/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 "Neo Technology," * Network Engine for Objects in Lund AB [http://neotechnology.com] * * This file is part of Neo4j. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.neo4j.driver.internal; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.neo4j.driver.internal.cluster.RoutingSettings; import org.neo4j.driver.internal.logging.ConsoleLogging; import org.neo4j.driver.internal.retry.RetrySettings; import org.neo4j.driver.internal.util.DriverFactoryWithClock; import org.neo4j.driver.internal.util.DriverFactoryWithFixedRetryLogic; import org.neo4j.driver.internal.util.SleeplessClock; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.AccessMode; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.AuthToken; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.AuthTokens; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Config; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Driver; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.GraphDatabase; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Record; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Session; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.StatementResult; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Transaction; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.TransactionWork; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.ServiceUnavailableException; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.SessionExpiredException; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.util.Function; import org.neo4j.driver.v1.util.StubServer; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf; import static org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual.equalTo; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; public class RoutingDriverBoltKitTest { @Rule public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none(); private static final Config config = Config.build() .withoutEncryption() .withLogging( new ConsoleLogging( Level.INFO ) ).toConfig(); @Test public void shouldHandleAcquireReadSession() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a read server StubServer readServer = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9005 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ) ) { List<String> result = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).list( new Function<Record,String>() { @Override public String apply( Record record ) { return record.get( "n.name" ).asString(); } } ); assertThat( result, equalTo( asList( "Bob", "Alice", "Tina" ) ) ); } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( readServer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldHandleAcquireReadSessionPlusTransaction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a read server StubServer readServer = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9005 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { List<String> result = tx.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).list( new Function<Record,String>() { @Override public String apply( Record record ) { return record.get( "n.name" ).asString(); } } ); assertThat( result, equalTo( asList( "Bob", "Alice", "Tina" ) ) ); } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( readServer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldRoundRobinReadServers() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START two read servers StubServer readServer1 = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9005 ); StubServer readServer2 = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9006 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ) ) { // Run twice, one on each read server for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ) ) { assertThat( session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).list( new Function<Record,String>() { @Override public String apply( Record record ) { return record.get( "n.name" ).asString(); } } ), equalTo( asList( "Bob", "Alice", "Tina" ) ) ); } } } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( readServer1.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( readServer2.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldRoundRobinReadServersWhenUsingTransaction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START two read servers StubServer readServer1 = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9005 ); StubServer readServer2 = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9006 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ) ) { // Run twice, one on each read server for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { assertThat( tx.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).list( new Function<Record,String>() { @Override public String apply( Record record ) { return record.get( "n.name" ).asString(); } } ), equalTo( asList( "Bob", "Alice", "Tina" ) ) ); } } } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( readServer1.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( readServer2.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldThrowSessionExpiredIfReadServerDisappears() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a read server StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9005 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); //Expect exception.expect( SessionExpiredException.class ); exception.expectMessage( "Server at is no longer available" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ) ) { session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ); } finally { assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } } @Test public void shouldThrowSessionExpiredIfReadServerDisappearsWhenUsingTransaction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a read server StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9005 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); //Expect exception.expect( SessionExpiredException.class ); exception.expectMessage( "Server at is no longer available" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ); tx.success(); } finally { assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } } @Test public void shouldThrowSessionExpiredIfWriteServerDisappears() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a dead write servers StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); //Expect exception.expect( SessionExpiredException.class ); //exception.expectMessage( "Server at is no longer available" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ) ) { session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).consume(); } finally { assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } } @Test public void shouldThrowSessionExpiredIfWriteServerDisappearsWhenUsingTransaction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a dead write servers StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); //Expect exception.expect( SessionExpiredException.class ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).consume(); tx.success(); } finally { assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } } @Test public void shouldHandleAcquireWriteSession() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server StubServer writeServer = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ) ) { session.