package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolation; import javax.validation.ConstraintViolationException; import javax.validation.Path.Node; import javax.validation.ValidationException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.sf.mmm.util.exception.api.NlsRuntimeException; import net.sf.mmm.util.exception.api.NlsThrowable; import net.sf.mmm.util.exception.api.TechnicalErrorUserException; import net.sf.mmm.util.exception.api.ValidationErrorUserException; import net.sf.mmm.util.lang.api.StringUtil; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; /** * This is an implementation of {@link ExceptionMapper} that acts as generic exception facade for REST services. * * the exception handling class for all upcoming exceptions thrown at REST requests. Each type of possible thrown * exception will be fetched within the method "toResponse". * */ @Provider public class RestServiceExceptionFacade implements ExceptionMapper<Throwable> { /** JSON key for {@link Throwable#getMessage() error message}. */ public static final String KEY_MESSAGE = "message"; /** JSON key for {@link NlsRuntimeException#getUuid() error ID}. */ public static final String KEY_UUID = "uuid"; /** JSON key for {@link NlsRuntimeException#getCode() error code}. */ public static final String KEY_CODE = "code"; /** JSON key for {@link NlsRuntimeException#getCode() errors}. */ public static final String KEY_ERRORS = "errors"; /** Logger instance. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestServiceExceptionFacade.class); private final List<Class<? extends Throwable>> securityExceptions; private final Class<? extends Throwable> transactionSystemException; private final Class<? extends Throwable> rollbackException; private ObjectMapper mapper; private boolean exposeInternalErrorDetails; /** * The constructor. */ public RestServiceExceptionFacade() { super(); this.securityExceptions = new ArrayList<>(); registerToplevelSecurityExceptions(); this.transactionSystemException = loadException("org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException"); this.rollbackException = loadException("javax.persistence.RollbackException"); } /** * Registers a {@link Class} as a top-level security {@link Throwable exception}. Instances of this class and all its * subclasses will be handled as security errors. Therefore an according HTTP error code is used and no further * details about the exception is send to the client to prevent * <a href="">sensitive data exposure</a>. * * @param securityException is the {@link Class} reflecting the security error. */ protected void registerToplevelSecurityException(Class<? extends Throwable> securityException) { this.securityExceptions.add(securityException); } /** * This method registers the {@link #registerToplevelSecurityException(Class) top-level security exceptions}. You may * override it to add additional or other classes. */ protected void registerToplevelSecurityExceptions() { this.securityExceptions.add(SecurityException.class); this.securityExceptions.add(SecurityErrorUserException.class); registerToplevelSecurityExceptions(""); registerToplevelSecurityExceptions(""); registerToplevelSecurityExceptions( ""); registerToplevelSecurityExceptions(""); registerToplevelSecurityExceptions(""); } /** * @param className the className to be registered */ protected void registerToplevelSecurityExceptions(String className) { Class<? extends Throwable> securityException = loadException(className); if (securityException != null) { registerToplevelSecurityException(securityException); } } private Class<? extends Throwable> loadException(String className) { try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends Throwable> exception = (Class<? extends Throwable>) Class.forName(className); return exception; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {"Exception {} was not found on classpath and can not be handled by this {}.", className, getClass().getSimpleName()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Exception {} is invalid and can not be handled by this {}.", className, getClass().getSimpleName(), e); } return null; } @Override public Response toResponse(Throwable exception) { if (exception instanceof WebApplicationException) { return createResponse((WebApplicationException) exception); } else if (exception instanceof NlsRuntimeException) { return toResponse(exception, exception); } else { Throwable error = exception; Throwable catched = exception; error = getRollbackCause(exception); if (error == null) { error = unwrapNlsUserError(exception); } if (error == null) { error = exception; } return toResponse(error, catched); } } /** * Unwraps potential NLS user error from a wrapper exception such as {@code JsonMappingException} or * {@code PersistenceException}. * * @param exception the exception to unwrap. * @return the unwrapped {@link NlsRuntimeException} exception or {@code null} if no * {@link NlsRuntimeException#isForUser() use error}. */ private NlsRuntimeException unwrapNlsUserError(Throwable exception) { Throwable cause = exception.getCause(); if (cause instanceof NlsRuntimeException) { NlsRuntimeException nlsError = (NlsRuntimeException) cause; if (nlsError.isForUser()) { return nlsError; } } return null; } private Throwable getRollbackCause(Throwable exception) { Class<?