package org.oliot.epcis.service.query.sql; import static org.quartz.CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule; import static org.quartz.JobBuilder.newJob; import static org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.newTrigger; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.xml.bind.JAXB; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.oliot.epcis.configuration.Configuration; import org.oliot.epcis.service.subscription.MysqlSubscription; import org.oliot.epcis.service.subscription.MysqlSubscriptionTask; import org.oliot.model.epcis.AggregationEventType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.EPCISQueryBodyType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.EPCISQueryDocumentType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.EventListType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.InvalidURIException; import org.oliot.model.epcis.ObjectEventType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QuantityEventType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QueryParam; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QueryParameterException; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QueryParams; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QueryResults; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QueryResultsBody; import org.oliot.model.epcis.QueryTooLargeException; import org.oliot.model.epcis.SubscribeNotPermittedException; import org.oliot.model.epcis.SubscriptionControls; import org.oliot.model.epcis.SubscriptionControlsException; import org.oliot.model.epcis.SubscriptionType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.TransactionEventType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.TransformationEventType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.VocabularyListType; import org.oliot.model.epcis.VocabularyType; import org.quartz.JobDataMap; import org.quartz.JobDetail; import org.quartz.SchedulerException; import org.quartz.Trigger; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import static org.quartz.TriggerKey.*; import static org.quartz.JobKey.*; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; /** * Currently Not Used * SpringData-Mongo currently does not support Sub-collection query * @author jack * */ public class MysqlQueryServiceSpring { public String subscribe(SubscriptionType subscription) { String queryName = subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName(); String subscriptionID = subscription.getSubscriptionID(); String dest = subscription.getDest(); //String cronExpression = subscription.getCronExpression(); boolean reportIfEmpty = subscription.getReportIfEmpty(); String eventType = subscription.getPollParameters().getEventType(); String GE_eventTime = subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_eventTime(); String LT_eventTime = subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_eventTime(); String GE_recordTime = subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_recordTime(); String LT_recordTime = subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_recordTime(); String EQ_action = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_action(); String EQ_bizStep = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_bizStep(); String EQ_disposition = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_disposition(); String EQ_readPoint = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_readPoint(); String WD_readPoint = subscription.getPollParameters().getWD_readPoint(); String EQ_bizLocation = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_bizLocation(); String WD_bizLocation = subscription.getPollParameters().getWD_bizLocation(); String EQ_transformationID = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_transformationID(); String MATCH_epc = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_epc(); String MATCH_parentID = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_parentID(); String MATCH_inputEPC = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_inputEPC(); String MATCH_outputEPC = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_outputEPC(); String MATCH_anyEPC = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_anyEPC(); String MATCH_epcClass = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_epcClass(); String MATCH_inputEPCClass = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_inputEPCClass(); String MATCH_outputEPCClass = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_outputEPCClass(); String MATCH_anyEPCClass = subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_anyEPCClass(); String EQ_quantity = subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_quantity().toString(); String GT_quantity = subscription.getPollParameters().getGT_quantity().toString(); String GE_quantity = subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_quantity().toString(); String LT_quantity = subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_quantity().toString(); String LE_quantity = subscription.getPollParameters().getLE_quantity().toString(); String orderBy = subscription.getPollParameters().getOrderBy(); String orderDirection = subscription.getPollParameters().getOrderDirection(); String eventCountLimit = subscription.getPollParameters().getEventCountLimit().toString(); String maxEventCount = subscription.getPollParameters().getMaxEventCount().toString(); Map<String, String> paramMap = subscription.getPollParameters().getParams(); String result = subscribe(queryName, subscriptionID, dest, "cronExpression", reportIfEmpty, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); return result; } public String subscribeEventQuery(String queryName, String subscriptionID, String dest, String cronExpression, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { // M27 - query params' constraint // M39 - query params' constraint String reason = checkConstraintSimpleEventQuery(queryName, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); if (reason != null) { return makeErrorResult(reason, QueryParameterException.class); } // cron Example // 0/10 * * * * ? : every 10 second // M30 try { cronSchedule(cronExpression); } catch (RuntimeException e) { return makeErrorResult(e.toString(), SubscriptionControlsException.class); } // Add Schedule with Query addScheduleToQuartz(queryName, subscriptionID, dest, cronExpression, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); // Manage Subscription Persistently addScheduleToDB(queryName, subscriptionID, dest, cronExpression, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); String retString = "SubscriptionID : " + subscriptionID + " is successfully triggered. "; return retString; } // Soap Query Adaptor public void subscribe(String queryName, QueryParams params, URI dest, SubscriptionControls controls, String subscriptionID) { List<QueryParam> queryParamList = params.getParam(); String destStr = dest.toString(); String eventType = null; String GE_eventTime = null; String LT_eventTime = null; String GE_recordTime = null; String LT_recordTime = null; String EQ_action = null; String EQ_bizStep = null; String EQ_disposition = null; String EQ_readPoint = null; String WD_readPoint = null; String EQ_bizLocation = null; String WD_bizLocation = null; String EQ_transformationID = null; String MATCH_epc = null; String MATCH_parentID = null; String MATCH_inputEPC = null; String MATCH_outputEPC = null; String MATCH_anyEPC = null; String MATCH_epcClass = null; String MATCH_inputEPCClass = null; String MATCH_outputEPCClass = null; String MATCH_anyEPCClass = null; String EQ_quantity = null; String GT_quantity = null; String GE_quantity = null; String LT_quantity = null; String LE_quantity = null; String orderBy = null; String orderDirection = null; String eventCountLimit = null; String maxEventCount = null; String cronExpression = null; boolean reportIfEmpty = false; Map<String, String> extMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < queryParamList.size(); i++) { QueryParam qp = queryParamList.get(i); String name = qp.getName(); String value = (String) qp.getValue(); if (name.equals("cronExpression")) { cronExpression = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("reportIfEmpty")) { if (value.equals("true")) reportIfEmpty = true; else reportIfEmpty = false; continue; } else if (name.equals("eventType")) { eventType = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GE_eventTime")) { GE_eventTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LT_eventTime")) { LT_eventTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GE_recordTime")) { GE_recordTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LT_recordTime")) { LT_recordTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_action")) { EQ_action = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_bizStep")) { EQ_bizStep = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_disposition")) { EQ_disposition = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_readPoint")) { EQ_readPoint = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("WD_readPoint")) { WD_readPoint = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_bizLocation")) { EQ_bizLocation = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("WD_bizLocation")) { WD_bizLocation = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_transformationID")) { EQ_transformationID = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_epc")) { MATCH_epc = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_parentID")) { MATCH_parentID = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_inputEPC")) { MATCH_inputEPC = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_outputEPC")) { MATCH_outputEPC = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_anyEPC")) { MATCH_anyEPC = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_epcClass")) { MATCH_epcClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_inputEPCClass")) { MATCH_inputEPCClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_outputEPCClass")) { MATCH_outputEPCClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_anyEPCClass")) { MATCH_anyEPCClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_quantity")) { EQ_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GT_quantity")) { GT_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GE_quantity")) { GE_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LT_quantity")) { LT_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LE_quantity")) { LE_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("orderBy")) { orderBy = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("orderDirection")) { orderDirection = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("eventCountLimit")) { eventCountLimit = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("maxEventCount")) { maxEventCount = value; continue; } else { extMap.put(name, value); } } subscribe(queryName, subscriptionID, destStr, cronExpression, reportIfEmpty, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, extMap); } public String subscribe(String queryName, String subscriptionID, String dest, String cronExpression, boolean reportIfEmpty, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { // M20 : Throw an InvalidURIException for an incorrect dest argument in // the subscribe method in EPCIS Query Control Interface try { new URL(dest); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return makeErrorResult(e.toString(), InvalidURIException.class); } // M24 : Virtual Error Handling // Automatically processed by URI param if (dest == null || cronExpression == null) { return makeErrorResult( "Fill the mandatory field in subscribe method", QueryParameterException.class); } // M46 if (queryName.equals("SimpleMasterDataQuery")) { return makeErrorResult( "SimpleMasterDataQuery is not available in subscription method", SubscribeNotPermittedException.class); } String retString = ""; if (queryName.equals("SimpleEventQuery")) { retString = subscribeEventQuery(queryName, subscriptionID, dest, cronExpression, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); } return retString; } public void unsubscribe(String subscriptionID) { ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:MongoConfig.xml"); MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx .getBean("mongoTemplate"); // Its size should be 0 or 1 List<SubscriptionType> subscriptions = mongoOperation.find(new Query( Criteria.where("subscriptionID").is(subscriptionID)), SubscriptionType.class); for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.size(); i++) { SubscriptionType subscription = subscriptions.get(i); // Remove from current Quartz removeScheduleFromQuartz(subscription); // Remove from DB list removeScheduleFromDB(mongoOperation, subscription); } ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); } public String getSubscriptionIDsREST(@PathVariable String queryName) { ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:MongoConfig.xml"); MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx .getBean("mongoTemplate"); List<SubscriptionType> allSubscription = mongoOperation.find(new Query( Criteria.where("queryName").is(queryName)), SubscriptionType.class); JSONArray retArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < allSubscription.size(); i++) { SubscriptionType subscription = allSubscription.get(i); retArray.put(subscription.getSubscriptionID()); } ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); return retArray.toString(1); } public List<String> getSubscriptionIDs(String queryName) { ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:MongoConfig.xml"); MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx .getBean("mongoTemplate"); List<SubscriptionType> allSubscription = mongoOperation.find(new Query( Criteria.where("queryName").is(queryName)), SubscriptionType.class); List<String> retList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < allSubscription.size(); i++) { SubscriptionType subscription = allSubscription.get(i); retList.add(subscription.getSubscriptionID()); } ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); return retList; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public String pollEventQuery(String queryName, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { // M27 - query params' constraint // M39 - query params' constraint String reason = checkConstraintSimpleEventQuery(queryName, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); if (reason != null) { return makeErrorResult(reason, QueryParameterException.class); } // Make Base Result Document EPCISQueryDocumentType epcisQueryDocumentType = makeBaseResultDocument(queryName); ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:MongoConfig.xml"); MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx .getBean("mongoTemplate"); // eventObjects : Container which all the query results (events) will be // contained List<Object> eventObjects = epcisQueryDocumentType.getEPCISBody() .getQueryResults().getResultsBody().getEventList() .getObjectEventOrAggregationEventOrQuantityEvent(); // To be filtered by eventType boolean toGetAggregationEvent = true; boolean toGetObjectEvent = true; boolean toGetQuantityEvent = true; boolean toGetTransactionEvent = true; boolean toGetTransformationEvent = true; /** * EventType : If specified, the result will only include events whose * type matches one of the types specified in the parameter value. Each * element of the parameter value may be one of the following strings: * ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, QuantityEvent, TransactionEvent, or * TransformationEvent. An element of the parameter value may also be * the name of an extension event type. If omitted, all event types will * be considered for inclusion in the result. */ if (eventType != null) { toGetAggregationEvent = false; toGetObjectEvent = false; toGetQuantityEvent = false; toGetTransactionEvent = false; toGetTransformationEvent = false; String[] eventTypeArray = eventType.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < eventTypeArray.length; i++) { String eventTypeString = eventTypeArray[i]; if (eventTypeString != null) eventTypeString = eventTypeString.trim(); if (eventTypeString.equals("AggregationEvent")) toGetAggregationEvent = true; else if (eventTypeString.equals("ObjectEvent")) toGetObjectEvent = true; else if (eventTypeString.equals("QuantityEvent")) toGetQuantityEvent = true; else if (eventTypeString.equals("TransactionEvent")) toGetTransactionEvent = true; else if (eventTypeString.equals("TransformationEvent")) toGetTransformationEvent = true; } } if (toGetAggregationEvent == true) { // Criteria List<Criteria> criteriaList = makeCriteria("AggregationEvent", GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); // Make Query Query searchQuery = new Query(); for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.size(); i++) { searchQuery.addCriteria(criteriaList.get(i)); } // Sort and Limit Query searchQuery = makeSortAndLimitQuery(searchQuery, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount); // Query List<AggregationEventType> aggregationEvents = mongoOperation.find( searchQuery, AggregationEventType.class); // Adding Query Result after converting DBObject to JAXB for (int j = 0; j < aggregationEvents.size(); j++) { AggregationEventType aggregationEvent = aggregationEvents .get(j); JAXBElement element = new JAXBElement(new QName( "AggregationEvent"), AggregationEventType.class, aggregationEvent); eventObjects.add(element); } } // For Each Event Type! if (toGetObjectEvent == true) { // Criteria List<Criteria> criteriaList = makeCriteria("ObjectEvent", GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); // Make Query Query searchQuery = new Query(); for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.size(); i++) { searchQuery.addCriteria(criteriaList.get(i)); } // Sort and Limit Query searchQuery = makeSortAndLimitQuery(searchQuery, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount); // Invoke Query List<ObjectEventType> objectEvents = mongoOperation.find( searchQuery, ObjectEventType.class); // Adding Query Result after converting DBObject to JAXB for (int j = 0; j < objectEvents.size(); j++) { ObjectEventType objectEvent = objectEvents.get(j); JAXBElement element = new JAXBElement(new QName("ObjectEvent"), ObjectEventType.class, objectEvent); eventObjects.add(element); } } if (toGetQuantityEvent == true) { // Criteria List<Criteria> criteriaList = makeCriteria("QuantityEvent", GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); // Make Query Query searchQuery = new Query(); for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.size(); i++) { searchQuery.addCriteria(criteriaList.get(i)); } // Sort and Limit Query searchQuery = makeSortAndLimitQuery(searchQuery, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount); // Query List<QuantityEventType> quantityEvents = mongoOperation.find( searchQuery, QuantityEventType.class); // Adding Query Result after converting DBObject to JAXB for (int j = 0; j < quantityEvents.size(); j++) { QuantityEventType quantityEvent = quantityEvents.get(j); JAXBElement element = new JAXBElement( new QName("QuantityEvent"), QuantityEventType.class, quantityEvent); eventObjects.add(element); } } if (toGetTransactionEvent == true) { // Criteria List<Criteria> criteriaList = makeCriteria("TransactionEvent", GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); // Make Query Query searchQuery = new Query(); for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.size(); i++) { searchQuery.addCriteria(criteriaList.get(i)); } // Sort and Limit Query searchQuery = makeSortAndLimitQuery(searchQuery, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount); // Query List<TransactionEventType> transactionEvents = mongoOperation.find( searchQuery, TransactionEventType.class); // Adding Query Result after converting DBObject to JAXB for (int j = 0; j < transactionEvents.size(); j++) { TransactionEventType