package com.lordofthejars.nosqlunit.mongodb; import com.lordofthejars.nosqlunit.core.FailureHandler; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.MongoIterable; import org.bson.Document; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class MongoDbAssertion { private static final String SYSTEM_COLLECTIONS_PATTERN = "system."; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoDbAssertion.class); private MongoDbAssertion() { super(); } public static final void strictAssertEquals(Document expectedData, MongoDatabase mongoDb) { Set<String> collectionaNames = expectedData.keySet(); final MongoIterable<String> collectionNames = mongoDb.listCollectionNames(); checkCollectionsName(collectionaNames, collectionNames); for (String collectionName : collectionaNames) { checkCollectionObjects(expectedData, mongoDb, collectionaNames, collectionName); } } private static void checkCollectionsName( Set<String> expectedCollectionNames, MongoIterable<String> mongodbCollectionNames) { Set<String> mongoDbUserCollectionNames = getUserCollections(mongodbCollectionNames); Set<String> allCollections = new HashSet<String>(mongoDbUserCollectionNames); allCollections.addAll(expectedCollectionNames); if (allCollections.size() != expectedCollectionNames.size() || allCollections.size() != mongoDbUserCollectionNames.size()) { throw FailureHandler.createFailure("Expected collection names are %s but insert collection names are %s", expectedCollectionNames, mongoDbUserCollectionNames); } } private static Set<String> getUserCollections( MongoIterable<String> mongodbCollectionNames) { Set<String> mongoDbUserCollectionNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (String mongodbCollectionName : mongodbCollectionNames) { if (isUserCollection(mongodbCollectionName)) { mongoDbUserCollectionNames.add(mongodbCollectionName); } } return mongoDbUserCollectionNames; } private static boolean isUserCollection(String mongodbCollectionName) { return !mongodbCollectionName.contains(SYSTEM_COLLECTIONS_PATTERN); } private static void checkCollectionObjects(Document expectedData, MongoDatabase mongoDb, Set<String> collectionaNames, String collectionName) throws Error { Object object = expectedData.get(collectionName); List<Document> dataObjects = null; if (isDataDirectly(object)) { dataObjects = (List) object; } else { dataObjects = ((Document) object).get(DATA, List.class); } MongoCollection<Document> dbCollection = mongoDb.getCollection(collectionName); int expectedDataObjectsCount = dataObjects.size(); long insertedDataObjectsCount = dbCollection.count(); if (expectedDataObjectsCount != insertedDataObjectsCount) { throw FailureHandler.createFailure("Expected collection has %s elements but insert collection has %s", expectedDataObjectsCount, insertedDataObjectsCount); } for (Document expectedDataObject : dataObjects) { Document foundObject = dbCollection.find(expectedDataObject).first(); if (!exists(foundObject)) { throw FailureHandler.createFailure("Object # %s # is not found into collection %s", expectedDataObject.toString(), collectionaNames); } checkSameKeys(expectedDataObject, foundObject); } } private static boolean isDataDirectly(Object object) { return List.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass()); } private static void checkSameKeys(Document expectedDataObject, Document foundObject) { Set<String> expectedKeys = expectedDataObject.keySet(); Set<String> expectedNoneSystemKeys = noneSystemKeys(expectedKeys); Set<String> foundKeys = foundObject.keySet(); Set<String> foundNoneSystemKeys = noneSystemKeys(foundKeys); Set<String> allKeys = new HashSet<String>(expectedNoneSystemKeys); allKeys.addAll(foundNoneSystemKeys); if (allKeys.size() != expectedNoneSystemKeys.size() || allKeys.size() != foundNoneSystemKeys.size()) { throw FailureHandler.createFailure("Expected DbObject and insert DbObject have different keys: Expected: %s Inserted: %s", expectedNoneSystemKeys, foundNoneSystemKeys); } } private static Set<String> noneSystemKeys(Set<String> keys) { Set<String> noneSystemKeys = new HashSet<String>(); for (String key : keys) { if (!key.startsWith("_")) { noneSystemKeys.add(key); } } return noneSystemKeys; } private static boolean