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writeServer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldHandleAcquireWriteSessionAndTransaction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server StubServer writeServer = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); tx.success(); } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writeServer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldRoundRobinWriteSessions() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server StubServer writeServer1 = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9007 ); StubServer writeServer2 = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9008 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { try ( Session session = driver.session() ) { session.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); } } } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writeServer1.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writeServer2.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldRoundRobinWriteSessionsInTransaction() throws Exception { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server StubServer writeServer1 = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9007 ); StubServer writeServer2 = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9008 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ) ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { try ( Session session = driver.session(); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); tx.success(); } } } // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writeServer1.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writeServer2.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldFailOnNonDiscoverableServer() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer.start( "non_discovery_server.script", 9001 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); //Expect exception.expect( ServiceUnavailableException.class ); // When GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); } @Test public void shouldFailRandomFailureInGetServers() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer.start( "failed_discovery.script", 9001 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); //Expect exception.expect( ServiceUnavailableException.class ); // When GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); } @Test public void shouldHandleLeaderSwitchWhenWriting() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server that doesn't accept writes StubServer.start( "not_able_to_write_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); boolean failed = false; try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ) ) { session.run( "CREATE ()" ).consume(); } catch ( SessionExpiredException e ) { failed = true; assertThat( e.getMessage(), equalTo( "Server at no longer accepts writes" ) ); } assertTrue( failed ); driver.close(); // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldHandleLeaderSwitchWhenWritingWithoutConsuming() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server that doesn't accept writes StubServer.start( "not_able_to_write_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); boolean failed = false; try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ) ) { session.run( "CREATE ()" ); } catch ( SessionExpiredException e ) { failed = true; assertThat( e.getMessage(), equalTo( "Server at no longer accepts writes" ) ); } assertTrue( failed ); driver.close(); // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldHandleLeaderSwitchWhenWritingInTransaction() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server that doesn't accept writes StubServer.start( "not_able_to_write_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); boolean failed = false; try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE ()" ).consume(); } catch ( SessionExpiredException e ) { failed = true; assertThat( e.getMessage(), equalTo( "Server at no longer accepts writes" ) ); } assertTrue( failed ); driver.close(); // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldHandleLeaderSwitchWhenWritingInTransactionWithoutConsuming() throws IOException, InterruptedException, StubServer.ForceKilled { // Given StubServer server = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); //START a write server that doesn't accept writes StubServer.start( "not_able_to_write_server.script", 9007 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); boolean failed = false; try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE ); Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE ()" ); } catch ( SessionExpiredException e ) { failed = true; assertThat( e.getMessage(), equalTo( "Server at no longer accepts writes" ) ); } assertTrue( failed ); driver.close(); // Finally assertThat( server.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldSendAndReceiveBookmark() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_tx_with_bookmarks.script", 9007 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session( "OldBookmark" ) ) { try ( Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); tx.success(); } assertEquals( "NewBookmark", session.lastBookmark() ); } assertThat( router.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldSendInitialBookmark() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_tx_with_bookmarks.script", 9007 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session( "OldBookmark" ) ) { try ( Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); tx.success(); } assertEquals( "NewBookmark", session.lastBookmark() ); } assertThat( router.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldUseWriteSessionModeAndInitialBookmark() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_tx_with_bookmarks.script", 9008 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.WRITE, "OldBookmark" ) ) { try ( Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); tx.success(); } assertEquals( "NewBookmark", session.lastBookmark() ); } assertThat( router.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldUseReadSessionModeAndInitialBookmark() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "read_tx_with_bookmarks.script", 9005 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ, "OldBookmark" ) ) { try ( Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { List<Record> records = tx.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name AS name" ).list(); assertEquals( 2, records.size() ); assertEquals( "Bob", records.get( 0 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); assertEquals( "Alice", records.get( 1 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); tx.success(); } assertEquals( "NewBookmark", session.lastBookmark() ); } assertThat( router.