transactionEvent = transactionEvents .get(j); JAXBElement element = new JAXBElement(new QName( "TransactionEvent"), TransactionEventType.class, transactionEvent); eventObjects.add(element); } } if (toGetTransformationEvent == true) { // Criteria List<Criteria> criteriaList = makeCriteria("TransformationEvent", GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); // Make Query Query searchQuery = new Query(); for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.size(); i++) { searchQuery.addCriteria(criteriaList.get(i)); } // Sort and Limit Query searchQuery = makeSortAndLimitQuery(searchQuery, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount); // Query List<TransformationEventType> transformationEvents = mongoOperation .find(searchQuery, TransformationEventType.class); // Adding Query Result after converting DBObject to JAXB for (int j = 0; j < transformationEvents.size(); j++) { TransformationEventType transformationEvent = transformationEvents .get(j); JAXBElement element = new JAXBElement(new QName( "TransformationEvent"), TransformationEventType.class, transformationEvent); eventObjects.add(element); } } // M44 if (maxEventCount != null) { if (eventObjects.size() > Integer.parseInt(maxEventCount)) { ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); return makeErrorResult("Violate maxEventCount", QueryTooLargeException.class); } } ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(epcisQueryDocumentType, sw); return sw.toString(); } public String pollMasterDataQuery(String queryName, String vocabularyName, boolean includeAttributes, boolean includeChildren, String attributeNames, String eQ_name, String wD_name, String hASATTR, String maxElementCount) { // Make Base Result Document EPCISQueryDocumentType epcisQueryDocumentType = makeBaseResultDocument(queryName); ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:MongoConfig.xml"); MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx .getBean("mongoTemplate"); List<Criteria> criteriaList = makeCritera(vocabularyName, includeAttributes, includeChildren, attributeNames, eQ_name, wD_name, hASATTR, maxElementCount); Query query = new Query(); for (int i = 0; i < criteriaList.size(); i++) { query.addCriteria(criteriaList.get(i)); } List<VocabularyType> vList = mongoOperation.find(query, VocabularyType.class); QueryResultsBody qbt = epcisQueryDocumentType.getEPCISBody() .getQueryResults().getResultsBody(); VocabularyListType vlt = new VocabularyListType(); vlt.setVocabulary(vList); qbt.setVocabularyList(vlt); ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); // M47 if (maxElementCount != null) { try { int maxElement = Integer.parseInt(maxElementCount); if (vList.size() > maxElement) { return makeErrorResult("Too Large Master Data result", QueryTooLargeException.class); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(epcisQueryDocumentType, sw); return sw.toString(); } // Soap Service Adaptor public String poll(String queryName, QueryParams queryParams) { List<QueryParam> queryParamList = queryParams.getParam(); String eventType = null; String GE_eventTime = null; String LT_eventTime = null; String GE_recordTime = null; String LT_recordTime = null; String EQ_action = null; String EQ_bizStep = null; String EQ_disposition = null; String EQ_readPoint = null; String WD_readPoint = null; String EQ_bizLocation = null; String WD_bizLocation = null; String EQ_transformationID = null; String MATCH_epc = null; String MATCH_parentID = null; String MATCH_inputEPC = null; String MATCH_outputEPC = null; String MATCH_anyEPC = null; String MATCH_epcClass = null; String MATCH_inputEPCClass = null; String MATCH_outputEPCClass = null; String MATCH_anyEPCClass = null; String EQ_quantity = null; String GT_quantity = null; String GE_quantity = null; String LT_quantity = null; String LE_quantity = null; String orderBy = null; String orderDirection = null; String eventCountLimit = null; String maxEventCount = null; String vocabularyName = null; boolean includeAttributes = false; boolean includeChildren = false; String attributeNames = null; String EQ_name = null; String WD_name = null; String HASATTR = null; String maxElementCount = null; Map<String, String> extMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < queryParamList.size(); i++) { QueryParam qp = queryParamList.get(i); String name = qp.getName(); String value = (String) qp.getValue(); if (name.equals("eventType")) { eventType = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GE_eventTime")) { GE_eventTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LT_eventTime")) { LT_eventTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GE_recordTime")) { GE_recordTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LT_recordTime")) { LT_recordTime = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_action")) { EQ_action = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_bizStep")) { EQ_bizStep = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_disposition")) { EQ_disposition = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_readPoint")) { EQ_readPoint = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("WD_readPoint")) { WD_readPoint = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_bizLocation")) { EQ_bizLocation = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("WD_bizLocation")) { WD_bizLocation = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_transformationID")) { EQ_transformationID = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_epc")) { MATCH_epc = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_parentID")) { MATCH_parentID = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_inputEPC")) { MATCH_inputEPC = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_outputEPC")) { MATCH_outputEPC = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_anyEPC")) { MATCH_anyEPC = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_epcClass")) { MATCH_epcClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_inputEPCClass")) { MATCH_inputEPCClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_outputEPCClass")) { MATCH_outputEPCClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("MATCH_anyEPCClass")) { MATCH_anyEPCClass = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_quantity")) { EQ_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GT_quantity")) { GT_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("GE_quantity")) { GE_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LT_quantity")) { LT_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("LE_quantity")) { LE_quantity = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("orderBy")) { orderBy = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("orderDirection")) { orderDirection = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("eventCountLimit")) { eventCountLimit = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("maxEventCount")) { maxEventCount = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("vocabularyName")) { vocabularyName = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("includeAttributes")) { if (value.equals("true")) includeAttributes = true; else includeAttributes = false; continue; } else if (name.equals("includeChildren")) { if (value.equals("true")) includeChildren = true; else includeChildren = false; continue; } else if (name.equals("attributeNames")) { attributeNames = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("EQ_name")) { EQ_name = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("WD_name")) { WD_name = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("HASATTR")) { HASATTR = value; continue; } else if (name.equals("maxElementCount")) { maxElementCount = value; continue; } else { extMap.put(name, value); } } return poll(queryName, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, vocabularyName, includeAttributes, includeChildren, attributeNames, EQ_name, WD_name, HASATTR, maxElementCount, extMap); } public String poll(@PathVariable String queryName, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, String vocabularyName, boolean includeAttributes, boolean includeChildren, String attributeNames, String EQ_name, String WD_name, String HASATTR, String maxElementCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { // M24 if (queryName == null) { // It is not possible, automatically filtered by URI param return makeErrorResult( "queryName is mandatory field in poll method", QueryParameterException.class); } if (queryName.equals("SimpleEventQuery")) return pollEventQuery(queryName, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); if (queryName.equals("SimpleMasterDataQuery")) return pollMasterDataQuery(queryName, vocabularyName, includeAttributes, includeChildren, attributeNames, EQ_name, WD_name, HASATTR, maxElementCount); return ""; } private String checkConstraintSimpleEventQuery(String queryName, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { // M27 try { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"); if (GE_eventTime != null) sdf.parse(GE_eventTime); if (LT_eventTime != null) sdf.parse(LT_eventTime); if (GE_recordTime != null) sdf.parse(GE_recordTime); if (LT_recordTime != null) sdf.parse(LT_recordTime); } catch (ParseException e) { return makeErrorResult(e.toString(), QueryParameterException.class); } // M27 if (orderBy != null) { if (!orderBy.equals("eventTime") && !orderBy.equals("recordTime")) { return makeErrorResult( "orderBy should be eventTime or recordTime", QueryParameterException.class); } if (orderDirection != null) { if (!orderDirection.equals("ASC") && !orderDirection.equals("DESC")) { return makeErrorResult( "orderDirection should be ASC or DESC", QueryParameterException.class); } } } // M27 if (eventCountLimit != null) { try { int c = Integer.parseInt(eventCountLimit); if (c <= 0) { return makeErrorResult( "eventCount should be natural number", QueryParameterException.class); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return