> exceptionClass = exception.getClass(); if (exceptionClass == this.transactionSystemException) { Throwable cause = exception.getCause(); if (cause != null) { exceptionClass = cause.getClass(); if (exceptionClass == this.rollbackException) { return cause.getCause(); } } } return null; } /** * @see #toResponse(Throwable) * * @param exception the exception to handle * @param catched the original exception that was cached. Either same as {@code error} or a (child-) * {@link Throwable#getCause() cause} of it. * @return the response build from the exception. */ protected Response toResponse(Throwable exception, Throwable catched) { if (exception instanceof ValidationException) { return handleValidationException(exception, catched); } else if (exception instanceof ValidationErrorUserException) { return createResponse(exception, (ValidationErrorUserException) exception, null); } else { Class<?> exceptionClass = exception.getClass(); for (Class<?> securityError : this.securityExceptions) { if (securityError.isAssignableFrom(exceptionClass)) { return handleSecurityError(exception, catched); } } return handleGenericError(exception, catched); } } /** * Creates the {@link Response} for the given validation exception. * * @param exception is the original validation exception. * @param error is the wrapped exception or the same as <code>exception</code>. * @param errorsMap is a map with all validation errors * @return the requested {@link Response}. */ protected Response createResponse(Throwable exception, ValidationErrorUserException error, Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap) { LOG.warn("Service failed due to validation failure.", error); if (exception == error) { return createResponse(Status.BAD_REQUEST, error, errorsMap); } else { return createResponse(Status.BAD_REQUEST, error, exception.getMessage(), errorsMap); } } /** * Exception handling for generic exception (fallback). * * @param exception the exception to handle * @param catched the original exception that was cached. Either same as {@code error} or a (child-) * {@link Throwable#getCause() cause} of it. * @return the response build from the exception */ protected Response handleGenericError(Throwable exception, Throwable catched) { NlsRuntimeException userError; boolean logged = false; if (exception instanceof NlsThrowable) { NlsThrowable nlsError = (NlsThrowable) exception; if (!nlsError.isTechnical()) { LOG.warn("Service failed due to business error: {}", nlsError.getMessage()); logged = true; } userError = TechnicalErrorUserException.getOrCreateUserException(exception); } else { userError = TechnicalErrorUserException.getOrCreateUserException(catched); } if (!logged) { LOG.error("Service failed on server", userError); } return createResponse(userError); } /** * Exception handling for security exception. * * @param exception the exception to handle * @param catched the original exception that was cached. Either same as {@code error} or a (child-) * {@link Throwable#getCause() cause} of it. * @return the response build from exception */ protected Response handleSecurityError(Throwable exception, Throwable catched) { NlsRuntimeException error; if ((exception == catched) && (exception instanceof NlsRuntimeException)) { error = (NlsRuntimeException) exception; } else { error = new SecurityErrorUserException(catched); } LOG.error("Service failed due to security error", error); // NOTE: for security reasons we do not send any details about the error to the client! String message; String code = null; if (this.exposeInternalErrorDetails) { message = getExposedErrorDetails(error); } else { message = "forbidden"; } return createResponse(Status.FORBIDDEN, message, code, error.getUuid(), null); } /** * Exception handling for validation exception. * * @param exception the exception to handle * @param catched the original exception that was cached. Either same as {@code error} or a (child-) * {@link Throwable#getCause() cause} of it. * @return the response build from the exception. */ protected Response handleValidationException(Throwable exception, Throwable catched) { Throwable t = catched; Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap = null; if (exception instanceof ConstraintViolationException) { ConstraintViolationException constraintViolationException = (ConstraintViolationException) exception; Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> violations = constraintViolationException.getConstraintViolations(); errorsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (ConstraintViolation<?> violation : violations) { Iterator<Node> it = violation.getPropertyPath().iterator(); String fieldName = null; // Getting fieldname from the exception while (it.hasNext()) { fieldName =; } List<String> errorsList = errorsMap.get(fieldName); if (errorsList == null) { errorsList = new ArrayList<>(); errorsMap.put(fieldName, errorsList); } errorsList.add(violation.getMessage()); } t = new ValidationException(errorsMap.toString(), catched); } ValidationErrorUserException error = new ValidationErrorUserException(t); return createResponse(t, error, errorsMap); } /** * @param error is the {@link Throwable} to extract message details from. * @return the exposed message(s). */ protected String getExposedErrorDetails(Throwable error) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); Throwable e = error; while (e != null) { if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.append(StringUtil.LINE_SEPARATOR); } buffer.append(e.getClass().getSimpleName()); buffer.append(": "); buffer.append(e.getLocalizedMessage()); e = e.getCause(); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Create the {@link Response} for the given {@link NlsRuntimeException}. * * @param error the generic {@link NlsRuntimeException}. * @return the corresponding {@link Response}. */ protected Response createResponse(NlsRuntimeException error) { Status status; if (error.isTechnical()) { status = Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; } else { status = Status.BAD_REQUEST; } return createResponse(status, error, null); } /** * Create a response message as a JSON-String from