/* * Bytecode Analysis Framework * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 University of Maryland * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.type; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.bcel.Constants; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Field; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Signature; import org.apache.bcel.generic.*; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.OpcodeStack.Item; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AbstractFrameModelingVisitor; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.AnalysisContext; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.DataflowAnalysisException; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.Debug; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.FieldSummary; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.Hierarchy; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.InvalidBytecodeException; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.ObjectTypeFactory; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.XField; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.ch.Subtypes2; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.generic.GenericObjectType; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.generic.GenericUtilities; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.vna.ValueNumber; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.vna.ValueNumberDataflow; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.ba.vna.ValueNumberFrame; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.util.Util; /** * Visitor to model the effects of bytecode instructions on the types of the * values (local and operand stack) in Java stack frames. This visitor does not * verify that the types are sensible for the bytecodes executed. In other * words, this isn't a bytecode verifier, although it wouldn't be too hard to * turn it into something vaguely verifier-like. * * @author David Hovemeyer * @see TypeFrame * @see TypeAnalysis */ public class TypeFrameModelingVisitor extends AbstractFrameModelingVisitor<Type, TypeFrame> implements Constants, Debug { static private final ObjectType COLLECTION_TYPE = ObjectTypeFactory.getInstance("java.util.Collection"); private ValueNumberDataflow valueNumberDataflow; // Fields for precise modeling of instanceof instructions. private boolean instanceOfFollowedByBranch; private ReferenceType instanceOfType; private ValueNumber instanceOfValueNumber; private FieldSummary fieldSummary; private FieldStoreTypeDatabase database; private Set<ReferenceType> typesComputedFromGenerics = Util.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<ReferenceType, Boolean>()); /** * Constructor. * * @param cpg * the ConstantPoolGen of the method whose instructions we are * examining * @param typesComputerFromGenerics TODO */ public TypeFrameModelingVisitor(ConstantPoolGen cpg) { super(cpg); fieldSummary = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getFieldSummary(); } /** * Set ValueNumberDataflow for the method being analyzed. This is optional; * if set, we will use the information to more accurately model the effects * of instanceof instructions. * * @param valueNumberDataflow * the ValueNumberDataflow */ public void setValueNumberDataflow(ValueNumberDataflow valueNumberDataflow) { this.valueNumberDataflow = valueNumberDataflow; } /** * Return whether an instanceof instruction was followed by a branch. The * TypeAnalysis may use this to get more precise types in the resulting * frame. * * @return true if an instanceof instruction was followed by a branch, false * if not */ public boolean isInstanceOfFollowedByBranch() { return instanceOfFollowedByBranch; } /** * Get the type of the most recent instanceof instruction modeled. The * TypeAnalysis may use this to get more precise types in the resulting * frame. * * @return the Type checked by the most recent instanceof instruction */ public Type getInstanceOfType() { return instanceOfType; } /** * Get the value number of the most recent instanceof instruction modeled. * The TypeAnalysis may use this to get more precise types in the resulting * frame. * * @return the ValueNumber checked by the most recent instanceof instruction */ public ValueNumber getInstanceOfValueNumber() { return instanceOfValueNumber; } /** * Set the field store type database. We can use this to get more accurate * types for values loaded from fields. * * @param database * the FieldStoreTypeDatabase */ public void setFieldStoreTypeDatabase(FieldStoreTypeDatabase database) { this.database = database; } @Override public Type getDefaultValue() { return TypeFrame.getBottomType(); } boolean sawEffectiveInstanceOf; boolean previousWasEffectiveInstanceOf; @Override public void analyzeInstruction(Instruction ins) throws DataflowAnalysisException { instanceOfFollowedByBranch = false; sawEffectiveInstanceOf = false; super.analyzeInstruction(ins); previousWasEffectiveInstanceOf = sawEffectiveInstanceOf; } /** * This method must be called at the beginning of modeling a basic block in * order to clear information cached for instanceof modeling. */ public void startBasicBlock() { instanceOfType = null; instanceOfValueNumber = null; } /** * Consume stack. This is a convenience method for instructions where the * types of popped operands can be ignored. */ protected void consumeStack(Instruction ins) { ConstantPoolGen cpg = getCPG(); TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); int numWordsConsumed = ins.consumeStack(cpg); if (numWordsConsumed == Constants.UNPREDICTABLE) throw new InvalidBytecodeException("Unpredictable stack consumption for " + ins); try { while (numWordsConsumed-- > 0) { frame.popValue(); } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { throw new InvalidBytecodeException("Stack underflow for " + ins + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Work around some weirdness in BCEL (inherited from JVM Spec 1): BCEL * considers long and double types to consume two slots on the stack. This * method ensures that we push two types for each double or long value. */ protected void pushValue(Type type) { TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); if (type.getType() == T_LONG) { frame.pushValue(Type.LONG); frame.pushValue(TypeFrame.getLongExtraType()); } else if (type.getType() == T_DOUBLE) { frame.pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); frame.pushValue(TypeFrame.getDoubleExtraType()); } else frame.pushValue(type); } /** * Helper for pushing the return type of an invoke instruction. */ protected void pushReturnType(InvokeInstruction ins) { ConstantPoolGen cpg = getCPG(); Type type = ins.getType(cpg); if (type.getType() != T_VOID) pushValue(type); } /** * This is overridden only to ensure that we don't rely on the base class to * handle instructions that produce stack operands. */ @Override public void modelNormalInstruction(Instruction ins, int numWordsConsumed, int numWordsProduced) { if (VERIFY_INTEGRITY) { if (numWordsProduced > 0) throw new InvalidBytecodeException("missing visitor method for " + ins); } super.modelNormalInstruction(ins, numWordsConsumed, numWordsProduced); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Instruction visitor methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // NOTES: // - Instructions that only consume operands need not be overridden, // because the base class visit methods handle them correctly. // - Instructions that simply move values around in the frame, // such as DUP, xLOAD, etc., do not need to be overridden because // the base class handles them. // - Instructions that consume and produce should call // consumeStack(Instruction) and then explicitly push produced operands. @Override public void visitATHROW(ATHROW obj) { // do nothing. The same value remains on the stack (but we jump to a new // location) } @Override public void visitACONST_NULL(ACONST_NULL obj) { pushValue(TypeFrame.getNullType()); } @Override public void visitDCONST(DCONST obj) { pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitFCONST(FCONST obj) { pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitICONST(ICONST obj) { pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLCONST(LCONST obj) { pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitLDC(LDC obj) { pushValue(obj.getType(getCPG())); } @Override public void visitLDC2_W(LDC2_W obj) { pushValue(obj.getType(getCPG())); } @Override public void visitBIPUSH(BIPUSH obj) { pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitSIPUSH(SIPUSH obj) { pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitGETSTATIC(GETSTATIC obj) { modelFieldLoad(obj); } @Override public void visitGETFIELD(GETFIELD obj) { modelFieldLoad(obj); } public void modelFieldLoad(FieldInstruction obj) { consumeStack(obj); Type loadType = obj.getType(getCPG()); Type originalLoadType = loadType; try { // Check the field store type database to see if we can // get a more precise type for this load. XField xfield = Hierarchy.findXField(obj, getCPG()); if (xfield != null) { if (database != null && (loadType instanceof ReferenceType)) { FieldStoreType property = database.getProperty(xfield.getFieldDescriptor()); if (property != null) { loadType = property.getLoadType((ReferenceType) loadType); } } Item summary = fieldSummary.getSummary(xfield); if (xfield.isFinal() && summary.isNull()) { pushValue(TypeFrame.getNullType()); return; } if (loadType == originalLoadType && summary != null && !summary.getSignature().equals("Ljava/lang/Object;")) { loadType = Type.getType(summary.getSignature()); } // [Added: Support for Generics] // XXX If the loadType was not changed by the // FieldStoreTypeDatabase, then // we can assume, that the