makeErrorResult("eventCount: " + e.toString(), QueryParameterException.class); } } // M27 if (maxEventCount != null) { try { int c = Integer.parseInt(maxEventCount); if (c <= 0) { return makeErrorResult( "maxEventCount should be natural number", QueryParameterException.class); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return makeErrorResult("maxEventCount: " + e.toString(), QueryParameterException.class); } } // M39 if (EQ_action != null) { if (!EQ_action.equals("ADD") && !EQ_action.equals("OBSERVE") && !EQ_action.equals("DELETE")) { return makeErrorResult("EQ_action: ADD | OBSERVE | DELETE", QueryParameterException.class); } } // M42 if (eventCountLimit != null && maxEventCount != null) { return makeErrorResult( "One of eventCountLimit and maxEventCount should be omitted", QueryParameterException.class); } return null; } private EPCISQueryDocumentType makeBaseResultDocument(String queryName) { // Make Base Result Document EPCISQueryDocumentType epcisQueryDocumentType = new EPCISQueryDocumentType(); EPCISQueryBodyType epcisBody = new EPCISQueryBodyType(); epcisQueryDocumentType.setEPCISBody(epcisBody); QueryResults queryResults = new QueryResults(); queryResults.setQueryName(queryName); epcisBody.setQueryResults(queryResults); QueryResultsBody queryResultsBody = new QueryResultsBody(); queryResults.setResultsBody(queryResultsBody); EventListType eventListType = new EventListType(); queryResultsBody.setEventList(eventListType); // Object instanceof JAXBElement List<Object> eventObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(); eventListType .setObjectEventOrAggregationEventOrQuantityEvent(eventObjects); return epcisQueryDocumentType; } private Query makeSortAndLimitQuery(Query query, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount) { /** * orderBy : If specified, names a single field that will be used to * order the results. The orderDirection field specifies whether the * ordering is in ascending sequence or descending sequence. Events * included in the result that lack the specified field altogether may * occur in any position within the result event list. The value of this * parameter SHALL be one of: eventTime, recordTime, or the fully * qualified name of an extension field whose type is Int, Float, Time, * or String. A fully qualified fieldname is constructed as for the * EQ_fieldname parameter. In the case of a field of type String, the * ordering SHOULD be in lexicographic order based on the Unicode * encoding of the strings, or in some other collating sequence * appropriate to the locale. If omitted, no order is specified. The * implementation MAY order the results in any order it chooses, and * that order MAY differ even when the same query is executed twice on * the same data. (In EPCIS 1.0, the value quantity was also permitted, * but its use is deprecated in EPCIS 1.1.) * * orderDirection : If specified and orderBy is also specified, * specifies whether the results are ordered in ascending or descending * sequence according to the key specified by orderBy. The value of this * parameter must be one of ASC (for ascending order) or DESC (for * descending order); if not, the implementation SHALL raise a * QueryParameterException. If omitted, defaults to DESC. */ // Update Query with ORDER and LIMIT if (orderBy != null) { // Currently only eventTime, recordTime can be used if (orderBy.trim().equals("eventTime")) { if (orderDirection != null) { if (orderDirection.trim().equals("ASC")) { query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "eventTime")); } else if (orderDirection.trim().equals("DESC")) { query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "eventTime")); } } } else if (orderBy.trim().equals("recordTime")) { if (orderDirection != null) { if (orderDirection.trim().equals("ASC")) { query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "recordTime")); } else if (orderDirection.trim().equals("DESC")) { query.with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.DESC, "recordTime")); } } } } /** * eventCountLimit: If specified, the results will only include the * first N events that match the other criteria, where N is the value of * this parameter. The ordering specified by the orderBy and * orderDirection parameters determine the meaning of “first” for this * purpose. If omitted, all events matching the specified criteria will * be included in the results. This parameter and maxEventCount are * mutually exclusive; if both are specified, a QueryParameterException * SHALL be raised. This parameter may only be used when orderBy is * specified; if orderBy is omitted and eventCountLimit is specified, a * QueryParameterException SHALL be raised. This parameter differs from * maxEventCount in that this parameter limits the amount of data * returned, whereas maxEventCount causes an exception to be thrown if * the limit is exceeded. */ if (eventCountLimit != null) { try { int eventCount = Integer.parseInt(eventCountLimit); query.limit(eventCount); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { Configuration.logger.log(Level.ERROR, nfe.toString()); } } return query; } private List<Criteria> makeCritera(String vocabularyName, boolean includeAttributes, boolean includeChildren, String attributeNames, String eQ_name, String wD_name, String hASATTR, String maxElementCount) { List<Criteria> criteriaList = new ArrayList<Criteria>(); /** * If specified, only vocabulary elements drawn from one of the * specified vocabularies will be included in the results. Each element * of the specified list is the formal URI name for a vocabulary; e.g., * one of the URIs specified in the table at the end of Section 7.2. If * omitted, all vocabularies are considered. */ if (vocabularyName != null) { String[] vocNameArray = vocabularyName.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < vocNameArray.length; i++) { String vocNameString = vocNameArray[i].trim(); subStringList.add(vocNameString); } if (subStringList != null) criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("type").in(subStringList)); } /** * If true, the results will include attribute names and values for * matching vocabulary elements. If false, attribute names and values * will not be included in the result. */ return criteriaList; } private List<Criteria> makeCriteria(String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { List<Criteria> criteriaList = new ArrayList<Criteria>(); try { /** * GE_eventTime: If specified, only events with eventTime greater * than or equal to the specified value will be included in the * result. If omitted, events are included regardless of their * eventTime (unless constrained by the LT_eventTime parameter). * Example: 2014-08-11T19:57:59.717+09:00 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new * SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"); * eventTime.setTime(sdf.parse(timeString)); e.g. * 1988-07-04T12:08:56.235-07:00 * * Verified */ if (GE_eventTime != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"); GregorianCalendar geEventTimeCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); geEventTimeCalendar.setTime(sdf.parse(GE_eventTime)); long geEventTimeMillis = geEventTimeCalendar.getTimeInMillis(); criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("eventTime").gt( geEventTimeMillis)); } /** * LT_eventTime: If specified, only events with eventTime less than * the specified value will be included in the result. If omitted, * events are included regardless of their eventTime (unless * constrained by the GE_eventTime parameter). * * Verified */ if (LT_eventTime != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"); GregorianCalendar ltEventTimeCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); Date date = sdf.parse(LT_eventTime); ltEventTimeCalendar.setTime(date); long ltEventTimeMillis = ltEventTimeCalendar.getTimeInMillis(); criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("eventTime").lt( ltEventTimeMillis)); } /** * GE_recordTime: If provided, only events with recordTime greater * than or equal to the specified value will be returned. The * automatic limitation based on event record time (Section * may implicitly provide a constraint similar to this parameter. If * omitted, events are included regardless of their recordTime, * other than automatic limitation based on event record time * (Section * * Verified */ if (GE_recordTime != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"); GregorianCalendar geRecordTimeCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); geRecordTimeCalendar.setTime(sdf.parse(GE_recordTime)); long geRecordTimeMillis = geRecordTimeCalendar .getTimeInMillis(); criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("recordTime").gt( geRecordTimeMillis)); } /** * LE_recordTime: If provided, only events with recordTime less than * the specified value will be returned. If omitted, events are * included regardless of their recordTime (unless constrained by * the GE_recordTime parameter or the automatic limitation based on * event record time). * * Verified */ if (LT_recordTime != null) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"); GregorianCalendar ltRecordTimeCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); ltRecordTimeCalendar.setTime(sdf.parse(LT_recordTime)); long ltRecordTimeMillis = ltRecordTimeCalendar .getTimeInMillis(); criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("recordTime").lt( ltRecordTimeMillis)); } /** * EQ_action: If specified, the result will only include events that * (a) have an action field; and where (b) the value of the action * field matches one of the specified values. The elements of the * value of this parameter each must be one of the strings ADD, * OBSERVE, or DELETE; if not, the implementation SHALL raise a * QueryParameterException. If omitted, events are included * regardless of their action field. * * Verified */ if (EQ_action != null) { // Constrained already checked criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("action").is(EQ_action)); } /** * EQ_bizStep: If specified, the result will only include events * that (a) have a non-null bizStep field; and where (b) the value * of the bizStep field matches one of the specified values. If this * parameter is omitted, events are returned regardless of the value * of the bizStep field or whether the bizStep field exists at all. * * Verified */ if (EQ_bizStep != null) { String[] eqBizStepArray = EQ_bizStep.