package org.mvel2.tests.templates; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.mvel2.CompileException; import org.mvel2.MVEL; import org.mvel2.ParserContext; import org.mvel2.integration.VariableResolverFactory; import org.mvel2.integration.impl.MapVariableResolverFactory; import org.mvel2.templates.CompiledTemplate; import org.mvel2.templates.SimpleTemplateRegistry; import org.mvel2.templates.TemplateCompiler; import org.mvel2.templates.TemplateRegistry; import org.mvel2.templates.TemplateRuntime; import org.mvel2.tests.core.CoreConfidenceTests; import org.mvel2.tests.core.res.Bar; import org.mvel2.tests.core.res.Base; import org.mvel2.tests.core.res.Foo; import org.mvel2.tests.core.res.TestMVEL197; import org.mvel2.tests.templates.tests.res.TestPluginNode; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import static org.mvel2.templates.TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate; @SuppressWarnings({"AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes"}) public class TemplateTests extends TestCase { private Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); private VariableResolverFactory vrf = new MapVariableResolverFactory(map); private Foo foo = new Foo(); private Base base = new Base(); public TemplateTests() { map.put("_foo_", "Foo"); map.put("_bar_", "Bar"); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(3); list.add("Jane"); list.add("John"); list.add("Foo"); map.put("arrayList", list); foo.setBar(new Bar()); map.put("foo", foo); map.put("a", null); map.put("b", null); map.put("c", "cat"); map.put("BWAH", ""); map.put("pi", "3.14"); map.put("hour", "60"); map.put("zero", 0); //noinspection UnnecessaryBoxing map.put("doubleTen", new Double(10)); map.put("variable_with_underscore", "HELLO"); map.put("testImpl", new TestInterface() { public String getName() { return "FOOBAR!"; } public boolean isFoo() { return true; } }); } public Object test(String template) { CompiledTemplate compiled = compileTemplate(template); return TemplateRuntime.execute(compiled, base, vrf); } public void testPassThru() { String s = "foobar!"; assertEquals("foobar!", test(s)); } public void testBasicParsing() { String s = "foo: @{_foo_}--@{_bar_}!"; assertEquals("foo: Foo--Bar!", test(s)); } public void testIfStatement() { String s = "@if{_foo_=='Foo'}Hello@end{}"; assertEquals("Hello", test(s)); } public void testIfStatement2() { String s = "@if{_foo_=='Bar'}Hello@else{_foo_=='Foo'}Goodbye@end{}"; assertEquals("Goodbye", test(s)); } public void testIfStatement3() { String s = "@if{_foo_=='Bar'}Hello@else{_foo_=='foo'}Goodbye@else{}Nope@end{}"; assertEquals("Nope", test(s)); } public void testIfStatement4() { String s = "@if{_foo_=='Foo'}Hello@else{_foo_=='foo'}Goodbye@else{}Nope@end{}End"; assertEquals("HelloEnd", test(s)); } public void testIfStatement5() { String s = "@if{_foo_=='foo'}Hello@end{}Goodbye"; assertEquals("Goodbye", test(s)); } public void testIfNesting() { String s = "@if{_foo_=='Foo'}Hello@if{_bar_=='Bar'}Bar@end{}@else{_foo_=='foo'}Goodbye@else{}Nope@end{}"; assertEquals("HelloBar", test(s)); } public void testForEach() { String s = "List:@foreach{item : arrayList}@{item}@end{}"; assertEquals("List:JaneJohnFoo", test(s)); } public void testForEachMulti() { String s = "Multi:@foreach{item : arrayList, item2 : arrayList}@{item}-@{item2}@end{','}:Multi"; assertEquals("Multi:Jane-Jane,John-John,Foo-Foo:Multi", test(s)); } public void testComplexTemplate() { String s = "@foreach{item : arrayList}@if{item[0] == 'J'}@{item}@end{}@end{}"; assertEquals("JaneJohn", test(s)); } public void testFileBasedEval() { assertEquals("Foo::Bar", TemplateRuntime.eval(new File("src/test/java/org/mvel2/tests/templates/"), base, new MapVariableResolverFactory(map), null)); } public void testInclusionOfTemplateFile() { String s = "<<@include{'src/test/java/org/mvel2/tests/templates/'}>>"; assertEquals("<<Foo::Bar>>", test(s)); } public void testInclusionOfTemplateFile2() { String s = "<<@include{'src/test/java/org/mvel2/tests/templates/'}>>"; try { test(s); } catch (CompileException e) { System.out.println(e.toString() ); return; } assertTrue(false); } public