/* * ==================== * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2008-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development * and Distribution License("CDDL") (the "License"). You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the License at * http://opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * * When distributing the Covered Code, include this CDDL Header Notice in each file * and include the License file at http://opensource.org/licenses/cddl1.php. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL Header, with the fields * enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * ==================== */ package org.identityconnectors.solaris; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.fail; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.identityconnectors.common.CollectionUtil; import org.identityconnectors.common.logging.Log; import org.identityconnectors.common.security.GuardedString; import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConnectorException; import org.identityconnectors.solaris.test.SolarisTestBase; import org.identityconnectors.solaris.test.SolarisTestCommon; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class SolarisConnectionTest extends SolarisTestBase { private static final String TIMEOUT_BETWEEN_MSGS = "1"; private static final String LAST_ECHOED_INFO = "sausage."; private final Log logger = Log.getLog(SolarisConnectionTest.class); /** * test connection to the configuration given by default credentials * (build.groovy) */ @Test public void testGoodConnection() { SolarisConnector connector = new SolarisConnector(); connector.init(getConfiguration()); try { connector.checkAlive(); } finally { connector.dispose(); } } /** * test that if an error occurs in the output, an exception is thrown. */ @Test public void testErrorReplyScenario() { Set<String> rejects = new HashSet<String>(); final String error = "ERROR"; rejects.add(error); try { getConnection().executeCommand(String.format("echo \"%s: ahoj ship\"", error), rejects); fail("no exception thrown, when error found."); } catch (ConnectorException e) { // OK } } @Test(enabled = false) // TODO Fix this test public void testErrorReplyScenarioWithTimeout() { Set<String> rejects = new HashSet<String>(); final String errorMarker = "ERROR"; rejects.add(errorMarker); try { // Tougher test (it demands setting a long timeout on the // connection.) /* * getConnection() .executeCommand( String.format( * "timeout=\"%s\" && export timeout && echo \"%s: ahoj\" && sleep \"$timeout\" && echo \"ship\" && sleep \"$timeout\" && echo \"egg\" && sleep \"$timeout\" && echo \"spam\" && sleep \"$timeout\" && echo \"%s\"" * , TIMEOUT_BETWEEN_MSGS, ERROR_MARKER, LAST_ECHOED_INFO), * rejects); */ // Weaker test getConnection() .executeCommand( String.format( "timeout=\"%s\" && export timeout && echo \"%s: ahoj\" && sleep \"$timeout\" && echo \"%s\"", TIMEOUT_BETWEEN_MSGS, errorMarker, LAST_ECHOED_INFO), rejects); fail("no exception thrown, when error found."); } catch (ConnectorException e) { final String exMsg = e.getMessage(); Assert.assertTrue(exMsg.contains(LAST_ECHOED_INFO), String.format( "Buffer <%s> doesn't containt the last echoed info: '%s'.", exMsg, LAST_ECHOED_INFO)); } } @Test public void testSpecialAccepts() { final String ahoj = "AHOJ"; final String errMarker = "ERROR"; getConnection().executeCommand(String.format("echo \"%s\"", ahoj), Collections.<String> emptySet(), CollectionUtil.newSet(ahoj)); try { getConnection().executeCommand(String.format("echo \"%s %s\"", errMarker, ahoj), CollectionUtil.newSet(errMarker), CollectionUtil.newSet(ahoj)); fail("no exception thrown when error should be found in the output."); } catch (ConnectorException ex) { // OK } } @Test public void testSSHPubKeyConnection() { if (!SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("unitTests.SolarisConnection.testSSHPubkeyMode", Boolean.class)) { logger.info("skipping testSSHPubKeyConnection test, because the resource doesn't support it."); return; } // connection is recreated after every test method call so we are free // to modify it. SolarisConfiguration config = getConnection().getConfiguration(); config.setPassphrase(SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("rootPassphrase", GuardedString.class)); config.setPrivateKey(SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("rootPrivateKey", GuardedString.class)); config.setConnectionType(ConnectionType.SSHPUBKEY.toString()); SolarisConnection conn = new SolarisConnection(config); String out = conn.executeCommand("echo 'ahoj ship'"); assertTrue(out.contains("ahoj ship")); conn.dispose(); } @Test public void testSudoAuthorization() { if (!SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("unitTests.SolarisConnection.testsudoAuthorization", Boolean.class)) { logger.info("skipping testSSHPubKeyConnection test, because the resource doesn't support it."); return; } // connection is recreated after every test method call so we are free // to modify it. SolarisConfiguration config = getConnection().getConfiguration(); config.setSudoAuthorization(true); SolarisConnection conn = new SolarisConnection(config); String out = conn.executeCommand("echo 'ahoj ship'"); assertTrue(out.contains("ahoj ship")); conn.dispose(); } @Test public void checkAliveTest() { try { getConnection().checkAlive(); } catch (Exception ex) { fail("no exception is expected."); } getConnection().dispose(); try { getConnection().checkAlive(); fail("exception should be thrown"); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } } /** * verify