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < eqBizStepArray.length; i++) { String eqBizStepString = eqBizStepArray[i].trim(); subStringList.add(eqBizStepString); } if (subStringList != null) criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("bizStep") .in(subStringList)); } /** * EQ_disposition: Like the EQ_bizStep parameter, but for the * disposition field. * * Verified */ if (EQ_disposition != null) { String[] eqDispositionArray = EQ_disposition.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < eqDispositionArray.length; i++) { String eqDispositionString = eqDispositionArray[i].trim(); subStringList.add(eqDispositionString); } if (subStringList != null) criteriaList.add(Criteria.where("disposition").in( subStringList)); } /** * EQ_readPoint: If specified, the result will only include events * that (a) have a non-null readPoint field; and where (b) the value * of the readPoint field matches one of the specified values. If * this parameter and WD_readPoint are both omitted, events are * returned regardless of the value of the readPoint field or * whether the readPoint field exists at all. */ if (EQ_readPoint != null) { String[] eqReadPointArray = EQ_readPoint.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < eqReadPointArray.length; i++) { String eqReadPointString = eqReadPointArray[i].trim(); subStringList.add(eqReadPointString); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("").in( subStringList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * WD_readPoint: If specified, the result will only include events * that (a) have a non-null readPoint field; and where (b) the value * of the readPoint field matches one of the specified values, or is * a direct or indirect descendant of one of the specified values. * The meaning of “direct or indirect descendant” is specified by * master data, as described in Section 6.5. (WD is an abbreviation * for “with descendants.”) If this parameter and EQ_readPoint are * both omitted, events are returned regardless of the value of the * readPoint field or whether the readPoint field exists at all. */ if (WD_readPoint != null) { String[] wdReadPointArray = WD_readPoint.split(","); List<Pattern> patternArray = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); for (int i = 0; i < wdReadPointArray.length; i++) { String wdReadPointString = wdReadPointArray[i].trim(); patternArray.add(Pattern.compile("/^" + wdReadPointString + ".*/")); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("").in( patternArray); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * EQ_bizLocation: Like the EQ_readPoint parameter, but for the * bizLocation field. */ if (EQ_bizLocation != null) { String[] eqBizLocationArray = EQ_bizLocation.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < eqBizLocationArray.length; i++) { String eqBizLocationString = eqBizLocationArray[i].trim(); subStringList.add(eqBizLocationString); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("").in( subStringList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * WD_bizLocation: Like the WD_readPoint parameter, but for the * bizLocation field. */ if (WD_bizLocation != null) { String[] wdBizLocationArray = WD_bizLocation.split(","); List<Pattern> patternArray = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); for (int i = 0; i < wdBizLocationArray.length; i++) { String wdBizLocationString = wdBizLocationArray[i].trim(); patternArray.add(Pattern.compile("/^" + wdBizLocationString + ".*/")); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("").in( patternArray); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * EQ_bizTransaction_type: EQ_source_type: EQ_destination_type: is * currently not processed, since its description seems ambiguous */ /** * EQ_transformationID: If this parameter is specified, the result * will only include events that (a) have a transformationID field * (that is, TransformationEvents or extension event type that * extend TransformationEvent); and where (b) the transformationID * field is equal to one of the values specified in this parameter. */ if (EQ_transformationID != null) { String[] eqTransformationIDArray = EQ_transformationID .split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < eqTransformationIDArray.length; i++) { String eqTransformationIDString = eqTransformationIDArray[i] .trim(); subStringList.add(eqTransformationIDString); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("").in( subStringList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_epc: If this parameter is specified, the result will only * include events that (a) have an epcList or a childEPCs field * (that is, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, TransactionEvent or * extension event types that extend one of those three); and where * (b) one of the EPCs listed in the epcList or childEPCs field * (depending on event type) matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs * specified in this parameter, where the meaning of “matches” is as * specified in Section If this parameter is omitted, * events are included regardless of their epcList or childEPCs * field or whether the epcList or childEPCs field exists. * * Somewhat verified */ if (MATCH_epc != null) { String[] match_EPCArray = MATCH_epc.split(","); List<DBObject> subDBObjectList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_EPCArray.length; i++) { String match_EPCString = match_EPCArray[i].trim(); DBObject queryObj = new BasicDBObject(); queryObj.put("epc", match_EPCString); subDBObjectList.add(queryObj); } Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("epcList").in(subDBObjectList), Criteria .where("childEPCs").in(subDBObjectList)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_parentID: Like MATCH_epc, but matches the parentID field of * AggregationEvent, the parentID field of TransactionEvent, and * extension event types that extend either AggregationEvent or * TransactionEvent. The meaning of “matches” is as specified in * Section */ if (MATCH_parentID != null) { String[] match_parentEPCArray = MATCH_parentID.split(","); List<DBObject> subDBObjectList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_parentEPCArray.length; i++) { String match_parentEPCString = match_parentEPCArray[i] .trim(); DBObject queryObj = new BasicDBObject(); queryObj.put("epc", match_parentEPCString); subDBObjectList.add(queryObj); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("parentID").in( subDBObjectList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_inputEPC: If this parameter is specified, the result will * only include events that (a) have an inputEPCList (that is, * TransformationEvent or an extension event type that extends * TransformationEvent); and where (b) one of the EPCs listed in the * inputEPCList field matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs * specified in this parameter. The meaning of “matches” is as * specified in Section If this parameter is omitted, * events are included regardless of their inputEPCList field or * whether the inputEPCList field exists. */ if (MATCH_inputEPC != null) { String[] match_inputEPCArray = MATCH_inputEPC.split(","); List<DBObject> subDBObjectList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_inputEPCArray.length; i++) { String match_inputEPCString = match_inputEPCArray[i].trim(); DBObject queryObj = new BasicDBObject(); queryObj.put("epc", match_inputEPCString); subDBObjectList.add(queryObj); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("inputEPCList").in( subDBObjectList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_outputEPC: If this parameter is specified, the result will * only include events that (a) have an inputEPCList (that is, * TransformationEvent or an extension event type that extends * TransformationEvent); and where (b) one of the EPCs listed in the * inputEPCList field matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs * specified in this parameter. The meaning of “matches” is as * specified in Section If this parameter is omitted, * events are included regardless of their inputEPCList field or * whether the inputEPCList field exists. */ if (MATCH_outputEPC != null) { String[] match_outputEPCArray = MATCH_outputEPC.split(","); List<DBObject> subDBObjectList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_outputEPCArray.length; i++) { String match_outputEPCString = match_outputEPCArray[i] .trim(); DBObject queryObj = new BasicDBObject(); queryObj.put("epc", match_outputEPCString); subDBObjectList.add(queryObj); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("outputEPCList").in( subDBObjectList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_anyEPC: If this parameter is specified, the result will * only include events that (a) have an epcList field, a childEPCs * field, a parentID field, an inputEPCList field, or an * outputEPCList field (that is, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, * TransactionEvent, TransformationEvent, or extension event types * that extend one of those four); and where (b) the parentID field * or one of the EPCs listed in the epcList, childEPCs, * inputEPCList, or outputEPCList field (depending on event type) * matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs specified in this * parameter. The meaning of “matches” is as specified in Section * */ if (MATCH_anyEPC != null) { String[] match_anyEPCArray = MATCH_anyEPC.split(","); List<DBObject> subDBObjectList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_anyEPCArray.length; i++) { String match_anyEPCString = match_anyEPCArray[i].trim(); DBObject queryObj = new BasicDBObject(); queryObj.put("epc", match_anyEPCString); subDBObjectList.add(queryObj); } Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("epcList").in(subDBObjectList), Criteria .where("childEPCs").in(subDBObjectList), Criteria.where("inputEPCList").in(subDBObjectList), Criteria.where("outputEPCList").in(subDBObjectList)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_epcClass: If this parameter is specified, the result will * only include events that (a) have a quantityList or a * childQuantityList field (that is, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, * TransactionEvent or extension event types that extend one of * those three); and where (b) one of the EPC classes listed in the * quantityList or childQuantityList field (depending on event type) * matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs specified in this * parameter. The result will also include QuantityEvents whose * epcClass field matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs specified * in this parameter. The meaning of “matches” is as specified in * Section */ if (MATCH_epcClass != null) { String[] match_epcClassArray = MATCH_epcClass.