package com.chap.memo.memoNodes.bus; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import; import; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.MemoNode; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.MemoUtils; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.model.ArcOp; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.model.ArcOpBuffer; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.model.NodeValue; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.model.NodeValueBuffer; import com.chap.memo.memoNodes.model.OpsType; import; import; import; import; import; import com.eaio.uuid.UUID; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MemoReadBus { static final ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(); // long maxWeight = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 5; long maxWeight = 24929894; LoadingCache<Key, NodeValueShard> NodeValueShards = CacheBuilder .newBuilder().maximumWeight(maxWeight) // .concurrencyLevel(1) .weigher(new Weigher<Key, NodeValueShard>() { public int weigh(Key key, NodeValueShard shard) { // System.out.println("NodeValue Shard is "+shard.getSize()+"/"+shard.getStoredSize()+" bytes ("+(shard.getStoredSize()*100)/shard.getSize()+"%) into cache:"+NodeValueShards.size()); return shard.getSize()*2; } }).build(new CacheLoader<Key, NodeValueShard>() { public NodeValueShard load(Key key) { // System.out.println("Need to load nv shard! ("+key+")"); NodeValueShard shard = (NodeValueShard) MemoStorable .load(key); return shard; } }); LoadingCache<Key, ArcOpShard> ArcOpShards = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() // .concurrencyLevel(1) .maximumWeight(maxWeight) .weigher(new Weigher<Key, ArcOpShard>() { public int weigh(Key key, ArcOpShard shard) { // System.out.println("ArcOp Shard is "+shard.getSize()+"/"+shard.getStoredSize()+" bytes ("+(shard.getStoredSize()*100)/shard.getSize()+"%) into cache:"+ArcOpShards.size()); return shard.getSize()*2; } }).build(new CacheLoader<Key, ArcOpShard>() { public ArcOpShard load(Key key) { // System.out.println("Need to load ops shard! ("+key+")"); return (ArcOpShard) MemoStorable.load(key); } }); public List<NodeValueIndex> NodeValueIndexes = new ArrayList<NodeValueIndex>(100); public List<ArcOpIndex> ArcOpIndexes = new ArrayList<ArcOpIndex>(100); DatastoreService datastore = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService(); MemcacheService memCache = MemcacheServiceFactory.getMemcacheService();; long lastValueChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastOpsChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); long lastIndexesRun = 0; private final static MemoReadBus bus = new MemoReadBus(); MemoReadBus() { System.out.println("MaxWeight is:"+maxWeight); loadIndexes(false); }; public void dropHistory() { synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { Query q = new Query("NodeValueShard"); PreparedQuery prep = datastore.prepare(q); Iterator<Entity> iter = prep.asIterable().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entity ent =; NodeValueShard shard = (NodeValueShard) MemoStorable.load(ent); NodeValueShard.dropHistory(shard); } } synchronized (ArcOpIndexes) { Query q = new Query("ArcOpShard"); PreparedQuery prep = datastore.prepare(q); Iterator<Entity> iter = prep.asIterable().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entity ent =; ArcOpShard shard = (ArcOpShard) MemoStorable.load(ent); ArcOpShard.dropHistory(shard); } } } public void exportDB(OutputStream out, boolean history) { // Select export (first all, later history) try { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(out); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(zos); int count = 0; synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("values.json")); HashMap<UUID, NodeValue> newestNodeValues = new HashMap<UUID, NodeValue>( 100000); // ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(out); Query q = new Query("NodeValueShard").addSort("timestamp"); PreparedQuery prep = datastore.prepare(q); Iterator<Entity> iter = prep.asIterable().iterator(); writer.append("["); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entity ent =; NodeValueShard shard = (NodeValueShard) MemoStorable .load(ent); Iterator<NodeValue> inner = Arrays.asList(shard.getNodes()).iterator(); while (inner.hasNext()) { boolean export = true; NodeValue nv =; if (history) { if (newestNodeValues.containsKey(nv.getId())) { NodeValue