// This file is part of OpenTSDB. // Copyright (C) 2010-2012 The OpenTSDB Authors. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it // under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your // option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it // will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty // of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser // General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy // of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, // see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. package tsd.client; import java.util.Date; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.DomEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventHandler; import com.google.gwt.i18n.client.DateTimeFormat; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Grid; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTMLTable.CellFormatter; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HorizontalPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.InlineHTML; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.InlineLabel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.PushButton; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TextBox; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.datepicker.client.DateBox; import com.google.gwt.user.datepicker.client.DatePicker; /** * A {@link DateBox} with support for time. * <p> * This class is unnecessarily complicated because {@link DateBox} wasn't * designed in an extensible way (semi-purposefully). A thread gwt-contrib * titled "DatePicker DatePickerComponent protected ?" from 2008 shows that * back then they were working on an extensible {@link DateBox} and * {@link DatePicker} for GWT 2, but as of Sep 2010 this hasn't happened. * Their suggestion to copy-paste-hack the code is unacceptable so instead * we go through a few hoops to make this work. */ final class DateTimeBox extends DateBox { private static final DateTimeFormat HHMM_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("HH:mm"); private static final DefaultFormat DATE_FORMAT = new DefaultFormat(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("yyyy/MM/dd-HH:mm:ss")) { /** Adds support for some human readable dates ("1d ago", "10:30"). */ @Override public Date parse(final DateBox box, final String text, final boolean report_error) { if (text.endsWith(" ago") || text.endsWith("-ago")) { // e.g. "1d ago". long interval; final int lastchar = text.length() - 5; try { interval = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(0, lastchar)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { setError(box); return null; } if (interval <= 0) { setError(box); return null; } switch (text.charAt(lastchar)) { case 's': break; // seconds case 'm': interval *= 60; break; // minutes case 'h': interval *= 3600; break; // hours case 'd': interval *= 3600 * 24; break; // days case 'w': interval *= 3600 * 24 * 7; break; // weeks case 'y': interval *= 3600 * 24 * 365; break; // years } final Date d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() - interval * 1000L); return d; } else if (text.length() == 5) { // "HH:MM" try { return HHMM_FORMAT.parse(text); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { setError(box); return null; } } return super.parse(box, text, report_error); } private void setError(final DateBox box) { box.addStyleName("dateBoxFormatError"); } }; public DateTimeBox() { super(new DateTimePicker(), null, DATE_FORMAT); ((DateTimePicker) getDatePicker()).setDateTimeBox(this); final TextBox textbox = getTextBox(); // Chrome 7.0.5xx versions, Safari 5.0.x and similar render a text box // that's too small for 19 characters (WTF?). So we ask for space for // an extra 2 characters. On Firefox the text box's width is computed // properly, so it simply appears slightly wider than necessary. textbox.setVisibleLength(19 + 2); textbox.setMaxLength(19); } /** * A {@link DatePicker} with a customized UI for time support. */ private static final class DateTimePicker extends DatePicker { /** DateTimeBox this picker belongs to. */ private DateTimeBox box; /** A grid in which we put some buttons we may need to update. */ private Grid hours_minutes; public DateTimePicker() { } /** * Sets the {@link DateTimeBox} this {@link DateTimePicker} belongs to. * This <b>must</b> be called before using this object. */ void setDateTimeBox(final DateTimeBox box) { this.box = box; } /** * Sets the date of the {@link DateBox} to the given {@link Date}. */ private void setDate(final Date d) { refreshAll(); box.setValue(d); // Put the focus back on the text box to make it easier for the // user to manually edit the field. box.getTextBox().setFocus(true); } /** * Returns a new button that shifts the date when clicked. * @param seconds How many seconds to shift. * @param label The label to put on the button. */ private PushButton newShiftDateButton(final int seconds, final String label) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(label); button.setStyleName(seconds < 0 ? "datePickerPreviousButton" : "datePickerNextButton"); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { Date d = box.getValue(); if (d == null) { if (seconds >= 0) { return; } d = new Date(); } d.setTime(d.getTime() + seconds * 1000L); d.setSeconds(0); setDate(d); } }); return button; } /** * Returns a new button that sets the hours when clicked. * @param hours An hour of the day (0-23). * @param label The label to put on the button. */ private PushButton newSetHoursButton(final int hours) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(Integer.toString(hours)); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { @SuppressWarnings(/* GWT requires us to use Date */{"deprecation"}) Date d = box.getValue(); if (d == null) { d = new Date(); d.setMinutes(0); } d.setHours(hours); d.setSeconds(0); setDate(d); } }); return button; } /** * Returns a new button that sets the minutes when clicked. * @param minutes A value for minutes (0-59). * @param label The label to