/** * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, * v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can * obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. OpenMRS is also distributed under * the terms of the Healthcare Disclaimer located at http://openmrs.org/license. * * Copyright (C) OpenMRS Inc. OpenMRS is a registered trademark and the OpenMRS * graphic logo is a trademark of OpenMRS Inc. */ package org.openmrs.module.webservices.rest.web.v1_0; public class RestTestConstants2_0 { public static final String ALLERGY_TEST_DATA_XML = "allergyTestDataset.xml"; public static final String OTHER_NON_CODED_CONCEPT_TEST_DATA_XML = "otherNonCodedConcept.xml"; public static final String ALLERGY_UUID = "21543629-7d8c-11e1-909d-c80aa9edcf4e"; public static final String ALLERGY_OTHER_NON_CODED_UUID = "5622AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"; public static final String PATIENT_UUID = "da7f524f-27ce-4bb2-86d6-6d1d05312bd5"; public static final String CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_DATA_SET = "conceptAttributeDataSet.xml"; public static final String CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UUID = "9516cc50-6f9f-11e0-8414-001e378eb67e"; public static final String CONCEPT_UUID = "0cbe2ed3-cd5f-4f46-9459-26127c9265ab"; public static final String CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_UUID = "3a2bdb18-6faa-11e0-8414-001e378eb67f"; public static final String DRUG_UUID = "05ec820a-d297-44e3-be6e-698531d9dd3f"; }