/* * Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server * * Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. * * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. */ package com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.Reader; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Blob; import java.sql.Clob; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.time.OffsetTime; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Locale; /** * Parameter represents a JDBC parameter value that is supplied with a prepared or callable statement or an updatable result set. Parameter is JDBC * type specific and is capable of representing any Java native type as well as a number of Java object types including binary and character streams. */ final class Parameter { // Value type info for OUT parameters (excluding return status) private TypeInfo typeInfo; // For unencrypted paramters cryptometa will be null. For encrypted parameters it will hold encryption metadata. CryptoMetadata cryptoMeta = null; TypeInfo getTypeInfo() { return typeInfo; } final CryptoMetadata getCryptoMetadata() { return cryptoMeta; } private boolean shouldHonorAEForParameter = false; private boolean userProvidesPrecision = false; private boolean userProvidesScale = false; // The parameter type definition private String typeDefinition = null; boolean renewDefinition = false; // updated if sendStringParametersAsUnicode=true for setNString, setNCharacterStream, and setNClob methods private JDBCType jdbcTypeSetByUser = null; // set length of value for variable length type (String) private int valueLength = 0; private boolean forceEncryption = false; Parameter(boolean honorAE) { shouldHonorAEForParameter = honorAE; } // Flag set to true if this is a registered OUTPUT parameter. boolean isOutput() { return null != registeredOutDTV; } // Since a parameter can have only one type definition for both sending its value to the server (IN) // and getting its value from the server (OUT), we use the JDBC type of the IN parameter value if there // is one; otherwise we use the registered OUT param JDBC type. JDBCType getJdbcType() throws SQLServerException { return (null != inputDTV) ? inputDTV.getJdbcType() : JDBCType.UNKNOWN; } /** * Used when sendStringParametersAsUnicode=true to derive the appropriate National Character Set JDBC type corresponding to the specified JDBC * type. */ private static JDBCType getSSPAUJDBCType(JDBCType jdbcType) { switch (jdbcType) { case CHAR: return JDBCType.NCHAR; case VARCHAR: return JDBCType.NVARCHAR; case LONGVARCHAR: return JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR; case CLOB: return JDBCType.NCLOB; default: return jdbcType; } } // For parameters whose underlying type is not represented by a JDBC type // the transport type reflects how the value is sent to the // server (e.g. JDBCType.CHAR for GUID parameters). void registerForOutput(JDBCType jdbcType, SQLServerConnection con) throws SQLServerException { // DateTimeOffset is not supported with SQL Server versions earlier than Katmai if (JDBCType.DATETIMEOFFSET == jdbcType && !con.isKatmaiOrLater()) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported"), SQLState.DATA_EXCEPTION_NOT_SPECIFIC, DriverError.NOT_SET, null); } // sendStringParametersAsUnicode // If set to true, this connection property tells the driver to send textual parameters // to the server as Unicode rather than MBCS. This is accomplished here by re-tagging // the value with the appropriate corresponding Unicode type. if (con.sendStringParametersAsUnicode()) { if (shouldHonorAEForParameter) { setJdbcTypeSetByUser(jdbcType); } jdbcType = getSSPAUJDBCType(jdbcType); } registeredOutDTV = new DTV(); registeredOutDTV.setJdbcType(jdbcType); if (null == setterDTV) inputDTV = registeredOutDTV; resetOutputValue(); } int scale = 0; // Scale requested for a DECIMAL and NUMERIC OUT parameter. If the OUT parameter // is also non-null IN parameter, the scale will be the larger of this value and // the value of the IN parameter's scale. private int outScale = 4; int getOutScale() { return outScale; } void setOutScale(int outScale) { this.outScale = outScale; userProvidesScale = true; } // The parameter name private String name; private String schemaName; /* * The different DTVs representing the parameter's value: * * getterDTV - The OUT value, if set, of the parameter after execution. This is the value retrieved by CallableStatement getter methods. * * registeredOutDTV - The "IN" value corresponding to a SQL NULL with a JDBC type that was passed to the CallableStatement.registerOutParameter * method. Since SQL Server does not directly support OUT-only parameters (just IN and IN/OUT), the driver sends a null IN value for an OUT * parameter, unless the application set an input value (setterDTV) as well. * * setterDTV - The IN value, if set, of the parameter. This is the value set by PreparedStatement and CallableStatement setter methods. * * inputDTV - If set, refers