void testForEachException1() { String s = "<<@foreach{arrayList}@{item}@end{}>>"; try { test(s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); return; } assertTrue(false); } public void testForEachException2() { String s = "<<@foreach{item:arrayList}@{item}>>"; try { test(s); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.toString()); return; } assertTrue(false); } public void testTemplateFile() { String s = (String) TemplateRuntime.eval(new File("src/test/java/org/mvel2/tests/templates/"), base, new MapVariableResolverFactory(map), null); System.out.println(s); } public void testInclusionOfNamedTemplate() { SimpleTemplateRegistry registry = new SimpleTemplateRegistry(); registry.addNamedTemplate("footemplate", compileTemplate("@{_foo_}@{_bar_}")); registry.addNamedTemplate("bartemplate", compileTemplate("@{_bar_}@{_foo_}")); String s = "@includeNamed{'footemplate'} :: @includeNamed{'bartemplate'}"; assertEquals("FooBar :: BarFoo", TemplateRuntime.eval(s, map, registry)); } @SuppressWarnings({"AssertEqualsBetweenInconvertibleTypes"}) public void testExpressions() { String s = "@{_foo_.length()}"; Object r = test(s); assertEquals(3, r); } public void testCode() { String s = "@code{a = 'foo'; b = 'bar'}@{a}@{b}"; assertEquals("foobar", test(s)); } public void testInlineDeclarations() { String s = "@declare{'fudge'}Hello @{name}!@end{}@includeNamed{'fudge'; name='John'} -- @includeNamed{'fudge'; name='Mary'}"; assertEquals("Hello John! -- Hello Mary!", test(s)); } public void testInlineDeclarations2() { String s = "@declare{'fudge'}Hello @{name}!@end{}@code{toInclude='fudge'}@includeNamed{toInclude; name='John'} -- @includeNamed{toInclude; name='Mary'}"; assertEquals("Hello John! -- Hello Mary!", test(s)); } public void testPluginNode() { Map<String, Class<? extends org.mvel2.templates.res.Node>> plugins = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends org.mvel2.templates.res.Node>>(); plugins.put("testNode", TestPluginNode.class); TemplateCompiler compiler = new TemplateCompiler("Foo:@testNode{}!!", plugins); CompiledTemplate compiled = compiler.compile(); assertEquals("Foo:THIS_IS_A_TEST!!", TemplateRuntime.execute(compiled)); } public void testComments() { assertEquals("Foo", test("@comment{ This section is commented }@{_foo_}")); } /** * Integration of old tests */ public void testPassThru2() { assertEquals("", TemplateRuntime.eval("", map)); } public void testMethodOnValue() { assertEquals("DOG", test("@{}")); } public void testSimpleProperty() { assertEquals("dog", test("@{}")); } public void testBooleanOperator() { assertEquals(true, test("@{ == true}")); } public void testBooleanOperator2() { assertEquals(false, test("@{ == false}")); } public void testTextComparison() { assertEquals(true, test("@{ == 'dog'}")); } public void testNETextComparison() { assertEquals(true, test("@{ != 'foo'}")); } public void testChor() { assertEquals("cat", test("@{a or b or c}")); } public void testChorWithLiteral() { assertEquals("fubar", test("@{a or 'fubar'}")); } public void testNullCompare() { assertEquals(true, test("@{c != null}")); } public void testAnd() { assertEquals(true, test("@{c != null && == 'dog' &&}")); } public void testMath() { assertEquals(188.4, test("@{pi * hour}")); } public void testTemplating() { assertEquals("dogDOGGIE133.5", test("@{}DOGGIE@{hour*2.225+1-1}")); } public void testComplexAnd() { assertEquals(true, test("@{(pi * hour) > 0 && foo.happy() == 'happyBar'}")); } public void testModulus() { assertEquals(38392 % 2, test("@{38392 % 2}")); } public void testLessThan() { assertEquals(true, test("@{pi < 3.15}")); assertEquals(true, test("@{pi <= 3.14}")); assertEquals(false, test("@{pi > 3.14}")); assertEquals(true, test("@{pi >= 3.14}")); } public void testMethodAccess() { assertEquals("happyBar", test("@{foo.happy()}")); } public void testMethodAccess2() { assertEquals("FUBAR", test("@{foo.toUC('fubar')}")); } public void testMethodAccess3() { assertEquals(true, test("@{equalityCheck(c, 'cat')}")); } public void testMethodAccess4() { assertEquals(null, test("@{readBack(null)}")); } public void testMethodAccess5() { assertEquals("nulltest", test("@{appendTwoStrings(null, 'test')}")); } public void testMethodAccess6() { assertEquals(false, test("@{!