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldPassBookmarkFromTransactionToTransaction() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_read_tx_with_bookmarks.script", 9007 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session( "BookmarkA" ) ) { try ( Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { tx.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); tx.success(); } assertEquals( "BookmarkB", session.lastBookmark() ); try ( Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction() ) { List<Record> records = tx.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name AS name" ).list(); assertEquals( 1, records.size() ); assertEquals( "Bob", records.get( 0 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); tx.success(); } assertEquals( "BookmarkC", session.lastBookmark() ); } assertThat( router.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); assertThat( writer.exitStatus(), equalTo( 0 ) ); } @Test public void shouldRetryReadTransactionUntilSuccess() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer brokenReader = StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9005 ); StubServer reader = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9006 ); try ( Driver driver = newDriverWithSleeplessClock( "bolt+routing://" ); Session session = driver.session() ) { AtomicInteger invocations = new AtomicInteger(); List<Record> records = session.readTransaction( queryWork( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name", invocations ) ); assertEquals( 3, records.size() ); assertEquals( 2, invocations.get() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenReader.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, reader.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldRetryWriteTransactionUntilSuccess() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer brokenWriter = StubServer.start( "dead_write_server.script", 9007 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9008 ); try ( Driver driver = newDriverWithSleeplessClock( "bolt+routing://" ); Session session = driver.session() ) { AtomicInteger invocations = new AtomicInteger(); List<Record> records = session.writeTransaction( queryWork( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})", invocations ) ); assertEquals( 0, records.size() ); assertEquals( 2, invocations.get() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenWriter.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, writer.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldRetryReadTransactionUntilFailure() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer brokenReader1 = StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9005 ); StubServer brokenReader2 = StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9006 ); try ( Driver driver = newDriverWithFixedRetries( "bolt+routing://", 1 ); Session session = driver.session() ) { AtomicInteger invocations = new AtomicInteger(); try { session.readTransaction( queryWork( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name", invocations ) ); fail( "Exception expected" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { assertThat( e, instanceOf( SessionExpiredException.class ) ); } assertEquals( 2, invocations.get() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenReader1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenReader2.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldRetryWriteTransactionUntilFailure() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9001 ); StubServer brokenWriter1 = StubServer.start( "dead_write_server.script", 9007 ); StubServer brokenWriter2 = StubServer.start( "dead_write_server.script", 9008 ); try ( Driver driver = newDriverWithFixedRetries( "bolt+routing://", 1 ); Session session = driver.session() ) { AtomicInteger invocations = new AtomicInteger(); try { session.writeTransaction( queryWork( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})", invocations ) ); fail( "Exception expected" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { assertThat( e, instanceOf( SessionExpiredException.class ) ); } assertEquals( 2, invocations.get() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenWriter1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenWriter2.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldRetryReadTransactionAndPerformRediscoveryUntilSuccess() throws Exception { StubServer router1 = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9010 ); StubServer brokenReader1 = StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9005 ); StubServer brokenReader2 = StubServer.start( "dead_read_server.script", 9006 ); StubServer router2 = StubServer.start( "discover_servers.script", 9003 ); StubServer reader = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9004 ); try ( Driver driver = newDriverWithSleeplessClock( "bolt+routing://" ); Session session = driver.session() ) { AtomicInteger invocations = new AtomicInteger(); List<Record> records = session.readTransaction( queryWork( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name", invocations ) ); assertEquals( 3, records.size() ); assertEquals( 3, invocations.get() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenReader1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenReader2.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, router2.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, reader.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldRetryWriteTransactionAndPerformRediscoveryUntilSuccess() throws Exception { StubServer router1 = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9010 ); StubServer brokenWriter1 = StubServer.start( "dead_write_server.script", 9007 ); StubServer brokenWriter2 = StubServer.start( "dead_write_server.script", 9008 ); StubServer router2 = StubServer.start( "discover_servers.script", 9002 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9001 ); try ( Driver driver = newDriverWithSleeplessClock( "bolt+routing://" ); Session session = driver.session() ) { AtomicInteger invocations = new AtomicInteger(); List<Record> records = session.writeTransaction( queryWork( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})", invocations ) ); assertEquals( 0, records.size() ); assertEquals( 3, invocations.get() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenWriter1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, brokenWriter2.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, router2.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, writer.