package org.openintents.filemanager.files; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.openintents.filemanager.PreferenceActivity; import org.openintents.filemanager.R; import org.openintents.filemanager.util.FileUtils; import org.openintents.filemanager.util.MimeTypes; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; public class DirectoryScanner extends Thread { /** List of contents is ready. */ public static final int MESSAGE_SHOW_DIRECTORY_CONTENTS = 500; // List of contents is ready, obj = DirectoryContents public static final int MESSAGE_SET_PROGRESS = 501; // Set progress bar, arg1 = current value, arg2 = max value private static final String TAG = "OIFM_DirScanner"; private File currentDirectory; private boolean running = false; boolean cancelled; private String mSdCardPath; private Context context; private MimeTypes mMimeTypes; private Handler handler; private String mFilterFiletype; private String mFilterMimetype; private boolean mWriteableOnly; private boolean mDirectoriesOnly; // Update progress bar every n files static final private int PROGRESS_STEPS = 50; // Scan related variables. private int totalCount, progress; private long operationStartTime; private boolean noMedia, displayHidden; private Drawable sdIcon, folderIcon, genericFileIcon; private File[] files; /** We keep all these three instead of one, so that sorting is done separately on each. */ private List<FileHolder> listDir, listFile, listSdCard; public DirectoryScanner(File directory, Context context, Handler handler, MimeTypes mimeTypes, String filterFiletype, String filterMimetype, boolean writeableOnly, boolean directoriesOnly) { super("Directory Scanner"); currentDirectory = directory; this.context = context; this.handler = handler; this.mMimeTypes = mimeTypes; this.mFilterFiletype = filterFiletype; this.mFilterMimetype = filterMimetype; this.mSdCardPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); this.mWriteableOnly = writeableOnly; this.mDirectoriesOnly = directoriesOnly; } private void init(){ Log.v(TAG, "Scanning directory " + currentDirectory); if (cancelled) { Log.v(TAG, "Scan aborted"); return; } totalCount = 0; progress = 0; files = currentDirectory.listFiles(); noMedia = false; displayHidden = PreferenceActivity.getDisplayHiddenFiles(context); sdIcon = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher_sdcard); folderIcon = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher_folder); genericFileIcon = context.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_launcher_file); operationStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (files == null) { Log.v(TAG, "Returned null - inaccessible directory?"); } else { totalCount = files.length; } Log.v(TAG, "Total count=" + totalCount + ")"); /** Directory container */ listDir = new ArrayList<>(totalCount); /** File container */ listFile = new ArrayList<>(totalCount); /** External storage container*/ listSdCard = new ArrayList<>(3); } public void run() { running = true; init(); // Scan files if (files != null) { for (File currentFile : files){ if (cancelled) { Log.v(TAG, "Scan aborted while checking files"); return; } progress++; updateProgress(progress, totalCount); // It's the noMedia file. Raise the flag. if(currentFile.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(FileUtils.NOMEDIA_FILE_NAME)) noMedia = true; //If the user doesn't want to display hidden files and the file is hidden, ignore this file. if (!displayHidden && currentFile.isHidden()){ continue; } // It's a directory. Handle it. if (currentFile.isDirectory()) { // It's the sd card. if (currentFile.getAbsolutePath().equals(mSdCardPath)) { listSdCard.add(new FileHolder(currentFile, mMimeTypes.getMimeType(currentFile.getName()), sdIcon, context)); } // It's a normal directory. else { if (!mWriteableOnly || currentFile.canWrite()) listDir.add(new FileHolder(currentFile, mMimeTypes.getMimeType(currentFile.getName()), folderIcon, context)); } // It's a file. Handle it too :P } else { String fileName = currentFile.getName(); // Get the file's mimetype. String mimetype = mMimeTypes.getMimeType(fileName); String filetype = FileUtils.getExtension(fileName); boolean ext_allow = filetype.equalsIgnoreCase(mFilterFiletype) || mFilterFiletype == ""; boolean mime_allow = mFilterMimetype != null && (mimetype.contentEquals(mFilterMimetype) || mFilterMimetype.contentEquals("*/*") || mFilterFiletype == null); if (!mDirectoriesOnly && (ext_allow || mime_allow)) { // Take advantage of the already parsed mimeType to set a specific icon. listFile.add(new FileHolder(currentFile, mimetype, genericFileIcon, context)); } } } } Log.v(TAG, "Sorting results..."); int sortBy = PreferenceActivity.getSortBy(context); boolean ascending = PreferenceActivity.getAscending(context); // Sort lists if (!cancelled) { Collections.sort(listSdCard); Collections.sort(listDir, Comparators.getForDirectory(sortBy, ascending)); Collections.sort(listFile, Comparators.getForFile(sortBy, ascending)); } // Return lists if (!cancelled) { Log.v(TAG, "Sending data back to main thread"); DirectoryContents contents = new DirectoryContents(); contents.listDir = listDir; contents.listFile = listFile; contents.listSdCard = listSdCard; contents.noMedia = noMedia; Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_SHOW_DIRECTORY_CONTENTS); msg.obj = contents; msg.sendToTarget(); } running = false; } private void updateProgress(int progress, int maxProgress) { // Only update the progress bar every n steps... if ((progress % PROGRESS_STEPS) == 0) { // Also don't update for the first second. long curTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (curTime - operationStartTime < 1000L) { return; } // Okay, send an update. Message msg = handler.obtainMessage(MESSAGE_SET_PROGRESS); msg.arg1 = progress; msg.arg2 = maxProgress; msg.sendToTarget(); } } public void cancel(){ cancelled = true; } public boolean getNoMedia() { return noMedia; } public boolean isRunning(){ return running; } } /** * The container class for all comparators. */ class Comparators{ public static final int NAME = 1; public static final int SIZE = 2; public static final int LAST_MODIFIED = 3; public static final int EXTENSION = 4; private Comparators() { } public static Comparator<FileHolder> getForFile(int comparator, boolean ascending){ switch(comparator){ case NAME: return new NameComparator(ascending); case SIZE: return new SizeComparator(ascending); case EXTENSION: return new ExtensionComparator(ascending); case LAST_MODIFIED: return new LastModifiedComparator(ascending); default: return null; } } public static Comparator<FileHolder> getForDirectory(int comparator, boolean ascending){ switch(comparator){ case NAME: return new NameComparator(ascending); case SIZE: return new NameComparator(ascending); //Not a bug! Getting directory's size is very slow case EXTENSION: return new NameComparator(ascending); // Sorting by name as folders don't have extensions. case LAST_MODIFIED: return new LastModifiedComparator(ascending); default: return null; } } } abstract class FileHolderComparator implements Comparator<FileHolder>{ protected boolean ascending = true; public FileHolderComparator(boolean asc){ ascending = asc; } public FileHolderComparator(){ this(true); } public int compare(FileHolder f1, FileHolder f2){ return comp((ascending ? f1 : f2), (ascending ? f2 : f1)); } protected abstract int comp(FileHolder f1, FileHolder f2); } class NameComparator extends FileHolderComparator{ public NameComparator(boolean asc){ super(asc); } @Override protected int comp(FileHolder f1, FileHolder f2) { return f1.getName().toLowerCase().compareTo(f2.getName().toLowerCase()); } } class SizeComparator extends FileHolderComparator{ public SizeComparator(boolean asc){ super(asc); } @Override protected int comp(FileHolder f1, FileHolder f2) { return ((Long)f1.getFile().length()).compareTo(f2.getFile().length()); } } class ExtensionComparator extends FileHolderComparator{ public ExtensionComparator(boolean asc){ super(asc); } @Override protected int comp(FileHolder f1, FileHolder f2) { return f1.getExtension().compareTo(f2.getExtension()); } } class LastModifiedComparator extends FileHolderComparator{ public LastModifiedComparator(boolean asc){ super(asc); } @Override protected int comp(FileHolder f1, FileHolder f2) { return ((Long)f1.getFile().lastModified()).compareTo(f2.getFile().lastModified()); } }