to either setterDTV or registeredOutDTV depending on whether the parameter is IN, IN/OUT, or OUT-only. If cleared * (i.e. set to null), it means that no value is set for the parameter and that execution of the PreparedStatement or CallableStatement should * throw a "parameter not set" exception. * * Note that if the parameter value is a stream, the driver consumes its contents it at execution and clears inputDTV and setterDTV so that the * application must reset the parameter prior to the next execution to avoid getting a "parameter not set" exception. */ private DTV getterDTV; private DTV registeredOutDTV = null; private DTV setterDTV = null; private DTV inputDTV = null; /** * Clones this Parameter object for use in a batch. * * The clone method creates a shallow clone of the Parameter object. That is, the cloned instance references all of the same internal objects and * state as the original. * * Note: this method is purposely NOT the Object.clone() method, as that method has specific requirements and semantics that we don't need here. */ final Parameter cloneForBatch() { Parameter clonedParam = new Parameter(shouldHonorAEForParameter); clonedParam.typeInfo = typeInfo; clonedParam.typeDefinition = typeDefinition; clonedParam.outScale = outScale; clonedParam.name = name; clonedParam.getterDTV = getterDTV; clonedParam.registeredOutDTV = registeredOutDTV; clonedParam.setterDTV = setterDTV; clonedParam.inputDTV = inputDTV; clonedParam.cryptoMeta = cryptoMeta; clonedParam.jdbcTypeSetByUser = jdbcTypeSetByUser; clonedParam.valueLength = valueLength; clonedParam.userProvidesPrecision = userProvidesPrecision; clonedParam.userProvidesScale = userProvidesScale; return clonedParam; } /** * Skip value. */ final void skipValue(TDSReader tdsReader, boolean isDiscard) throws SQLServerException { if (null == getterDTV) getterDTV = new DTV(); deriveTypeInfo(tdsReader); getterDTV.skipValue(typeInfo, tdsReader, isDiscard); } /** * Skip value. */ final void skipRetValStatus(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { StreamRetValue srv = new StreamRetValue(); srv.setFromTDS(tdsReader); } // Clear an INPUT parameter value void clearInputValue() { setterDTV = null; inputDTV = registeredOutDTV; } // reset output value for re -execution // if there was old value reset it to a new DTV void resetOutputValue() { getterDTV = null; typeInfo = null; } void deriveTypeInfo(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { if (null == typeInfo) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.getInstance(tdsReader, true); if (shouldHonorAEForParameter && typeInfo.isEncrypted()) { // In this case, method getCryptoMetadata(tdsReader) retrieves baseTypeInfo without cryptoMetadata, // so save cryptoMetadata first. CekTableEntry cekEntry = cryptoMeta.getCekTableEntry(); cryptoMeta = (new StreamRetValue()).getCryptoMetadata(tdsReader); cryptoMeta.setCekTableEntry(cekEntry); } } } void setFromReturnStatus(int returnStatus, SQLServerConnection con) throws SQLServerException { if (null == getterDTV) getterDTV = new DTV(); getterDTV.setValue(null, JDBCType.INTEGER, new Integer(returnStatus), JavaType.INTEGER, null, null, null, con, getForceEncryption()); } void setValue(JDBCType jdbcType, Object value, JavaType javaType, StreamSetterArgs streamSetterArgs, Calendar calendar, Integer precision, Integer scale, SQLServerConnection con, boolean forceEncrypt, SQLServerStatementColumnEncryptionSetting stmtColumnEncriptionSetting, int parameterIndex, String userSQL, String tvpName) throws SQLServerException { if (shouldHonorAEForParameter) { userProvidesPrecision = false; userProvidesScale = false; if (null != precision) { userProvidesPrecision = true; } if (null != scale) { userProvidesScale = true; } // for encrypted tinyint, we need to convert short value to byte value, // otherwise it would be sent as smallint // Also, for setters, we are able to send tinyint to smallint // However, for output parameter, it might cause error. if (!isOutput()) { if ((JavaType.SHORT == javaType) && ((JDBCType.TINYINT == jdbcType) || (JDBCType.SMALLINT == jdbcType))) { // value falls in the TINYINT range if (((Short) value) >= 0 && ((Short) value) <= 255) { value = ((Short) value).byteValue(); javaType = JavaType.of(value); jdbcType = javaType.getJDBCType(SSType.UNKNOWN, jdbcType); } // value falls outside tinyint range. Throw an error if the user intends to send as tinyint. else { // This is for cases like setObject(1, Short.valueOf("-1"), java.sql.Types.TINYINT); if (JDBCType.TINYINT == jdbcType) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_InvalidDataForAE")); Object[] msgArgs = {javaType.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), jdbcType.