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); for (int i = 0; i < match_epcClassArray.length; i++) { String match_epcClassString = match_epcClassArray[i].trim(); subStringList.add(match_epcClassString); } criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.quantityList.epcClass").in( subStringList), Criteria.where("extension.childQuantityList.epcClass") .in(subStringList)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_inputEPCClass: If this parameter is specified, the result * will only include events that (a) have an inputQuantityList field * (that is, TransformationEvent or extension event types that * extend it); and where (b) one of the EPC classes listed in the * inputQuantityList field (depending on event type) matches one of * the EPC patterns or URIs specified in this parameter. The meaning * of “matches” is as specified in Section */ if (MATCH_inputEPCClass != null) { String[] match_inputEPCClassArray = MATCH_inputEPCClass .split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_inputEPCClassArray.length; i++) { String match_inputEPCClassString = match_inputEPCClassArray[i] .trim(); subStringList.add(match_inputEPCClassString); } Criteria criteria = Criteria .where("inputQuantityList.epcClass").in(subStringList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_outputEPCClass: If this parameter is specified, the result * will only include events that (a) have an outputQuantityList * field (that is, TransformationEvent or extension event types that * extend it); and where (b) one of the EPC classes listed in the * outputQuantityList field (depending on event type) matches one of * the EPC patterns or URIs specified in this parameter. The meaning * of “matches” is as specified in Section */ if (MATCH_outputEPCClass != null) { String[] match_outputEPCClassArray = MATCH_outputEPCClass .split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_outputEPCClassArray.length; i++) { String match_outputEPCClassString = match_outputEPCClassArray[i] .trim(); subStringList.add(match_outputEPCClassString); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where( "outputQuantityList.epcClass").in(subStringList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * MATCH_anyEPCClass: If this parameter is specified, the result * will only include events that (a) have a quantityList, * childQuantityList, inputQuantityList, or outputQuantityList field * (that is, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, TransactionEvent, * TransformationEvent, or extension event types that extend one of * those four); and where (b) one of the EPC classes listed in any * of those fields matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs specified * in this parameter. The result will also include QuantityEvents * whose epcClass field matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs * specified in this parameter. The meaning of “matches” is as * specified in Section */ if (MATCH_anyEPCClass != null) { String[] match_anyEPCClassArray = MATCH_anyEPCClass.split(","); List<String> subStringList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < match_anyEPCClassArray.length; i++) { String match_anyEPCClassString = match_anyEPCClassArray[i] .trim(); subStringList.add(match_anyEPCClassString); } Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.quantityList.epcClass").in( subStringList), Criteria.where("extension.childQuantityList.epcClass") .in(subStringList), Criteria.where("inputQuantityList.epcClass").in( subStringList), Criteria.where("outputQuantityList.epcClass").in( subStringList)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * (DEPCRECATED in EPCIS 1.1) EQ_quantity; GT_quantity; GE_quantity; * LT_quantity; LE_quantity **/ /** * EQ_fieldname: This is not a single parameter, but a family of * parameters. If a parameter of this form is specified, the result * will only include events that (a) have a field named fieldname * whose type is either String or a vocabulary type; and where (b) * the value of that field matches one of the values specified in * this parameter. Fieldname is the fully qualified name of an * extension field. The name of an extension field is an XML qname; * that is, a pair consisting of an XML namespace URI and a name. * The name of the corresponding query parameter is constructed by * concatenating the following: the string EQ_, the namespace URI * for the extension field, a pound sign (#), and the name of the * extension field. */ Iterator<String> paramIter = paramMap.keySet().iterator(); while (paramIter.hasNext()) { String paramName =; String paramValues = paramMap.get(paramName); /** * EQ_bizTransaction_type: This is not a single parameter, but a * family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is * specified, the result will only include events that (a) * include a bizTransactionList; (b) where the business * transaction list includes an entry whose type subfield is * equal to type extracted from the name of this parameter; and * (c) where the bizTransaction subfield of that entry is equal * to one of the values specified in this parameter. */ if (paramName.contains("EQ_bizTransaction_")) { String type = paramName.substring(18, paramName.length()); List<DBObject> subObjList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); String[] paramValueArr = paramValues.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < paramValueArr.length; i++) { String val = paramValueArr[i].trim(); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(type, val); subObjList.add(dbo); } Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("bizTransactionList") .in(subObjList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } /** * EQ_source_type: This is not a single parameter, but a family * of parameters. If a parameter of this form is specified, the * result will only include events that (a) include a * sourceList; (b) where the source list includes an entry whose * type subfield is equal to type extracted from the name of * this parameter; and (c) where the source subfield of that * entry is equal to one of the values specified in this * parameter. */ if (paramName.contains("EQ_source_")) { String type = paramName.substring(10, paramName.length()); List<DBObject> subObjList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); String[] paramValueArr = paramValues.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < paramValueArr.length; i++) { String val = paramValueArr[i].trim(); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(type, val); subObjList.add(dbo); } if (eventType.equals("AggregationEvent") || eventType.equals("ObjectEvent") || eventType.equals("TransactionEvent")) { Criteria criteria = Criteria.where( "extension.sourceList").in(subObjList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (eventType.equals("TransformationEvent")) { Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("sourceList").in( subObjList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } } /** * EQ_destination_type: This is not a single parameter, but a * family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is * specified, the result will only include events that (a) * include a destinationList; (b) where the destination list * includes an entry whose type subfield is equal to type * extracted from the name of this parameter; and (c) where the * destination subfield of that entry is equal to one of the * values specified in this parameter. */ if (paramName.contains("EQ_destination_")) { String type = paramName.substring(15, paramName.length()); List<DBObject> subObjList = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); String[] paramValueArr = paramValues.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < paramValueArr.length; i++) { String val = paramValueArr[i].trim(); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); dbo.put(type, val); subObjList.add(dbo); } if (eventType.equals("AggregationEvent") || eventType.equals("ObjectEvent") || eventType.equals("TransactionEvent")) { Criteria criteria = Criteria.where( "extension.destinationList").in(subObjList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (eventType.equals("TransformationEvent")) { Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("destinationList") .in(subObjList); criteriaList.add(criteria); } } boolean isExtraParam = isExtraParameter(paramName); if (isExtraParam == true) { /** * EQ_fieldname: This is not a single parameter, but a * family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is * specified, the result will only include events that (a) * have a field named fieldname whose type is either String * or a vocabulary type; and where (b) the value of that * field matches one of the values specified in this * parameter. Fieldname is the fully qualified name of an * extension field. The name of an extension field is an XML * qname; that is, a pair consisting of an XML namespace URI * and a name. The name of the corresponding query parameter * is constructed by concatenating the following: the string * EQ_, the namespace URI for the extension field, a pound * sign (#), and the name of the extension field. */ if (paramName.startsWith("EQ_")) { String type = paramName .substring(3, paramName.length()); List<String> subObjList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] paramValueArr = paramValues.