package; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import; import; import; import com.bitmonlab.osiris.core.assembler.Assembler; import com.bitmonlab.osiris.core.assembler.AssemblyException; import; import; import; public class GetRoomByLocation { @Inject private SearchManager searchManager; @Inject @Named("RoomAssembler") private Assembler<RoomDTO, Feature> roomAssembler; private RoomDTO response; public static Exception exceptionCapture; @Given("^I have a map with a Room and appId \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void I_have_a_map_with_a_Room_and_appId(String appId) throws Throwable { // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had Runtime.getRuntime().exec("mongorestore --db osirisGeolocation --collection map_app_"+appId+" src/acceptance-test/resources/scripts/mapRoom_app_1.bson"); } @When("^I invoke a GET to getRoomByLocation with appId \"([^\"]*)\", longitude \"([^\"]*)\", latitude \"([^\"]*)\" and floor (\\d+)$") public void I_invoke_a_GET_to_getRoomByLocation_with_appId_longitude_latitude_and_floor(String appId, String sLongitude, String sLatitude, int floor) throws RoomNotFoundException, AssemblyException{ // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had try { Double longitude = Double.parseDouble(sLongitude); Double latitude = Double.parseDouble(sLatitude); Feature room=searchManager.getRoomByLocation(appId, longitude, latitude, floor); response=roomAssembler.createDataTransferObject(room); }catch (Exception e){ exceptionCapture = e; } } @Then("^returned room is \"([^\"]*)\"$") public void returned_room_is(String room) { // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had RoomDTO roomDTO=response; String roonName=roomDTO.getRoomName(); Assert.assertEquals("Name of room must be equals", room, roonName); } @When("^I check that (\\d+) rooms are returned$") public void I_check_that_rooms_are_returned(int numRooms) throws Throwable { Assert.assertEquals("Must return " + numRooms + " rooms", response, numRooms); } @Then("^I receive a RoomNotFoundException$") public void I_receive_a_RoomNotFoundException() throws Throwable { Assert.assertEquals(exceptionCapture.getClass() , new RoomNotFoundException().getClass() ); } }