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldUseInitialRouterForRediscoveryWhenAllOtherRoutersAreDead() throws Exception { // initial router does not have itself in the returned set of routers StubServer router = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9010 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ) ) { try ( Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ) ) { // restart router on the same port with different script that contains itself as reader assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); router = StubServer.start( "rediscover_using_initial_router.script", 9010 ); List<String> names = readStrings( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name AS name", session ); assertEquals( asList( "Bob", "Alice" ), names ); } } assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); } @Test public void shouldInvokeProcedureGetRoutingTableWhenServerVersionPermits() throws Exception { // stub server is both a router and reader StubServer server = StubServer.start( "get_routing_table.script", 9001 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session() ) { List<Record> records = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name AS name" ).list(); assertEquals( 3, records.size() ); assertEquals( "Alice", records.get( 0 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); assertEquals( "Bob", records.get( 1 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); assertEquals( "Eve", records.get( 2 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, server.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldSendRoutingContextToServer() throws Exception { // stub server is both a router and reader StubServer server = StubServer.start( "get_routing_table_with_context.script", 9001 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://®ion=china" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session() ) { List<Record> records = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name AS name" ).list(); assertEquals( 2, records.size() ); assertEquals( "Alice", records.get( 0 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); assertEquals( "Bob", records.get( 1 ).get( "name" ).asString() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, server.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldIgnoreRoutingContextWhenServerDoesNotSupportIt() throws Exception { // stub server is both a router and reader StubServer server = StubServer.start( "rediscover_and_read_with_init.script", 9001 ); URI uri = URI.create( "bolt+routing://" ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( uri, config ); Session session = driver.session() ) { List<Record> records = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ).list(); assertEquals( 2, records.size() ); assertEquals( "Bob", records.get( 0 ).get( 0 ).asString() ); assertEquals( "Tina", records.get( 1 ).get( 0 ).asString() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, server.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldServeReadsButFailWritesWhenNoWritersAvailable() throws Exception { StubServer router1 = StubServer.start( "discover_no_writers.script", 9010 ); StubServer router2 = StubServer.start( "discover_no_writers.script", 9004 ); StubServer reader = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9003 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session() ) { assertEquals( asList( "Bob", "Alice", "Tina" ), readStrings( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name", session ) ); try { session.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ).consume(); fail( "Exception expected" ); } catch ( Exception e ) { assertThat( e, instanceOf( SessionExpiredException.class ) ); } } finally { assertEquals( 0, router1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, router2.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, reader.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldAcceptRoutingTableWithoutWritersAndThenRediscover() throws Exception { // first router does not have itself in the resulting routing table so connection // towards it will be closed after rediscovery StubServer router1 = StubServer.start( "discover_no_writers.script", 9010 ); StubServer router2 = null; StubServer reader = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9003 ); StubServer writer = StubServer.start( "write_server.script", 9007 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session() ) { // start another router which knows about writes, use same address as the initial router router2 = StubServer.start( "acquire_endpoints.script", 9010 ); assertEquals( asList( "Bob", "Alice", "Tina" ), readStrings( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name", session ) ); StatementResult createResult = session.run( "CREATE (n {name:'Bob'})" ); assertFalse( createResult.hasNext() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router1.exitStatus() ); assertNotNull( router2 ); assertEquals( 0, router2.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, reader.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, writer.exitStatus() ); } } @Test public void shouldTreatRoutingTableWithSingleRouterAsValid() throws Exception { StubServer router = StubServer.start( "discover_one_router.script", 9010 ); StubServer reader1 = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9003 ); StubServer reader2 = StubServer.start( "read_server.script", 9004 ); try ( Driver driver = GraphDatabase.driver( "bolt+routing://", config ); Session session = driver.session( AccessMode.READ ) ) { // returned routing table contains only one router, this should be fine and we should be able to // read multiple times without additional rediscovery StatementResult readResult1 = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ); assertEquals( "", readResult1.summary().server().address() ); assertEquals( 3, readResult1.list().size() ); StatementResult readResult2 = session.run( "MATCH (n) RETURN n.name" ); assertEquals( "", readResult2.summary().server().address() ); assertEquals( 3, readResult2.list().size() ); } finally { assertEquals( 0, router.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, reader1.exitStatus() ); assertEquals( 0, reader2.exitStatus() ); } } private static Driver newDriverWithSleeplessClock( String uriString ) { DriverFactory driverFactory = new DriverFactoryWithClock( new SleeplessClock() ); return newDriver( uriString, driverFactory ); } private static Driver newDriverWithFixedRetries( String uriString, int retries ) { DriverFactory driverFactory = new DriverFactoryWithFixedRetryLogic( retries ); return newDriver( uriString, driverFactory ); } private static Driver newDriver( String uriString, DriverFactory driverFactory ) { URI uri = URI.create( uriString ); RoutingSettings routingConf = new RoutingSettings( 1, 1, null ); AuthToken auth = AuthTokens.none(); return driverFactory.newInstance( uri, auth, routingConf, RetrySettings.DEFAULT, config ); } private static TransactionWork<List<Record>> queryWork( final String query, final AtomicInteger invocations ) { return new TransactionWork<List<Record>>() { @Override public List<Record> execute( Transaction tx ) { invocations.incrementAndGet(); return tx.run( query ).list(); } }; } private static List<String> readStrings( final String query, Session session ) { return session.readTransaction( new TransactionWork<List<String>>() { @Override public List<String> execute( Transaction tx ) { List<Record> records = tx.run( query ).list(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<>( records.size() ); for ( Record record : records ) { names.add( record.get( 0 ).asString() ); } return names; } } ); } }