package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import javax.jdo.FetchPlan; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelProvider; import; import org.nightlabs.base.ui.resource.SharedImages; import org.nightlabs.jdo.NLJDOHelper; import org.nightlabs.jdo.ObjectID; import org.nightlabs.jfire.person.Person; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.PersonRelation; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.PersonRelationType; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.dao.PersonRelationDAO; import; import; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree.AbstractPersonRelationTreeLabelProviderDelegate; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree.PersonRelationTreeController; import org.nightlabs.jfire.personrelation.ui.tree.PersonRelationTreeNode; import org.nightlabs.jfire.prop.PropertySet; import; import org.nightlabs.progress.NullProgressMonitor; /** * Handles the more specialised {@link LabelProvider}s for displaying nodes containing {@link PropertySet}s. * * @author khaireel (at) nightlabs (dot) de */ public class PropertySetTreeLabelProviderDelegate extends AbstractPersonRelationTreeLabelProviderDelegate { @Override public Class<?> getJDOObjectClass() { return Person.class; } @Override public Class<? extends ObjectID> getJDOObjectIDClass() { return PropertySetID.class; } @Override public int[][] getJDOObjectColumnSpan(ObjectID jdoObjectID, Object jdoObject) { return null; } @Override public String getJDOObjectText(ObjectID jdoObjectID, Object jdoObject, int spanColIndex) { return null; // Let the default LabelProvider in the PersonRelationTree handle this. } @Override public Image getJDOObjectImage(ObjectID jdoObjectID, Object jdoObject, int spanColIndex) { // Here's the tricky bit: Handling the PropertySet means we are handling the cases when we are at the // root node(s) of the PersonRelationTree, where the forward relations to its children is not necessarily straight-forward. // // For example, (ignoring all children that do not contain a PersonRelation type): // Case I [straight-forward]: If ALL of the root's children are of the same PersonRelationType, // then this root's relation to ALL it's children is simply the reversed PersonRelationType. // // Case II [non-straight-forward]: Otherwise, we cannot be sure what the root's relation to its children is. // In this case, do we revert to the default icon? // // Now, in order to check the children, we need access to the PersonRelationTreeController, where the map between // the JDOObjectID and the actual PersonRelationTreeNode is held. // This should expedite stuffs; since this method is called several times for the exact same jdoObjectID! Image image = objectID2Image.get(jdoObjectID); if (image != null) return image; // Cautiously work to access the data of the LAZY tree. // See notes on progress-steps. // Lazy-progress: Step 1. List<PersonRelationTreeNode> treeNodeList = personRelationTreeController.getTreeNodeList(jdoObjectID); if (treeNodeList == null || treeNodeList.isEmpty()) return null; // Lazy progress: Step 2. PersonRelationTreeNode rootNode = treeNodeList.get(0); // We can simply pick the first because we are examining only the children -- and all children of a given node is the same! long rootNodeChildCount = personRelationTreeController.getNodeCount(rootNode); if (rootNodeChildCount < 0) return null; // Lazy progress: Step 3. Now we should be ready. if (rootNodeChildCount == 0) return null; // <-- This means that rootNode has no children. Fall-back and let the default procedure take over. // We examine all the children for [Case I]. // i.e. We should be able to access the children's ObjectIDs, without loading the rest of the Objects. List<ObjectID> childrenJDOObjectIDs = rootNode.getChildrenJDOObjectIDs(); PersonRelationType relationTypeToRoot = null; for (ObjectID childObjectID : childrenJDOObjectIDs) { if (childObjectID instanceof PersonRelationID) { PersonRelation personRelation = getPersonRelation((PersonRelationID) childObjectID); PersonRelationType personRelationType = personRelation.getPersonRelationType(); if (relationTypeToRoot == null) relationTypeToRoot = personRelationType; else { if (!relationTypeToRoot.equals(personRelationType)) { // [Case II] Stop and no need to figure out the relations anymore. This root doesnt have a unique relationship with its children. Image nodeIcon = SharedImages.getSharedImage(Activator.getDefault(), PersonRelationTreeLabelProviderDelegate.class, ""); objectID2Image.put((PropertySetID) jdoObjectID, nodeIcon); return nodeIcon; } } } } // One last check: if (relationTypeToRoot == null) return null; // If we have survived up till here, then we have found [Case I] to be true. String personRelationTypeID = relationTypeToRoot.getReversePersonRelationTypeID().personRelationTypeID; Image nodeIcon = SharedImages.getSharedImage(Activator.getDefault(), PersonRelationTreeLabelProviderDelegate.class, personRelationTypeID); objectID2Image.put((PropertySetID) jdoObjectID, nodeIcon); return nodeIcon; } private PersonRelationTreeController<PersonRelationTreeNode> personRelationTreeController; private Map<PropertySetID, Image> objectID2Image = new WeakHashMap<PropertySetID, Image>(); /** * Creates a new instance of the PropertySetTreeLabelProviderDelegate, with a reference to a valid {@link PersonRelationTreeController}. */ public PropertySetTreeLabelProviderDelegate(PersonRelationTreeController<PersonRelationTreeNode> personRelationTreeController) { this.personRelationTreeController = personRelationTreeController; } // TODO Think: Is this a good way? We just need the PersonRelation reference to the ID. Should do this in a Job/SWT thread? private PersonRelation getPersonRelation(final PersonRelationID personRelationID) { return PersonRelationDAO.sharedInstance().getPersonRelation( personRelationID, new String[] {FetchPlan.DEFAULT, PersonRelation.FETCH_GROUP_PERSON_RELATION_TYPE}, NLJDOHelper.MAX_FETCH_DEPTH_NO_LIMIT, new NullProgressMonitor()); } }