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If you don't indicate a single choice of license, a * recipient has the option to distribute your version of this file under * either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or to extend the choice of license to * its licensees as provided above. However, if you add GPL Version 2 code * and therefore, elected the GPL Version 2 license, then the option applies * only if the new code is made subject to such option by the copyright * holder. */ package org.mule.devkit.model.code; /** * TypeReference for generating expressions containing operators */ abstract public class Op { private Op() { } /** * Determine whether the top level of an expression involves an * operator. */ static boolean hasTopOp(Expression e) { return (e instanceof UnaryOp) || (e instanceof BinaryOp); } /* -- Unary operators -- */ static private class UnaryOp extends AbstractExpression { protected String op; protected Expression e; protected boolean opFirst = true; UnaryOp(String op, Expression e) { this.op = op; this.e = e; } UnaryOp(Expression e, String op) { this.op = op; this.e = e; opFirst = false; } public void generate(Formatter f) { if (opFirst) { f.p('(').p(op).g(e).p(')'); } else { f.p('(').g(e).p(op).p(')'); } } } public static Expression minus(Expression e) { return new UnaryOp("-", e); } /** * Logical not <tt>'!x'</tt>. */ public static Expression not(Expression e) { if (e == ExpressionFactory.TRUE) { return ExpressionFactory.FALSE; } if (e == ExpressionFactory.FALSE) { return ExpressionFactory.TRUE; } return new UnaryOp("!", e); } public static Expression complement(Expression e) { return new UnaryOp("~", e); } static private class TightUnaryOp extends UnaryOp { TightUnaryOp(Expression e, String op) { super(e, op); } public void generate(Formatter f) { if (opFirst) { f.p(op).g(e); } else { f.g(e).p(op); } } } public static Expression incr(Expression e) { return new TightUnaryOp(e, "++"); } public static Expression decr(Expression e) { return new TightUnaryOp(e, "--"); } /* -- Binary operators -- */ static private class BinaryOp extends AbstractExpression { String op; Expression left; Generable right; BinaryOp(String op, Expression left, Generable right) { this.left = left; this.op = op; this.right = right; } public void generate(Formatter f) { f.p('('); if( left instanceof Assignment ) { f.p('(').g(left).p(')'); } else { f.g(left); } f.p(op).g(right).p(')'); } } public static Expression plus(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("+", left, right); } public static Expression minus(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("-", left, right); } public static Expression mul(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("*", left, right); } public static Expression div(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("/", left, right); } public static Expression mod(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("%", left, right); } public static Expression shl(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("<<", left, right); } public static Expression shr(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp(">>", left, right); } public static Expression shrz(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp(">>>", left, right); } public static Expression band(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("&", left, right); } public static Expression bor(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("|", left, right); } public static Expression cand(Expression left, Expression right) { if (left == ExpressionFactory.TRUE) { return right; } if (right == ExpressionFactory.TRUE) { return left; } if (left == ExpressionFactory.FALSE) { return left; // ExpressionFactory.FALSE } if (right == ExpressionFactory.FALSE) { return right; // ExpressionFactory.FALSE } return new BinaryOp("&&", left, right); } public static Expression cor(Expression left, Expression right) { if (left == ExpressionFactory.TRUE) { return left; // ExpressionFactory.TRUE } if (right == ExpressionFactory.TRUE) { return right; // ExpressionFactory.FALSE } if (left == ExpressionFactory.FALSE) { return right; } if (right == ExpressionFactory.FALSE) { return left; } return new BinaryOp("||", left, right); } public static Expression xor(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("^", left, right); } public static Expression lt(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("<", left, right); } public static Expression lte(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("<=", left, right); } public static Expression gt(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp(">", left, right); } public static Expression gte(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp(">=", left, right); } public static Expression eq(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("==", left, right); } public static Expression ne(Expression left, Expression right) { return new BinaryOp("!=", left, right); } public static Expression _instanceof(Expression left, Type right) { return new BinaryOp("instanceof", left, right); } /* -- Ternary operators -- */ static private class TernaryOp extends AbstractExpression { String op1; String op2; Expression e1; Expression e2; Expression e3; TernaryOp(String op1, String op2, Expression e1, Expression e2, Expression e3) { this.e1 = e1; this.op1 = op1; this.e2 = e2; this.op2 = op2; this.e3 = e3; } public void generate(Formatter f) { f.p('(').g(e1).p(op1).g(e2).p(op2).g(e3).p(')'); } } public static Expression cond(Expression cond, Expression ifTrue, Expression ifFalse) { return new TernaryOp("?", ":", cond, ifTrue, ifFalse); } }