/** * Copyright 2007-2012 Arthur Blake * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package io.jdev.miniprofiler.sql.log4jdbc; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.LineNumberReader; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Post processes an existing sqltiming log, and creates a profiling report from it. * Name of log file is passed in on the command line as the only argument. * * Assumptions: * * 1. Each sql statement in the log is separated by a blank line. * 2. Each sql statement is terminated with the timing string "{executed in N msec}" where N is the number of * milliseconds that the sql executed in. * */ public class PostLogProfilerProcessor { //todo: needs to be able to gracefully handle sql exceptions in log output /** * Post Process log4jdbc sqltiming log data. * * @param args command line arguments. Expects one argument, the name of the file to post process. * @throws Exception if something goes wrong during processing. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println("usage: java PostLogProfilerProcessor <log-file>"); System.exit(1); } new PostLogProfilerProcessor(args[0], System.out); } /** * Total number of sql statements processed. */ private long totalSql = 0L; /** * Number of lines processed. */ private long lineNo = 0L; /** * Total number of milliseconds that all processed sql took to run. */ private long totalMsec = 0L; /** * Milliseconds of the worst single offending sql statement. */ private long maxMsec = 0L; /** * Total combined milliseconds of all flagged sql statements. */ private long flaggedSqlTotalMsec = 0L; /** * Threshold at which sql is deemed to be running slow enough to be flagged. */ private long threshold = 100L; /** * How many top offender sql statements to display in final report */ private long topOffenderCount = 1000L; /** * Collection of all sql that took longer than "threshold" msec to run. */ private List flaggedSql = new LinkedList(); /** * Process given filename, and produce sql profiling report to given PrintStream. * * @param filename sqltiming log to process. * @param out PrintStream to write profiling report to. * @throws Exception if reading error occurs. */ public PostLogProfilerProcessor (String filename, PrintStream out) throws Exception { FileReader f= new FileReader(filename); LineNumberReader l = new LineNumberReader(f); String line; boolean blankLine; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); do { line = l.readLine(); if (line != null) { blankLine = line.length()==0; lineNo++; /* if (lineNo%100000L==0L) { out.println("" + lineNo + " lines..."); } */ if (blankLine) { processSql(sql); sql = new StringBuffer(); } else { sql.append(line); } } } while (line != null); out.println("processed " + lineNo + " lines."); f.close(); // display report to stdout out.println("Number of sql statements: " + totalSql); out.println("Total number of msec : " + totalMsec); if (totalMsec>0) { out.println("Average msec/statement : " + totalSql/totalMsec); } int flaggedSqlStmts = flaggedSql.size(); if (flaggedSqlStmts>0) { out.println("Sql statements that took more than "+ threshold + " msec were flagged."); out.println("Flagged sql statements : " + flaggedSqlStmts); out.println("Flagged sql Total number of msec : " + flaggedSqlTotalMsec); out.println("Flagged sql Average msec/statement : " + flaggedSqlTotalMsec/flaggedSqlStmts); out.println("sorting..."); Object[] flaggedSqlArray = flaggedSql.toArray(); Arrays.sort(flaggedSqlArray); int execTimeSize = ("" + maxMsec).length(); if (topOffenderCount > flaggedSqlArray.length) { topOffenderCount = flaggedSqlArray.length; } out.println("top " + topOffenderCount + " offender"+ (topOffenderCount==1?"":"s") + ":"); ProfiledSql p; for (int i=0; i < topOffenderCount; i++) { p = (ProfiledSql) flaggedSqlArray[i]; out.println(Utilities.rightJustify(execTimeSize,""+p.getExecTime()) + " " + p.getSql()); } } } private void processSql(StringBuffer sql) { if (sql.length()>0) { totalSql++; String sqlStr = sql.toString(); if (sqlStr.endsWith("msec}")) { int executedIn = sqlStr.indexOf("{executed in "); if (executedIn == -1) { System.err.println("WARNING: sql w/o timing info found at line " + lineNo); return; } //todo: proper error handling for parse String msecStr = sqlStr.substring(executedIn+13, sqlStr.length()-6); long msec = Long.parseLong(msecStr); totalMsec +=msec; if (msec > maxMsec) { maxMsec = msec; } if (msec >threshold) { flagSql(msec,sqlStr); flaggedSqlTotalMsec += msec; } } else { System.err.println("WARNING: sql w/o timing info found at line " + lineNo); } } } private void flagSql(long msec, String sql) { flaggedSql.add(new ProfiledSql(msec,sql)); } private class ProfiledSql implements Comparable { private Long execTime; private String sql; public ProfiledSql (long msec, String sql) { this.execTime= new Long(msec); this.sql = sql; } /** * Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a * negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less * than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.<p> * * In this case the comparison is used to sort flagged sql in descending order. * @param o ProfiledSql Object to compare to this ProfiledSql. Must not be null. */ public int compareTo(Object o) { return ((ProfiledSql)o).execTime.compareTo(execTime); } public Long getExecTime() { return execTime; } public String getSql() { return sql; } public String toString() { return this.execTime + " msec: " + this.sql; } } }