/** * Copyright (C) 2011 Brian Ferris <bdferris@onebusaway.org> * Copyright (C) 2011 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.bundle.tasks; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.onebusaway.collections.FactoryMap; import org.onebusaway.container.refresh.RefreshService; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinateBounds; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.model.CoordinatePoint; import org.onebusaway.geospatial.services.SphericalGeometryLibrary; import org.onebusaway.gtfs.model.AgencyAndId; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.impl.RefreshableResources; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.model.ShapePoints; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.FederatedTransitDataBundle; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.transit_graph.StopEntry; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.transit_graph.TransitGraphDao; import org.onebusaway.transit_data_federation.services.transit_graph.TripEntry; import org.onebusaway.utility.ObjectSerializationLibrary; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component class ShapeGeospatialIndexTask implements Runnable { private static Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShapeGeospatialIndexTask.class); private TransitGraphDao _transitGraphDao; private ShapePointHelper _shapePointHelper; private FederatedTransitDataBundle _bundle; private RefreshService _refreshService; private double _gridSize = 500; @Autowired public void setTransitGraphDao(TransitGraphDao transitGraphDao) { _transitGraphDao = transitGraphDao; } @Autowired public void setShapePointHelper(ShapePointHelper shapePointHelper) { _shapePointHelper = shapePointHelper; } @Autowired public void setRefreshService(RefreshService refreshService) { _refreshService = refreshService; } @Autowired public void setBundle(FederatedTransitDataBundle bundle) { _bundle = bundle; } public void setGridSize(double gridSize) { _gridSize = gridSize; } @Override public void run() { try { Map<CoordinateBounds, List<AgencyAndId>> shapeIdsByGridCell = buildShapeSpatialIndex(); File path = _bundle.getShapeGeospatialIndexDataPath(); ObjectSerializationLibrary.writeObject(path, shapeIdsByGridCell); _refreshService.refresh(RefreshableResources.SHAPE_GEOSPATIAL_INDEX); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException( "error creating shape geospatial index data", ex); } } /**** * Private Methods ****/ private Set<AgencyAndId> getAllShapeIds() { Set<AgencyAndId> shapeIds = new HashSet<AgencyAndId>(); for (TripEntry trip : _transitGraphDao.getAllTrips()) { AgencyAndId shapeId = trip.getShapeId(); if (shapeId != null) shapeIds.add(shapeId); } return shapeIds; } private Map<CoordinateBounds, List<AgencyAndId>> buildShapeSpatialIndex() { Map<CoordinatePoint, Set<AgencyAndId>> shapeIdsByGridCellCorner = new FactoryMap<CoordinatePoint, Set<AgencyAndId>>( new HashSet<AgencyAndId>()); CoordinateBounds fullBounds = new CoordinateBounds(); for (StopEntry stop : _transitGraphDao.getAllStops()) fullBounds.addPoint(stop.getStopLat(), stop.getStopLon()); if (fullBounds.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } double centerLat = (fullBounds.getMinLat() + fullBounds.getMaxLat()) / 2; double centerLon = (fullBounds.getMinLon() + fullBounds.getMaxLon()) / 2; CoordinateBounds gridCellExample = SphericalGeometryLibrary.bounds( centerLat, centerLon, _gridSize / 2); double latStep = gridCellExample.getMaxLat() - gridCellExample.getMinLat(); double lonStep = gridCellExample.getMaxLon() - gridCellExample.getMinLon(); _log.info("generating shape point geospatial index..."); Set<AgencyAndId> allShapeIds = getAllShapeIds(); for (AgencyAndId shapeId : allShapeIds) { ShapePoints shapePoints = _shapePointHelper.getShapePointsForShapeId(shapeId); for (int i = 0; i < shapePoints.getSize(); i++) { double lat = shapePoints.getLatForIndex(i); double lon = shapePoints.getLonForIndex(i); addGridCellForShapePoint(shapeIdsByGridCellCorner, lat, lon, latStep, lonStep, shapeId); /** * If there is a particularly long stretch between shape points, we want * to fill in grid cells in-between */ if (i > 0) { double prevLat = shapePoints.getLatForIndex(i - 1); double prevLon = shapePoints.getLonForIndex(i - 1); double totalDistance = SphericalGeometryLibrary.distance(prevLat, prevLon, lat, lon); for (double d = _gridSize; d < totalDistance; d += _gridSize) { double r = d / totalDistance; double latPart = (lat - prevLat) * r + prevLat; double lonPart = (lon - prevLon) * r + prevLon; addGridCellForShapePoint(shapeIdsByGridCellCorner, latPart, lonPart, latStep, lonStep, shapeId); } } } } _log.info("block shape geospatial nodes: " + shapeIdsByGridCellCorner.size()); Map<CoordinateBounds, List<AgencyAndId>> shapeIdsByGridCell = new HashMap<CoordinateBounds, List<AgencyAndId>>(); for (Map.Entry<CoordinatePoint, Set<AgencyAndId>> entry : shapeIdsByGridCellCorner.entrySet()) { CoordinatePoint p = entry.getKey(); CoordinateBounds bounds = new CoordinateBounds(p.getLat(), p.getLon(), p.getLat() + latStep, p.getLon() + lonStep); List<AgencyAndId> shapeIds = new ArrayList<AgencyAndId>(entry.getValue()); shapeIdsByGridCell.put(bounds, shapeIds); } return shapeIdsByGridCell; } private void addGridCellForShapePoint( Map<CoordinatePoint, Set<AgencyAndId>> shapeIdsByGridCellCorner, double lat, double lon, double latStep, double lonStep, AgencyAndId shapeId) { CoordinatePoint gridCellCorner = getGridCellCornerForPoint(lat, lon, latStep, lonStep); shapeIdsByGridCellCorner.get(gridCellCorner).add(shapeId); } private CoordinatePoint getGridCellCornerForPoint(double lat, double lon, double latStep, double lonStep) { double latCorner = Math.floor(lat / latStep) * latStep; double lonCorner = Math.floor(lon / lonStep) * lonStep; return new CoordinatePoint(latCorner, lonCorner); } }