package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.core.database.ProcessDao; import org.openlca.core.model.Exchange; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.Location; import org.openlca.core.model.Process; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessLink; import org.openlca.core.model.descriptors.ProcessDescriptor; import; public class ProcessNode extends Node { public final ProcessDescriptor process; public final List<Link> links = new ArrayList<>(); private Rectangle xyLayoutConstraints; private boolean minimized = true; private boolean marked = false; public ProcessNode(ProcessDescriptor process) { this.process = process; } @Override public ProductSystemNode parent() { return (ProductSystemNode) super.parent(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<IONode> getChildren() { return (List<IONode>) super.getChildren(); } void setFigure(IFigure figure) { Dimension prefSize = figure.getPreferredSize(-1, -1); if (xyLayoutConstraints == null) xyLayoutConstraints = new Rectangle(0, 0, prefSize.width, prefSize.height); this.figure = figure; } public void apply(NodeLayoutInfo layout) { minimized = layout.isMinimized(); if (!minimized) if (getChildren().isEmpty()) initializeExchangeNodes(); Dimension prefSize = figure.getPreferredSize(-1, -1); xyLayoutConstraints = new Rectangle(layout.getLocation(), prefSize); figure.setBounds(getXyLayoutConstraints()); figure().getLeftExpander().setExpanded(layout.isExpandedLeft()); figure().getRightExpander().setExpanded(layout.isExpandedRight()); figure().refresh(); } public void add(Link link) { if (links.contains(link)) return; links.add(link); if (equals(link.sourceNode)) editPart().refreshSourceConnections(); if (equals(link.targetNode)) editPart().refreshTargetConnections(); editPart.refresh(); } ProcessPart editPart() { return (ProcessPart) editPart; } public void remove(Link link) { if (!links.contains(link)) return; links.remove(link); if (equals(link.sourceNode)) editPart().refreshSourceConnections(); if (equals(link.targetNode)) editPart().refreshTargetConnections(); editPart.refresh(); } public Link getLink(ProcessLink link) { for (Link l : links) if (l.processLink.equals(link)) return l; return null; } public void showLinks() { for (Link link : links) { ProcessNode otherNode = null; boolean isSource = false; if (link.sourceNode.equals(this)) { otherNode = link.targetNode; isSource = true; } else if (link.targetNode.equals(this)) { otherNode = link.sourceNode; } if (!otherNode.isVisible()) continue; if (isSource && otherNode.isExpandedLeft()) link.setVisible(true); else if (!isSource && otherNode.isExpandedRight()) link.setVisible(true); } } @Override public String getName() { String text = process.getName(); if (process.getLocation() != null) text += " [" + Cache.getEntityCache().get(Location.class, process.getLocation()).getCode() + "]"; return text; } public boolean isMinimized() { return minimized; } public void minimize() { this.minimized = true; refresh(); } public void maximize() { this.minimized = false; if (getChildren().isEmpty()) initializeExchangeNodes(); refresh(); } public void mark() { this.marked = true; refresh(); } public void unmark() { this.marked = false; refresh(); } public boolean isMarked() { return marked; } private void initializeExchangeNodes() { Process process = new ProcessDao(Database.get()).getForId(this.process.getId()); List<Exchange> technologies = new ArrayList<>(); for (Exchange exchange : process.getExchanges()) if (exchange.getFlow().getFlowType() == FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW) continue; else technologies.add(exchange); Exchange[] technologyArray = technologies.toArray(new Exchange[technologies.size()]); add(new IONode(technologyArray)); } public void refresh() { Point location = figure().getLocation(); if (xyLayoutConstraints != null) location = xyLayoutConstraints.getLocation(); xyLayoutConstraints = new Rectangle(location, figure.getPreferredSize()); figure().refresh(); } public List<ExchangeNode> getInputs(long flowId) { List<ExchangeNode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (ExchangeNode node : getExchangeNodes()) if (!node.isDummy()) if ( if ( == flowId) nodes.add(node); return nodes; } public ExchangeNode getOutput(long flowId) { for (ExchangeNode node : getExchangeNodes()) if (!node.isDummy()) if (! if ( == flowId) return node; return null; } public ExchangeNode getNode(long exchangeId) { for (ExchangeNode node : getExchangeNodes()) if (!node.isDummy()) if ( == exchangeId) return node; return null; } public ExchangeNode[] getExchangeNodes() { List<ExchangeNode> exchangesNodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (IONode node : getChildren()) for (ExchangeNode node2 : node.getChildren()) exchangesNodes.add(node2); ExchangeNode[] result = new ExchangeNode[exchangesNodes.size()]; exchangesNodes.toArray(result); return result; } public ExchangeNode[] loadExchangeNodes() { if (getChildren().isEmpty()) initializeExchangeNodes(); return getExchangeNodes(); } public Rectangle getXyLayoutConstraints() { return xyLayoutConstraints; } public void setXyLayoutConstraints(Rectangle xyLayoutConstraints) { this.xyLayoutConstraints = xyLayoutConstraints; editPart().revalidate(); } public boolean hasIncoming(long exchangeId) { MutableProcessLinkSearchMap linkSearch = parent().linkSearch; for (ProcessLink link : linkSearch.getIncomingLinks(process.getId())) if (link.exchangeId == exchangeId) return true; return false; } public int getMinimumHeight() { if (isMinimized()) return ProcessFigure.MINIMUM_HEIGHT; return figure().getMinimumHeight(); } public int getMinimumWidth() { return ProcessFigure.MINIMUM_WIDTH; } public boolean hasConnections() { return links.size() > 0; } public int countOutgoing() { int count = 0; for (Link link : links) if (link.sourceNode.equals(this)) count++; return count; } public int countIncoming() { int count = 0; for (Link link : links) if (link.targetNode.equals(this)) count++; return count; } public void collapseLeft() { if (!isExpandedLeft()) return; figure().getLeftExpander().collapse(this); } public void collapseRight() { if (!isExpandedRight()) return; figure().getRightExpander().collapse(this); } /** * Used to avoid removing the initial node while collapsing, should only be * called from within ProcessExpander.collapse */ void collapseLeft(ProcessNode initialNode) { if (!isExpandedLeft()) return; figure().getLeftExpander().collapse(initialNode); } /** * Used to avoid removing the initial node while collapsing, should only be * called from within ProcessExpander.collapse */ void collapseRight(ProcessNode initialNode) { if (!isExpandedRight()) return; figure().getRightExpander().collapse(initialNode); } public void expandLeft() { figure().getLeftExpander().expand(); } public void expandRight() { figure().getRightExpander().expand(); } public boolean isExpandedLeft() { return figure().getLeftExpander().isExpanded(); } public boolean isExpandedRight() { return figure().getRightExpander().isExpanded(); } public void layout() { LayoutManager layoutManager = (LayoutManager) parent().figure.getLayoutManager(); layoutManager.layout(figure, parent().editor.getLayoutType()); } public void select() { parent().editor.getGraphicalViewer().select(editPart); } public void reveal() { parent().editor.getGraphicalViewer().reveal(editPart); } private ProcessFigure figure() { return (ProcessFigure) figure; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof ProcessNode)) return false; ProcessNode other = (ProcessNode) obj; return Objects.equal(process, other.process); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(process); } }