package com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.util; import; import; import; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.generator.SqliteDatabaseSnapshot; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.AlterTableAddColumnStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.AlterTableRenameStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.CastExpression; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.ColumnDef; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.ColumnSource; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.ColumnSourceRef; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.ColumnType; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.CreateTableStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.CreateViewStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.DDLStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.DatabaseBlock; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.ExprConcat; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.Expression; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.Function; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.InitBlock; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.JoinSource; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.JoinStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.MigrationBlock; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.Model; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.ResultColumn; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SelectCore; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SelectCoreExpression; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SelectExpression; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SelectList; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SelectStatement; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SingleSource; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SingleSourceTable; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.SqliteDataType; import com.robotoworks.mechanoid.db.sqliteModel.TableDefinition; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2; import org.eclipse.xtext.util.Strings; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Functions.Function1; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IterableExtensions; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IteratorExtensions; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class ModelUtil { public static <T extends DDLStatement> ArrayList<T> findPreviousStatementsOfType(final DDLStatement stmt, final Class<T> statementType, final boolean inclusive) { ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); DatabaseBlock db = ModelUtil.<DatabaseBlock>getAncestorOfType(stmt, DatabaseBlock.class); EList<MigrationBlock> _migrations = db.getMigrations(); for (final MigrationBlock migration : _migrations) { EList<DDLStatement> _statements = migration.getStatements(); for (final DDLStatement ddl : _statements) { { if ((!inclusive)) { boolean _equals = Objects.equal(ddl, stmt); if (_equals) { return list; } } Class<? extends DDLStatement> _class = ddl.getClass(); boolean _isAssignableFrom = statementType.isAssignableFrom(_class); if (_isAssignableFrom) { list.add(((T) ddl)); } boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(ddl, stmt); if (_equals_1) { return list; } } } } InitBlock _ancestorOfType = ModelUtil.<InitBlock>getAncestorOfType(stmt, InitBlock.class); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_ancestorOfType, null)); if (_notEquals) { InitBlock _init = db.getInit(); EList<DDLStatement> _statements_1 = _init.getStatements(); for (final DDLStatement ddl_1 : _statements_1) { { if ((!inclusive)) { boolean _equals = Objects.equal(ddl_1, stmt); if (_equals) { return list; } } Class<? extends DDLStatement> _class = ddl_1.getClass(); boolean _isAssignableFrom = statementType.isAssignableFrom(_class); if (_isAssignableFrom) { list.add(((T) ddl_1)); } boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(ddl_1, stmt); if (_equals_1) { return list; } } } } return list; } public static <T extends DDLStatement> ArrayList<T> findPreviousStatementsOfType(final DatabaseBlock db, final DDLStatement stmt, final Class<T> statementType, final boolean inclusive) { ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); EList<MigrationBlock> _migrations = db.getMigrations(); for (final MigrationBlock migration : _migrations) { EList<DDLStatement> _statements = migration.getStatements(); for (final DDLStatement ddl : _statements) { { if ((!inclusive)) { boolean _equals = Objects.equal(ddl, stmt); if (_equals) { return list; } } Class<? extends DDLStatement> _class = ddl.getClass(); boolean _isAssignableFrom = statementType.isAssignableFrom(_class); if (_isAssignableFrom) { list.add(((T) ddl)); } boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(ddl, stmt); if (_equals_1) { return list; } } } } InitBlock _init = db.getInit(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_init, null)); if (_notEquals) { InitBlock _init_1 = db.getInit(); EList<DDLStatement> _statements_1 = _init_1.getStatements(); for (final DDLStatement ddl_1 : _statements_1) { { if ((!inclusive)) { boolean _equals = Objects.equal(ddl_1, stmt); if (_equals) { return list; } } Class<? extends DDLStatement> _class = ddl_1.getClass(); boolean _isAssignableFrom = statementType.isAssignableFrom(_class); if (_isAssignableFrom) { list.add(((T) ddl_1)); } boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(ddl_1, stmt); if (_equals_1) { return list; } } } } return list; } public static <T extends DDLStatement> ArrayList<T> findStatementsOfTypeBetween(final Class<T> statementType, final DDLStatement from, final DDLStatement to) { ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(); boolean between = false; DatabaseBlock db = ModelUtil.<DatabaseBlock>getAncestorOfType(from, DatabaseBlock.class); EList<MigrationBlock> _migrations = db.getMigrations(); for (final MigrationBlock migration : _migrations) { EList<DDLStatement> _statements = migration.getStatements(); for (final DDLStatement ddl : _statements) { { boolean _equals = Objects.equal(ddl, to); if (_equals) { return list; } Class<? extends DDLStatement> _class = ddl.getClass(); boolean _isAssignableFrom = statementType.isAssignableFrom(_class); if (_isAssignableFrom) { if (between) { list.add(((T) ddl)); } } boolean _equals_1 = Objects.equal(ddl, from); if (_equals_1) { between = true; } } } } return list; } public static <T extends EObject> T getAncestorOfType(final EObject obj, final Class<T> ancestorType) { EObject temp = ((EObject) obj); while ((!Objects.equal(temp.eContainer(), null))) { { EObject _eContainer = temp.eContainer(); temp = _eContainer; Class<? extends EObject> _class = temp.getClass(); boolean _isAssignableFrom = ancestorType.isAssignableFrom(_class); if (_isAssignableFrom) { return ((T) temp); } } } return null; } /** * walks back and visits each previous statement from the given statement, returning * false will cancel the process */ public static void forEachPreviousStatement(final DDLStatement stmt, final Function1<DDLStatement, Boolean> delegate) { EObject current = ((EObject) stmt); MigrationBlock migration = null; do { { while ((!Objects.equal(EcoreUtil2.getPreviousSibling(current), null))) { { EObject _previousSibling = EcoreUtil2.getPreviousSibling(current); current = _previousSibling; Boolean _apply = delegate.apply(((DDLStatement) current)); boolean _not = (!(_apply).booleanValue()); if (_not) { return; } } } EObject _eContainer = current.eContainer(); EObject previousContainer = EcoreUtil2.getPreviousSibling(_eContainer); boolean _and = false; boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(previousContainer, null)); if (!_notEquals) { _and = false; } else { _and = (previousContainer instanceof MigrationBlock); } if (_and) { migration = ((MigrationBlock) previousContainer); EList<DDLStatement> _statements = migration.getStatements(); DDLStatement _last = IterableExtensions.<DDLStatement>last(_statements); current = _last; boolean _equals = Objects.equal(current, null); if (_equals) { return; } Boolean _apply = delegate.apply(((DDLStatement) current)); boolean _not = (!(_apply).booleanValue()); if (_not) { return; } } else { migration = null; } } } while((!Objects.equal(migration, null))); } public static ArrayList<EObject> getAllReferenceableSingleSources(final SelectCoreExpression expr) { final ArrayList<EObject> items = Lists.<EObject>newArrayList(); if ((expr instanceof SelectCore)) { SelectCoreExpression _left = ((SelectCore) expr).getLeft(); ArrayList<EObject> _allReferenceableSingleSources = ModelUtil.getAllReferenceableSingleSources(_left); items.addAll(_allReferenceableSingleSources); SelectCoreExpression _right = ((SelectCore) expr).getRight(); ArrayList<EObject> _allReferenceableSingleSources_1 = ModelUtil.getAllReferenceableSingleSources(_right); items.addAll(_allReferenceableSingleSources_1); } else { if ((expr instanceof SelectExpression)) { ArrayList<SingleSource> _findAllSingleSources = ModelUtil.findAllSingleSources(((SelectExpression) expr)); items.addAll(_findAllSingleSources); } } return items; } public static ArrayList<SingleSource> findAllSingleSources(final SelectExpression expr) { final ArrayList<SingleSource> items = Lists.