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < paramValueArr.length; i++) { String val = paramValueArr[i].trim(); subObjList.add(val); } Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); if (eventType.equals("AggregationEvent") || eventType.equals("ObjectEvent") || eventType.equals("TransactionEvent")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where( "extension.extension.any." + type) .in(subObjList), Criteria.where( "extension.extension.otherAttributes." + type).in(subObjList)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (eventType.equals("QuantityEvent") || eventType.equals("TransformationEvent") || eventType.equals("SensorEvent")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.any." + type).in( subObjList), Criteria.where( "extension.otherAttributes." + type) .in(subObjList)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } } /** * GT/GE/LT/LE_fieldname: Like EQ_fieldname as described * above, but may be applied to a field of type Int, Float, * or Time. The result will include events that (a) have a * field named fieldname; and where (b) the type of the * field matches the type of this parameter (Int, Float, or * Time); and where (c) the value of the field is greater * than the specified value. Fieldname is constructed as for * EQ_fieldname. */ if (paramName.startsWith("GT_") || paramName.startsWith("GE_") || paramName.startsWith("LT_") || paramName.startsWith("LE_")) { String type = paramName .substring(3, paramName.length()); // Already error handled String value = paramValues; Criteria criteria = new Criteria(); if (eventType.equals("AggregationEvent") || eventType.equals("ObjectEvent") || eventType.equals("TransactionEvent")) { if (paramName.startsWith("GT_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where( "extension.extension.any." + type).gt(value), Criteria.where( "extension.extension.otherAttributes." + type).gt(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (paramName.startsWith("GE_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where( "extension.extension.any." + type).gte(value), Criteria.where( "extension.extension.otherAttributes." + type).gte(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (paramName.startsWith("LT_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where( "extension.extension.any." + type).lt(value), Criteria.where( "extension.extension.otherAttributes." + type).lt(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (paramName.startsWith("LE_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where( "extension.extension.any." + type).lte(value), Criteria.where( "extension.extension.otherAttributes." + type).lte(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } } if (eventType.equals("QuantityEvent") || eventType.equals("TransformationEvent") || eventType.equals("SensorEvent")) { if (paramName.startsWith("GT_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.any." + type) .gt(value), Criteria.where( "extension.otherAttributes." + type).gt(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (paramName.startsWith("GE_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.any." + type) .gte(value), Criteria.where( "extension.otherAttributes." + type).gte(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (paramName.startsWith("LT_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.any." + type) .lt(value), Criteria.where( "extension.otherAttributes." + type).lt(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } if (paramName.startsWith("LE_")) { criteria.orOperator( Criteria.where("extension.any." + type) .lte(value), Criteria.where( "extension.otherAttributes." + type).lte(value)); criteriaList.add(criteria); } } } } } } catch (ParseException e) { Configuration.logger.log(Level.ERROR, e.toString()); } return criteriaList; } private boolean isExtraParameter(String paramName) { if (paramName.contains("eventTime")) return false; if (paramName.contains("recordTime")) return false; if (paramName.contains("action")) return false; if (paramName.contains("bizStep")) return false; if (paramName.contains("disposition")) return false; if (paramName.contains("readPoint")) return false; if (paramName.contains("bizLocation")) return false; if (paramName.contains("bizTransaction")) return false; if (paramName.contains("source")) return false; if (paramName.contains("destination")) return false; if (paramName.contains("transformationID")) return false; return true; } public void addScheduleToQuartz(SubscriptionType subscription) { try { JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap(); map.put("queryName", subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName()); map.put("subscriptionID", subscription.getSubscriptionID()); map.put("dest", subscription.getDest()); //map.put("cronExpression", subscription.getCronExpression()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEventType() != null) map.put("eventType", subscription.getPollParameters().getEventType()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_eventTime() != null) map.put("GE_eventTime", subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_eventTime()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_eventTime() != null) map.put("LT_eventTime", subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_eventTime()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_recordTime() != null) map.put("GE_recordTime", subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_recordTime()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_recordTime() != null) map.put("LT_recordTime", subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_recordTime()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_action() != null) map.put("EQ_action", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_action()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_bizStep() != null) map.put("EQ_bizStep", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_bizStep()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_disposition() != null) map.put("EQ_disposition", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_disposition()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_readPoint() != null) map.put("EQ_readPoint", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_readPoint()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getWD_readPoint() != null) map.put("WD_readPoint", subscription.getPollParameters().getWD_readPoint()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_bizLocation() != null) map.put("EQ_bizLocation", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_bizLocation()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getWD_bizLocation() != null) map.put("WD_bizLocation", subscription.getPollParameters().getWD_bizLocation()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_transformationID() != null) map.put("EQ_transformationID", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_transformationID()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_epc() != null) map.put("MATCH_epc", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_epc()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_parentID() != null) map.put("MATCH_parentID", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_parentID()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_inputEPC() != null) map.put("MATCH_inputEPC", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_inputEPC()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_outputEPC() != null) map.put("MATCH_outputEPC", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_outputEPC()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_anyEPC() != null) map.put("MATCH_anyEPC", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_anyEPC()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_epcClass() != null) map.put("MATCH_epcClass", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_epcClass()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_inputEPCClass() != null) map.put("MATCH_inputEPCClass", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_inputEPCClass()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_outputEPCClass() != null) map.put("MATCH_outputEPCClass", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_outputEPCClass()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_anyEPCClass() != null) map.put("MATCH_anyEPCClass", subscription.getPollParameters().getMATCH_anyEPCClass()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_quantity() != null) map.put("EQ_quantity", subscription.getPollParameters().getEQ_quantity()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getGT_quantity() != null) map.put("GT_quantity", subscription.getPollParameters().getGT_quantity()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_quantity() != null) map.put("GE_quantity", subscription.getPollParameters().getGE_quantity()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_quantity() != null) map.put("LT_quantity", subscription.getPollParameters().getLT_quantity()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getLE_quantity() != null) map.put("LE_quantity", subscription.getPollParameters().getLE_quantity()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getOrderBy() != null) map.put("orderBy", subscription.getPollParameters().getOrderBy()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getOrderDirection() != null) map.put("orderDirection", subscription.getPollParameters().getOrderDirection()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getEventCountLimit() != null) map.put("eventCountLimit", subscription.getPollParameters().getEventCountLimit()); if (subscription.getPollParameters().getMaxEventCount() != null) map.put("maxEventCount", subscription.getPollParameters().getMaxEventCount()); JobDetail job = newJob(MysqlSubscriptionTask.class) .withIdentity(subscription.getSubscriptionID(), subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName()).setJobData(map) .build(); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(subscription.getSubscriptionID(), subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName()) .startNow() //.withSchedule(cronSchedule(subscription.getCronExpression())) .forJob(subscription.getSubscriptionID(), subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName()).build(); // ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new // ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( // "classpath:QuartzConfig.xml"); // Scheduler sched = (Scheduler) context // .getBean("schedulerFactoryBean"); if (MysqlSubscription.sched.isStarted() != true) MysqlSubscription.sched.start(); MysqlSubscription.sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger); Configuration.