package; import; import org.apache.oozie.client.OozieClient; /** * This class contains static fields with the expected parameters by the download workflows. */ public class DownloadWorkflowParameters { /** * String pattern to the shared lib of oozie workflow of specific environment. */ public static final String WORKFLOWS_PATH_FMT = "/occurrence-download-workflows-%s/"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_WORKFLOW_PATH_FMT = WORKFLOWS_PATH_FMT + "download-workflow"; public static final String WORKFLOWS_LIB_PATH_FMT = WORKFLOWS_PATH_FMT + "lib/"; /** * Constant parameters shared by all the Oozie workflows. */ public static final ImmutableMap<String,String> CONSTANT_PARAMETERS = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String>() .put(OozieClient.USE_SYSTEM_LIBPATH, "true") .put("mapreduce.job.user.classpath.first", "true").build(); //Download format. public static final String DOWNLOAD_FORMAT = "download_format"; //Filter/Predicate. public static final String GBIF_FILTER = "gbif_filter"; /** * Private default constructor. */ private DownloadWorkflowParameters() { //hidden constructor } }