signature for obj is still relevant. // This should // be updated by inserting generic information in the // FieldStoreTypeDatabase // find the field and its signature Field field = Hierarchy.findField(xfield.getClassName(), xfield.getName()); String signature = null; for (Attribute a : field.getAttributes()) { if (a instanceof Signature) { signature = ((Signature) a).getSignature(); break; } } // replace loadType with information from field signature // (conservative) if (signature != null && (loadType instanceof ObjectType)) { loadType = GenericUtilities.merge(GenericUtilities.getType(signature), (ObjectType) loadType); } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { AnalysisContext.reportMissingClass(e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { } // degrade gracefully pushValue(loadType); } @Override public void visitINVOKESTATIC(INVOKESTATIC obj) { String methodName = obj.getMethodName(cpg); String signature = obj.getSignature(cpg); String className = obj.getClassName(cpg); if (methodName.equals("asList") && className.equals("java.util.Arrays") && signature.equals("([Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/util/List;")) { consumeStack(obj); Type returnType = Type.getType("Ljava/util/Arrays$ArrayList;"); pushValue(returnType); return; } consumeStack(obj); pushReturnType(obj); } @Override public void visitINVOKESPECIAL(INVOKESPECIAL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushReturnType(obj); } @Override public void visitINVOKEINTERFACE(INVOKEINTERFACE obj) { visitInvokeInstructionCommon(obj); } @Override public void visitINVOKEVIRTUAL(INVOKEVIRTUAL obj) { visitInvokeInstructionCommon(obj); } private boolean getResultTypeFromGenericType(TypeFrame frame, int index, int expectedParameters) { try { Type mapType = frame.getStackValue(0); if (mapType instanceof GenericObjectType) { GenericObjectType genericMapType = (GenericObjectType) mapType; List<? extends ReferenceType> parameters = genericMapType.getParameters(); if (parameters != null && parameters.size() == expectedParameters) { ReferenceType resultType = parameters.get(index); if (resultType instanceof GenericObjectType) resultType = ((GenericObjectType)resultType).produce(); typesComputedFromGenerics.add(resultType); frame.popValue(); frame.pushValue(resultType); return true; } } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("oops", e); } return false; } private boolean handleGetMapView(TypeFrame frame, String typeName, int index, int expectedNumberOfTypeParameters) { try { Type mapType = frame.getStackValue(0); if (mapType instanceof GenericObjectType) { GenericObjectType genericMapType = (GenericObjectType) mapType; List<? extends ReferenceType> parameters = genericMapType.getParameters(); if (parameters == null) return false; if (parameters.size() == expectedNumberOfTypeParameters) { ReferenceType keyType = parameters.get(index); frame.popValue(); typesComputedFromGenerics.add(keyType); GenericObjectType keySetType = GenericUtilities.getType(typeName, Collections.singletonList(keyType)); typesComputedFromGenerics.add(keySetType); frame.pushValue(keySetType); return true; } } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("oops", e); } return false; } public void visitInvokeInstructionCommon(InvokeInstruction obj) { TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); String methodName = obj.getMethodName(cpg); String signature = obj.getSignature(cpg); String className = obj.getClassName(cpg); if (methodName.equals("cast") && className.equals("java.lang.Class")) { try { Type resultType = frame.popValue(); frame.popValue(); frame.pushValue(resultType); } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("oops", e); } return; } if (methodName.equals("get") && signature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;") && className.endsWith("Map")) { try { Type mapType = frame.getStackValue(1); if (mapType instanceof GenericObjectType) { GenericObjectType genericMapType = (GenericObjectType) mapType; List<? extends ReferenceType> parameters = genericMapType.getParameters(); if (parameters != null && parameters.size() == 2) { ReferenceType valueType = parameters.get(1); consumeStack(obj); frame.pushValue(valueType); return; } } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("oops", e); } } if (className.equals("java.util.Map$Entry")) if (methodName.equals("getKey") && getResultTypeFromGenericType(frame, 0, 2) || methodName.equals("getValue") && getResultTypeFromGenericType(frame, 1, 2)) return; if (methodName.equals("entrySet") && signature.equals("()Ljava/util/Set;") && className.startsWith("java.util") && className.endsWith("Map")) { Type argType; try { argType = frame.popValue(); } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("oops", e); return; } ObjectType mapType = (ObjectType) Type.getType("Ljava/util/Map$Entry;"); if (argType instanceof