if the connector is resistant to password exploits. Password is * invalid if it contains control characters (such as carriage return and * newline). */ @Test public void testPasswordExploit() { // we shouldn't be able to send some special characters with the // password! String exploit = "nonSensePassWord \n echo 'Popeye'"; try { getConnection().sendPassword(new GuardedString(exploit.toCharArray())); fail("no exception thrown upon sending a password exploit."); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // OK } } @Test public void testConnectorConstruction() { // boolean isSudoAuthorization = false; try { isSudoAuthorization = SolarisTestCommon.getProperty( "unitTests.SolarisConnection.testsudoAuthorization", Boolean.class); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } implTestConnectorConstruction(isSudoAuthorization); } private void implTestConnectorConstruction(boolean isSudoAuthorization) { SolarisConfiguration config = reloadConfig(isSudoAuthorization); // negative test: bad host config.setHost(""); try { new SolarisConnection(config).checkAlive(); fail("Expected bad host to fail."); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } // negative test: bad port config = reloadConfig(isSudoAuthorization); config.setPort(1); try { new SolarisConnection(config).checkAlive(); fail("Expected bad port to fail."); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } // negative test: bad admin config = reloadConfig(isSudoAuthorization); if (!isSudoAuthorization) { config.setRootUser("badAdminUser"); } else { config.setLoginUser("badAdminUser"); } try { new SolarisConnection(config).checkAlive(); fail("Expected bad admin to fail."); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } // negative test: bad admin password // avoiding bad admin password test for SSHPubKey connection // as it does not use the password at all. if (!ConnectionType.toConnectionType(config.getConnectionType()).equals( ConnectionType.SSHPUBKEY)) { config = reloadConfig(isSudoAuthorization); if (!isSudoAuthorization) { config.setCredentials(new GuardedString("badPassword".toCharArray())); } else { config.setPassword(new GuardedString("badPassword".toCharArray())); } try { new SolarisConnection(config).checkAlive(); fail("Expected bad admin password to fail."); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } } // negative test: bad shell prompt config = reloadConfig(isSudoAuthorization); if (!isSudoAuthorization) { config.setRootShellPrompt("badRootShellPrompt"); } else { config.setLoginShellPrompt("badLoginShellPrompt"); } try { new SolarisConnection(config).checkAlive(); fail("Expected bad shell prompt to fail."); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } // negative test: bad conn type config = reloadConfig(isSudoAuthorization); try { config.setConnectionType("nonExistingConnetionType"); new SolarisConnection(config).checkAlive(); fail("Expected bad connection type to fail."); } catch (Exception ex) { // OK } } private SolarisConfiguration reloadConfig(boolean isSudoAuthorization) { SolarisConfiguration config = getConnection().getConfiguration(); if (isSudoAuthorization) { config.setSudoAuthorization(true); } return config; } /** * test that repetitive open of sessions doesn't cause exception. This test * shows if some resources are not cleaned up properly. * * These tests verify Issue #614. Turned off, just in cases of changes to * SolarisConnection are these tests needed. */ @Test @Ignore public void testSessionSSHClose() { SolarisConfiguration config = SolarisTestCommon.createConfiguration(); testSessionRepetitiveCreation(config); } @Test(enabled = false) private void testSessionRepetitiveCreation(SolarisConfiguration config) { try { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { SolarisConnection connection = new SolarisConnection(config); try { // empty on purpose } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.dispose(); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { fail("no exception should be thrown when cyclically calling creating and closing a connection."); } } /** * analogical to {@link SolarisConnectionTest#testSessionSSHClose()} These * tests verify Issue #614. Turned off, just in cases of changes to * SolarisConnection are these tests needed. */ @Test @Ignore public void testSSHPubKeySessionClose() { if (!SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("unitTests.SolarisConnection.testSSHPubkeyMode", Boolean.class)) { logger.info("skipping testSSHPubKeyConnection test, because the resource doesn't support it."); return; } SolarisConfiguration config = getConnection().getConfiguration(); config.setPassphrase(SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("rootPassphrase", GuardedString.class)); config.setPrivateKey(SolarisTestCommon.getProperty("rootPrivateKey", GuardedString.class)); config.setConnectionType(ConnectionType.SSHPUBKEY.toString()); testSessionRepetitiveCreation(config); } /** * this test needs a 'isVersionLT10' test property defined. */ @Test public void testIsVersionLT10() { final String testPropName = "unitTests.isVersionLT10"; boolean isVersionLT10expected = false; try { isVersionLT10expected = SolarisTestCommon.getProperty(testPropName, Boolean.class); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.info("skipping testIsVersionLT10() because test property '" + testPropName + "' is not defined."); } assertEquals(isVersionLT10expected, getConnection().isVersionLT10()); } @Override public boolean createGroup() { return false; } @Override public int getCreateUsersNumber() { return 0; } }