}")); } public void testNegation() { assertEquals(true, test("@{!fun && !fun}")); } public void testNegation2() { assertEquals(false, test("@{fun && !fun}")); } public void testNegation3() { assertEquals(true, test("@{!(fun && fun)}")); } public void testNegation4() { assertEquals(false, test("@{(fun && fun)}")); } public void testMultiStatement() { assertEquals(true, test("@{populate(); barfoo == 'sarah'}")); } public void testAssignment2() { assertEquals("sarah", test("@{populate(); blahfoo = barfoo}")); } public void testOr() { assertEquals(true, test("@{fun || true}")); } public void testLiteralPassThrough() { assertEquals(true, test("@{true}")); } public void testLiteralPassThrough2() { assertEquals(false, test("@{false}")); } public void testLiteralPassThrough3() { assertEquals(null, test("@{null}")); } public void testControlLoopList() { assertEquals("HappyHappy!JoyJoy!", test( "@foreach{item : list}" + "@{item}" + "@end{}" )); } public void testControlLoopArray() { assertEquals("Happy0Happy!1Joy2Joy!3", test( "@code{i=0}@foreach{item : array}" + "@{item}@{i++}" + "@end{}" )); } public void testMultiCollectionControlLoop() { assertEquals("0=Happy:Happy,1=Happy!:Happy!,2=Joy:Joy,3=Joy!:Joy!", test( "@code{i=0}@foreach{item : list, listItem : array}" + "@{i++}=@{item}:@{listItem}" + "@end{','}" )); } public void testControlLoopListMultiple() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { testControlLoopList(); } } public void testControlLoopArrayMultiple() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { testControlLoopArray(); } } public static interface TestInterface { public String getName(); public boolean isFoo(); } public void testControlLoop2() { assertEquals("HappyHappy!JoyJoy!", test( "@foreach{item : list}" + "@{item}" + "@end{}" )); } public void testControlLoop3() { assertEquals("HappyHappy!JoyJoy!", test( "@foreach{item : list }" + "@{item}" + "@end{}" )); } public void testIfStatement6() { assertEquals("sarah", test("@if{'fun' == 'fun'}sarah@end{}")); } public void testIfStatement7() { assertEquals("poo", test("@if{'fun' == 'bar'}sarah@else{}poo@end{}")); } public void testRegEx() { assertEquals(true, test("@{ ~= '[a-z].+'}")); } public void testRegExNegate() { assertEquals(false, test("@{!( ~= '[a-z].+')}")); } public void testRegEx2() { assertEquals(true, test("@{ ~= '[a-z].+' && != null}")); } public void testBlank() { assertEquals(true, test("@{'' == empty}")); } public void testBlank2() { assertEquals(true, test("@{BWAH == empty}")); } public void testTernary() { assertEquals("foobie", test("@{zero==0?'foobie':zero}")); } public void testTernary2() { assertEquals("blimpie", test("@{zero==1?'foobie':'blimpie'}")); } public void testTernary3() { assertEquals("foobiebarbie", test("@{zero==1?'foobie':'foobie'+'barbie'}")); } public void testTernary4() { assertEquals("no", test("@{ackbar ? 'yes' : 'no'}")); } public void testStrAppend() { assertEquals("foobarcar", test("@{'foo' + 'bar' + 'car'}")); } public void testStrAppend2() { assertEquals("foobarcar1", test("@{'foobar' + 'car' + 1}")); } public void testInstanceCheck1() { assertEquals(true, test("@{c is java.lang.String}")); } public void testInstanceCheck2() { assertEquals(false, test("@{pi is java.lang.Integer}")); } public void testBitwiseOr1() { assertEquals(6, test("@{2 | 4}")); } public void testBitwiseOr2() { assertEquals(true, test("@{(2 | 1) > 0}")); } public void testBitwiseOr3() { assertEquals(true, test("@{(2 | 1) == 3}")); } public void testBitwiseAnd1() { assertEquals(2, test("@{2 & 3}")); } public void testShiftLeft() { assertEquals(4, test("@{2 << 1}")); } public void testUnsignedShiftLeft() { assertEquals(2, test("@{-2 <<< 0}")); } public void testShiftRight() { assertEquals(128, test("@{256 >> 1}")); } public void testXOR() { assertEquals(3, test("@{1 ^ 2}")); } public void testContains1() { assertEquals(true, test("@{list contains 'Happy!'