other = newestNodeValues.get(nv .getId()); if (other.compareTo(nv) < 0) { // other older // than current? newestNodeValues.put(nv.getId(), nv); nv = other; // export other, i.s.o. current } } else { newestNodeValues.put(nv.getId(), nv); export = false; } } if (export) { if (count > 0) writer.append(","); count++; writer.append(om.writeValueAsString(nv)); } } } if (history && newestNodeValues.size() > 0) { int oldcount = count; NodeValue[] list = newestNodeValues.values().toArray( new NodeValue[0]); Arrays.sort(list); MemoWriteBus writeBus = MemoWriteBus.getBus(); MemoWriteBus.emptyDB(new String[] { "NodeValueIndex", "NodeValueShard" }); for (NodeValue val : list) { if (val.getValue().length >= 0) {; } else { if (count > 0) writer.append(","); count++; writer.append(om.writeValueAsString(val)); } } System.out.println("Kept:" + (newestNodeValues.size() - (count - oldcount)) + " nodeValues"); MemoNode.flushDB(); loadIndexes(true); } writer.append("]"); writer.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); System.out.println("Exported:" + count + " nodeValues"); } synchronized (ArcOpIndexes) { zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("arcs.json")); ArrayListMultimap<Long, ArcOp> newestArcOps = ArrayListMultimap .create(); count = 0; writer.append("["); Query q = new Query("ArcOpShard").addSort("timestamp");; PreparedQuery prep = datastore.prepare(q); Iterator<Entity> iter = prep.asIterable().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entity ent =; ArcOpShard shard = (ArcOpShard) MemoStorable.load(ent); Iterator<ArcOp> inner = Arrays.asList(shard.getOps()).iterator(); while (inner.hasNext()) { boolean export = true; ArcOp ao =; if (history) { List<ArcOp> res = newestArcOps.removeAll(ao .getTimestamp_long()); if (res.size() > 0) { List<ArcOp> newList = new ArrayList<ArcOp>( res.size()); boolean found = false; for (ArcOp other : res) { if (other.getChild().equals(ao.getChild()) && other.getParent().equals( ao.getParent())) { if (other.compareTo(ao) < 0) { // other // older // than // current? ArcOp tmp = other; // swap other = ao; ao = tmp; } found = true; } newList.add(other); } if (!found) { export = false; } newList.add(ao); newestArcOps.putAll(ao.getTimestamp_long(), newList); } else { newestArcOps.put(ao.getTimestamp_long(), ao); export = false; } } if (export) { if (count > 0) writer.append(","); count++; writer.append(om.writeValueAsString(ao)); } } } if (history && newestArcOps.size() > 0) { ArcOp[] list = newestArcOps.values().toArray(new ArcOp[0]); Arrays.sort(list); MemoWriteBus writeBus = MemoWriteBus.getBus(); MemoWriteBus.emptyDB(new String[] { "ArcOpIndex", "ArcOpShard" }); for (ArcOp val : list) { if (val.getType().equals(OpsType.ADD)) {; } else { if (count > 0) writer.append(","); count++; writer.append(om.writeValueAsString(val)); } } System.out.println("Kept:" + newestArcOps.values().size() + " ArcOps"); MemoNode.flushDB(); loadIndexes(true); } writer.append("]"); writer.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); zos.flush(); zos.close(); out.flush(); out.close(); System.out.println("Exported:" + count + " ArcOps"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void delShard(NodeValueShard oldShard) { // synchronized (NodeValueShards) { NodeValueShards.invalidate(oldShard.getMyKey()); // } } public void delShard(ArcOpShard oldShard) { // synchronized(ArcOpShards){ ArcOpShards.invalidate(oldShard.getMyKey()); // } } void loadIndexes(boolean clear) { // System.out.println("reloading indexes:" + clear); // long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { synchronized (ArcOpIndexes) { // System.out.println("Started out with: nvi:" // + NodeValueIndexes.size() + ";aoi:" // + ArcOpIndexes.size()); if (clear) { NodeValueShards.invalidateAll(); ArcOpShards.invalidateAll(); NodeValueIndexes.clear(); ArcOpIndexes.clear(); lastValueChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastOpsChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); lastIndexesRun = 0; } else { Object lastUpdate = memCache.get("memoNodes_lastUpdate"); if (lastUpdate != null) { long lastUpdateTime = (Long) lastUpdate; if (lastUpdateTime <= lastIndexesRun) { // System.out // .println("No update of indexes necessary"); return; // Nothing new to expect; } } } Query q = new Query("NodeValueIndex").addSort("timestamp", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); PreparedQuery NodeValueIndexQuery = datastore.prepare(q); QueryResultList<Entity> rl = NodeValueIndexQuery .asQueryResultList(withLimit(10000)); if (rl.size() > 0) { //NodeValueShards.invalidateAll(); NodeValueIndexes.clear(); for (Entity ent : rl) { MemoStorable obj = MemoStorable.load(ent); if (obj != null) { NodeValueIndex index = (NodeValueIndex) obj; NodeValueIndexes.add(0, index); } } lastValueChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Collections.sort(NodeValueIndexes, Collections.reverseOrder()); q = new Query("ArcOpIndex").addSort("timestamp", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); PreparedQuery ArcOpIndexQuery = datastore.prepare(q); rl = ArcOpIndexQuery.asQueryResultList(withLimit(10000)); if (rl.size() > 0) { //ArcOpShards.invalidateAll(); ArcOpIndexes.clear(); for (Entity ent : rl) { ArcOpIndex index = (ArcOpIndex) MemoStorable.load(ent); ArcOpIndexes.add(index); } lastOpsChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); } lastIndexesRun = System.currentTimeMillis(); // System.out.println("Done reloading indexes:" // + (lastIndexesRun - start) + "ms nvi:" // + NodeValueIndexes.size() + ";aoi:" // + ArcOpIndexes.size()); } } } public void compactDB() { mergeNodeValueShards(); mergeArcOpShards(); loadIndexes(true); } public synchronized void mergeNodeValueShards() { System.out.println("mergeNodeValueShards called!"); Query q = new Query("NodeValueShard").addSort("spread", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); ArrayList<NodeValueShard> list = new ArrayList<NodeValueShard>(500); int size = 0; PreparedQuery shardsQuery = datastore.prepare(q); Iterator<Entity> iter = shardsQuery.asIterable(withLimit(500)) .iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entity ent =; System.out.println("Checking entity: " + ent.getProperty("size") + ":" + size); if (size + (Long) ent.getProperty("size") <= NodeValueBuffer.STORESIZE*10) { //not too many to prevent OOM size += (Long) ent.getProperty("size"); list.add((NodeValueShard) MemoStorable.load(ent)); } else { break; } } if (list.size() > 1) { // loadIndexes(false); System.out.println("Merge " + list.size() + " NodeValueShards!"); NodeValueShard.devideAndMerge(list.toArray(new NodeValueShard[0])); memCache.put("memoNodes_lastUpdate", System.currentTimeMillis()); } } public synchronized void mergeArcOpShards() { System.out.println("mergeArcOpShards called!"); Query q = new Query("ArcOpShard").addSort("spread", Query.SortDirection.DESCENDING); ArrayList<ArcOpShard> list = new ArrayList<ArcOpShard>(100); int size = 0; PreparedQuery shardsQuery = datastore.prepare(q); Iterator<Entity> iter = shardsQuery.asIterable(withLimit(100)) .iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Entity ent =; // System.out.println("Checking entity: " + ent.getProperty("size") // + ":" + size); if (size + (Long) ent.getProperty("size") <= ArcOpBuffer.STORESIZE*10) {//Not too many to prevent OOM size += (Long) ent.getProperty("size"); list.add((ArcOpShard) MemoStorable.load(ent)); } else { break; } } if (list.size() > 1) { // loadIndexes(false); System.out.println("Merge " + list.size() + " ArcOpShards!"); ArcOpShard.devideAndMerge(list.toArray(new ArcOpShard[0])); } } public void addNodeValueIndex(NodeValueIndex index, NodeValueShard shard) { // synchronized (NodeValueShards) { NodeValueShards.put(index.getShardKey(), shard); // } synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { NodeValueIndexes.add(0, index); Collections.sort(NodeValueIndexes, Collections.reverseOrder()); } lastValueChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); memCache.put("memoNodes_lastUpdate", lastValueChange); } public void addOpsIndex(ArcOpIndex index, ArcOpShard shard) { // synchronized(ArcOpShards){ ArcOpShards.put(index.getShardKey(), shard); // } synchronized (ArcOpIndexes) { ArcOpIndexes.add(index); Collections.sort(ArcOpIndexes, Collections.reverseOrder()); } lastOpsChange = System.currentTimeMillis(); memCache.put("memoNodes_lastUpdate", lastOpsChange); } public static MemoReadBus getBus() { return bus; } public boolean valueChanged(long timestamp) { return timestamp <= lastValueChange; } public boolean opsChanged(long timestamp) { return timestamp <= lastOpsChange; } public ArrayList<NodeValueShard> getSparseNodeValueShards(long room) { ArrayList<NodeValueShard> result = new ArrayList<NodeValueShard>(Math.min((int) NodeValueShards.size(), 10)); Iterator<NodeValueShard> iter; iter = ImmutableMap.copyOf(NodeValueShards.asMap()).values().iterator(); int