package com.openrobot.common; // //THIS IS CURRENTLY BEING OPTIMIZED import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import; import; import; import android.os.SystemClock; public class AudioSerialOutMono { // idea from as modified by Steve Pomeroy <> private static Thread audiothread = null; private static AudioTrack audiotrk = null; private static byte generatedSnd[] = null; // set that can be edited externally public static int max_sampleRate = 48000; public static int min_sampleRate = 4000; public static int new_baudRate = 4800; // assumes N,8,1 right now public static int new_sampleRate = 48000; // min 4000 max 48000 public static int new_characterdelay = 0; // in audio frames, so depends on the sample rate. Useful to work with some microcontrollers. // set that is actually used: this is so they get upadted all in one go (safer) private static int baudRate = 4800; private static int sampleRate = 48000; private static int characterdelay = 0; public static LinkedList<byte[]> playque = new LinkedList<byte[]>(); public static boolean active = false; public static void UpdateParameters(boolean AutoSampleRate){ baudRate = new_baudRate; // we're not forcing standard baud rates here specifically because we want to allow odd ones if (AutoSampleRate == true) { new_sampleRate = new_baudRate; while(new_sampleRate <= (max_sampleRate-1)) { new_sampleRate *=2;//+= new_baudRate; } new_sampleRate/=2; } if (new_sampleRate > max_sampleRate) new_sampleRate = max_sampleRate; if (new_sampleRate < min_sampleRate) new_sampleRate = min_sampleRate; sampleRate = new_sampleRate; // min 4000 max 48000 if (new_characterdelay < 0) new_characterdelay = 0; characterdelay = new_characterdelay; minbufsize=AudioTrack.getMinBufferSize(sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT); } public static void output(String sendthis) { playque.add(SerialDAC(sendthis.getBytes())); audiothread.interrupt(); } public static void output(byte[] sendthis) { playque.add(SerialDAC(sendthis)); audiothread.interrupt(); } private static int bytesinframe=10+characterdelay; private static int i=0; // counter private static int j=0; // counter private static int k=0; // counter private static int m=0; // counter private static int n=sampleRate / baudRate; private static boolean[] bits; private static byte[] waveform; private static final byte l=3; // intentional jitter used to prevent the DAC from flattening the waveform prematurely private static final byte logichigh = (byte) (-128); private static final byte logiclow = (byte) (64); public static byte[] SerialDAC(byte[] sendme) { bytesinframe=10+characterdelay; j=0; // counter m=0; // counter n=sampleRate / baudRate; bits = new boolean[sendme.length*bytesinframe]; waveform = new byte[(sendme.length*bytesinframe*sampleRate / baudRate)]; // 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop //Arrays.fill(waveform, (byte) 0); Arrays.fill(bits, true); // slight opti to decide what to do with stop bits // generate bit array first: makes it easier to understand what's going on for (i=0;i<sendme.length;++i) { m=i*bytesinframe; bits[m]=false; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&1)==1);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&2)==2);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&4)==4);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&8)==8);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&16)==16);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&32)==32);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&64)==64);//==0)?false:true; bits[++m]=((sendme[i]&128)==128);//==0)?false:true; // cheaper to prefill to true // now we need a stop bit, BUT we want to be able to add more (character delay) to play-nice with some microcontrollers such as the Picaxe or BS1 that need it in order to do decimal conversion natively. // for(k=0;k<bytesinframe-9;k++) // bits[++m]=true; } // now generate the actual waveform using l to wiggle the DAC and prevent it from zeroing out for (i=0;i<bits.length;i++) { for (k=0;k<n;k++) { waveform[j++]=(bits[i])?((byte) (logichigh+(j&l))):((byte) (logiclow-(j&l))); //if (bits[i]) // waveform[j]= (byte) (logichigh+(j&l)); // the +l / -l is to fool the DAC into not having a flat waveform, which it might reject //else // waveform[j]= (byte) (logiclow-(j&l)); // the +l / -l is to fool the DAC into not having a flat waveform, which it might reject //++j; } } bits=null; return waveform; } // essentially a constructor, but i prefer to do a manual call. public static void activate() { UpdateParameters(true); // Use a new tread as this can take a while audiothread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { playSound(); } } ); audiothread.start(); while(active == false) // wait for the thread to actually turn on SystemClock.sleep(50); } public static void deactivate() // allows the audio thread to die { active=false; audiothread.interrupt(); } public static boolean isPlaying() { try{return audiotrk.getPlaybackHeadPosition() < (generatedSnd.length);}catch(Exception e){return false;} } private static int minbufsize; private static int length; private static void playSound(){ active = true; while(active) { try {Thread.sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE);} catch (InterruptedException e) { while (playque.isEmpty() == false) { if (audiotrk != null) { if (generatedSnd != null) { while (audiotrk.getPlaybackHeadPosition() < (generatedSnd.length)) SystemClock.sleep(50); // let existing sample finish first: this can probably be set to a smarter number using the information above } audiotrk.release(); } UpdateParameters(false); // might as well do it at every iteration, it's cheap generatedSnd = playque.poll(); length = generatedSnd.length; if (minbufsize<length) minbufsize=length; audiotrk = new AudioTrack(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_CONFIGURATION_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_8BIT, minbufsize, AudioTrack.MODE_STATIC); audiotrk.setStereoVolume(2,2); audiotrk.write(generatedSnd, 0, length);; } } } } }