/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 jOpenDocument, by ILM Informatique. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the GNU * General Public License Version 3 only ("GPL"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You can obtain a copy of the License at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each file. * */ package org.jopendocument.dom.spreadsheet; import org.jopendocument.dom.XMLVersion; import org.jopendocument.dom.ODDocument; import org.jopendocument.dom.spreadsheet.SheetTableModel.MutableTableModel; import org.jopendocument.util.CollectionUtils; import org.jopendocument.util.Tuple2; import org.jopendocument.util.JDOMUtils; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import org.jdom.Attribute; import org.jdom.Element; /** * A single sheet in a spreadsheet. * * @author Sylvain * @param <D> type of table parent */ public class Table<D extends ODDocument> extends TableCalcNode<TableStyle, D> { static Element createEmpty(XMLVersion ns) { // from the relaxNG : a table must have at least one cell final Element col = Column.createEmpty(ns, null); final Element row = Row.createEmpty(ns).addContent(Cell.createEmpty(ns)); return new Element("table", ns.getTABLE()).addContent(col).addContent(row); } static final String getName(final Element elem) { return elem.getAttributeValue("name", elem.getNamespace("table")); } // ATTN Row have their index as attribute private final List<Row<D>> rows; private int headerRowCount; private final List<Column<D>> cols; private int headerColumnCount; public Table(D parent, Element local) { super(parent, local, TableStyle.class); this.rows = new ArrayList<Row<D>>(); this.cols = new ArrayList<Column<D>>(); this.readColumns(); this.readRows(); } private void readColumns() { this.read(true); } private final void readRows() { this.read(false); } private final void read(final boolean col) { final Tuple2<List<Element>, Integer> r = flatten(col); (col ? this.cols : this.rows).clear(); for (final Element clone : r.get0()) { if (col) this.addCol(clone); else this.addRow(clone); } if (col) this.headerColumnCount = r.get1(); else this.headerRowCount = r.get1(); } private final void addCol(Element clone) { this.cols.add(new Column<D>(this, clone)); } private Tuple2<List<Element>, Integer> flatten(boolean col) { final List<Element> res = new ArrayList<Element>(); final Element header = this.getElement().getChild("table-header-" + getName(col) + "s", getTABLE()); if (header != null) res.addAll(flatten(header, col)); final int headerCount = res.size(); res.addAll(flatten(getElement(), col)); return Tuple2.create(res, headerCount); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Element> flatten(final Element elem, boolean col) { final String childName = getName(col); final List<Element> children = elem.getChildren("table-" + childName, getTABLE()); // not final, since iter.add() does not work consistently, and // thus we must recreate an iterator each time ListIterator<Element> iter = children.listIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Element row = iter.next(); final Attribute repeatedAttr = row.getAttribute("number-" + childName + "s-repeated", getTABLE()); if (repeatedAttr != null) { row.removeAttribute(repeatedAttr); final int index = iter.previousIndex(); int repeated = Integer.parseInt(repeatedAttr.getValue()); if (repeated > 60000) { repeated = 10; } // -1 : we keep the original row for (int i = 0; i < repeated - 1; i++) { final Element clone = (Element) row.clone(); // cannot use iter.add() since on JDOM 1.1 if row is the last table-column // before table-row the clone is added at the very end children.add(index, clone); } // restart after the added rows iter = children.listIterator(index + repeated); } } return children; } public final String getName() { return getName(this.getElement()); } public final void setName(String name) { this.getElement().setAttribute("name", name, this.getODDocument().getVersion().getTABLE()); } public void detach() { this.getElement().detach(); } private final String getName(boolean col) { return col ? "column" : "row"; } public final Object getPrintRanges() { return this.getElement().getAttributeValue("print-ranges", this.getTABLE()); } public final void setPrintRanges(String s) { this.getElement().setAttribute("print-ranges", s, this.getTABLE()); } public final void removePrintRanges() { this.getElement().removeAttribute("print-ranges", this.getTABLE()); } public final synchronized void duplicateFirstRows(int nbFirstRows, int nbDuplicate) { this.duplicateRows(0, nbFirstRows, nbDuplicate); } public final synchronized void insertDuplicatedRows(int rowDuplicated, int nbDuplicate) { this.duplicateRows(rowDuplicated, 1, nbDuplicate); } /** * Clone a range of rows. Eg if you want to copy once rows 2 through 5, you call * <code>duplicateRows(2, 4, 1)</code>. * * @param start the first row to clone. * @param count the number of rows after <code>start</code> to