maxSize = NodeValueBuffer.STORESIZE*10; while (iter.hasNext()) { NodeValueShard shard =; if (shard.isDeleted()) continue; if (shard.spread > 100000) { maxSize-=shard.getStoredSize(); result.add(shard); } if (maxSize<0 || result.size()>10) break; } return result; } public ArrayList<ArcOpShard> getSparseArcOpShards(long room) { ArrayList<ArcOpShard> result = new ArrayList<ArcOpShard>((int) ArcOpShards.size()); Iterator<ArcOpShard> iter; iter = ImmutableMap.copyOf(ArcOpShards.asMap()).values().iterator(); int maxSize = ArcOpBuffer.STORESIZE*10; while (iter.hasNext()) { ArcOpShard shard =; if (shard.isDeleted()) continue; if (shard.spread > 100000) { maxSize-=shard.getStoredSize(); result.add(shard); } if (maxSize<0 || result.size()>10) break; } return result; } public NodeValueIndex removeNodeValueIndexByShard(Key shardKey) { synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { Iterator<NodeValueIndex> iter = NodeValueIndexes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { NodeValueIndex index =; if (index.getShardKey().equals(shardKey)) { iter.remove(); // System.out.println("Removed index from NodeValueIndexes:" // + NodeValueIndexes.size()); return index; } } } return null; } public ArcOpIndex removeArcOpIndexByShard(Key shardKey) { synchronized (ArcOpIndexes) { Iterator<ArcOpIndex> iter = ArcOpIndexes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ArcOpIndex index =; if (index.getShardKey().equals(shardKey)) { iter.remove(); // System.out.println("Removed index from ArcOpIndexes:" // + ArcOpIndexes.size()); return index; } } } return null; } public MemoNode find(UUID uuid) { NodeValue value = getValue(uuid); if (value != null) { return new MemoNode(value); } return null; } public MemoNode find(UUID uuid, long timestamp) { NodeValue value = getValue(uuid, timestamp); if (value != null) { return new MemoNode(value); } return null; } public ArrayList<MemoNode> findAll(UUID uuid) { return findAll(uuid, 0); } public ArrayList<MemoNode> findAll(UUID uuid, int retryCount) { ArrayList<MemoNode> result = new ArrayList<MemoNode>(100); ImmutableList<NodeValueIndex> copy; synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { if (NodeValueIndexes.size() == 0) return result; // Iterator through indexes, copy because stuff might disappear copy = ImmutableList.copyOf(NodeValueIndexes); } Iterator<NodeValueIndex> iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { NodeValueIndex index =; if (index.contains(uuid)) { NodeValueShard shard = null; try { shard = NodeValueShards.getUnchecked(index.getShardKey()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("missed a nv shard, merged db? " + index.getShardKey()); e.printStackTrace(); } if (shard == null) { // Happens if shard has been deleted, indication that // indexes are outdated! if (retryCount > 10) { System.err .println("Warning, even after 10 retries no shard found!"); index.delete(true); } System.out.println("retry loadIndexes for value shard."+uuid); loadIndexes(true); return findAll(uuid, retryCount + 1); } if (shard != null) { for (NodeValue nv : shard.findAll(uuid)) { result.add(new MemoNode(nv)); } } } } Collections.sort(result); return result; } public NodeValue getValue(UUID uuid) { return getValue(uuid, new Date().getTime()); } public NodeValue getValue(UUID uuid, long timestamp) { return getValue(uuid, timestamp, 0); } public NodeValue getValue(UUID uuid, long timestamp, int retryCount) { NodeValue result = null; // System.out.println("Looking for value of:"+uuid.toString()); MemoWriteBus writeBus = MemoWriteBus.getBus(); result = writeBus.values.findBefore(uuid, timestamp); // if (result != null) System.out.println("Found in writeBus:"+new String(result.getValue())); ImmutableList<NodeValueIndex> copy; synchronized (NodeValueIndexes) { if (NodeValueIndexes.size() == 0) { // System.out.println("Indexes empty, returning writeBus val"); return result; } copy = ImmutableList.copyOf(NodeValueIndexes); } Iterator<NodeValueIndex> iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { NodeValueIndex index =; if (result != null && index.getNewest() < result.getTimestamp_long()) { // System.out.println("next index older than earlier found value"); return result; } // System.out.println("Checking index:"+index.getOldest()+ " "+ timestamp + " "+ uuid.toString()); if (index.getOldest() < timestamp && index.contains(uuid)) { // System.out.println("Found an index entry!"); NodeValueShard shard = null; try { shard = NodeValueShards.getUnchecked(index.getShardKey()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("missed a nv shard, merged db? " + index.getShardKey()); // e.printStackTrace(); } if (shard == null) { // Happens if shard has been deleted, indication // that indexes are outdated! if (retryCount > 10) { System.err .println("Warning, even after 10 retries still no shard found!." + uuid); index.delete(true); } System.out.println("retry loadIndexes for value shard."