the given parts. * * @param status is the HTTP {@link Status}. * @param error is the catched or wrapped {@link NlsRuntimeException}. * @param errorsMap is a map with all validation errors * @return the corresponding {@link Response}. */ protected Response createResponse(Status status, NlsRuntimeException error, Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap) { String message; if (this.exposeInternalErrorDetails) { message = getExposedErrorDetails(error); } else { message = error.getLocalizedMessage(); } return createResponse(status, error, message, errorsMap); } /** * Create a response message as a JSON-String from the given parts. * * @param status is the HTTP {@link Status}. * @param error is the catched or wrapped {@link NlsRuntimeException}. * @param message is the JSON message attribute. * @param errorsMap is a map with all validation errors * @return the corresponding {@link Response}. */ protected Response createResponse(Status status, NlsRuntimeException error, String message, Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap) { return createResponse(status, error, message, error.getCode(), errorsMap); } /** * Create a response message as a JSON-String from the given parts. * * @param status is the HTTP {@link Status}. * @param error is the catched or wrapped {@link NlsRuntimeException}. * @param message is the JSON message attribute. * @param code is the {@link NlsRuntimeException#getCode() error code}. * @param errorsMap is a map with all validation errors * @return the corresponding {@link Response}. */ protected Response createResponse(Status status, NlsRuntimeException error, String message, String code, Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap) { return createResponse(status, message, code, error.getUuid(), errorsMap); } /** * Create a response message as a JSON-String from the given parts. * * @param status is the HTTP {@link Status}. * @param message is the JSON message attribute. * @param code is the {@link NlsRuntimeException#getCode() error code}. * @param uuid the {@link UUID} of the response message. * @param errorsMap is a map with all validation errors * @return the corresponding {@link Response}. */ protected Response createResponse(Status status, String message, String code, UUID uuid, Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap) { String json = createJsonErrorResponseMessage(message, code, uuid, errorsMap); return Response.status(status).entity(json).build(); } /** * Create a response message as a JSON-String from the given parts. * * @param message the message of the response message * @param code the code of the response message * @param uuid the uuid of the response message * @param errorsMap is a map with all validation errors * @return the response message as a JSON-String */ protected String createJsonErrorResponseMessage(String message, String code, UUID uuid, Map<String, List<String>> errorsMap) { Map<String, Object> jsonMap = new HashMap<>(); if (message != null) { jsonMap.put(KEY_MESSAGE, message); } if (code != null) { jsonMap.put(KEY_CODE, code); } if (uuid != null) { jsonMap.put(KEY_UUID, uuid.toString()); } if (errorsMap != null) { jsonMap.put(KEY_ERRORS, errorsMap); } String responseMessage = ""; try { responseMessage = this.mapper.writeValueAsString(jsonMap); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { LOG.error("Exception facade failed to create JSON.", e); responseMessage = "{}"; } return responseMessage; } /** * Add a response message to an existing response. * * @param exception the {@link WebApplicationException}. * @return the response with the response message added */ protected Response createResponse(WebApplicationException exception) { Response response = exception.getResponse(); int statusCode = response.getStatus(); Status status = Status.fromStatusCode(statusCode); NlsRuntimeException error; if (exception instanceof ServerErrorException) { error = new TechnicalErrorUserException(exception); LOG.error("Service failed on server", error); return createResponse(status, error, null); } else { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); if (exception instanceof ClientErrorException) { LOG.warn("Service failed due to unexpected request. UUDI: {}, reason: {} ", uuid, exception.getMessage()); } else { LOG.warn("Service caused redirect or other error. UUID: {}, reason: {}", uuid, exception.getMessage()); } return createResponse(status, exception.getMessage(), String.valueOf(statusCode), uuid, null); } } /** * @return the {@link ObjectMapper} for JSON mapping. */ public ObjectMapper getMapper() { return this.mapper; } /** * @param mapper the mapper to set */ @Inject public void setMapper(ObjectMapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } /** * @param exposeInternalErrorDetails - {@code true} if internal exception details shall be exposed to clients (useful * for debugging and testing), {@code false} if such details are hidden to prevent * <a href="">Sensitive Data Exposure</a> * (default, has to be used in production environment). */ public void setExposeInternalErrorDetails(boolean exposeInternalErrorDetails) { this.exposeInternalErrorDetails = exposeInternalErrorDetails; if (exposeInternalErrorDetails) { String message = "****** Exposing of internal error details is enabled! This violates OWASP A6 (Sensitive Data Exposure) and shall only be used for testing/debugging and never in production. ******"; LOG.warn(message); // CHECKSTYLE:OFF (for development only) System.err.println(message); // CHECKSTYLE:ON } } /** * @return exposeInternalErrorDetails the value set by {@link #setExposeInternalErrorDetails(boolean)}. */ public boolean isExposeInternalErrorDetails() { return this.exposeInternalErrorDetails; } }