package org.agnitas.emm.core.mailing.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.agnitas.beans.MaildropEntry; public class MailingModel { public static enum MailingType { REGULAR("regular", 0), ACTION_BASED("action-based", 1), RULE_BASED("rule-based", 2); private final String name; private final int value; private MailingType(String name, int value) { = name; this.value = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getValue() { return value; } } public final static Map<String, MailingType> mailingTypeMap; static { mailingTypeMap = new HashMap<String, MailingType>(3); mailingTypeMap.put(MailingType.REGULAR.getName(), MailingType.REGULAR); mailingTypeMap.put(MailingType.ACTION_BASED.getName(), MailingType.ACTION_BASED); mailingTypeMap.put(MailingType.RULE_BASED.getName(), MailingType.RULE_BASED); } public final static Map<Integer, MailingType> mailingTypeValueMap; static { mailingTypeValueMap = new HashMap<Integer, MailingType>(3); mailingTypeValueMap.put(MailingType.REGULAR.getValue(), MailingType.REGULAR); mailingTypeValueMap.put(MailingType.ACTION_BASED.getValue(), MailingType.ACTION_BASED); mailingTypeValueMap.put(MailingType.RULE_BASED.getValue(), MailingType.RULE_BASED); } public static MailingType getMailingType(String mailingTypeString) { mailingTypeString = mailingTypeString != null ? mailingTypeString.toLowerCase() : null; MailingType mailingType = mailingTypeMap.get(mailingTypeString); if (mailingType == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid mailType"); } return mailingType; } public static MailingType getMailingType(Integer mailingTypeInt) { MailingType mailingType = mailingTypeValueMap.get(mailingTypeInt); if (mailingType == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid mailType"); } return mailingType; } public static enum Format { TEXT("text", 0), ONLINE_HTML("online-html", 1), OFFLINE_HTML("offline-html", 2), MHTML("mhtml", 4); private final String name; private final int value; private Format(String name, int value) { = name; this.value = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getValue() { return value; } } public final static Map<String, Format> formatMap; static { formatMap = new HashMap<String, Format>(3); formatMap.put(Format.TEXT.getName(), Format.TEXT); formatMap.put(Format.ONLINE_HTML.getName(), Format.ONLINE_HTML); formatMap.put(Format.OFFLINE_HTML.getName(), Format.OFFLINE_HTML); formatMap.put(Format.MHTML.getName(), Format.MHTML); } public final static Map<Integer, Format> formatValueMap; static { formatValueMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Format>(3); formatValueMap.put(Format.TEXT.getValue(), Format.TEXT); formatValueMap.put(Format.ONLINE_HTML.getValue(), Format.ONLINE_HTML); formatValueMap.put(Format.OFFLINE_HTML.getValue(), Format.OFFLINE_HTML); formatValueMap.put(Format.MHTML.getValue(), Format.MHTML); } public static Format getFormat(String formatString) { formatString = formatString != null ? formatString.toLowerCase() : null; Format format = formatMap.get(formatString); if (format == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid format"); } return format; } public static List<Format> getFormatList(Integer formatInt) { // The exception for historical reason: When the mailformat parameter // has the value 2, it is interpreted as value 3. if (formatInt == 2) { formatInt = 3; } List<Format> formatList = new ArrayList<MailingModel.Format>(1); formatList.add(Format.TEXT); for (Integer key : formatValueMap.keySet()) { if ((key & formatInt) != 0) { formatList.add(formatValueMap.get(key)); } } return formatList; } public static enum OnePixel { TOP("top"), BOTTOM("bottom"), NONE("none"); private final String name; private OnePixel(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } } public final static Map<String, OnePixel> onePixelMap; static { onePixelMap = new HashMap<String, OnePixel>(3); onePixelMap.put(OnePixel.TOP.getName(), OnePixel.TOP); onePixelMap.put(OnePixel.BOTTOM.getName(), OnePixel.BOTTOM); onePixelMap.put(OnePixel.NONE.getName(), OnePixel.NONE); } public static OnePixel getOnePixel(String onePixelString) { onePixelString = onePixelString != null ? onePixelString.toLowerCase() : null; OnePixel onePixel = onePixelMap.get(onePixelString); if (onePixel == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid onepixel"); } return onePixel; } public static enum TargetMode { OR("one", 0), AND("all", 1); private final String name; private final int value; private TargetMode(String name, int value) { = name; this.value = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public int getValue() { return value; } } public final static Map<String, TargetMode> targetModeMap; static { targetModeMap = new HashMap<String, TargetMode>(2); targetModeMap.put(TargetMode.OR.getName(), TargetMode.OR); targetModeMap.put(TargetMode.AND.getName(), TargetMode.AND); } public final static Map<Integer, TargetMode> targetModeValueMap; static { targetModeValueMap = new HashMap<Integer, TargetMode>(2); targetModeValueMap.put(TargetMode.OR.getValue(), TargetMode.OR); targetModeValueMap.put(TargetMode.AND.getValue(), TargetMode.AND); } public static TargetMode getTargetMode(String targetModeString) { targetModeString = targetModeString != null ? targetModeString.toLowerCase() : null; TargetMode targetMode = targetModeMap.get(targetModeString); if (targetMode == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid targetMode"); } return targetMode; } public static TargetMode getTargetMode(Integer targetModeInt) { TargetMode targetMode = targetModeValueMap.get(targetModeInt); if (targetMode == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid targetMode"); } return targetMode; } public static enum MaildropStatus { ADMIN("admin", MaildropEntry.STATUS_ADMIN), TEST("test", MaildropEntry.STATUS_TEST), WORLD("world", MaildropEntry.STATUS_WORLD); private