GenericObjectType) { GenericObjectType genericArgType = (GenericObjectType) argType; List<? extends ReferenceType> parameters = genericArgType.getParameters(); if (parameters != null && parameters.size() == 2) mapType = GenericUtilities.getType("java.util.Map$Entry", parameters); } GenericObjectType entrySetType = GenericUtilities.getType("java.util.Set", Collections.singletonList(mapType)); frame.pushValue(entrySetType); return; } if (className.startsWith("java.util") && className.endsWith("Map")) if (methodName.equals("keySet") && signature.equals("()Ljava/util/Set;") && handleGetMapView(frame, "java.util.Set", 0,2 ) || methodName.equals("values") && signature.equals("()Ljava/util/Collection;") && handleGetMapView(frame, "java.util.Collection", 1,2 )) return; if (methodName.equals("iterator") && signature.equals("()Ljava/util/Iterator;") && className.startsWith("java.util") && handleGetMapView(frame, "java.util.Iterator", 0,1 )) return; if (className.equals("java.util.Iterator") &&methodName.equals("next") && signature.equals("()Ljava/lang/Object;") && getResultTypeFromGenericType(frame, 0, 1)) return; if (methodName.equals("isInstance")) { if (className.equals("java.lang.Class") && valueNumberDataflow != null) { // Record the value number of the value checked by this // instruction, // and the type the value was compared to. try { ValueNumberFrame vnaFrame = valueNumberDataflow.getFactAtLocation(getLocation()); if (vnaFrame.isValid()) { ValueNumber stackValue = vnaFrame.getStackValue(1); if (stackValue.hasFlag(ValueNumber.CONSTANT_CLASS_OBJECT)) { String c = valueNumberDataflow.getClassName(stackValue); if (c != null) { if (c.charAt(0) != '[' && !c.endsWith(";")) c = "L" + c.replace('.', '/') + ";"; Type type = Type.getType(c); if (type instanceof ReferenceType) { instanceOfValueNumber = vnaFrame.getTopValue(); instanceOfType = (ReferenceType) type; sawEffectiveInstanceOf = true; } } } } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { // Ignore } } } if (methodName.equals("initCause") && signature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/Throwable;") && className.endsWith("Exception")) { try { frame.popValue(); return; } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { AnalysisContext.logError("Ooops", e); } } if (handleToArray(obj)) return; consumeStack(obj); pushReturnType(obj); } private boolean handleToArray(InvokeInstruction obj) { try { TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); Type topValue = frame.getTopValue(); if (obj.getName(getCPG()).equals("toArray")) { ReferenceType target = obj.getReferenceType(getCPG()); String signature = obj.getSignature(getCPG()); if (signature.equals("([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object;") && isCollection(target)) { boolean topIsExact = frame.isExact(frame.getStackLocation(0)); Type resultType = frame.popValue(); frame.popValue(); frame.pushValue(resultType); frame.setExact(frame.getStackLocation(0), topIsExact); return true; } else if (signature.equals("()[Ljava/lang/Object;") && isCollection(target) && !topValue.getSignature().equals("Ljava/util/Arrays$ArrayList;")) { consumeStack(obj); pushReturnType(obj); frame.setExact(frame.getStackLocation(0), true); return true; } } return false; } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { return false; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { AnalysisContext.reportMissingClass(e); return false; } } @Override public void handleStoreInstruction(StoreInstruction obj) { int numConsumed = obj.consumeStack(cpg); if (numConsumed == 1) { try { boolean isExact = isTopOfStackExact(); TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); int index = obj.getIndex(); Type value = frame.popValue(); frame.setValue(index, value); frame.setExact(index, isExact); } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { throw new InvalidBytecodeException(e.toString()); } } else super.handleStoreInstruction(obj); } /** * Handler for all instructions which load values from a local variable and * push them on the stack. Note that two locals are loaded for long and * double loads. */ @Override public void handleLoadInstruction(LoadInstruction obj) { int numProduced = obj.produceStack(cpg); if (numProduced == Constants.UNPREDICTABLE) throw new InvalidBytecodeException("Unpredictable stack production"); if (numProduced != 1) { super.handleLoadInstruction(obj); return; } int index = obj.getIndex(); TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); Type value = frame.getValue(index); boolean isExact = frame.isExact(index); frame.pushValue(value); if (isExact) setTopOfStackIsExact(); } private boolean isCollection(ReferenceType target) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (Subtypes2.ENABLE_SUBTYPES2) { Subtypes2 subtypes2 = AnalysisContext.currentAnalysisContext().getSubtypes2(); return subtypes2.isSubtype(target, COLLECTION_TYPE); } else { return target.isAssignmentCompatibleWith(COLLECTION_TYPE); } } @Override public void visitCHECKCAST(CHECKCAST obj) { try { Type t = getFrame().popValue(); if (t instanceof NullType) pushValue(t); else pushValue(obj.getType(getCPG())); } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { throw new InvalidBytecodeException("Stack underflow for " + obj + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void visitINSTANCEOF(INSTANCEOF obj) { if (valueNumberDataflow != null) { // Record the value number of the value checked by this instruction, // and the type the value was compared to. try { ValueNumberFrame vnaFrame = valueNumberDataflow.getFactAtLocation(getLocation()); if (vnaFrame.isValid()) { final Type type = obj.getType(getCPG()); if (type instanceof ReferenceType) { instanceOfValueNumber = vnaFrame.getTopValue(); instanceOfType = (ReferenceType) type; sawEffectiveInstanceOf = true; } } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { // Ignore } } consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitIFNULL(IFNULL obj) { if (valueNumberDataflow != null) { // Record the value number of the value checked by this instruction, // and the type the value was compared to. try { ValueNumberFrame vnaFrame = valueNumberDataflow.getFactAtLocation(getLocation()); if (vnaFrame.isValid()) { instanceOfValueNumber = vnaFrame.getTopValue(); instanceOfType = NullType.instance(); instanceOfFollowedByBranch = true; } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { // Ignore } } consumeStack(obj); } @Override public void visitIFNONNULL(IFNONNULL obj) { if (valueNumberDataflow != null) { // Record the value number of the value checked by this instruction, // and the type the value was compared to. try { ValueNumberFrame vnaFrame = valueNumberDataflow.getFactAtLocation(getLocation()); if (vnaFrame.isValid()) { instanceOfValueNumber = vnaFrame.getTopValue(); instanceOfType = NullType.instance(); instanceOfFollowedByBranch = true; } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { // Ignore } } consumeStack(obj); } @Override public void visitFCMPL(FCMPL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitFCMPG(FCMPG obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitDCMPL(DCMPL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitDCMPG(DCMPG obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLCMP(LCMP obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitD2F(D2F obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitD2I(D2I obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitD2L(D2L obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitF2D(F2D obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitF2I(F2I obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitF2L(F2L obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitI2B(I2B obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.BYTE); } @Override public void visitI2C(I2C obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.CHAR); } @Override public void visitI2D(I2D obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitI2F(I2F obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitI2L(I2L obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitI2S(I2S obj) { } // no change @Override public void visitL2D(L2D obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitL2F(L2F obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitL2I(L2I obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitIAND(IAND obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLAND(LAND obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitIOR(IOR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLOR(LOR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitIXOR(IXOR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLXOR(LXOR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitISHR(ISHR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitIUSHR(IUSHR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLSHR(LSHR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitLUSHR(LUSHR obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitISHL(ISHL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLSHL(LSHL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitDADD(DADD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitFADD(FADD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitIADD(IADD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLADD(LADD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitDSUB(DSUB obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitDUP(DUP obj) { try { TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); boolean isExact = isTopOfStackExact(); Type value = frame.popValue(); frame.pushValue(value); if (isExact) setTopOfStackIsExact(); frame.pushValue(value); if (isExact) setTopOfStackIsExact(); } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { throw new InvalidBytecodeException(e.toString()); } } @Override public void visitFSUB(FSUB obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitISUB(ISUB obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLSUB(LSUB obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitDMUL(DMUL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitFMUL(FMUL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitIMUL(IMUL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLMUL(LMUL obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitDDIV(DDIV obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitFDIV(FDIV obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitIDIV(IDIV obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLDIV(LDIV obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitDREM(DREM obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitFREM(FREM obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitIREM(IREM obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLREM(LREM obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitIINC(IINC obj) { } // no change to types of stack or locals @Override public void visitDNEG(DNEG obj) { } // no change @Override public void visitFNEG(FNEG obj) { } // no change @Override public void visitINEG(INEG obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLNEG(LNEG obj) { } // no change @Override public void visitARRAYLENGTH(ARRAYLENGTH obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitAALOAD(AALOAD obj) { // To determine the type pushed on the stack, // we look at the type of the array reference which was // popped off of the stack. TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); try { frame.popValue(); // index Type arrayType = frame.popValue(); // arrayref if (arrayType instanceof ArrayType) { ArrayType arr = (ArrayType) arrayType; pushValue(arr.getElementType()); } else { pushValue(TypeFrame.getBottomType()); } } catch (DataflowAnalysisException e) { throw new InvalidBytecodeException("Stack underflow: " + e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void visitBALOAD(BALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.BYTE); } @Override public void visitCALOAD(CALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.CHAR); } @Override public void visitDALOAD(DALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.DOUBLE); } @Override public void visitFALOAD(FALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.FLOAT); } @Override public void visitIALOAD(IALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.INT); } @Override public void visitLALOAD(LALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.LONG); } @Override public void visitSALOAD(SALOAD obj) { consumeStack(obj); pushValue(Type.SHORT); } // The various xASTORE instructions only consume stack. @Override public void visitNEW(NEW obj) { // FIXME: type is technically "uninitialized" // However, we don't model that yet. pushValue(obj.getType(getCPG())); // We now have an exact type for this value. setTopOfStackIsExact(); } @Override public void visitNEWARRAY(NEWARRAY obj) { consumeStack(obj); Type elementType = obj.getType(); pushValue(elementType); // We now have an exact type for this value. setTopOfStackIsExact(); } @Override public void visitANEWARRAY(ANEWARRAY obj) { consumeStack(obj); Type elementType = obj.getType(getCPG()); pushValue(new ArrayType(elementType, 1)); // We now have an exact type for this value. setTopOfStackIsExact(); } @Override public void visitMULTIANEWARRAY(MULTIANEWARRAY obj) { consumeStack(obj); Type elementType = obj.getType(getCPG()); pushValue(elementType); // We now have an exact type for this value. setTopOfStackIsExact(); } private void setTopOfStackIsExact() { TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); frame.setExact(frame.getNumSlots() - 1, true); } private boolean isTopOfStackExact() { TypeFrame frame = getFrame(); return frame.isExact(frame.getNumSlots() - 1); } @Override public void visitJSR(JSR obj) { pushValue(ReturnaddressType.NO_TARGET); } @Override public void visitJSR_W(JSR_W obj) { pushValue(ReturnaddressType.NO_TARGET); } @Override public void visitRET(RET obj) { } // no change @Override public void visitIFEQ(IFEQ obj) { if (previousWasEffectiveInstanceOf) instanceOfFollowedByBranch = true; super.visitIFEQ(obj); } @Override public void visitIFGT(IFGT obj) { if (previousWasEffectiveInstanceOf) instanceOfFollowedByBranch = true; super.visitIFGT(obj); } @Override public void visitIFLE(IFLE obj) { if (previousWasEffectiveInstanceOf) instanceOfFollowedByBranch = true; super.visitIFLE(obj); } @Override public void visitIFNE(IFNE obj) { if (previousWasEffectiveInstanceOf) instanceOfFollowedByBranch = true; super.visitIFNE(obj); } public boolean isImpliedByGenericTypes(ReferenceType t) { return typesComputedFromGenerics.contains(t); } } // vim:ts=4