clone. * @param copies the number of copies of the range to make. */ public final synchronized void duplicateRows(int start, int count, int copies) { final int stop = start + count; // clone xml elements and add them to our tree final List<Element> clones = new ArrayList<Element>(count * copies); for (int i = 0; i < copies; i++) { for (int l = start; l < stop; l++) { final Element r = this.rows.get(l).getElement(); clones.add((Element) r.clone()); } } // works anywhere its XML element is JDOMUtils.insertAfter(this.rows.get(stop - 1).getElement(), clones); // synchronize our rows with our new tree this.readRows(); } private synchronized void addRow(Element child) { this.rows.add(new Row<D>(this, child, this.rows.size())); } public final Point resolveHint(String ref) { final Point res = resolve(ref); if (res != null) { return res; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(ref + " is not a cell ref, if it's a named range, you must use it on a SpreadSheet."); } // *** set cell public final boolean isCellValid(int x, int y) { if (x > this.getColumnCount()) return false; else if (y > this.getRowCount()) return false; else return this.getImmutableCellAt(x, y).isValid(); } public final MutableCell<D> getCellAt(int x, int y) { return this.getRow(y).getMutableCellAt(x); } public final MutableCell<D> getCellAt(String ref) { return this.getCellAt(resolveHint(ref)); } final MutableCell<D> getCellAt(Point p) { return this.getCellAt(p.x, p.y); } /** * Sets the value at the specified coordinates. * * @param val the new value, <code>null</code> will be treated as "". * @param x the column. * @param y the row. */ public final void setValueAt(Object val, int x, int y) { if (val == null) val = ""; // ne pas casser les repeated pour rien if (!val.equals(this.getValueAt(x, y))) this.getCellAt(x, y).setValue(val); } // *** get cell protected final Cell<D> getImmutableCellAt(int x, int y) { return this.getRow(y).getCellAt(x); } protected final Cell<D> getImmutableCellAt(String ref) { final Point p = resolveHint(ref); return this.getImmutableCellAt(p.x, p.y); } /** * @param row la ligne (0 a lineCount-1) * @param column la colonnee (0 a colonneCount-1) * @return la valeur de la cellule spécifiée. */ public final Object getValueAt(int column, int row) { return this.getImmutableCellAt(column, row).getValue(); } /** * Find the style name for the specified cell. * * @param column column index. * @param row row index. * @return the style name, can be <code>null</code>. */ public final String getStyleNameAt(int column, int row) { // first the cell String cellStyle = this.getImmutableCellAt(column, row).getStyleAttr(); if (cellStyle != null) return cellStyle; // then the row (as specified in §2 of section 8.1) cellStyle = this.getRow(row).getElement().getAttributeValue("default-cell-style-name", getTABLE()); if (cellStyle != null) return cellStyle; // and finally the column return this.getColumn(column).getElement().getAttributeValue("default-cell-style-name", getTABLE()); } public final CellStyle getStyleAt(int column, int row) { return CellStyle.DESC.findStyle(this.getODDocument().getPackage(), this.getElement().getDocument(), this.getStyleNameAt(column, row)); } /** * Return the coordinates of cells using the passed style. * * @param cellStyleName a style name. * @return the cells using <code>cellStyleName</code>. */ public final List<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> getStyleReferences(final String cellStyleName) { final List<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> res = new ArrayList<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>(); final Set<Integer> cols = new HashSet<Integer>(); final int columnCount = getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { if (cellStyleName.equals(this.getColumn(i).getElement().getAttributeValue("default-cell-style-name", getTABLE()))) cols.add(i); } final int rowCount = getRowCount(); for (int y = 0; y < rowCount; y++) { final Row<D> row = this.getRow(y); final String rowStyle = row.getElement().getAttributeValue("default-cell-style-name", getTABLE()); for (int x = 0; x < columnCount; x++) { final String cellStyle = row.getCellAt(x).getStyleAttr(); final boolean match; // first the cell if (cellStyle != null) match = cellStyleName.equals(cellStyle); // then the row (as specified in §2 of section 8.1) else if (rowStyle != null) match = cellStyleName.equals(rowStyle); // and finally the column else match = cols.contains(x); if (match) res.add(Tuple2.create(x, y)); } } return res; } /** * Retourne la valeur de la cellule spécifiée. * * @param ref une référence de la forme "A3". * @return la valeur de la cellule spécifiée. */ public final Object getValueAt(String ref) { return this.getImmutableCellAt(ref).getValue(); } // *** get count private Row<D> getRow(int index) { return this.rows.get(index); } public final Column<D> getColumn(int i) { return this.cols.get(i); } public final int getRowCount() { return