.getIdentity()); return null; } }); } if (stopThreads.get()) { break; } } try { voronoi =; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { serializeVoronoi(voronoiObjectFile, new JtsSerializer(geometryFactory), voronoi); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Could not write " + voronoiOsmFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } try { OsmXmlWriter osmxml = new OsmXmlWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(voronoiOsmFile), "utf8")); AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer.OsmRootFactory<Postort> factory = new AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer.OsmRootFactory<Postort>() { private String source = "Voronoi of points with ref:se:pts:postort set, tested against data available in Postnummersystemet."; @Override public void setNode(Node node, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry, Coordinate coordinate) { node.setTag("note", "Swedish postort border point. Might be inaccurate."); node.setTag("source", source); } @Override public void setWay(Way way, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry) { way.setTag("note", "Swedish postort border. Might be inaccurate."); way.setTag("source", source); } @Override public void setClassTypeInstanceMultiPolygon(Relation relation, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries) { relation.setTag("note", postort.getIdentity() + "-group with " + voronoiFactory.getCoordinatesByClass().get(postort).size() + " points describing the Swedish postal town"); relation.setTag("source", source); relation.setTag("ref:se:pts:postort", postort.getIdentity()); } @Override public void setGeometryMultiPolygon(Relation relation, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry) { relation.setTag("note", "A complex polygon describing part of the Swedish postal town " + postort.getIdentity()); relation.setTag("source", source); } }; osmxml.write(factory.factory(voronoi)); osmxml.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Could not write " + voronoiOsmFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } } return voronoi; } private Set<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> loadClassifications(File path, AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort> voronoiFactory) {"Load previously clasified points"); final Set<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> envelopesUsedForClassification = new HashSet<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(1000000); for (File file : path.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File file) { return file.isFile(); } })) { try { log.debug("Processing " + file.getAbsolutePath()); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); try { while ((in.readBoolean())) { String postort = (String) in.readObject(); EnvelopeGrid.Envelope envelope = (EnvelopeGrid.Envelope) in.readObject(); if (envelope.getEastLongitude() > 25 || envelope.getWestLongitude() < 10 || envelope.getNorthLatitude() > 70 || envelope.getSouthLatitude() < 55) { log.error("Envelope bounds out of sweden!"); } else { if (envelopesUsedForClassification.add(envelope)) { if (postort != null) { double longitude = (envelope.getEastLongitude() + envelope.getWestLongitude()) / 2; double latitude = (envelope.getNorthLatitude() + envelope.getSouthLatitude()) / 2; voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().get(postort), longitude, latitude); } } } } } catch (EOFException eof) { log.debug("EOF ignored", eof); } finally { in.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Ignoring exception from processing " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } + " coordinates loaded from known data."); return envelopesUsedForClassification; } private double[] malmöLatLon = new double[]{55.60123861794095, 13.009185791015625}; private double[] alvsjoLatLon= new double[]{59.276, 18}; private double[] stockholmLatLon = new double[]{59.324, 18.07}; final double[] halmstadLatLon = new double[]{56.66, 12.84}; final double[] göteborgLatLon = new double[]{57.7, 12}; final double[] fjbLatLon = new double[]{58.61, 11.28}; final double[] kirunaLatLon = new double[]{67.8, 20.2}; private List<Postort> getPostorterOrderedByDistanceFromPoint(final double[] centroidLatLon, Collection<Postort> input) { final ArcDistance distance = new ArcDistance(); List<Postort> postorter = new ArrayList<Postort>(input); Collections.sort(postorter, new Comparator<Postort>() { @Override public int compare(Postort o1, Postort o2) { Node node1 = null; Node node2 = null; if (!o1.getReferencedObjects().isEmpty()) { node1 = (Node) o1.getReferencedObjects().iterator().next(); } if (!o2.getReferencedObjects().isEmpty()) { node2 = (Node) o2.getReferencedObjects().iterator().next(); } if (node1 == null && node2 == null) { return 0; } else if (node1 == null && node2 != null) { return 1; } else if (node2 == null && node1 != null) { return -1; } else { double distance1 = distance.calculate(centroidLatLon[0], centroidLatLon[1], node1.getY(), node1.getX()); double distance2 = distance.calculate(centroidLatLon[0], centroidLatLon[1], node2.getY(), node2.getX()); return, distance2); } } }); return postorter; } private <E> List<Map.Entry<E, List<Polygon>>> getVoronoiOrderedByDistanceFromPoint(final double[] centroidLatLon, Map<E, List<Polygon>> input) { final ArcDistance distance = new ArcDistance(); List<Map.Entry<E, List<Polygon>>> ordered = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<E, List<Polygon>>>(input.entrySet()); Collections.sort(ordered, new Comparator<Map.Entry<E, List<Polygon>>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<E, List<Polygon>> o1, Map.Entry<E, List<Polygon>> o2) { Coordinate coordinate1 = o1.getValue().get(0).getCentroid().getCoordinate(); Coordinate coordinate2 = o2.getValue().get(0).getCentroid().getCoordinate(); double distance1 = distance.calculate(centroidLatLon[0], centroidLatLon[1], coordinate1.y, coordinate1.x); double distance2 = distance.calculate(centroidLatLon[0], centroidLatLon[1], coordinate2.y, coordinate2.x); return, distance2); } }); return ordered; } /** * Follow borders of postort polygons * and classify at more detailed level between neighbouring postorter. */ public Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> thirdIteration(Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> inputPostortAndPolygons) {"Third iteration."); final ArcDistance distance = new ArcDistance(); File path = new File(this.path, "iteration 3"); path.mkdirs(); File voronoiOsmFile = new File(path, "postorter.osm"); File voronoiObjectFile = new File(path, "postorter.object"); final File previousPointsPath = new File(path, "search points"); previousPointsPath.mkdirs(); final AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort> voronoiFactory = new AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer<Postort>(geometryFactory); if (useBorderland) { for (Way way : sweden.getWays().values()) { for (Coordinate coordinate : new LineInterpolation().interpolate(borderlandInterpolationKilometers, way)) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(borderland, coordinate); } } } final Set<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> envelopesAlreadyClassified = loadClassifications(previousPointsPath, voronoiFactory); List<Map.Entry<Postort, List<Polygon>>> ordered = getVoronoiOrderedByDistanceFromPoint(alvsjoLatLon, inputPostortAndPolygons); // todo debug remove // ordered.clear(); // Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> hack = new HashMap<Postort, List<Polygon>>(); // hack.put(localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().get("ÄLVSJÖ"), inputPostortAndPolygons.get(localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().get("ÄLVSJÖ"))); // ordered = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Postort, List<Polygon>>>(hack.entrySet()); // todo debug remove final AtomicBoolean stopThreads = new AtomicBoolean(false); for (Map.Entry<Postort, List<Polygon>> postortAndPolygons : ordered) { final Postort postort = postortAndPolygons.getKey(); if (borderland.equals(postort)) { continue; } //"Searching on the borders of " + postort.getIdentity()); List<Coordinate> interpolatedPolygonPoints = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); for (Polygon polygon : postortAndPolygons.getValue()) { Coordinate[] coordinates = polygon.getCoordinates(); for (int i = 1; i < coordinates.length; i++) { Coordinate previousCoordinate = coordinates[i - 1]; Coordinate coordinate = coordinates[i]; interpolatedPolygonPoints.addAll(new LineInterpolation().interpolate(5, previousCoordinate, coordinate)); } }"Searching on the borders of " + postort.getIdentity() + " on " + interpolatedPolygonPoints.size() + " points."); final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(); for (final Coordinate coordinate : interpolatedPolygonPoints) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(postort, coordinate); EnvelopeGrid grid = new EnvelopeGrid(2500, coordinate.y, coordinate.x, 5, 5); List<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope> envelopes = new ArrayList<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(); EnvelopeGrid.Envelope[][] rows = grid.getGrid(); for (EnvelopeGrid.Envelope[] columns : rows) { Collections.addAll(envelopes, columns); } Collections.sort(envelopes, new Comparator<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>() { @Override public int compare(EnvelopeGrid.Envelope o1, EnvelopeGrid.Envelope o2) { double distance1 = distance.calculate(coordinate.y, coordinate.x, o1.getNorthLatitude(), o1.getWestLongitude()); double distance2 = distance.calculate(coordinate.y, coordinate.x, o2.getNorthLatitude(), o2.getWestLongitude()); return, distance2); } }); queue.addAll(envelopes); } { Thread[] threads = new Thread[numberOfThreads]; String suffix = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < numberOfThreads; threadIndex++) { final File logFile; try { logFile = new File(previousPointsPath, URLEncoder.encode(postort.getIdentity(), "utf8") + "." + threadIndex + "." + suffix); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } threads[threadIndex] = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = null; try { objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(logFile)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Could not create search point log!", e); objectOutputStream = null; } final ObjectOutputStream searchPointsLog = objectOutputStream; EnvelopeGrid.Envelope envelope; while (!stopThreads.get() && (envelope = queue.poll()) != null) { if (envelopesAlreadyClassified.contains(envelope)) { log.debug("Skipping envelope in " + postort.getIdentity() + " since it already was loaded. " + envelope); continue; } List<Scored<Postort>> classifications; try { classifications = classifyPostort(envelope); } catch (Exception e) { stopThreads.set(true); log.error("Caught exception in worker thread. Stopping all.", e); return; } new PostortsClassificationSelector<EnvelopeGrid.Envelope>(envelope) { @Override public void select(Postort postort) { voronoiFactory.addCoordinate(postort, getMetaData().getCentroidLongitude(), getMetaData().getCentroidLatitude()); if (searchPointsLog != null) { // save envelope as classified try { searchPointsLog.writeBoolean(true); if (postort == null) { searchPointsLog.writeObject(null); } else { searchPointsLog.writeObject(postort.getIdentity()); } searchPointsLog.writeObject(getMetaData()); searchPointsLog.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error writing to voronoi search log!", e); } } } }.select(classifications); } if (searchPointsLog != null) { try { searchPointsLog.writeBoolean(false); searchPointsLog.close(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while closing postort classification log " + logFile.getName(), e); } } } }); threads[threadIndex].setDaemon(true); threads[threadIndex].setName("Scan grid around border thread #" + threadIndex); threads[threadIndex].start(); } Thread debugThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Caught exception while sleeping", e); break; } if (stopThreads.get()) { break; } if (queue.isEmpty()) { break; } + " envelopes left to process in borders around " + postort.getIdentity() + "..."); } } }); debugThread.setDaemon(true); debugThread.setName("Scan grid around border debug thread"); debugThread.start(); for (Thread thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.error("Caught exception when joining worker threads. Breaks out of joining threads.", ie); break; } } if (stopThreads.get()) { break; } } if (stopThreads.get()) { break; } } Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> voronoi; try { voronoi =; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { serializeVoronoi(voronoiObjectFile, new JtsSerializer(geometryFactory), voronoi); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Could not write " + voronoiOsmFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } try { OsmXmlWriter osmxml = new OsmXmlWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(voronoiOsmFile), "utf8")); AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer.OsmRootFactory<Postort> factory = new AdjacentClassVoronoiClusterer.OsmRootFactory<Postort>() { private String source = "Voronoi of points with ref:se:pts:postort set, tested against data available in Postnummersystemet."; @Override public void setNode(Node node, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry, Coordinate coordinate) { node.setTag("note", "Swedish postort border point. Might be inaccurate."); node.setTag("source", source); } @Override public void setWay(Way way, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry) { way.setTag("note", "Swedish postort border. Might be inaccurate."); way.setTag("source", source); } @Override public void setClassTypeInstanceMultiPolygon(Relation relation, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries) { relation.setTag("note", postort.getIdentity() + "-group with " + voronoiFactory.getCoordinatesByClass().get(postort).size() + " points describing the Swedish postal town"); relation.setTag("source", source); relation.setTag("ref:se:pts:postort", postort.getIdentity()); } @Override public void setGeometryMultiPolygon(Relation relation, Postort postort, List<Polygon> geometries, Polygon geometry) { relation.setTag("note", "A complex polygon describing part of the Swedish postal town " + postort.getIdentity()); relation.setTag("source", source); } }; osmxml.write(factory.factory(voronoi)); osmxml.