/* * myLib - https://github.com/taktod/myLib * Copyright (c) 2014 ttProject. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under The MIT license. */ package com.ttProject.frame.mp3; /** * def of tag genre * @author taktod */ public enum TagGenre { Blues(0), ClassicRock(1), Country(2), Dance(3), Disco(4), Funk(5), Grunge(6), HipHop(7), Jazz(8), Metal(9), NewAge(10), Oldies(11), Other(12), Pop(13), RandB(14), Rap(15), Reggae(16), Rock(17), Techno(18), Industrial(19), Alternative(20), Ska(21), DeathMetal(22), Pranks(23), Soundtrack(24), EuroTechno(25), Ambient(26), TripHop(27), Vocal(28), JazzFunk(29), Fusion(30), Trance(31), Classical(32), Instrumental(33), Acid(34), House(35), Game(36), SoundClip(37), Gospel(38), Noise(39), AlternRock(40), Bass(41), Soul(42), Punk(43), Space(44), Meditative(45), InstrumentalPop(46), InstrumentalRock(47), Ethnic(48), Gothic(49), Darkwave(50), TechnoIndustrial(51), Electronic(52), PopFolk(53), EuroDance(54), Dream(55), SouthernRock(56), Comedy(57), Cult(58), Gangsta(59), Top40(60), ChristianRap(61), PopFunk(62), Jungle(63), NativeAmerican(64), Cabaret(65), NewWave(66), Psychadelic(67), Rave(68), Showtunes(69), Trailer(70), LoFi(71), Tribal(72), AcidPunk(73), AcidJazz(74), Polka(75), Retro(76), Musical(77), RocknRoll(78), HardRock(79), // for winAmp expanded Folk(80), FolkRock(81), NationalFolk(82), Swing(83), FastFusion(84), Bebob(85), Latin(86), Revival(87), Celtic(88), Bluegrass(89), Avantgarde(90), GothicRock(91), ProgressiveRock(92), PsychedelicRock(93), SymphonicRock(94), SlowRock(95), BigBand(96), Chorus(97), EasyListening(98), Acoustic(99), Humour(100), Speech(101), Chanson(102), Opera(103), ChamberMusic(104), Sonata(105), Symphony(106), BootyBrass(107), Primus(108), PornGroove(109), Satire(110), SlowJam(111), Club(112), Tango(113), Samba(114), Folklore(115), Ballad(116), PowerBallad(117), RhythmicSoul(118), Freestyle(119), Duet(120), PunkRock(121), DrumSolo(122), ACapela(123), EuroHouse(124), DanceHall(125); private final int value; private TagGenre(int value) { this.value = value; } public int intValue() { return value; } public static TagGenre getGenre(int value) throws Exception { for(TagGenre genre : values()) { if(genre.intValue() == value) { return genre; } } throw new Exception("unsupported value:" + value); } }