package notifiers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import models.User; import play.Play; import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException; import play.mvc.Mailer; import DTO.AttendeeDTO; import DTO.MeetingDTO; import DTO.UserDTO; /** * Sends emails to users on important events. * * @author Alex Jarvis */ public class Mails extends Mailer { public static void welcome(UserDTO user) { setSubject("Welcome to Meep!"); addRecipient(; setFrom(Play.configuration.getProperty("mails.fromaddress")); send(user); } public static void newFriendRequest(UserDTO userTo, UserDTO userFrom) { setSubject("New Friend Request!"); addRecipient(; setFrom(Play.configuration.getProperty("mails.fromaddress")); send(userTo, userFrom); } public static void newMeeting(MeetingDTO meeting) { setSubject("New Meeting Request!"); setFrom(Play.configuration.getProperty("mails.fromaddress")); // Send an email to each attendee. for (AttendeeDTO attendee : meeting.attendees) { if (! { User user = User.findById(; addRecipient(; send(meeting, attendee); } } } /** * Sets a single recipient as opposed to the 'addRecipient' method. * This allows multiple, customised emails to be sent within one Mailer. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void setRecipient(String recipient) { HashMap<String, Object> map = infos.get(); if (map == null) { throw new UnexpectedException("Mailer not instrumented ?"); } List recipientsList = (List<String>) map.get("recipients"); if (recipientsList == null) { recipientsList = new ArrayList<String>(); map.put("recipients", recipientsList); } recipientsList.addAll(Arrays.asList(new String[]{recipient})); infos.set(map); } }