+uuid); loadIndexes(true); return getValue(uuid, timestamp, retryCount + 1); } if (shard != null) { // System.out.println("Here?"); NodeValue res = shard.findBefore(uuid, timestamp); if (res == null) { // System.out.println("Value wasn't in this shard, trying next."+uuid); continue; } if (result == null || res.getTimestamp_long() > result .getTimestamp_long()) { // System.out.println("New value found in shard:"+new String(res.getValue())); result = res; } } } } //System.out.println("Normal return:"+uuid+":"+new String(result.getValue())); // if (result == null) System.out.println("Warning, couldn't find value anywhere! Returning null"); return result; } public ArrayList<ArcOp> getOps(UUID uuid, int type, long since) { return getOps(uuid, type, System.currentTimeMillis(), since); } public ArrayList<ArcOp> getOps(UUID uuid, int type, long timestamp, long since) { return getOps(uuid, type, timestamp, since, 0); } public ArrayList<ArcOp> getOps(UUID uuid, int type, long timestamp, long since, int retryCount) { ArrayList<ArcOp> wbresult = new ArrayList<ArcOp>(10); ArrayList<ArcOp> result = new ArrayList<ArcOp>(10); boolean doIndexes = false; ImmutableList<ArcOpIndex> copy = null; switch (type) { case 0: // parentList, UUID is child List<ArcOp> children = MemoWriteBus.getBus().ops.getChildOps(uuid); wbresult.ensureCapacity(wbresult.size() + children.size() + 1); for (ArcOp op : children) { if (op.getTimestamp_long() <= timestamp) { wbresult.add(op); } } break; case 1: List<ArcOp> parents = MemoWriteBus.getBus().ops.getParentOps(uuid); wbresult.ensureCapacity(wbresult.size() + parents.size() + 1); for (ArcOp op : parents) { if (op.getTimestamp_long() <= timestamp) { wbresult.add(op); } } break; } synchronized (ArcOpIndexes) { if (ArcOpIndexes.size() > 0) { doIndexes = true; copy = ImmutableList.copyOf(ArcOpIndexes); } } if (doIndexes) { Iterator<ArcOpIndex> iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ArcOpIndex index =; if (uuid.time != 0 && index.getStoreTime() < MemoUtils.gettime(uuid)) { break; } switch (type) { case 0: // parentList, UUID is child if (index.containsChild(uuid)) { // System.out.println("index:"+index.getMyKey()+ "contains:"+uuid); ArcOpShard shard = null; try { shard = ArcOpShards.getUnchecked(index .getShardKey()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err .println("missed a ops shard, merged db? " + index.getShardKey()); } if (shard == null) { // Happens if shard has been deleted, indication // that indexes are outdated! if (retryCount > 10) { System.err .println("Warning, even after 10 retries still no shard found!" + uuid); index.delete(true); } loadIndexes(true); System.err.println("Doing retry" + retryCount + " uuid" + uuid); return getOps(uuid, type, timestamp, since, retryCount + 1); } if (shard != null) { List<ArcOp> children = shard.getChildOps(uuid); result.ensureCapacity(children.size() + 1); for (ArcOp op : children) { if (op.getTimestamp_long() <= timestamp) { result.add(op); } } } } break; case 1: // parentList, UUID is child if (index.containsParent(uuid)) { // System.out.println("index:"+index.getMyKey()+ "contains:"+uuid); ArcOpShard shard = null; try { shard = ArcOpShards.getUnchecked(index .getShardKey()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err .println("missed a ops shard, merged db? " + index.getShardKey()); } if (shard == null) { // Happens if shard has been deleted, indication // that indexes are outdated! if (retryCount > 10) { System.err .println("Warning, even after 10 retries still no shard found!"); index.delete(true); } loadIndexes(true); System.err.println("Doing retry" + retryCount + " uuid:" + uuid); return getOps(uuid, type, timestamp, since, retryCount + 1); } if (shard != null) { List<ArcOp> parents = shard.getParentOps(uuid); result.ensureCapacity(parents.size() + 1); for (ArcOp op : parents) { if (op.getTimestamp_long() <= timestamp) { result.add(op); } } } } break; } } } result.addAll(wbresult); return result; } }