}")); } public void testContains2() { assertEquals(false, test("@{list contains 'Foobie'}")); } public void testContains3() { assertEquals(true, test("@{sentence contains 'fox'}")); } public void testContains4() { assertEquals(false, test("@{sentence contains 'mike'}")); } public void testContains5() { assertEquals(true, test("@{!(sentence contains 'mike')}")); } public void testTokenMethodAccess() { assertEquals(String.class, test("@{a = 'foo'; a.getClass()}")); } public void testArrayCreationWithLength() { assertEquals(2, test("@{Array.getLength({'foo', 'bar'})}")); } public void testMapCreation() { assertEquals("sarah", test("@{map = ['mike':'sarah','tom':'jacquelin']; map['mike']}")); } public void testProjectionSupport() { assertEquals(true, test("@{(name in things) contains 'Bob'}")); } public void testProjectionSupport2() { assertEquals(3, test("@{(name in things).size()}")); } public void testObjectInstantiation() { assertEquals("foobie", test("@{new java.lang.String('foobie')}")); } public void testObjectInstantiationWithMethodCall() { assertEquals("foobie", test("@{new String('foobie').toString()}")); } public void testObjectInstantiation2() { test("@{new String() is String}"); } public void testArrayCoercion() { assertEquals("gonk", test("@{funMethod( {'gonk', 'foo'} )}")); } public void testMapAccess() { assertEquals("dog", test("@{funMap['foo']}")); } public void testMapAccess2() { assertEquals("dog", test("@{}")); } public void testSoundex() { assertTrue((Boolean) test("@{'foobar' soundslike 'fubar'}")); } public void testSoundex2() { assertFalse((Boolean) test("@{'flexbar' soundslike 'fubar'}")); } public void testThisReference() { assertEquals(true, test("@{this}") instanceof Base); } public void testIfLoopInTemplate() { assertEquals("ONETWOTHREE", test("@foreach{item :things}@if{'Bob'}ONE@elseif{'Smith'}TWO@elseif{'Cow'}THREE@end{}@end{}")); } public void testStringEscaping() { assertEquals("\"Mike Brock\"", test("@{\"\\\"Mike Brock\\\"\"}")); } public void testStringEscaping2() { assertEquals("MVEL's Parser is Fast", test("@{'MVEL\\'s Parser is Fast'}")); } public void testNestedAtSymbol() { assertEquals("", test("email:@{''}")); } public void testEscape() { assertEquals("", test("foo@@@{''}")); } public void testEvalNodes() { assertEquals("foo", test("@eval{\"@{'foo'}\"}")); } public void testIteration1() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("a1"); list.add("a2"); list.add("a3"); String template = "@foreach{item : list}a@end{}"; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("list", list); String r = (String) TemplateRuntime.eval(template, map); System.out.println("r: " + r); assertEquals("aaa", r); } public void testIteration2() { Folder f1 = new Folder("f1", null); String template = "@{name} @foreach{item : children}a@end{}"; String r = (String) TemplateRuntime.eval(template, f1); System.out.println("r: " + r); } public void testIteration3() { Folder f = new Folder("a1", null); List<Page> list = f.getChildren(); String template = "@foreach{item : list}a@end{}"; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("list", list); String r = (String) TemplateRuntime.eval(template, map); System.out.println("r: " + r); assertEquals("aaa", r); } public void testIteration4() { Folder f = new Folder("a1", null); String template = "@foreach{item : f.children}a@end{}"; Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("f", f); String r = (String) TemplateRuntime.eval(template, map); System.out.println("r: " + r); assertEquals("aaa", r); } public void testMVEL197() { Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Object[] args = new Object[1]; TestMVEL197 test = new TestMVEL197(); test.setName1("name1"); test.setName2("name2"); args[0] = test; context.put("args", args); String template = "${(args[0].name1=='name1'&&args[0].name2=='name2')?'a':'b'}"; Object value = TemplateRuntime.eval(template, context); assertEquals("a", value); } public void testEscaping() { String template = "@@{'foo'}ABC"; assertEquals("@{'foo'}ABC", TemplateRuntime.eval(template, new Object())); } public class Page { String name; Folder parent; public Page(String name, Folder parent) { = name; this.parent = parent; } public String getName() { return name; } public Folder getParent() { return parent; } } public class Folder extends Page { public Folder(String name, Folder parent) { super(name, parent); } public List<Page> getChildren() { List<Page> list = new ArrayList<Page>(); list.add(new Page("a1", this)); list.add(new Page("a2", this)); list.add(new Page("a3", this)); return list; } } public void testMVEL229() { final Object context = new Object(); final String template = "@code{sumText = 0}@{sumText}"; System.out.println(TemplateRuntime.eval(template, new HashMap())); } public void testOutputStream1() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); OutputStream outstream = new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { sb.append((char) b); } }; String template = "@foreach{item:['foo','far']}@{item}@end{}"; CompiledTemplate compiled = TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate(template); TemplateRuntime.execute(compiled, new HashMap(), outstream); assertEquals("foofar", sb.toString()); } private Map<String, Object> setupVarsMVEL219() { Map<String, Object> vars = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); vars.put("bal", new BigDecimal("999.99")); vars.put("word", "ball"); vars.put("object", new CoreConfidenceTests.Dog()); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("foo", "bar"); map.put("fu", new CoreConfidenceTests.Dog()); map.put("trueValue", true); map.put("falseValue", false); map.put("one", 1); map.put("zero", 0); vars.put("map", map); return vars; } private Map<String, Object> setupVarsMVEL220() { Map<String, Object> vars = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); vars.put("word", "ball"); vars.put("object", new CoreConfidenceTests.Dog()); Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("foo", "bar"); map.put("fu", new CoreConfidenceTests.Dog()); map.put("trueValue", true); map.put("falseValue", false); map.put("one", 1); map.put("zero", 0); map.put("list", "john,paul,ringo,george"); vars.put("map", map); return vars; } String[] testCasesMVEL220 = { // "map[\"foundIt\"] = !(map['list']).contains(\"john\")", "map[\"foundIt\"] = !(map['list'].contains(\"john\"))", }; String[] templateTestCasesMVEL220 = { "@{map[\"foundIt\"] = !(map['list']).contains(\"john\")}", "@{map[\"foundIt\"] = !(map['list'].contains(\"john\"))}" }; public void testEvalMVEL220() { Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL220(); System.out.println("Evaluation====================="); for (String expr : testCasesMVEL220) { System.out.println("Evaluating '" + expr + "': ......"); Object ret = MVEL.eval(expr, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } System.out.println("Evaluation====================="); } public void testCompiledMVEL220() { Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL220(); System.out.println("Compilation====================="); for (String expr : testCasesMVEL220) { System.out.println("Compiling '" + expr + "': ......"); Serializable compiled = MVEL.compileExpression(expr); Boolean ret = (Boolean) MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } System.out.println("Compilation====================="); } public void testTemplateMVEL220() { Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL220(); System.out.println("Templates====================="); for (String expr : templateTestCasesMVEL220) { System.out.println("Templating '" + expr + "': ......"); Object ret = TemplateRuntime.eval(expr, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } System.out.println("Templates====================="); } String[] testCasesMVEL219 = { "map['foo']==map['foo']", // ok "(map['one'] > 0)", // ok "(map['one'] > 0) && (map['foo'] == map['foo'])", // ok "(map['one'] > 0) && (map['foo']==map['foo'])", // broken }; String[] templateTestCasesMVEL219 = { "@{map['foo']==map['foo']}", // ok "@(map['one'] > 0)}", // ok "@{(map['one'] > 0) && (map['foo'] == map['foo'])}", // ok "@{(map['one'] > 0) && (map['foo']==map['foo'])}" // broken }; public void testEvalMVEL219() { Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL219(); for (String expr : testCasesMVEL219) { System.out.println("Evaluating '" + expr + "': ......"); Object ret = MVEL.eval(expr, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } } public void testCompiledMVEL219() { Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL219(); for (String expr : testCasesMVEL219) { System.out.println("Compiling '" + expr + "': ......"); Serializable compiled = MVEL.compileExpression(expr); Boolean ret = (Boolean) MVEL.executeExpression(compiled, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } } public void testTemplateMVEL219() { Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL219(); for (String expr : templateTestCasesMVEL219) { System.out.println("Templating '" + expr + "': ......"); Object ret = TemplateRuntime.eval(expr, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } } public void testStringCoercion() { String expr = " buffer = new StringBuilder(); i = 10; buffer.append( i + \"blah\" ); buffer.toString()"; Serializable s = MVEL.compileExpression(expr); Object ret = MVEL.executeExpression(s, setupVarsMVEL219()); System.out.println(":" + ret); } public void testTemplateStringCoercion() { String expr = "@code{ buffer = new StringBuilder(); i = 10; buffer.append( i + \"blah\" );}@{buffer.toString()}"; Map<String, Object> vars = setupVarsMVEL219(); System.out.println("Templating '" + expr + "': ......"); Object ret = TemplateRuntime.eval(expr, vars); System.out.println("'" + expr + " ' = " + ret.toString()); assertNotNull(ret); } public void testMVEL244() { Foo244 foo = new Foo244("plop"); String template = "@foreach{val : foo.liste[0].liste} plop @end{}"; CompiledTemplate compiledTemplate = TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate(template); Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); model.put("foo", foo); System.out.println(TemplateRuntime.execute(compiledTemplate, new ParserContext(), new MapVariableResolverFactory(model))); } public void testImportsInTemplate() { String template = "@code{import java.util.HashMap; i = 10;}_____________@code{new HashMap().toString() + i}"; Map map = new HashMap(); Object result = TemplateRuntime.eval(template, map); assertNotNull("result cannot be null", result); assertEquals("result did not return string", String.class, result.getClass()); } public static class Foo244 { private List<Foo244> liste = new ArrayList<Foo244>(); private String val = ""; public Foo244() { } public Foo244(String plop) { liste.add(new Foo244()); liste.add(new Foo244()); liste.add(new Foo244()); liste.add(new Foo244()); liste.get(0).getListe().add(new Foo244()); liste.get(0).getListe().add(new Foo244()); liste.get(0).getListe().add(new Foo244()); liste.get(0).getListe().add(new Foo244()); } public List<Foo244> getListe() { return liste; } public void setListe(List<Foo244> liste) { this.liste = liste; } public String getVal() { return val; } public void setVal(String val) { this.val = val; } } public static class Node { public Node(int base, List<Node> list) { this.base = base; this.list = list; } public int base; public List<Node> list; } public void testDRLTemplate() { String template = "@declare{\"drl\"}@includeNamed{\"ced\"; node=root }@end{}" + "" + "@declare{\"ced\"}" + "@if{ node.base==1 } @includeNamed{ \"cedX\"; connect=\"AND\"; args=node.list }" + "@elseif{ node.base ==2 }@includeNamed{ \"cedX\"; connect=\"OR\"; args=node.list }" + "@end{}" + "@end{}" + "" + "@declare{\"cedX\"}@{connect}@foreach{child : args}" + "@includeNamed{\"ced\"; node=child; }@end{} @{connect}@end{}"; TemplateRegistry reportRegistry = new SimpleTemplateRegistry(); reportRegistry.addNamedTemplate("drl", TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate(template)); TemplateRuntime.execute(reportRegistry.getNamedTemplate("drl"), null, reportRegistry); Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<String, Object>(); context.put( "root", new Node( 2, Arrays.asList( new Node( 1, Collections.EMPTY_LIST ) ) ) ); String result = (String) TemplateRuntime.execute( reportRegistry.getNamedTemplate( "drl" ), null, new MapVariableResolverFactory( context ), reportRegistry ); assertEquals("OR AND AND OR", result); } }