package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import com.netifera.platform.api.model.IShadowEntity; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.netifera.platform.ui.api.model.IEntityInformationProvider; import com.netifera.platform.util.addresses.INetworkAddress; import com.netifera.platform.util.addresses.inet.InternetAddress; public class EntityInformationProvider implements IEntityInformationProvider { private volatile IGeoIPService geoipService; private volatile IIP2ASService ip2asService; protected void setGeoIPService(IGeoIPService geoipService) { this.geoipService = geoipService; } protected void unsetGeoIPService(IGeoIPService geoipService) { this.geoipService = null; } protected void setIP2ASService(IIP2ASService ip2asService) { this.ip2asService = ip2asService; } protected void unsetIP2ASService(IIP2ASService ip2asService) { this.ip2asService = null; } public String getInformation(IShadowEntity e) { if(e instanceof HostEntity) { return getHostInformation((HostEntity)e); } else if (e instanceof ServiceEntity) { return getServiceInformation((ServiceEntity)e); } else if (e instanceof ClientEntity) { return getClientInformation((ClientEntity)e); } else if (e instanceof ClientServiceConnectionEntity) { return getServiceInformation(((ClientServiceConnectionEntity)e).getService()); } else if (e instanceof PortSetEntity) { return getPortsetInformation((PortSetEntity)e); } return null; } private String getHostInformation(HostEntity e) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); // if has more than 1 address or a label set that prevents from seeing the address if (e.getAddresses().size() > 1 || e.getLabel() != null) { buffer.append("<p>Addresses: "); Iterator<NetworkAddressEntity> addresses = e.getAddresses().iterator(); while (addresses.hasNext()) { NetworkAddressEntity a =; buffer.append(escape(a.getAddressString())); if (addresses.hasNext()) buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append("</p>"); } if (e.getNamedAttribute("os") != null) { buffer.append("<p>System: "+escape(e.getNamedAttribute("os"))); if (e.getNamedAttribute("distribution")!=null) buffer.append(" - "+escape(e.getNamedAttribute("distribution"))); if (e.getNamedAttribute("arch") != null) { buffer.append(" ("+escape(e.getNamedAttribute("arch"))+")"); } buffer.append("</p>"); } if (geoipService != null) { for (NetworkAddressEntity addressEntity: e.getAddresses()) { INetworkAddress address = addressEntity.getAddress(); if (address instanceof InternetAddress) { ILocation location = geoipService.getLocation((InternetAddress)address); if (location != null) { buffer.append("<p>Location: "); if (location.getCity() != null) { buffer.append(escape(location.getCity()+", "+location.getCountry())); } else if (location.getCountry() != null) { buffer.append(escape(location.getCountry())); } else { buffer.append(location.getPosition()[0]+" "+location.getPosition()[1]); } buffer.append("</p>"); break; } } } } if (ip2asService != null) { Set<String> asSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (NetworkAddressEntity addressEntity: e.getAddresses()) { INetworkAddress address = addressEntity.getAddress(); if (address instanceof InternetAddress) { AS as = ip2asService.getAS((InternetAddress)address); if (as != null) asSet.add(as.getDescription()); } } if (asSet.size() > 0) { buffer.append("<p>AS: "); Iterator<String> iterator = asSet.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { String as =; buffer.append(escape(as)); if (iterator.hasNext()) buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append("</p>"); } } return buffer.toString(); } private String getServiceInformation(ServiceEntity e) { if (e.getBanner() == null) return null; if (e.getServiceType().equals("HTTP")) return getHTTPBannerInformation(e.getBanner()); return "<p>"+escape(truncate(e.getBanner()))+"</p>"; } private String getClientInformation(ClientEntity e) { if (e.getBanner() == null) return null; if (e.getServiceType().equals("HTTP")) return getHTTPBannerInformation(e.getBanner()); return "<p>"+escape(truncate(e.getBanner()))+"</p>"; } private String getHTTPBannerInformation(String data) { data = "<p>"+escape(data)+"</p>"; data = data.replaceAll("<p>Content[^<]+</p>", ""); data = data.replaceAll("<p>Connection[^<]+</p>", ""); return data.replaceAll("<p>([^:<]+:)([^<]+)</p>", "<p><span color=\"blue\">$1</span>$2</p>"); } private String truncate(String data) { if (data.length() > 400) { data = data.substring(0, 400)+"..."; } return data; } private String escape(String data) { data = data.replaceAll("&", "&"); data = data.replaceAll("<", "<"); data = data.replaceAll(">", ">"); data = data.trim().replaceAll("[\\r\\n]+", "</p><p>"); return data.replaceAll("[^\\p{Print}\\p{Blank}]", "."); // non-printable chars } private String getPortsetInformation(PortSetEntity portset) { final List<String> lines = breakIntoLines(portset.getPorts()); final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("<P>Listening " + portset.getProtocol().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + " Ports:</P>"); for(String line: lines) { result.append("<P>"); result.append(line.replaceAll(",", ", ")); result.append("</P>\n"); } return result.toString(); } private final static int PORTS_FORMATTED_LINE_LENGTH = 40; private final static int PORTS_TRUNCATE_LENGTH = 50; private List<String> breakIntoLines(String ports) { String remaining = ports; List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); while(remaining.length() > PORTS_FORMATTED_LINE_LENGTH) { int idx = remaining.lastIndexOf(',', PORTS_FORMATTED_LINE_LENGTH); if(idx == -1) { // Should not happen lines.add(remaining); return lines; } lines.add(remaining.substring(0, idx + 1)); remaining = remaining.substring(idx + 1); } if(remaining.length() > 0) lines.add(remaining); return lines; } }