/* * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2013 10gen, Inc. <http://10gen.com> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package course; import com.mongodb.*; import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.ACONST_NULL; import java.util.*; public class BlogPostDAO { DBCollection postsCollection; public BlogPostDAO(final DB blogDatabase) { postsCollection = blogDatabase.getCollection("posts"); } // Return a single post corresponding to a permalink public DBObject findByPermalink(String permalink) { DBObject post = postsCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("permalink", permalink)); return post; } // Return a list of posts in descending order. Limit determines // how many posts are returned. public List<DBObject> findByDateDescending(int limit) { List<DBObject> posts = null; // Return a list of DBObjects, each one a post from the posts collection DBCursor cursor = postsCollection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("date", 1)).limit(limit); return cursor.toArray(); } public String addPost(String title, String body, List tags, String username) { System.out.println("inserting blog entry " + title + " " + body); String permalink = title.replaceAll("\\s", "_"); // whitespace becomes _ permalink = permalink.replaceAll("\\W", ""); // get rid of non alphanumeric permalink = permalink.toLowerCase(); // XXX HW 3.2, Work Here // Remember that a valid post has the following keys: // author, body, permalink, tags, comments, date // // A few hints: // - Don't forget to create an empty list of comments // - for the value of the date key, today's datetime is fine. // - tags are already in list form that implements suitable interface. // - we created the permalink for you above. // Build the post object and insert it BasicDBObject post = new BasicDBObject("title", title) .append("author", username) .append("body", body) .append("permalink", permalink) .append("tags", tags) .append("comments", new ArrayList<DBObject>()) .append("date", Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); postsCollection.insert(post); return permalink; } // Append a comment to a blog post public void addPostComment(final String name, final String email, final String body, final String permalink) { // XXX HW 3.3, Work Here // Hints: // - email is optional and may come in NULL. Check for that. // - best solution uses an update command to the database and a suitable // operator to append the comment on to any existing list of comments BasicDBObject postComment = new BasicDBObject("author", name); postComment.append("body", body); if(email != null && !email.isEmpty()) { postComment.append("email", email); } DBObject post = this.findByPermalink(permalink); postsCollection.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", post.get("_id")), new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject("comments", postComment))); } }