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } } } } } // forceEncryption is true, shouldhonorae is false if ((true == forceEncrypt) && (false == Util.shouldHonorAEForParameters(stmtColumnEncriptionSetting, con))) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_ForceEncryptionTrue_HonorAEFalse")); Object[] msgArgs = {parameterIndex, userSQL}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(con, this, form.format(msgArgs), null, true); } // DateTimeOffset is not supported with SQL Server versions earlier than Katmai if ((JDBCType.DATETIMEOFFSET == jdbcType || JavaType.DATETIMEOFFSET == javaType) && !con.isKatmaiOrLater()) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_notSupported"), SQLState.DATA_EXCEPTION_NOT_SPECIFIC, DriverError.NOT_SET, null); } if (JavaType.TVP == javaType) { TVP tvpValue = null; if (null == value) { tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName); } else if (value instanceof SQLServerDataTable) { tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName, (SQLServerDataTable) value); } else if (value instanceof ResultSet) { tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName, (ResultSet) value); } else if (value instanceof ISQLServerDataRecord) { tvpValue = new TVP(tvpName, (ISQLServerDataRecord) value); } else { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_TVPInvalidValue")); Object[] msgArgs = {parameterIndex}; throw new SQLServerException(form.format(msgArgs), null); } if (!tvpValue.isNull() && (0 == tvpValue.getTVPColumnCount())) { throw new SQLServerException(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_TVPEmptyMetadata"), null); } name = (tvpValue).getTVPName(); schemaName = tvpValue.getOwningSchemaNameTVP(); value = tvpValue; } // setting JDBCType and exact length needed for AE stored procedure if (shouldHonorAEForParameter) { setForceEncryption(forceEncrypt); // set it if it is not output parameter or jdbcTypeSetByUser is null if (!(this.isOutput() && this.jdbcTypeSetByUser != null)) { setJdbcTypeSetByUser(jdbcType); } // skip it if is (character types or binary type) & is output parameter && value is already set, if ((!(jdbcType.isTextual() || jdbcType.isBinary())) || !(this.isOutput()) || (this.valueLength == 0)) { this.valueLength = Util.getValueLengthBaseOnJavaType(value, javaType, precision, scale, jdbcType); } if (null != scale) { this.outScale = scale; } } // sendStringParametersAsUnicode // If set to true, this connection property tells the driver to send textual parameters // to the server as Unicode rather than MBCS. This is accomplished here by re-tagging // the value with the appropriate corresponding Unicode type. if (con.sendStringParametersAsUnicode() && (JavaType.STRING == javaType || JavaType.READER == javaType || JavaType.CLOB == javaType)) { jdbcType = getSSPAUJDBCType(jdbcType); } DTV newDTV = new DTV(); newDTV.setValue(con.getDatabaseCollation(), jdbcType, value, javaType, streamSetterArgs, calendar, scale, con, forceEncrypt); if (!con.sendStringParametersAsUnicode()) { newDTV.sendStringParametersAsUnicode = false; } inputDTV = setterDTV = newDTV; } boolean isNull() { if (null != getterDTV) return getterDTV.isNull(); return false; } boolean isValueGotten() { return (null != getterDTV) ? (true) : (false); } Object getValue(JDBCType jdbcType, InputStreamGetterArgs getterArgs, Calendar cal, TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { if (null == getterDTV) getterDTV = new DTV(); deriveTypeInfo(tdsReader); // If the parameter is not encrypted or column encryption is turned off (either at connection or // statement level), cryptoMeta would be null. return getterDTV.getValue(jdbcType, outScale, getterArgs, cal, typeInfo, cryptoMeta, tdsReader); } int getInt(TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { Integer value = (Integer) getValue(JDBCType.INTEGER, null, null, tdsReader); return null != value ? value.intValue() : 0; } /** * DTV execute op to determine the parameter type definition. */ final class GetTypeDefinitionOp extends DTVExecuteOp { private static final String NVARCHAR_MAX = "nvarchar(max)"; private static final String NVARCHAR_4K = "nvarchar(4000)"; private static final String NTEXT = "ntext"; private static final String VARCHAR_MAX = "varchar(max)"; private static final String VARCHAR_8K = "varchar(8000)"; private static final String TEXT = "text"; private static final String VARBINARY_MAX = "varbinary(max)"; private static final String VARBINARY_8K = "varbinary(8000)"; private static final String IMAGE = "image"; private final Parameter param; private final SQLServerConnection con; GetTypeDefinitionOp(Parameter param, SQLServerConnection con) { this.param = param; this.con = con; } private void setTypeDefinition(DTV dtv) { switch (dtv.getJdbcType()) { case TINYINT: param.typeDefinition = SSType.TINYINT.toString(); break; case SMALLINT: param.typeDefinition = SSType.SMALLINT.toString(); break; case INTEGER: param.typeDefinition = SSType.INTEGER.toString(); break; case BIGINT: param.typeDefinition = SSType.BIGINT.toString(); break; case REAL: // sp_describe_parameter_encryption must be queried as real for AE if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ param.typeDefinition = SSType.REAL.toString(); break; } case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: param.typeDefinition = SSType.FLOAT.toString(); break; case DECIMAL: case NUMERIC: // First, bound the scale by the maximum allowed by SQL Server if (scale > SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision) scale = SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision; // Next, prepare with the largest of: // - the value's scale (initial value, as limited above) // - the specified input scale (if any) // - the registered output scale Integer inScale = dtv.getScale(); if (null != inScale && scale < inScale.intValue()) scale = inScale.intValue(); if (param.isOutput() && scale < param.getOutScale()) scale = param.getOutScale(); if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if (0 == valueLength) { // for prepared statement and callable statement, There are only two cases where valueLength is 0: // 1. when the parameter is output parameter // 2. for input parameter, the value is null // so, here, if the decimal parameter is encrypted and it is null and it is not outparameter // then we set precision as the default precision instead of max precision if (!isOutput()) { param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision + ", " + scale + ")"; } } else { if (SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision >= valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision + "," + scale + ")"; if (SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision < (valueLength + scale)) { param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + (SQLServerConnection.defaultDecimalPrecision + scale) + "," + scale + ")"; } } else { param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision + "," + scale + ")"; } } if (isOutput()) { param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision + ", " + scale + ")"; } if (userProvidesPrecision) { param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + valueLength + "," + scale + ")"; } } else param.typeDefinition = "decimal(" + SQLServerConnection.maxDecimalPrecision + "," + scale + ")"; break; case MONEY: param.typeDefinition = SSType.MONEY.toString(); break; case SMALLMONEY: param.typeDefinition = SSType.MONEY.toString(); if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { param.typeDefinition = SSType.SMALLMONEY.toString(); } break; case BIT: case BOOLEAN: param.typeDefinition = SSType.BIT.toString(); break; case LONGVARBINARY: case BLOB: param.typeDefinition = VARBINARY_MAX; break; case BINARY: case VARBINARY: // To avoid the server side cost of re-preparing, once a "long" type, always a "long" type... if (VARBINARY_MAX.equals(param.typeDefinition) || IMAGE.equals(param.typeDefinition)) break; if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "varbinary"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "varbinary(" + valueLength + ")"; } if (JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY == jdbcTypeSetByUser) { param.typeDefinition = VARBINARY_MAX; } } else param.typeDefinition = VARBINARY_8K; break; case DATE: // Bind DATE values to pre-Katmai servers as DATETIME (which has no DATE-only type). param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? SSType.DATE.toString() : SSType.DATETIME.toString(); break; case TIME: if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if (userProvidesScale) { param.typeDefinition = (SSType.TIME.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")"); } else { param.typeDefinition = param.typeDefinition = SSType.TIME.toString() + "(" + valueLength + ")"; } } else { param.typeDefinition = con.getSendTimeAsDatetime() ? SSType.DATETIME.toString() : SSType.TIME.toString(); } break; case TIMESTAMP: // Bind TIMESTAMP values to pre-Katmai servers as DATETIME. Bind TIMESTAMP values to // Katmai and later servers as DATETIME2 to take advantage of increased precision. if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if (userProvidesScale) { param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? (SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")") : (SSType.DATETIME.toString()); } else { param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? (SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + valueLength + ")") : SSType.DATETIME.toString(); } } else { param.typeDefinition = con.isKatmaiOrLater() ? SSType.DATETIME2.toString() : SSType.DATETIME.toString(); } break; case DATETIME: // send as Datetime by default param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString(); if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME.toString(); } if (!param.shouldHonorAEForParameter) { // if AE is off and it is output parameter of stored procedure, sent it as datetime2(3) // otherwise it returns incorrect milliseconds. if (param.isOutput()) { param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")"; } } else { // when AE is on, set it to Datetime by default, // However, if column is not encrypted and it is output parameter of stored procedure, // renew it to datetime2(3) if (null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition) { if (param.isOutput()) { param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")"; } break; } } break; case SMALLDATETIME: param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIME2.toString(); if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { param.typeDefinition = SSType.SMALLDATETIME.toString(); } break; case TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE: case TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIMEZONE: case DATETIMEOFFSET: if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if (userProvidesScale) { param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIMEOFFSET.toString() + "(" + outScale + ")"; } else { param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIMEOFFSET.toString() + "(" + valueLength + ")"; } } else { param.typeDefinition = SSType.DATETIMEOFFSET.toString(); } break; case LONGVARCHAR: case CLOB: param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX; break; case CHAR: case VARCHAR: // To avoid the server side cost of re-preparing, once a "long" type, always a "long" type... if (VARCHAR_MAX.equals(param.typeDefinition) || TEXT.equals(param.typeDefinition)) break; // Adding for case useColumnEncryption=true & sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && (null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "varchar"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "varchar(" + valueLength + ")"; if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX; } } } else param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_8K; break; case LONGNVARCHAR: if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && ((jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.VARCHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.CHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR))) { if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "varchar"; } else if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES < valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX; } else { param.typeDefinition = "varchar(" + valueLength + ")"; } if (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR) { param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX; } } else if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.NVARCHAR || jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR)) { if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar"; } else if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS < valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; } else { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")"; } if (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR) { param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; } } else { // used if setNull() is called with java.sql.Types.NCHAR if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")"; if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; } } } break; } else param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; break; case NCLOB: // do not need to check if AE is enabled or not, // because NCLOB does not work with it param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; break; case NCHAR: case NVARCHAR: // To avoid the server side cost of re-preparing, once a "long" type, always a "long" type... if (NVARCHAR_MAX.equals(param.typeDefinition) || NTEXT.equals(param.typeDefinition)) break; if (param.shouldHonorAEForParameter && !(null == param.getCryptoMetadata() && param.renewDefinition)) { /* * This means AE is ON in the connection, and (1) this is either the first round to SQL Server to get encryption meta data, or * (2) this is the second round of renewing meta data and parameter is encrypted In both of these cases we need to send * specific type info, otherwise generic type info can be used as before. */ if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && ((jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.VARCHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.CHAR) || (JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser))) { if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "varchar"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "varchar(" + valueLength + ")"; if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES < valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX; } } if (JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser) { param.typeDefinition = VARCHAR_MAX; } } else if ((null != jdbcTypeSetByUser) && ((jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.NVARCHAR) || (jdbcTypeSetByUser == JDBCType.NCHAR) || (JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser))) { if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")"; if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; } } if (JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR == jdbcTypeSetByUser) { param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; } } else { // used if setNull() is called with java.sql.Types.NCHAR if (0 == valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "nvarchar(" + valueLength + ")"; if (DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES <= valueLength) { param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_MAX; } } } break; } else param.typeDefinition = NVARCHAR_4K; break; case SQLXML: param.typeDefinition = SSType.XML.toString(); break; case TVP: // definition should contain the TVP name and the keyword READONLY String schema = param.schemaName; if (null != schema) { param.typeDefinition = "[" + schema + "].