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Subscription ID: " + subscription.getSubscriptionID() + " is added to quartz scheduler. "); } catch (SchedulerException e) { Configuration.logger.log(Level.ERROR, e.toString()); } } private void addScheduleToQuartz(String queryName, String subscriptionID, String dest, String cronExpression, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { try { JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap(); map.put("queryName", queryName); map.put("subscriptionID", subscriptionID); map.put("dest", dest); map.put("cronExpression", cronExpression); if (eventType != null) map.put("eventType", eventType); if (GE_eventTime != null) map.put("GE_eventTime", GE_eventTime); if (LT_eventTime != null) map.put("LT_eventTime", LT_eventTime); if (GE_recordTime != null) map.put("GE_recordTime", GE_recordTime); if (LT_recordTime != null) map.put("LT_recordTime", LT_recordTime); if (EQ_action != null) map.put("EQ_action", EQ_action); if (EQ_bizStep != null) map.put("EQ_bizStep", EQ_bizStep); if (EQ_disposition != null) map.put("EQ_disposition", EQ_disposition); if (EQ_readPoint != null) map.put("EQ_readPoint", EQ_readPoint); if (WD_readPoint != null) map.put("WD_readPoint", WD_readPoint); if (EQ_bizLocation != null) map.put("EQ_bizLocation", EQ_bizLocation); if (WD_bizLocation != null) map.put("WD_bizLocation", WD_bizLocation); if (EQ_transformationID != null) map.put("EQ_transformationID", EQ_transformationID); if (MATCH_epc != null) map.put("MATCH_epc", MATCH_epc); if (MATCH_parentID != null) map.put("MATCH_parentID", MATCH_parentID); if (MATCH_inputEPC != null) map.put("MATCH_inputEPC", MATCH_inputEPC); if (MATCH_outputEPC != null) map.put("MATCH_outputEPC", MATCH_outputEPC); if (MATCH_anyEPC != null) map.put("MATCH_anyEPC", MATCH_anyEPC); if (MATCH_epcClass != null) map.put("MATCH_epcClass", MATCH_epcClass); if (MATCH_inputEPCClass != null) map.put("MATCH_inputEPCClass", MATCH_inputEPCClass); if (MATCH_outputEPCClass != null) map.put("MATCH_outputEPCClass", MATCH_outputEPCClass); if (MATCH_anyEPCClass != null) map.put("MATCH_anyEPCClass", MATCH_anyEPCClass); if (EQ_quantity != null) map.put("EQ_quantity", EQ_quantity); if (GT_quantity != null) map.put("GT_quantity", GT_quantity); if (GE_quantity != null) map.put("GE_quantity", GE_quantity); if (LT_quantity != null) map.put("LT_quantity", LT_quantity); if (LE_quantity != null) map.put("LE_quantity", LE_quantity); if (orderBy != null) map.put("orderBy", orderBy); if (orderDirection != null) map.put("orderDirection", orderDirection); if (eventCountLimit != null) map.put("eventCountLimit", eventCountLimit); if (maxEventCount != null) map.put("maxEventCount", maxEventCount); if (paramMap != null) map.put("paramMap", paramMap); JobDetail job = newJob(MysqlSubscriptionTask.class) .withIdentity(subscriptionID, queryName).setJobData(map) .storeDurably(false).build(); Trigger trigger = newTrigger() .withIdentity(subscriptionID, queryName).startNow() .withSchedule(cronSchedule(cronExpression)).build(); // ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new // ClassPathXmlApplicationContext( // "classpath:QuartzConfig.xml"); // Scheduler sched = (Scheduler) context // .getBean("schedulerFactoryBean"); if (MysqlSubscription.sched.isStarted() != true) MysqlSubscription.sched.start(); MysqlSubscription.sched.scheduleJob(job, trigger); Configuration.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Subscription ID: " + subscriptionID + " is added to quartz scheduler. "); } catch (SchedulerException e) { Configuration.logger.log(Level.ERROR, e.toString()); } } @SuppressWarnings("resource") private boolean addScheduleToDB(String queryName, String subscriptionID, String dest, String cronExpression, String eventType, String GE_eventTime, String LT_eventTime, String GE_recordTime, String LT_recordTime, String EQ_action, String EQ_bizStep, String EQ_disposition, String EQ_readPoint, String WD_readPoint, String EQ_bizLocation, String WD_bizLocation, String EQ_transformationID, String MATCH_epc, String MATCH_parentID, String MATCH_inputEPC, String MATCH_outputEPC, String MATCH_anyEPC, String MATCH_epcClass, String MATCH_inputEPCClass, String MATCH_outputEPCClass, String MATCH_anyEPCClass, String EQ_quantity, String GT_quantity, String GE_quantity, String LT_quantity, String LE_quantity, String orderBy, String orderDirection, String eventCountLimit, String maxEventCount, Map<String, String> paramMap) { /* SubscriptionType st = new SubscriptionType(queryName, subscriptionID, dest, cronExpression, eventType, GE_eventTime, LT_eventTime, GE_recordTime, LT_recordTime, EQ_action, EQ_bizStep, EQ_disposition, EQ_readPoint, WD_readPoint, EQ_bizLocation, WD_bizLocation, EQ_transformationID, MATCH_epc, MATCH_parentID, MATCH_inputEPC, MATCH_outputEPC, MATCH_anyEPC, MATCH_epcClass, MATCH_inputEPCClass, MATCH_outputEPCClass, MATCH_anyEPCClass, EQ_quantity, GT_quantity, GE_quantity, LT_quantity, LE_quantity, orderBy, orderDirection, eventCountLimit, maxEventCount, paramMap); */ ApplicationContext ctx = new GenericXmlApplicationContext( "classpath:MongoConfig.xml"); MongoOperations mongoOperation = (MongoOperations) ctx .getBean("mongoTemplate"); List<SubscriptionType> existenceTest = mongoOperation.find(new Query( Criteria.where("subscriptionID").is(subscriptionID)), SubscriptionType.class); if (existenceTest.size() != 0) return false; if (existenceTest.size() == 0); Configuration.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Subscription ID: " + subscriptionID + " is added to DB. "); ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).close(); return true; } private void removeScheduleFromQuartz(SubscriptionType subscription) { try { MysqlSubscription.sched.unscheduleJob(triggerKey( subscription.getSubscriptionID(), subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName())); MysqlSubscription.sched.deleteJob(jobKey( subscription.getSubscriptionID(), subscription.getPollParameters().getQueryName())); Configuration.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Subscription ID: " + subscription + " is removed from scheduler"); } catch (SchedulerException e) { Configuration.logger.log(Level.ERROR, e.toString()); } } private void removeScheduleFromDB(MongoOperations mongoOperation, SubscriptionType subscription) { mongoOperation.remove( new Query(Criteria.where("subscriptionID").is( subscription.getSubscriptionID())), SubscriptionType.class); Configuration.logger.log(Level.INFO, "Subscription ID: " + subscription + " is removed from DB"); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private String makeErrorResult(String err, Class type) { if (type == InvalidURIException.class) { InvalidURIException e = new InvalidURIException(); e.setReason(err); EPCISQueryDocumentType retDoc = new EPCISQueryDocumentType(); EPCISQueryBodyType retBody = new EPCISQueryBodyType(); retBody.setInvalidURIException(e); retDoc.setEPCISBody(retBody); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(retDoc, sw); return sw.toString(); } if (type == QueryParameterException.class) { QueryParameterException e = new QueryParameterException(); e.setReason(err); EPCISQueryDocumentType retDoc = new EPCISQueryDocumentType(); EPCISQueryBodyType retBody = new EPCISQueryBodyType(); retBody.setQueryParameterException(e); retDoc.setEPCISBody(retBody); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(retDoc, sw); return sw.toString(); } if (type == SubscriptionControlsException.class) { SubscriptionControlsException e = new SubscriptionControlsException(); e.setReason(err); EPCISQueryDocumentType retDoc = new EPCISQueryDocumentType(); EPCISQueryBodyType retBody = new EPCISQueryBodyType(); retBody.setSubscriptionControlsException(e); retDoc.setEPCISBody(retBody); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(retDoc, sw); return sw.toString(); } if (type == QueryTooLargeException.class) { QueryTooLargeException e = new QueryTooLargeException(); e.setReason(err); EPCISQueryDocumentType retDoc = new EPCISQueryDocumentType(); EPCISQueryBodyType retBody = new EPCISQueryBodyType(); retBody.setQueryTooLargeException(e); retDoc.setEPCISBody(retBody); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(retDoc, sw); return sw.toString(); } if (type == SubscribeNotPermittedException.class) { SubscribeNotPermittedException e = new SubscribeNotPermittedException(); e.setReason(err); EPCISQueryDocumentType retDoc = new EPCISQueryDocumentType(); EPCISQueryBodyType retBody = new EPCISQueryBodyType(); retBody.setSubscribeNotPermittedException(e); retDoc.setEPCISBody(retBody); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); JAXB.marshal(retDoc, sw); return sw.toString(); } return null; } }