package; //Based on example from droid-fu import roboguice.util.RoboAsyncTask; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; /** * Works in a similar way to AsyncTask but provides extra functionality. * * 1) It keeps track of the active instance of each Context, ensuring that the * correct instance is reported to. This is very useful if your Activity is * forced into the background, or the user rotates his device. * * 2) A progress dialog is automatically shown. See useCustomDialog() * disableDialog() * * 3) If an Exception is thrown from inside doInBackground, this is now handled * by the handleError method. * * 4) You should now longer override onPreExecute(), doInBackground() and * onPostExecute(), instead you should use before(), doCheckedInBackground() and * after() respectively. * * These features require that the Application extends DroidFuApplication. * * @param <ParameterT> * @param <ProgressT> * @param <ReturnT> */ public abstract class ECollegeAsyncTask<ResultT> extends RoboAsyncTask<ResultT> { protected ECollegeApplication app; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean reportsProgress = false; private int progressDialogTitleId = -1; private int progressDialogMsgId = -1; private boolean showModalDialog = false; private boolean showTitlebarBusyIndicator = true; private String activityName; public ECollegeAsyncTask(ECollegeActivity activity) { super();; app.getInjector().injectMembers(this); activityName = activity.getClass().getCanonicalName(); app.setActiveContext(activityName,(Context)activity); } @Override protected void onException(Exception e) throws RuntimeException { app.reportError(e); } public ECollegeAsyncTask<ResultT> makeModal() { this.showModalDialog = true; this.showTitlebarBusyIndicator = false; return this; } public ECollegeAsyncTask<ResultT> enableProgressHandling() { this.reportsProgress = true; return this; } public ECollegeAsyncTask<ResultT> setProgressDialogTitleId(int progressDialogTitleId) { this.progressDialogTitleId=progressDialogTitleId; return this; } public ECollegeAsyncTask<ResultT> setProgressDialogMsgId(int progressDialogMsgId) { this.progressDialogMsgId=progressDialogMsgId; return this; } public ECollegeAsyncTask<ResultT> disableTitlebarBusyIndicator() { this.showTitlebarBusyIndicator = false; return this; } protected ECollegeActivity getCurrentActivity() { return (ECollegeActivity)app.getActiveContext(activityName); } @Override protected void onPreExecute() throws Exception { super.onPreExecute(); if (showTitlebarBusyIndicator) app.incrementPendingServiceCalls(); ECollegeActivity currentActivity = getCurrentActivity(); if (currentActivity != null && showModalDialog) { app.setNextProgressDialogTitleId(progressDialogTitleId); app.setNextProgressDialogMsgId(progressDialogMsgId); ((Activity)currentActivity).showDialog(0); } } @Override protected void onFinally() throws RuntimeException { super.onFinally(); if (showTitlebarBusyIndicator) app.decrementPendingServiceCalls(); ECollegeActivity currentActivity = getCurrentActivity(); if (currentActivity != null && showModalDialog) { ((Activity)currentActivity).removeDialog(0); } } }