/* -*-mode:java; c-basic-offset:2; -*- */ /* Copyright (c) 2002,2003,2004 ymnk, JCraft,Inc. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The names of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL JCRAFT, INC. OR ANY CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS SOFTWARE BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.jcraft.jsch.jce; import com.jcraft.jsch.*; public class DHGEX extends KeyExchange{ static final int SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP= 31; static final int SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT= 32; static final int SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY= 33; static int min=1024; // static int min=512; static int preferred=1024; static int max=1024; // static int preferred=1024; // static int max=2000; static final int RSA=0; static final int DSS=1; private int type=0; private int state; com.jcraft.jsch.DH dh; byte[] V_S; byte[] V_C; byte[] I_S; byte[] I_C; private Buffer buf; private Packet packet; private byte[] p; private byte[] g; private byte[] e; private byte[] f; public void init(Session session, byte[] V_S, byte[] V_C, byte[] I_S, byte[] I_C) throws Exception{ this.session=session; this.V_S=V_S; this.V_C=V_C; this.I_S=I_S; this.I_C=I_C; sha=new SHA1(); sha.init(); buf=new Buffer(); packet=new Packet(buf); try{ Class c=Class.forName(session.getConfig("dh")); dh=(com.jcraft.jsch.DH)(c.newInstance()); dh.init(); } catch(Exception e){ System.err.println(e); } packet.reset(); buf.putByte((byte)0x22); buf.putInt(min); buf.putInt(preferred); buf.putInt(max); session.write(packet); state=SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP; } public boolean next(Buffer _buf) throws Exception{ int i,j; switch(state){ case SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP: // byte SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP(31) // mpint p, safe prime // mpint g, generator for subgroup in GF (p) _buf.getInt(); _buf.getByte(); j=_buf.getByte(); if(j!=31){ System.err.println("type: must be 31 "+j); return false; } p=_buf.getMPInt(); g=_buf.getMPInt(); /* for(int iii=0; iii<p.length; iii++){ System.out.println("0x"+Integer.toHexString(p[iii]&0xff)+","); } System.out.println(""); for(int iii=0; iii<g.length; iii++){ System.out.println("0x"+Integer.toHexString(g[iii]&0xff)+","); } */ dh.setP(p); dh.setG(g); // The client responds with: // byte SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT(32) // mpint e <- g^x mod p // x is a random number (1 < x < (p-1)/2) e=dh.getE(); packet.reset(); buf.putByte((byte)0x20); buf.putMPInt(e); session.write(packet); state=SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY; return true; //break; case SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY: // The server responds with: // byte SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REPLY(33) // string server public host key and certificates (K_S) // mpint f // string signature of H j=_buf.getInt(); j=_buf.getByte(); j=_buf.getByte(); if(j!=33){ System.err.println("type: must be 33 "+j); return false; } K_S=_buf.getString(); // K_S is server_key_blob, which includes .... // string ssh-dss // impint p of dsa // impint q of dsa // impint g of dsa // impint pub_key of dsa //System.out.print("K_S: "); dump(K_S, 0, K_S.length); byte[] f=_buf.getMPInt(); byte[] sig_of_H=_buf.getString(); dh.setF(f); K=dh.getK(); //The hash H is computed as the HASH hash of the concatenation of the //following: // string V_C, the client's version string (CR and NL excluded) // string V_S, the server's version string (CR and NL excluded) // string I_C, the payload of the client's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT // string I_S, the payload of the server's SSH_MSG_KEXINIT // string K_S, the host key // uint32 min, minimal size in bits of an acceptable group // uint32 n, preferred size in bits of the group the server should send // uint32 max, maximal size in bits of an acceptable group // mpint p, safe prime // mpint g, generator for subgroup // mpint e, exchange value sent by the client // mpint f, exchange value sent by the server // mpint K, the shared secret // This value is called the exchange hash, and it is used to authenti- // cate the key exchange. buf.reset(); buf.putString(V_C); buf.putString(V_S); buf.putString(I_C); buf.putString(I_S); buf.putString(K_S); buf.putInt(min); buf.putInt(preferred); buf.putInt(max); buf.putMPInt(p); buf.putMPInt(g); buf.putMPInt(e); buf.putMPInt(f); buf.putMPInt(K); byte[] foo=new byte[buf.getLength()]; buf.getByte(foo); sha.update(foo, 0, foo.length); H=sha.digest(); // System.out.print("H -> "); dump(H, 0, H.length); i=0; j=0; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); String alg=new String(K_S, i, j); i+=j; boolean result=false; if(alg.equals("ssh-rsa")){ byte[] tmp; byte[] ee; byte[] n; type=RSA; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); tmp=new byte[j]; System.arraycopy(K_S, i, tmp, 0, j); i+=j; ee=tmp; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); tmp=new byte[j]; System.arraycopy(K_S, i, tmp, 0, j); i+=j; n=tmp; SignatureRSA sig=new SignatureRSA(); sig.init(); sig.setPubKey(ee, n); sig.update(H); result=sig.verify(sig_of_H); } else if(alg.equals("ssh-dss")){ byte[] q=null; byte[] tmp; type=DSS; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); tmp=new byte[j]; System.arraycopy(K_S, i, tmp, 0, j); i+=j; p=tmp; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); tmp=new byte[j]; System.arraycopy(K_S, i, tmp, 0, j); i+=j; q=tmp; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); tmp=new byte[j]; System.arraycopy(K_S, i, tmp, 0, j); i+=j; g=tmp; j=((K_S[i++]<<24)&0xff000000)|((K_S[i++]<<16)&0x00ff0000)| ((K_S[i++]<<8)&0x0000ff00)|((K_S[i++])&0x000000ff); tmp=new byte[j]; System.arraycopy(K_S, i, tmp, 0, j); i+=j; f=tmp; SignatureDSA sig=new SignatureDSA(); sig.init(); sig.setPubKey(f, p, q, g); sig.update(H); result=sig.verify(sig_of_H); } else{ System.out.println("unknow alg"); } state=STATE_END; return result; } return false; } public String getKeyType(){ if(type==DSS) return "DSA"; return "RSA"; } public int getState(){return state; } }