put on the button. */ private PushButton newSetMinutesButton(final int minutes, final String label) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(label); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { @SuppressWarnings(/* GWT requires us to use Date */{"deprecation"}) Date d = box.getValue(); if (d == null) { d = new Date(); } d.setMinutes(minutes); d.setSeconds(0); setDate(d); } }); return button; } /** Rebuilds parts of the UI with buttons to set AM hours. */ private void setupAmUI() { hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 1, newSetHoursButton(0)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 2, newSetHoursButton(1)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 3, newSetHoursButton(2)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 4, newSetHoursButton(3)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 5, newSetHoursButton(4)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 6, newSetHoursButton(5)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 1, newSetHoursButton(6)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 2, newSetHoursButton(7)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 3, newSetHoursButton(8)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 4, newSetHoursButton(9)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 5, newSetHoursButton(10)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 6, newSetHoursButton(11)); } /** Rebuilds parts of the UI with buttons to set PM hours. */ private void setupPmUI() { hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 1, newSetHoursButton(12)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 2, newSetHoursButton(13)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 3, newSetHoursButton(14)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 4, newSetHoursButton(15)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 5, newSetHoursButton(16)); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 6, newSetHoursButton(17)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 1, newSetHoursButton(18)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 2, newSetHoursButton(19)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 3, newSetHoursButton(20)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 4, newSetHoursButton(21)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 5, newSetHoursButton(22)); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 6, newSetHoursButton(23)); } /** Sets up the custom UI of the date picker. */ @Override protected void setup() { final HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); initWidget(panel); setStyleName(panel.getElement(), "gwt-DatePicker"); { final VerticalPanel vbox = new VerticalPanel(); setStyleName("gwt-DatePicker"); vbox.add(super.getMonthSelector()); vbox.add(super.getView()); panel.add(vbox); } { // This vbox contains all of the "extra" panel on the side // of the calendar view. final VerticalPanel vbox = new VerticalPanel(); setStyleName(vbox.getElement(), "datePickerMonthSelector"); final PushButton now = new PushButton("now"); now.setStyleName("datePickerNextButton"); now.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { box.setValue(new Date()); } }); { final Grid grid = new Grid(2, 9); grid.setWidget(0, 0, newShiftDateButton(-3600, "1h")); grid.setWidget(0, 1, newShiftDateButton(-600, "10m")); grid.setWidget(0, 2, newShiftDateButton(-60, "1m")); grid.setWidget(0, 3, new InlineHTML("‹")); grid.setWidget(0, 4, now); grid.setWidget(0, 5, new InlineHTML("›")); grid.setWidget(0, 6, newShiftDateButton(+60, "1m")); grid.setWidget(0, 7, newShiftDateButton(+600, "10m")); grid.setWidget(0, 8, newShiftDateButton(+3600, "1h")); grid.setWidget(1, 0, newShiftDateButton(-86400 * 30, "30d")); grid.setWidget(1, 1, newShiftDateButton(-86400 * 7, "1w")); grid.setWidget(1, 2, newShiftDateButton(-86400, "1d")); grid.setWidget(1, 3, new InlineHTML("«")); grid.setWidget(1, 4, new InlineHTML(" ")); grid.setWidget(1, 5, new InlineHTML("»")); grid.setWidget(1, 6, newShiftDateButton(+86400, "1d")); grid.setWidget(1, 7, newShiftDateButton(+86400 * 7, "1w")); grid.setWidget(1, 8, newShiftDateButton(+86400 * 30, "30d")); final CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); formatter.setWidth(0, 4, "100%"); formatter.setWidth(1, 4, "100%"); vbox.add(grid); } { hours_minutes = new Grid(4, 8); setupAmUI(); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 0, new InlineLabel("HH")); final PushButton set_am = new PushButton("AM"); set_am.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { setupAmUI(); } }); hours_minutes.setWidget(0, 7, set_am); final PushButton set_pm = new PushButton("PM"); set_pm.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { setupPmUI(); } }); hours_minutes.setWidget(1, 7, set_pm); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 0, new InlineLabel("MM")); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 1, newSetMinutesButton(0, "00")); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 2, newSetMinutesButton(10, "10")); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 3, newSetMinutesButton(20, "20")); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 4, newSetMinutesButton(30, "30")); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 5, newSetMinutesButton(40, "40")); hours_minutes.setWidget(2, 6, newSetMinutesButton(50, "50")); vbox.add(hours_minutes); } { final HorizontalPanel hbox = new HorizontalPanel(); hbox.add(new InlineLabel("UNIX timestamp:")); final ValidatedTextBox ts = new ValidatedTextBox(); ts.setValidationRegexp("^(|[1-9][0-9]{0,9})$"); ts.setVisibleLength(10); ts.setMaxLength(10); final EventsHandler handler = new EventsHandler() { protected <H extends EventHandler> void onEvent(final DomEvent<H> event) { final Date d = new Date(Integer.parseInt(ts.getValue()) * 1000L); box.setValue(d, true); } }; ts.addBlurHandler(handler); ts.addKeyPressHandler(handler); hbox.add(ts); vbox.add(hbox); } vbox.setHeight("100%"); panel.add(vbox); panel.setCellHeight(vbox, "100%"); } } } }