exists(Document foundObject) { return foundObject != null; } //<editor-fold desc="Flexible comparator"> /** * Checks that all the expected data is present in MongoDB. * * @param expectedData Expected data. * @param mongoDb Mongo Database. */ public static void flexibleAssertEquals(Document expectedData, String[] ignorePropertyValues, MongoDatabase mongoDb) { // Get the expected collections Set<String> collectionNames = expectedData.keySet(); // Get the current collections in mongoDB final MongoIterable<String> listCollectionNames = mongoDb.listCollectionNames(); // Get the concrete property names that should be ignored // Map<String:Collection, Set<String:Property>> Map<String, Set<String>> propertiesToIgnore = parseIgnorePropertyValues(collectionNames, ignorePropertyValues); // Check expected data flexibleCheckCollectionsName(collectionNames, listCollectionNames); for (String collectionName : collectionNames) { flexibleCheckCollectionObjects(expectedData, mongoDb, collectionName, propertiesToIgnore); } } /** * Resolve the properties that will be ignored for each expected collection. * <p/> * Parses the input value following the rules for valid collection and property names * defined in <a href="> * "Mongo DB: naming restrictions"</a> document. * * @param ignorePropertyValues Input values defined with @IgnorePropertyValue. * @return Map with the properties that will be ignored for each document. */ private static Map<String, Set<String>> parseIgnorePropertyValues(Set<String> collectionNames, String[] ignorePropertyValues) { Map<String, Set<String>> propertiesToIgnore = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); Pattern collectionAndPropertyPattern = Pattern.compile("^(?!system\\.)([a-z,A-Z,_][^$\0]*)([.])([^$][^.\0]*)$"); Pattern propertyPattern = Pattern.compile("^([^$][^.0]*)$"); for (String ignorePropertyValue : ignorePropertyValues) { Matcher collectionAndPropertyMatcher = collectionAndPropertyPattern.matcher(ignorePropertyValue); Matcher propertyMatcher = propertyPattern.matcher(ignorePropertyValue); // If the property to ignore includes the collection, add it to only exclude // the property in the indicated collection if (collectionAndPropertyMatcher.matches()) { // Add the property to ignore to the proper collection String collectionName =; String propertyName =; if (collectionNames.contains(collectionName)) { Set<String> properties = propertiesToIgnore.get(collectionName); if (properties == null) { properties = new HashSet<String>(); } properties.add(propertyName); propertiesToIgnore.put(collectionName, properties); } else { logger.warn(String.format("Collection %s for %s is not defined as expected. It won't be used for ignoring properties", collectionName, ignorePropertyValue)); } // If the property to ignore doesn't include the collection, add it to // all the expected collections } else if (propertyMatcher.matches()) { String propertyName =; // Add the property to ignore to all the expected collections for (String collectionName : collectionNames) { Set<String> properties = propertiesToIgnore.get(collectionName); if (properties == null) { properties = new HashSet<String>(); } properties.add(propertyName); propertiesToIgnore.put(collectionName, properties); } // If doesn't match any pattern } else { logger.warn(String.format("Property %s has an invalid value. It won't be used for ignoring properties", ignorePropertyValue)); } } return propertiesToIgnore; } /** * Checks that all the expected collection names are present in MongoDB. Does not check that all the collection * names present in Mongo are in the expected dataset collection names. * <p/> * If any expected collection isn't found in the database collection, the returned error indicates only the * missing expected collections. * @param expectedCollectionNames Expected collection names. * @param mongodbCollectionNames Current MongoDB collection names. */ private static void flexibleCheckCollectionsName(Set<String> expectedCollectionNames, MongoIterable<String> mongodbCollectionNames) { Set<String> mongoDbUserCollectionNames = getUserCollections(mongodbCollectionNames); boolean ok = true; HashSet<String> notFoundCollectionNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (String expectedCollectionName : expectedCollectionNames) { if (!mongoDbUserCollectionNames.contains(expectedCollectionName)) { ok = false; notFoundCollectionNames.add(expectedCollectionName); } } if (!ok) { throw FailureHandler.createFailure("The following collection names %s were not found in the inserted collection names", notFoundCollectionNames); } } /** * Checks that each expected object in the collection exists in the database. * * @param expectedData Expected data. * @param mongoDb Mongo database. * @param collectionName Collection name. */ private static void flexibleCheckCollectionObjects(Document expectedData, MongoDatabase mongoDb, String collectionName, Map<String, Set<String>> propertiesToIgnore) throws Error { Object object = expectedData.get(collectionName); List<Document> dataObjects = null; if (isDataDirectly(object)) { dataObjects = (List) object; } else { dataObjects = ((Document) object).get(DATA, List.class); } MongoCollection<Document> dbCollection = mongoDb.getCollection(collectionName); for (Document expectedDataObject : dataObjects) { Document filteredExpectedDataObject = filterProperties(expectedDataObject, propertiesToIgnore.get(collectionName)); final Document foundObject = dbCollection.find(filteredExpectedDataObject).first(); if (dbCollection.count(filteredExpectedDataObject) > 1) { logger.warn(String.format("There were found %d possible matches for this object # %s #. That could have been caused by ignoring too many properties.", dbCollection.count(filteredExpectedDataObject), expectedDataObject.toString())); } if (!exists(foundObject)) { throw FailureHandler.createFailure("Object # %s # is not found into collection %s", filteredExpectedDataObject.toString(), collectionName); } // Check same keys without filtering flexibleCheckSameKeys(expectedDataObject, foundObject); } } /** * Removes the properties defined with @IgnorePropertyValue annotation. * * @param dataObject Object to filter. * @param propertiesToIgnore Properties to filter * @return Data object without the properties to be ignored. */ private static Document filterProperties(Document dataObject, Set<String> propertiesToIgnore) { Document filteredDataObject = new Document(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : dataObject.entrySet()) { if (propertiesToIgnore == null || !propertiesToIgnore.contains(entry.getKey())) { filteredDataObject.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } return filteredDataObject; } /** * Checks that all the properties are present in both expected and database objects, even the ignored properties. * <p/> * When there are differences between both objects keys, the returned error indicates only the keys that * are missing in each object. * * @param expectedDataObject Expected object. * @param foundObject Database object. */ private static void flexibleCheckSameKeys(Document expectedDataObject, Document foundObject) { Set<String> expectedKeys = expectedDataObject.keySet(); Set<String> expectedNoneSystemKeys = noneSystemKeys(expectedKeys); Set<String> foundKeys = foundObject.keySet(); Set<String> foundNoneSystemKeys = noneSystemKeys(foundKeys); Set<String> allKeys = new HashSet<String>(expectedNoneSystemKeys); allKeys.addAll(foundNoneSystemKeys); HashSet<String> expectedKeysNotInserted = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> insertedKeysNotExpected = new HashSet<String>(); for (String key : allKeys) { if (!expectedNoneSystemKeys.contains(key)) { insertedKeysNotExpected.add(key); } if (!foundNoneSystemKeys.contains(key)) { expectedKeysNotInserted.add(key); } } if (expectedKeysNotInserted.size() > 0 || insertedKeysNotExpected.size() > 0) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder("Expected Document and insert Document have different keys: "); if (expectedKeysNotInserted.size() > 0) { errorMessage.append("expected keys not inserted ").append(expectedKeysNotInserted).append(" "); } if (insertedKeysNotExpected.size() > 0) { errorMessage.append("inserted keys not expected ").append(insertedKeysNotExpected).append(" "); } throw FailureHandler.createFailure(errorMessage.toString()); } } //</editor-fold desc="Flexible comparator"> }