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { log.error("Could not write " + voronoiOsmFile.getAbsolutePath(), ioe); } return voronoi; } public abstract class PostortsClassificationSelector<MetaData> { public abstract void select(Postort postort); private MetaData metaData; protected PostortsClassificationSelector(MetaData metaData) { this.metaData = metaData; } public MetaData getMetaData() { return metaData; } public void select(List<Scored<Postort>> postortScores) { if (!postortScores.isEmpty()) { Postort postort = postortScores.get(0).getObject(); if (postortScores.size() == 1 && postortScores.get(0).getScore() >= 6) { select(postort); } else if (postortScores.size() > 1 && postortScores.get(0).getScore() >= 10 && postortScores.get(1).getScore() < postortScores.get(0).getScore() / 2.5d) { // todo filter in distance to known postorter from the centroid select(postort); } else { select((Postort) null); } } else { select((Postort) null); } } } public List<Scored<Postort>> classifyPostort(EnvelopeGrid.Envelope column) throws OverpassException, OsmXmlParserException { InstantiatedOsmXmlParser parser = new InstantiatedOsmXmlParser(); overpassUtils.loadEnvelope(parser, column.getSouthLatitude(), column.getWestLongitude(), column.getNorthLatitude(), column.getEastLongitude()); Set<Way> streetWays = new HashSet<Way>(); Set<Way> houseNumberWays = new HashSet<Way>(); Set<Node> houseNumberNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); for (Way way : parser.getRoot().getWays().values()) { if (way.getTag("highway") != null && way.getTag("name") != null) { streetWays.add(way); } else if (way.getTag("addr:housenumber") != null && way.getTag("addr:street") != null) { houseNumberWays.add(way); } } for (Node node : parser.getRoot().getNodes().values()) { if (node.getTag("addr:housenumber") != null && node.getTag("addr:street") != null) { houseNumberNodes.add(node); } } // gather street names Set<String> streetNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (OsmObject object : streetWays) { streetNames.add(object.getTag("name")); } for (OsmObject object : houseNumberWays) { streetNames.add(object.getTag("addr:street")); } for (OsmObject object : houseNumberNodes) { streetNames.add(object.getTag("addr:street")); } Map<String, Set<PostnummerSegment>> segmentsPerStreetName = new HashMap<String, Set<PostnummerSegment>>(); Map<Postnummer, Set<PostnummerSegment>> segmentsPerPostnummer = new HashMap<Postnummer, Set<PostnummerSegment>>(); Map<Postort, Set<PostnummerSegment>> segmentsPerPostort = new HashMap<Postort, Set<PostnummerSegment>>(); for (String streetName : streetNames) { Set<PostnummerSegment> segments = localPosten.getSegmentsByName().get(streetName); if (segments != null) { segmentsPerStreetName.put(streetName, segments); for (PostnummerSegment segment : segments) { Set<PostnummerSegment> postnummerSegments = segmentsPerPostnummer.get(segment.getPostnummer()); if (postnummerSegments == null) { postnummerSegments = new HashSet<PostnummerSegment>(); segmentsPerPostnummer.put(segment.getPostnummer(), postnummerSegments); } postnummerSegments.add(segment); } for (PostnummerSegment segment : segments) { Set<PostnummerSegment> postortSegments = segmentsPerPostort.get(segment.getPostnummer().getPostort()); if (postortSegments == null) { postortSegments = new HashSet<PostnummerSegment>(); segmentsPerPostort.put(segment.getPostnummer().getPostort(), postortSegments); } postortSegments.add(segment); } } } List<Scored<Postort>> postortScores = new ArrayList<Scored<Postort>>(); for (Map.Entry<Postort, Set<PostnummerSegment>> postortSegments : segmentsPerPostort.entrySet()) { Set<String> segmentNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (PostnummerSegment segment : postortSegments.getValue()) { segmentNames.add(segment.getGatunamn()); } postortScores.add(new Scored<Postort>(segmentNames.size(), postortSegments.getKey())); } Collections.sort(postortScores, Scored.topScoreFirstComparator); return postortScores; } private Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> deserializeVoronoi(File file, Postort borderland, JtsSerializer jts) throws IOException { Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> classifications = new HashMap<Postort, List<Polygon>>(); ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); while (objectInputStream.readBoolean()) { String postortsIdentity = objectInputStream.readUTF(); if (postortsIdentity == null) { System.currentTimeMillis(); } Postort postort = localPosten.getPostortByIdentity().get(postortsIdentity); if (postort == null) { if (borderland.getIdentity().equals(postortsIdentity)) { postort = borderland; } else { System.currentTimeMillis(); throw new NullPointerException(); } } List<Polygon> geometries = new ArrayList<Polygon>(); while (objectInputStream.readBoolean()) { geometries.add(jts.readPolygon(objectInputStream)); } classifications.put(postort, geometries); } objectInputStream.close(); return classifications; } private void serializeVoronoi(File file, JtsSerializer jts, Map<Postort, List<Polygon>> geometriesPerPostortRawOsmVoronoi) throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); for (Map.Entry<Postort, List<Polygon>> entry : geometriesPerPostortRawOsmVoronoi.entrySet()) { objectOutputStream.writeBoolean(true); if (entry.getKey() == null) { System.currentTimeMillis(); } objectOutputStream.writeUTF(entry.getKey().getIdentity()); for (Geometry geometry : entry.getValue()) { objectOutputStream.writeBoolean(true); Polygon polygon = (Polygon) geometry; jts.writePolygon(polygon, objectOutputStream); } objectOutputStream.writeBoolean(false); } objectOutputStream.writeBoolean(false); objectOutputStream.close(); } }