package chapter3.recipe6; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator; import java.util.function.ToIntFunction; import netty.cookbook.common.NettyServerUtil; import netty.cookbook.common.StringUtil; import netty.cookbook.common.http.ContentTypePool; import chapter3.recipe6.functions.Decorator; import chapter3.recipe6.functions.Filter; import chapter3.recipe6.functions.Processor; public class LambdaHttpServer { static String ip = ""; static int port = 8080; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //the function pipeline for this server FunctionPipeline pipe = new FunctionPipeline(); //filtering not authorized request Filter filterAccessAdmin = req -> { req.setNotAuthorized(req.getUri().contains("admin")); return req; }; //the logic handler Processor logicFunction = req -> { SimpleHttpResponse resp = new SimpleHttpResponse(); String uri = req.getUri(); Map<String,List<String>> params = req.getParameters(); if(uri.contains("/compute") && params.containsKey("x") && params.containsKey("operator") ){ String operator = params.get("operator").get(0); StringBuilder head = new StringBuilder(); //mapping from String to Integer ToIntFunction<String> f = x -> { return StringUtil.safeParseInt(x); }; //binary function mapping x1 and x2 with operator IntBinaryOperator op = (int x1, int x2) -> { int n = 0; switch (operator) { case "plus": n = x1 + x2; head.append(x1).append(" + ").append(x2); break; case "multiply": n = x1 * x2; head.append(x1).append(" * ").append(x2); break; default: break; } return n; }; int n = params.get("x").stream().mapToInt(f).reduce(op).getAsInt(); resp.setHead(head.toString()); resp.setBody(String.valueOf(n)); } return resp; }; //the decorator of output Decorator formatingResult = resp -> { if(resp.getBody() != null){ resp.setContentType(ContentTypePool.JSON); resp.setStatus(200); resp.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { resp.setStatus(400); } return resp; }; pipe.apply(filterAccessAdmin).apply(logicFunction).apply(formatingResult); NettyServerUtil.newHttpServerBootstrap(ip, port, new FunctionsChannelHandler(pipe) ); } }