package com.mongodb.flume; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.Context; import com.cloudera.flume.conf.SinkFactory.SinkBuilder; import com.cloudera.flume.core.Event; import com.cloudera.flume.core.EventSink; import com.cloudera.util.Pair; import; import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: ayakushev Date: 8/30/11 Time: 12:21 PM */ public class BucketedMongoDBSink extends EventSink.Base { static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BucketedMongoDBSink.class); private final SimpleLRUMap<String, MongoDBSink> mongoWriters = new SimpleLRUMap<String, MongoDBSink>(10, new SimpleLRUMap.OnRemove<MongoDBSink>() { public void removed(final MongoDBSink obj) { try { closeWriter(obj); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to close writer: " + obj.getUri()); } } }); private boolean shouldSub = false; private MongoDBSink singleWriter = null; private String formatUrl; public BucketedMongoDBSink(final String formatUrl) { this.formatUrl = formatUrl; shouldSub = Event.containsTag(formatUrl); } public void append(final Event e) throws IOException, InterruptedException { MongoDBSink w = singleWriter; if (shouldSub) { String realUrl = e.escapeString(formatUrl); w = mongoWriters.get(realUrl); if (w == null) { w = openWriter(realUrl); mongoWriters.put(realUrl, w); } } w.append(e); super.append(e); } protected MongoDBSink openWriter(final String url) throws IOException { MongoDBSink w = new MongoDBSink(url); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { MongoClientURI uri = w.getUri(); LOG.debug(String.format( "Closing writer on namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s", uri.getDatabase(), uri.getCollection(), uri.getHosts())); }; return w; } @Override public void open() throws IOException { if (!shouldSub) { singleWriter = openWriter(formatUrl); } } protected void closeWriter(final MongoDBSink writer) throws IOException { MongoClientURI uri = writer.getUri(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(String.format( "Closing writer on namespace: %s.%s; hosts: %s", uri.getDatabase(), uri.getCollection(), uri.getHosts())); } writer.close(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (shouldSub) { mongoWriters.clear(); } else { closeWriter(singleWriter); singleWriter = null; } } public static SinkBuilder builder() { return new SinkBuilder() { @Override public EventSink build(final Context context, final String... args) { Preconditions .checkArgument(args.length == 1, "usage: mongoDBSink(\"mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:" + "portN]]][/[database][?options]]\")" + "\n ... See for information on the MongoDB " + "Connection URI Format." + "\n\t Note that using [?options] you can specify Write Concern related settings: " + "\n\t\t safe={true|false} (default: false) Whether or not the driver should send getLastError to " + "verify each write operation." + "\n\t\t w={n} (default: 0) Specify the number of servers to replicate a write to before returning " + "success. When non-zero, implies safe=true." + "\n\t\t wtimeout={ms} (default: wait forever) The number of milliseconds to wait for W " + "replications to complete. When non-zero, implies safe=true." + "\n\t\t fsync={true|false} (default: false) When enabled, forces an fsync after each write operation " + "to increase durability. You probably *don't* want to do this; see the MongoDB docs for info. " + "When 'true', implies safe=true"); return new BucketedMongoDBSink(args[0]); } }; } public static List<Pair<String, SinkBuilder>> getSinkBuilders() { List<Pair<String, SinkBuilder>> builders = new ArrayList<Pair<String, SinkBuilder>>(); builders.add(new Pair<String, SinkBuilder>("bucketedMongoDBSink", builder())); return builders; } private static class SimpleLRUMap<K, V> { private final Map<K, KeyValueWithUsage<K, V>> dataMap; private final int capacity; private final OnRemove<V> removeCallback; public SimpleLRUMap(final int capacity, final OnRemove<V> removeCallback) { dataMap = new HashMap<K, KeyValueWithUsage<K, V>>(); this.capacity = capacity; this.removeCallback = removeCallback; } public V get(final K key) { KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> usageInfo = dataMap.get(key); if (usageInfo != null) { usageInfo.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); return usageInfo.value; } return null; } public V put(final K key, final V value) { KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> oldValue = dataMap.put(key, new KeyValueWithUsage<K, V>(key, value)); if (dataMap.size() > capacity) { expireLRU(); } return oldValue != null ? oldValue.value : null; } public V remove(final K key) { KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> removed = dataMap.remove(key); return onRemove(removed); } public void clear() { Iterator<Map.Entry<K, KeyValueWithUsage<K, V>>> iter = dataMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> removed =; iter.remove(); onRemove(removed); } } private V onRemove(final KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> removed) { if (removed != null) { removeCallback.removed(removed.value); return removed.value; } return null; } private void expireLRU() { List<KeyValueWithUsage<K, V>> valueWithUsages = new ArrayList<KeyValueWithUsage<K, V>>(dataMap.values()); Collections.sort(valueWithUsages); KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> toExpire = valueWithUsages.get(0); remove(toExpire.key); } public interface OnRemove<T> { void removed(T obj); } private static class KeyValueWithUsage<K, V> implements Comparable<KeyValueWithUsage> { private K key; private V value; private long timestamp; public KeyValueWithUsage(final K key, final V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public int compareTo(final KeyValueWithUsage other) { if (timestamp != other.timestamp) { return timestamp >= other.timestamp ? 1 : -1; } else { return 0; } } } } }