this.rows.size(); } public final int getHeaderRowCount() { return this.headerRowCount; } public final int getColumnCount() { return this.cols.size(); } public final int getHeaderColumnCount() { return this.headerColumnCount; } // *** set count /** * Changes the column count without keeping the table width. * * @param newSize the new column count. * @see #setColumnCount(int, int, boolean) */ public final void setColumnCount(int newSize) { this.setColumnCount(newSize, -1, false); } /** * Assure that this sheet has at least <code>newSize</code> columns. * * @param newSize the minimum column count this table should have. */ public final void ensureColumnCount(int newSize) { if (newSize > this.getColumnCount()) this.setColumnCount(newSize); } /** * Changes the column count. If <code>newSize</code> is less than {@link #getColumnCount()} * extra cells will be chopped off. Otherwise empty cells will be created. * * @param newSize the new column count. * @param colIndex the index of the column to be copied, -1 for empty column (i.e. default * style). * @param keepTableWidth <code>true</code> if the table should be same width after the column * change. */ public final void setColumnCount(int newSize, int colIndex, final boolean keepTableWidth) { final int toGrow = newSize - this.getColumnCount(); if (toGrow < 0) { this.removeColumn(newSize, this.getColumnCount(), keepTableWidth); } else if (toGrow > 0) { // the list of columns cannot be mixed with other elements // so just keep adding after the last one final int indexOfLastCol; if (this.getColumnCount() == 0) // from section 8.1.1 the only possible elements after cols are rows // but there can't be rows w/o columns, so just add to the end indexOfLastCol = this.getElement().getContentSize() - 1; else indexOfLastCol = this.getElement().getContent().indexOf(this.getColumn(this.getColumnCount() - 1).getElement()); final Element elemToClone; if (colIndex < 0) { elemToClone = Column.createEmpty(getODDocument().getVersion(), this.createDefaultColStyle()); } else { elemToClone = getColumn(colIndex).getElement(); } for (int i = 0; i < toGrow; i++) { final Element newElem = (Element) elemToClone.clone(); this.getElement().addContent(indexOfLastCol + 1 + i, newElem); this.cols.add(new Column<D>(this, newElem)); } // now update widths updateWidth(keepTableWidth); // add needed cells for (final Row r : this.rows) { r.columnCountChanged(); } } } public final void removeColumn(int colIndex, final boolean keepTableWidth) { this.removeColumn(colIndex, colIndex + 1, keepTableWidth); } /** * Remove columns from this. As with OpenOffice, no cell must be covered in the column to * remove. ATTN <code>keepTableWidth</code> only works for tables in text document that are not * aligned automatically (ie fill the entire page). ATTN spreadsheet applications may hide from * you the real width of sheets, eg display only columns A to AJ when in reality there's * hundreds of blank columns beyond. Thus if you pass <code>true</code> to * <code>keepTableWidth</code> you'll end up with huge widths. * * @param firstIndex the first column to remove. * @param lastIndex the last column to remove, exclusive. * @param keepTableWidth <code>true</code> if the table should be same width after the column * change. */ public final void removeColumn(int firstIndex, int lastIndex, final boolean keepTableWidth) { // first check that removeCells() will succeed, so that we avoid an incoherent XML state for (final Row r : this.rows) { r.checkRemove(firstIndex, lastIndex); } // rm column element remove(true, firstIndex, lastIndex - 1); // update widths updateWidth(keepTableWidth); // rm cells for (final Row r : this.rows) { r.removeCells(firstIndex, lastIndex); } } private void updateWidth(final boolean keepTableWidth) { final Float currentWidth = getWidth(); float newWidth = 0; // columns are flattened in ctor: no repeated for (final Column col : this.cols) { newWidth += col.getWidth(); } // remove all rel-column-width, simpler and Spreadsheet doesn't use them // SpreadSheets have no table width if (keepTableWidth && currentWidth != null) { // compute column-width from table width final float ratio = currentWidth / newWidth; // once per style not once per col, otherwise if multiple columns with same styles they // all will be affected multiple times final Set<ColumnStyle> colStyles = new HashSet<ColumnStyle>(); for (final Column<?> col : this.cols) { colStyles.add(col.getStyle()); } for (final ColumnStyle colStyle : colStyles) { colStyle.setWidth(colStyle.getWidth() * ratio); } } else { // compute table width from column-width if (this.getStyle() != null) this.getStyle().setWidth(newWidth); for (final Column<?