[" + param.name + "] READONLY"; } else { param.typeDefinition = "[" + param.name + "] READONLY"; } break; case GUID: param.typeDefinition = SSType.GUID.toString(); break; default: assert false : "Unexpected JDBC type " + dtv.getJdbcType(); break; } } void execute(DTV dtv, String strValue) throws SQLServerException { if (null != strValue && strValue.length() > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS) dtv.setJdbcType(JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR); setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Clob clobValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Byte byteValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Integer intValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, java.sql.Time timeValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, java.sql.Date dateValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, java.sql.Timestamp timestampValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, java.util.Date utildateValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, java.util.Calendar calendarValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, LocalDate localDateValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, LocalTime localTimeValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, LocalDateTime localDateTimeValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, OffsetTime offsetTimeValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, OffsetDateTime OffsetDateTimeValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, microsoft.sql.DateTimeOffset dtoValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Float floatValue) throws SQLServerException { scale = 4; setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Double doubleValue) throws SQLServerException { scale = 4; setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, BigDecimal bigDecimalValue) throws SQLServerException { if (null != bigDecimalValue) { scale = bigDecimalValue.scale(); // BigDecimal in JRE 1.5 and later JVMs exposes an implementation detail // that allows representation of large values in small space by interpreting // a negative value for scale to imply scientific notation (e.g. 1 E 10^n) // would have a scale of -n. A BigDecimal value with a negative scale has // no fractional component. if (scale < 0) scale = 0; } setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Long longValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, java.math.BigInteger bigIntegerValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Short shortValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Boolean booleanValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, byte[] byteArrayValue) throws SQLServerException { if (null != byteArrayValue && byteArrayValue.length > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES) dtv.setJdbcType(dtv.getJdbcType().isBinary() ? JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY : JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR); setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Blob blobValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, InputStream inputStreamValue) throws SQLServerException { StreamSetterArgs streamSetterArgs = dtv.getStreamSetterArgs(); JDBCType jdbcType = dtv.getJdbcType(); // If the JDBC type is currently a "short" type, then figure out if needs to be bumped up to a "long" type if (JDBCType.CHAR == jdbcType || JDBCType.VARCHAR == jdbcType || JDBCType.BINARY == jdbcType || JDBCType.VARBINARY == jdbcType) { // If we know the length is too long for a "short" type, then convert to a "long" type. if (streamSetterArgs.getLength() > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES) dtv.setJdbcType(jdbcType.isBinary() ? JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY : JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR); // If the length of the value is unknown, then figure out whether it is at least longer // than what will fit into a "short" type. else if (DataTypes.UNKNOWN_STREAM_LENGTH == streamSetterArgs.getLength()) { byte[] vartypeBytes = new byte[1 + DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES]; BufferedInputStream bufferedStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStreamValue, vartypeBytes.length); int bytesRead = 0; try { bufferedStream.mark(vartypeBytes.length); bytesRead = bufferedStream.read(vartypeBytes, 0, vartypeBytes.length); if (-1 == bytesRead) bytesRead = 0; bufferedStream.