package multimonster.converter.plugin.jmx; import; import; import multimonster.common.pipe.Pipe; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport; /** * @author Holger Velke * * @jmx.mbean name="multimonster:service=TranscodeCaller" * extends="org.jboss.system.ServiceMBean" * @jboss.service servicefile="jboss" */ public class TranscodeCaller extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements TranscodeCallerMBean { static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TranscodeCaller.class); /** * the jmx object name of the MBean */ static final public String JMX_NAME = "multimonster:service=TranscodeCaller"; private String TRANSCODE_PATH = "transcode"; /** * @label uses * @directed */ private FileToPipe lnkFileToPipe; /** * @directed * @label uses*/ private PipeToFile lnkPipeToFile; /** * @return Returns the TRANSCODE_PATH. * * @jmx.managed-attribute */ public String getTRANSCODE_PATH() { return TRANSCODE_PATH; } /** * @param transcode_path The TRANSCODE_PATH to set. * * @jmx.managed-attribute */ public void setTRANSCODE_PATH(String transcode_path) { TRANSCODE_PATH = transcode_path; } /** * this can only be used within the same VM. * * @jmx.managed-operation */ public TranscodeCaller returnThis() { log.debug("returnThis()"); return this; } public void doWork(Pipe input, Pipe output, String transcodeParameters, String to_tc_fileName, String from_tc_fileName) { Process transcode = null; FileToPipe in = null; Thread tIn = null; PipeToFile out = null; Thread tOut = null; String transcodeCommand = ""; StreamToString transcodeStderr = null; StreamToString transcodeStdout = null; // build transcodeCommand transcodeCommand = TRANSCODE_PATH + " " + transcodeParameters; log.debug("XXX: transcodeCommand: " + transcodeCommand); try { out = new PipeToFile(input, to_tc_fileName); } catch (IOException e) { log.error( "unable to create tmp-file for transcode communication - closing pipes, I give up"); input.close(); output.close(); return; } // start real work try { // start writng transcodes input file tOut = new Thread(out); tOut.start(); Thread.sleep(1000); //sleep 1 secon before starting transcode // start transcode transcode = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(transcodeCommand); log.debug("started transcode: "+transcode); // read transcodes out err Streams transcodeStderr = new StreamToString(transcode.getErrorStream()); transcodeStdout = new StreamToString(transcode.getInputStream()); (new Thread(transcodeStderr)).start(); (new Thread(transcodeStdout)).start(); // read transcodes output file in = new FileToPipe(from_tc_fileName, output, transcode); tIn = new Thread(in); tIn.start(); log.debug("waiting for transcode"); transcode.waitFor(); log.debug("transcode is finished"); // transcode in finished in.setInputFileGrowing(false); if (!out.isFinished()&&!in.isTranscodeKilled()) { log.error( "transcode exited before all data was written to communication file"+ " exitvalue is:"+transcode.exitValue()); } if ((transcode.exitValue()!= 0)&&!in.isTranscodeKilled()) { log.error( "transcode exited with exitvalue " + transcode.exitValue()); log.error("stdout: " + transcodeStdout.getString()); log.error("stderr: " + transcodeStderr.getString()); } // wait until all data is written to the output pipe tIn.join(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(e); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e){ log.error(e); } finally{ try { log.debug("stoped transcode: "+transcode); transcode.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e); } input.close(); output.close(); (new File(to_tc_fileName)).delete(); (new File(from_tc_fileName)).delete(); log.debug("finished"); } } }