> col : this.cols) { col.getStyle().rmRelWidth(); } } } /** * Table width. * * @return the table width, can be <code>null</code> (table has no style or style has no width, * eg in SpreadSheet). */ public final Float getWidth() { final TableStyle style = this.getStyle(); return style == null ? null : style.getWidth(); } private final ColumnStyle createDefaultColStyle() { final ColumnStyle colStyle = ColumnStyle.DESC.createAutoStyle(this.getODDocument().getPackage(), "defaultCol"); colStyle.setWidth(20.0f); return colStyle; } private final void setCount(final boolean col, final int newSize) { this.remove(col, newSize, -1); } // both inclusive private final void remove(final boolean col, final int fromIndex, final int toIndexIncl) { // ok since rows and cols are flattened in ctor final List<? extends TableCalcNode> l = col ? this.cols : this.rows; final int toIndexValid = CollectionUtils.getValidIndex(l, toIndexIncl); for (int i = toIndexValid; i >= fromIndex; i--) { // works anywhere its XML element is l.remove(i).getElement().detach(); } } public final void ensureRowCount(int newSize) { if (newSize > this.getRowCount()) this.setRowCount(newSize); } public final void setRowCount(int newSize) { this.setRowCount(newSize, -1); } /** * Changes the row count. If <code>newSize</code> is less than {@link #getRowCount()} extra rows * will be chopped off. Otherwise empty cells will be created. * * @param newSize the new row count. * @param rowIndex the index of the row to be copied, -1 for empty row (i.e. default style). */ public final void setRowCount(int newSize, int rowIndex) { final Element elemToClone; if (rowIndex < 0) { elemToClone = Row.createEmpty(this.getODDocument().getVersion()); // each row MUST have the same number of columns elemToClone.addContent(Cell.createEmpty(this.getODDocument().getVersion(), this.getColumnCount())); } else elemToClone = getRow(rowIndex).getElement(); final int toGrow = newSize - this.getRowCount(); if (toGrow < 0) { setCount(false, newSize); } else { for (int i = 0; i < toGrow; i++) { final Element newElem = (Element) elemToClone.clone(); // as per section 8.1.1 rows are the last elements inside a table this.getElement().addContent(newElem); addRow(newElem); } } } // *** table models public final SheetTableModel<D> getTableModel(final int column, final int row) { return new SheetTableModel<D>(this, row, column); } public final SheetTableModel<D> getTableModel(final int column, final int row, final int lastCol, final int lastRow) { return new SheetTableModel<D>(this, row, column, lastRow, lastCol); } public final MutableTableModel<D> getMutableTableModel(final int column, final int row) { return new MutableTableModel<D>(this, row, column); } /** * Return the table from <code>start</code> to <code>end</code> inclusive. * * @param start the first cell of the result. * @param end the last cell of the result. * @return the table. */ public final MutableTableModel<D> getMutableTableModel(final Point start, final Point end) { // +1 since exclusive return new MutableTableModel<D>(this, start.y, start.x, end.y + 1, end.x + 1); } public final void merge(TableModel t, final int column, final int row) { this.merge(t, column, row, false); } /** * Merges t into this sheet at the specified point. * * @param t the data to be merged. * @param column the columnn t will be merged at. * @param row the row t will be merged at. * @param includeColNames if <code>true</code> the column names of t will also be merged. */ public final void merge(TableModel t, final int column, final int row, final boolean includeColNames) { final int offset = (includeColNames ? 1 : 0); // the columns must be first, see section 8.1.1 of v1.1 this.ensureColumnCount(column + t.getColumnCount()); this.ensureRowCount(row + t.getRowCount() + offset); final TableModel thisModel = this.getMutableTableModel(column, row); if (includeColNames) { for (int x = 0; x < t.getColumnCount(); x++) { thisModel.setValueAt(t.getColumnName(x), 0, x); } } for (int y = 0; y < t.getRowCount(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < t.getColumnCount(); x++) { final Object value = t.getValueAt(y, x); thisModel.setValueAt(value, y + offset, x); } } } // *** static /** * Convert string coordinates into numeric ones. * * @param ref the string address, eg "$AA$34" or "AA34". * @return the numeric coordinates or <code>null</code> if <code>ref</code> is not valid, eg * {26, 33}. */ static final Point resolve(String ref) { final Matcher matcher = SpreadSheet.minCellPattern.matcher(ref); if (!matcher.matches()) return null; return resolve(matcher.group(1), matcher.group(2)); } /** * Convert string coordinates into numeric ones. ATTN this method does no checks. * * @param letters the column, eg "AA". * @param digits the row, eg "34". * @return the numeric coordinates, eg {26, 33}. */ static final Point resolve(final String letters, final String digits) { return new Point(toInt(letters), Integer.parseInt(digits) - 1); } // "AA" => 26 static final int toInt(String col) { if (col.length() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("x cannot be empty"); col = col.toUpperCase(); int x = 0; for (int i = 0; i < col.length(); i++) { x = x * 26 + (col.charAt(i) - 'A' + 1); } // zero based return x - 1; } }