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_errorReadingStream")); Object[] msgArgs = {e.toString()}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, form.format(msgArgs), "", true); } dtv.setValue(bufferedStream, JavaType.INPUTSTREAM); // If the stream is longer than what can fit into the "short" type, then use the "long" type instead. // Otherwise, we know the exact stream length since we reached end of stream before reading SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES + 1 // bytes. So adjust the setter args to reflect the known length to avoid unnecessarily copying the // stream again in SendByRPCOp. if (bytesRead > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_BYTES) dtv.setJdbcType(jdbcType.isBinary() ? JDBCType.LONGVARBINARY : JDBCType.LONGVARCHAR); else streamSetterArgs.setLength(bytesRead); } } setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, Reader readerValue) throws SQLServerException { // If the JDBC type is currently a "short" type, then figure out if needs to be bumped up to a "long" type if (JDBCType.NCHAR == dtv.getJdbcType() || JDBCType.NVARCHAR == dtv.getJdbcType()) { StreamSetterArgs streamSetterArgs = dtv.getStreamSetterArgs(); // If we know the length is too long for a "short" type, then convert to a "long" type. if (streamSetterArgs.getLength() > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS) dtv.setJdbcType(JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR); // If the length of the value is unknown, then figure out whether it is at least longer // than what will fit into a "short" type. else if (DataTypes.UNKNOWN_STREAM_LENGTH == streamSetterArgs.getLength()) { char[] vartypeChars = new char[1 + DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS]; BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(readerValue, vartypeChars.length); int charsRead = 0; try { bufferedReader.mark(vartypeChars.length); charsRead = bufferedReader.read(vartypeChars, 0, vartypeChars.length); if (-1 == charsRead) charsRead = 0; bufferedReader.reset(); } catch (IOException e) { MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(SQLServerException.getErrString("R_errorReadingStream")); Object[] msgArgs = {e.toString()}; SQLServerException.makeFromDriverError(null, null, form.format(msgArgs), "", true); } dtv.setValue(bufferedReader, JavaType.READER); if (charsRead > DataTypes.SHORT_VARTYPE_MAX_CHARS) dtv.setJdbcType(JDBCType.LONGNVARCHAR); else streamSetterArgs.setLength(charsRead); } } setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, SQLServerSQLXML xmlValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } void execute(DTV dtv, com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.TVP tvpValue) throws SQLServerException { setTypeDefinition(dtv); } } /** * Returns a string used to define the parameter type for the server; null if no value for the parameter has been set or registered. */ String getTypeDefinition(SQLServerConnection con, TDSReader tdsReader) throws SQLServerException { if (null == inputDTV) return null; inputDTV.executeOp(new GetTypeDefinitionOp(this, con)); return typeDefinition; } void sendByRPC(TDSWriter tdsWriter, SQLServerConnection conn) throws SQLServerException { assert null != inputDTV : "Parameter was neither set nor registered"; try { inputDTV.sendCryptoMetaData(this.cryptoMeta, tdsWriter); inputDTV.jdbcTypeSetByUser(getJdbcTypeSetByUser(), getValueLength()); inputDTV.sendByRPC(name, null, conn.getDatabaseCollation(), valueLength, isOutput() ? outScale : scale, isOutput(), tdsWriter, conn); } finally { // reset the cryptoMeta in IOBuffer inputDTV.sendCryptoMetaData(null, tdsWriter); } // Per JDBC spec: // "If in the execution of a PreparedStatement object, the JDBC driver reads values set // for the parameter markers by the methods setAsciiStream, setBinaryStream, setCharacterStream, // setNCharacterStream, or setUnicodeStream, those parameters must be reset prior to the next // execution of the PreparedStatement object otherwise a SQLException will be thrown." // // Clear the input and setter DTVs to relinquish their hold on the stream resource and ensure // that the next call to execute will throw a SQLException (from getTypeDefinitionOp). // Don't clear the registered output DTV so that the parameter will still be an OUT (IN/OUT) parameter. if (JavaType.INPUTSTREAM == inputDTV.getJavaType() || JavaType.READER == inputDTV.getJavaType()) { inputDTV = setterDTV = null; } } JDBCType getJdbcTypeSetByUser() { return jdbcTypeSetByUser; } void setJdbcTypeSetByUser(JDBCType jdbcTypeSetByUser) { this.jdbcTypeSetByUser = jdbcTypeSetByUser; } int getValueLength() { return valueLength; } void setValueLength(int valueLength) { this.valueLength = valueLength; userProvidesPrecision = true; } boolean getForceEncryption() { return forceEncryption; } void setForceEncryption(boolean forceEncryption) { this.forceEncryption = forceEncryption; } }