final String name; private final char value; private MaildropStatus(String name, char value) { = name; this.value = value; } public String getName() { return name; } public char getValue() { return value; } } public final static Map<String, MaildropStatus> maildropStatusMap; static { MaildropStatus[] values = MaildropStatus.values(); maildropStatusMap = new HashMap<String, MaildropStatus>(values.length); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { maildropStatusMap.put(values[i].getName(), values[i]); } } public static MaildropStatus getMaildropStatus(String maildropStatusString) { maildropStatusString = maildropStatusString != null ? maildropStatusString.toLowerCase() : null; MaildropStatus maildropStatus = maildropStatusMap.get(maildropStatusString); if (maildropStatus == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid targetMode"); } return maildropStatus; } private int companyId; private String shortname; private String description; private int mailinglistId; private List<Integer> targetIDList; private String mailingTypeString; private MailingType mailingType; private String subject; private String senderName; private String senderAddress; private String replyToName; private String replyToAddress; private String charset; private int linefeed; private String formatString; private Format format; private String onePixelString; private OnePixel onePixel; private boolean template; private int templateId; private boolean autoUpdate; private int mailingId; private String targetModeString; private TargetMode targetMode; private String maildropStatusString; private MaildropStatus maildropStatus; private Date sendDate; private int stepping; private int blocksize; public int getCompanyId() { return companyId; } public void setCompanyId(int companyId) { this.companyId = companyId; } public String getShortname() { return shortname; } public void setShortname(String shortname) { this.shortname = shortname; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public int getMailinglistId() { return mailinglistId; } public void setMailinglistId(int mailinglistId) { this.mailinglistId = mailinglistId; } public List<Integer> getTargetIDList() { return targetIDList; } public void setTargetIDList(List<Integer> targetIDList) { this.targetIDList = targetIDList; } public String getMailingTypeString() { return mailingTypeString; } public void setMailingType(String mailingTypeString) { this.mailingTypeString = mailingTypeString; mailingType = null; } public MailingType getMailingType() { if (mailingType == null && mailingTypeString != null) { mailingType = getMailingType(mailingTypeString); } return mailingType; } public String getSubject() { return subject; } public void setSubject(String subject) { this.subject = subject; } public String getSenderName() { return senderName; } public void setSenderName(String senderName) { this.senderName = senderName; } public String getSenderAddress() { return senderAddress; } public void setSenderAddress(String senderAddress) { this.senderAddress = senderAddress; } public String getReplyToName() { return replyToName; } public void setReplyToName(String replyToName) { this.replyToName = replyToName; } public String getReplyToAddress() { return replyToAddress; } public void setReplyToAddress(String replyToAddress) { this.replyToAddress = replyToAddress; } public String getCharset() { return charset; } public void setCharset(String charset) { this.charset = charset; } public int getLinefeed() { return linefeed; } public void setLinefeed(int linefeed) { this.linefeed = linefeed; } public String getFormatString() { return formatString; } public void setFormatString(String formatString) { this.formatString = formatString; format = null; } public Format getFormat() { if (format == null && formatString != null) { format = getFormat(formatString); } return format; } public String getOnePixelString() { return onePixelString; } public void setOnePixelString(String onePixelString) { this.onePixelString = onePixelString; onePixel = null; } public OnePixel getOnePixel() { if (onePixel == null && onePixelString != null) { onePixel = getOnePixel(onePixelString); } return onePixel; } public boolean isTemplate() { return template; } public void setTemplate(boolean template) { this.template = template; } public boolean isAutoUpdate() { return autoUpdate; } public void setAutoUpdate(boolean autoUpdate) { this.autoUpdate = autoUpdate; } public int getTemplateId() { return templateId; } public void setTemplateId(int templateId) { this.templateId = templateId; } public int getMailingId() { return mailingId; } public void setMailingId(int mailingId) { this.mailingId = mailingId; } public String getTargetModeString() { return targetModeString; } public void setTargetMode(String targetModeString) { this.targetModeString = targetModeString; targetMode = null; } public TargetMode getTargetMode() { if (targetMode == null && targetModeString != null) { targetMode = getTargetMode(targetModeString); } return targetMode; } public String getMaildropStatusString() { return maildropStatusString; } public MaildropStatus getMaildropStatus() { if (maildropStatus == null && maildropStatusString != null) { maildropStatus = getMaildropStatus(maildropStatusString); } return maildropStatus; } public void setMaildropStatus(String maildropStatusString) { this.maildropStatusString = maildropStatusString; this.maildropStatus = null; } public Date getSendDate() { return sendDate; } public void setSendDate(Date sendDate) { this.sendDate = sendDate; } public int getStepping() { return stepping; } public void setStepping(int stepping) { this.stepping = stepping; } public int getBlocksize() { return blocksize; } public void setBlocksize(int blocksize) { this.blocksize = blocksize; } }