/** * OLAT - Online Learning and Training<br> * http://www.olat.org * <p> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); <br> * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.<br> * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p> * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * <p> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,<br> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, <br> * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. <br> * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and <br> * limitations under the License. * <p> * Copyright (c) since 2004 at Multimedia- & E-Learning Services (MELS),<br> * University of Zurich, Switzerland. * <hr> * <a href="http://www.openolat.org"> * OpenOLAT - Online Learning and Training</a><br> * This file has been modified by the OpenOLAT community. Changes are licensed * under the Apache 2.0 license as the original file. */ package org.olat.user; import java.io.File; import org.olat.core.commons.modules.bc.FolderConfig; import org.olat.core.id.Identity; import org.olat.core.logging.OLog; import org.olat.core.logging.Tracing; import org.olat.core.manager.BasicManager; import org.olat.core.util.CodeHelper; import org.olat.core.util.FileUtils; import org.olat.core.util.xml.XStreamHelper; /** * Description: <br> * TODO: alex Class Description for HomePageConfigManagerImpl * <P> * * Initial Date: Jun 3, 2005 <br> * @author Alexander Schneider */ public class HomePageConfigManagerImpl extends BasicManager implements HomePageConfigManager { private static OLog log = Tracing.createLoggerFor(HomePageConfigManagerImpl.class); private static HomePageConfigManagerImpl singleton; /** * [spring] * @param userDeletionManager */ private HomePageConfigManagerImpl() { singleton = this; } /** * Singleton pattern * * @return instance */ public static HomePageConfigManager getInstance() { return singleton; } /** * * @param userName * @return homePageConfig */ @Override public HomePageConfig loadConfigFor(String userName) { HomePageConfig retVal = null; File configFile = getConfigFile(userName); if (!configFile.exists()) { // config file does not exist! create one, init the defaults, save it. retVal = loadAndSaveDefaults(userName); } else { // file exists, load it with XStream, resolve version try { Object tmp = XStreamHelper.readObject(configFile); if (tmp instanceof HomePageConfig) { retVal = (HomePageConfig) tmp; retVal.resolveVersionIssues(); if (!retVal.hasResourceableId()) { retVal.setResourceableId(new Long(CodeHelper.getForeverUniqueID())); } configFile = null; saveConfigTo(userName, retVal); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while loading homepage config from path::" + configFile.getAbsolutePath() + ", fallback to default configuration", e); if (configFile.exists()) configFile.delete(); retVal = loadAndSaveDefaults(userName); // show message to user } } return retVal; } /** * Private helper to load and create a default homepage configuration * * @param userName * @return */ private HomePageConfig loadAndSaveDefaults(String userName) { HomePageConfig retVal; retVal = new HomePageConfig(); retVal.initDefaults(); retVal.setResourceableId(new Long(CodeHelper.getForeverUniqueID())); saveConfigTo(userName, retVal); return retVal; } /** * @param userName * @param homePageConfig */ @Override public void saveConfigTo(String userName, HomePageConfig homePageConfig) { homePageConfig.setUserName(userName); File configFile = getConfigFile(userName); XStreamHelper.writeObject(configFile, homePageConfig); } /** * the configuration is saved in the user home * @param userName * @return the configuration file */ static File getConfigFile(String userName) { File userHomePage = getUserHomePageDir(userName); return new File(userHomePage, HomePageConfigManager.HOMEPAGECONFIG_XML); } private static File getUserHomePageDir(String userName) { String pathHomePage = FolderConfig.getCanonicalRoot() + FolderConfig.getUserHomePage(userName); File userHomePage = new File(pathHomePage); if(!userHomePage.exists()) { userHomePage.mkdirs(); } return userHomePage; } /** * Delete home-page config-file of a certain user. * @see org.olat.user.UserDataDeletable#deleteUserData(org.olat.core.id.Identity) */ @Override public void deleteUserData(Identity identity, String newDeletedUserName, File archivePath) { String pathHomePage = FolderConfig.getCanonicalRoot() + FolderConfig.getUserHomePage(identity.getName()); File userHomePage = new File(pathHomePage); if(userHomePage.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirsAndFiles(userHomePage, true, true); } logAudit("Homepage-config file and homepage-dir deleted for identity=" + identity); } }