package; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.jtrim.concurrent.GenericUpdateTaskExecutor; import org.jtrim.concurrent.TaskExecutorService; import org.jtrim.concurrent.UpdateTaskExecutor; import org.jtrim.event.ListenerRef; import; import org.jtrim.utils.ExceptionHelper; import org.netbeans.gradle.project.api.config.ConfigTree; import org.netbeans.gradle.project.api.config.ProfileKey; import org.netbeans.gradle.project.api.config.PropertyDef; import org.netbeans.gradle.project.event.OneShotChangeListenerManager; import org.netbeans.gradle.project.util.NbTaskExecutors; import org.w3c.dom.Element; public final class GenericProfileSettings implements LoadableSingleProfileSettingsEx { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ProjectProfileSettings.class.getName()); // Should be single threaded to avoid unnecessary multiple load. private static final TaskExecutorService SAVE_LOAD_EXECUTOR = NbTaskExecutors.newExecutor("Profile-I/O", 1); private final ProfileLocationProvider locationProvider; private final ProfileSettings settings; private final Lock ioLock; private volatile boolean loadedOnce; private volatile boolean dirty; private final OneShotChangeListenerManager loadedListeners; private final UpdateTaskExecutor loadExecutor; private final UpdateTaskExecutor saveExecutor; public GenericProfileSettings(ProfileLocationProvider locationProvider) { ExceptionHelper.checkNotNullArgument(locationProvider, "locationProvider"); this.locationProvider = locationProvider; this.settings = new ProfileSettings(); this.ioLock = new ReentrantLock(); this.dirty = false; this.loadedOnce = false; this.loadedListeners = OneShotChangeListenerManager.getSwingNotifier(); this.saveExecutor = new GenericUpdateTaskExecutor(SAVE_LOAD_EXECUTOR); this.loadExecutor = new GenericUpdateTaskExecutor(SAVE_LOAD_EXECUTOR); } public static GenericProfileSettings createTestMemorySettings() { return new GenericProfileSettings(new ProfileLocationProvider() { @Override public ProfileKey getKey() { return new ProfileKey("?", "test"); } @Override public Path tryGetOutputPath() throws IOException { return null; } @Override public ProfileFileDef tryGetOutputDef() throws IOException { return null; } }); } public void clearSettings() { settings.clearSettings(); } public ConfigTree getContentSnapshot() { return settings.getContentSnapshot(); } @Override public ProfileKey getKey() { return locationProvider.getKey(); } @Override public ListenerRef notifyWhenLoaded(Runnable onLoaded) { ensureLoaded(); return loadedListeners.registerOrNotifyListener(onLoaded); } @Override public void ensureLoaded() { if (loadedOnce) { return; } loadExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadNowIfNotLoaded(); } }); } @Override public void ensureLoadedAndWait() { loadNowIfNotLoaded(); } public void loadEventually() { loadExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { loadNowAlways(); } }); } public void loadAndWait() { loadNowAlways(); } private void loadNowIfNotLoaded() { if (!loadedOnce) { loadNow(true); } } private void loadNowAlways() { loadNow(false); } private void loadNow(boolean skipIfLoaded) { try { loadNowUnsafe(skipIfLoaded); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } private void loadNowUnsafe(boolean skipIfLoaded) throws IOException { try { Path profileFile = locationProvider.tryGetOutputPath(); if (profileFile == null) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Cannot find location to save the profile: {0}", getKey()); return; } loadFromFile(profileFile, skipIfLoaded); } finally { loadedListeners.fireEventually(); } } private void loadFromFile(Path profileFile, boolean skipIfLoaded) { ioLock.lock(); try { if (!skipIfLoaded || !loadedOnce) { settings.loadFromFile(profileFile); } } finally { loadedOnce = true; ioLock.unlock(); } } private void saveEventually() { if (!dirty) { return; } saveExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { saveAndWait(); } }); } @Override public void saveAndWait() { try { saveNowUnsafe(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to save the properties.", ex); } } private void saveNowUnsafe() throws IOException { ProfileFileDef outputDef = locationProvider.tryGetOutputDef(); if (outputDef != null) { savetoFile(outputDef.getProfileFile(), outputDef.getSaveOptions()); } } private void savetoFile(Path profileFile, ConfigSaveOptions saveOptions) throws IOException { ioLock.lock(); try { if (dirty) { dirty = false; settings.saveToFile(profileFile, saveOptions); } } finally { ioLock.unlock(); } } @Override public Element getAuxConfigValue(DomElementKey key) { return settings.getAuxConfigValue(key); } @Override public boolean setAuxConfigValue(DomElementKey key, Element value) { boolean result = settings.setAuxConfigValue(key, value); dirty = true; saveEventually(); return result; } @Override public <ValueType> MutableProperty<ValueType> getProperty(PropertyDef<?, ValueType> propertyDef) { final MutableProperty<ValueType> result = settings.getProperty(propertyDef); return new MutableProperty<ValueType>() { @Override public void setValue(ValueType value) { result.setValue(value); dirty = true; saveEventually(); } @Override public ValueType getValue() { return result.getValue(); } @Override public ListenerRef addChangeListener(Runnable listener) { return result.addChangeListener(listener); } }; } @Override public Collection<DomElementKey> getAuxConfigKeys() { return settings.getAuxConfigKeys(); } }