/* Copyright Paul James Mutton, 2001-2007, http://www.jibble.org/ This file is part of PircBot. This software is dual-licensed, allowing you to choose between the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the www.jibble.org Commercial License. Since the GPL may be too restrictive for use in a proprietary application, a commercial license is also provided. Full license information can be found at http://www.jibble.org/licenses/ */ package org.jibble.pircbot; import java.net.*; import java.io.*; /** * This class is used to administer a DCC file transfer. * * @since 1.2.0 * @author Paul James Mutton, * <a href="http://www.jibble.org/">http://www.jibble.org/</a> * @version 1.4.6 (Build time: Wed Apr 11 19:20:59 2007) */ public class DccFileTransfer { /** * The default buffer size to use when sending and receiving files. */ public static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; /** * Constructor used for receiving files. */ DccFileTransfer(PircBot bot, DccManager manager, String nick, String login, String hostname, String type, String filename, long address, int port, long size) { _bot = bot; _manager = manager; _nick = nick; _login = login; _hostname = hostname; _type = type; _file = new File(filename); _address = address; _port = port; _size = size; _received = false; _incoming = true; } /** * Constructor used for sending files. */ DccFileTransfer(PircBot bot, DccManager manager, File file, String nick, int timeout) { _bot = bot; _manager = manager; _nick = nick; _file = file; _size = file.length(); _timeout = timeout; _received = true; _incoming = false; } /** * Receives a DccFileTransfer and writes it to the specified file. * Resuming allows a partial download to be continue from the end of * the current file contents. * * @param file The file to write to. * @param resume True if you wish to try and resume the download instead * of overwriting an existing file. * */ public synchronized void receive(File file, boolean resume) { if (!_received) { _received = true; _file = file; if (_type.equals("SEND") && resume) { _progress = file.length(); if (_progress == 0) { doReceive(file, false); } else { _bot.sendCTCPCommand(_nick, "DCC RESUME file.ext " + _port + " " + _progress); _manager.addAwaitingResume(this); } } else { _progress = file.length(); doReceive(file, resume); } } } /** * Receive the file in a new thread. */ void doReceive(final File file, final boolean resume) { new Thread() { public void run() { BufferedOutputStream foutput = null; Exception exception = null; try { // Convert the integer address to a proper IP address. int[] ip = _bot.longToIp(_address); String ipStr = ip[0] + "." + ip[1] + "." + ip[2] + "." + ip[3]; // Connect the socket and set a timeout. _socket = new Socket(ipStr, _port); _socket.setSoTimeout(30*1000); _startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // No longer possible to resume this transfer once it's underway. _manager.removeAwaitingResume(DccFileTransfer.this); BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(_socket.getInputStream()); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(_socket.getOutputStream()); // Following line fixed for jdk 1.1 compatibility. foutput = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file.getCanonicalPath(), resume)); byte[] inBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; byte[] outBuffer = new byte[4]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = input.read(inBuffer, 0, inBuffer.length)) != -1) { foutput.write(inBuffer, 0, bytesRead); _progress += bytesRead; // Send back an acknowledgement of how many bytes we have got so far. outBuffer[0] = (byte) ((_progress >> 24) & 0xff); outBuffer[1] = (byte) ((_progress >> 16) & 0xff); outBuffer[2] = (byte) ((_progress >> 8) & 0xff); outBuffer[3] = (byte) ((_progress >> 0) & 0xff); output.write(outBuffer); output.flush(); delay(); } foutput.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } finally { try { foutput.close(); _socket.close(); } catch (Exception anye) { // Do nothing. } } _bot.onFileTransferFinished(DccFileTransfer.this, exception); } }.start(); } /** * Method to send the file inside a new thread. */ void doSend(final boolean allowResume) { new Thread() { public void run() { BufferedInputStream finput = null; Exception exception = null; try { ServerSocket ss = null; int[] ports = _bot.getDccPorts(); if (ports == null) { // Use any free port. ss = new ServerSocket(0); } else { for (int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++) { try { ss = new ServerSocket(ports[i]); // Found a port number we could use. break; } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing; go round and try another port. } } if (ss == null) { // No ports could be used. throw new IOException("All ports returned by getDccPorts() are in use."); } } ss.setSoTimeout(_timeout); _port = ss.getLocalPort(); InetAddress inetAddress = _bot.getDccInetAddress(); if (inetAddress == null) { inetAddress = _bot.getInetAddress(); } byte[] ip = inetAddress.getAddress(); long ipNum = _bot.ipToLong(ip); // Rename the filename so it has no whitespace in it when we send it. // .... I really should do this a bit more nicely at some point .... String safeFilename = _file.getName().replace(' ', '_'); safeFilename = safeFilename.replace('\t', '_'); if (allowResume) { _manager.addAwaitingResume(DccFileTransfer.this); } // Send the message to the user, telling them where to connect to in order to get the file. _bot.sendCTCPCommand(_nick, "DCC SEND " + safeFilename + " " + ipNum + " " + _port + " " + _file.length()); // The client may now connect to us and download the file. _socket = ss.accept(); _socket.setSoTimeout(30000); _startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // No longer possible to resume this transfer once it's underway. if (allowResume) { _manager.removeAwaitingResume(DccFileTransfer.this); } // Might as well close the server socket now; it's finished with. ss.close(); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(_socket.getOutputStream()); BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(_socket.getInputStream()); finput = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(_file)); // Check for resuming. if (_progress > 0) { long bytesSkipped = 0; while (bytesSkipped < _progress) { bytesSkipped += finput.skip(_progress - bytesSkipped); } } byte[] outBuffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; byte[] inBuffer = new byte[4]; int bytesRead = 0; while ((bytesRead = finput.read(outBuffer, 0, outBuffer.length)) != -1) { output.write(outBuffer, 0, bytesRead); output.flush(); input.read(inBuffer, 0, inBuffer.length); _progress += bytesRead; delay(); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } finally { try { finput.close(); _socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Do nothing. } } _bot.onFileTransferFinished(DccFileTransfer.this, exception); } }.start(); } /** * Package mutator for setting the progress of the file transfer. */ void setProgress(long progress) { _progress = progress; } /** * Delay between packets. */ private void delay() { if (_packetDelay > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(_packetDelay); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Do nothing. } } } /** * Returns the nick of the other user taking part in this file transfer. * * @return the nick of the other user. * */ public String getNick() { return _nick; } /** * Returns the login of the file sender. * * @return the login of the file sender. null if we are sending. * */ public String getLogin() { return _login; } /** * Returns the hostname of the file sender. * * @return the hostname of the file sender. null if we are sending. * */ public String getHostname() { return _hostname; } /** * Returns the suggested file to be used for this transfer. * * @return the suggested file to be used. * */ public File getFile() { return _file; } /** * Returns the port number to be used when making the connection. * * @return the port number. * */ public int getPort() { return _port; } /** * Returns true if the file transfer is incoming (somebody is sending * the file to us). * * @return true if the file transfer is incoming. * */ public boolean isIncoming() { return _incoming; } /** * Returns true if the file transfer is outgoing (we are sending the * file to someone). * * @return true if the file transfer is outgoing. * */ public boolean isOutgoing() { return !isIncoming(); } /** * Sets the delay time between sending or receiving each packet. * Default is 0. * This is useful for throttling the speed of file transfers to maintain * a good quality of service for other things on the machine or network. * * @param millis The number of milliseconds to wait between packets. * */ public void setPacketDelay(long millis) { _packetDelay = millis; } /** * returns the delay time between each packet that is send or received. * * @return the delay between each packet. * */ public long getPacketDelay() { return _packetDelay; } /** * Returns the size (in bytes) of the file being transfered. * * @return the size of the file. Returns -1 if the sender did not * specify this value. */ public long getSize() { return _size; } /** * Returns the progress (in bytes) of the current file transfer. * When resuming, this represents the total number of bytes in the * file, which may be greater than the amount of bytes resumed in * just this transfer. * * @return the progress of the transfer. */ public long getProgress() { return _progress; } /** * Returns the progress of the file transfer as a percentage. * Note that this should never be negative, but could become * greater than 100% if you attempt to resume a larger file * onto a partially downloaded file that was smaller. * * @return the progress of the transfer as a percentage. */ public double getProgressPercentage() { return 100 * (getProgress() / (double) getSize()); } /** * Stops the DCC file transfer by closing the connection. */ public void close() { try { _socket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // Let the DCC manager worry about anything that may go wrong. } } /** * Returns the rate of data transfer in bytes per second. * This value is an estimate based on the number of bytes * transfered since the connection was established. * * @return data transfer rate in bytes per second. */ public long getTransferRate() { long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - _startTime) / 1000; if (time <= 0) { return 0; } return getProgress() / time; } /** * Returns the address of the sender as a long. * * @return the address of the sender as a long. */ public long getNumericalAddress() { return _address; } private PircBot _bot; private DccManager _manager; private String _nick; private String _login = null; private String _hostname = null; private String _type; private long _address; private int _port; private long _size; private boolean _received; private Socket _socket = null; private long _progress = 0; private File _file = null; private int _timeout = 0; private boolean _incoming; private long _packetDelay = 0; private long _startTime = 0; }