<SingleSource>newArrayList(); JoinSource _source = expr.getSource(); SingleSource _source_1 = _source.getSource(); items.add(_source_1); JoinSource _source_2 = expr.getSource(); EList<JoinStatement> _joinStatements = _source_2.getJoinStatements(); for (final JoinStatement join : _joinStatements) { SingleSource _singleSource = join.getSingleSource(); items.add(_singleSource); } return items; } public static ColumnType toColumnType(final SqliteDataType dt) { if (dt != null) { switch (dt) { case BLOB: return ColumnType.BLOB; case INTEGER: return ColumnType.INTEGER; case REAL: return ColumnType.REAL; default: break; } } return ColumnType.TEXT; } public static String toJavaTypeName(final ColumnType type) { if (type != null) { switch (type) { case TEXT: return "String"; case INTEGER: return "long"; case REAL: return "double"; case BLOB: return "byte[]"; case BOOLEAN: return "boolean"; default: break; } } return "!!ERROR!!"; } public static ColumnType getInferredColumnType(final ResultColumn col) { Expression expr = col.getExpression(); boolean _matched = false; if (!_matched) { if (expr instanceof CastExpression) { _matched=true; SqliteDataType _type = ((CastExpression)expr).getType(); return ModelUtil.toColumnType(_type); } } if (!_matched) { if (expr instanceof ColumnSourceRef) { _matched=true; ColumnSource _column = ((ColumnSourceRef)expr).getColumn(); if ((_column instanceof ResultColumn)) { ColumnSource _column_1 = ((ColumnSourceRef)expr).getColumn(); ColumnType _inferredColumnType = ModelUtil.getInferredColumnType(((ResultColumn) _column_1)); return ((ColumnType) _inferredColumnType); } else { ColumnSource _column_2 = ((ColumnSourceRef)expr).getColumn(); return ((ColumnDef) _column_2).getType(); } } } if (!_matched) { if (expr instanceof ExprConcat) { _matched=true; return ColumnType.TEXT; } } if (!_matched) { if (expr instanceof Function) { _matched=true; boolean _or = false; boolean _or_1 = false; boolean _or_2 = false; boolean _or_3 = false; boolean _or_4 = false; String _name = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase = _name.equalsIgnoreCase("count"); if (_equalsIgnoreCase) { _or_4 = true; } else { String _name_1 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_1 = _name_1.equalsIgnoreCase("length"); _or_4 = _equalsIgnoreCase_1; } if (_or_4) { _or_3 = true; } else { String _name_2 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_2 = _name_2.equalsIgnoreCase("random"); _or_3 = _equalsIgnoreCase_2; } if (_or_3) { _or_2 = true; } else { String _name_3 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_3 = _name_3.equalsIgnoreCase("last_insert_rowid"); _or_2 = _equalsIgnoreCase_3; } if (_or_2) { _or_1 = true; } else { String _name_4 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_4 = _name_4.equalsIgnoreCase("changes"); _or_1 = _equalsIgnoreCase_4; } if (_or_1) { _or = true; } else { String _name_5 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_5 = _name_5.equalsIgnoreCase("total_changes"); _or = _equalsIgnoreCase_5; } if (_or) { return ColumnType.INTEGER; } else { boolean _or_5 = false; boolean _or_6 = false; boolean _or_7 = false; boolean _or_8 = false; boolean _or_9 = false; String _name_6 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_6 = _name_6.equalsIgnoreCase("abs"); if (_equalsIgnoreCase_6) { _or_9 = true; } else { String _name_7 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_7 = _name_7.equalsIgnoreCase("avg"); _or_9 = _equalsIgnoreCase_7; } if (_or_9) { _or_8 = true; } else { String _name_8 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_8 = _name_8.equalsIgnoreCase("round"); _or_8 = _equalsIgnoreCase_8; } if (_or_8) { _or_7 = true; } else { String _name_9 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_9 = _name_9.equalsIgnoreCase("sum"); _or_7 = _equalsIgnoreCase_9; } if (_or_7) { _or_6 = true; } else { String _name_10 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_10 = _name_10.equalsIgnoreCase("total"); _or_6 = _equalsIgnoreCase_10; } if (_or_6) { _or_5 = true; } else { String _name_11 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_11 = _name_11.equalsIgnoreCase("likelihood"); _or_5 = _equalsIgnoreCase_11; } if (_or_5) { return ColumnType.REAL; } else { boolean _or_10 = false; String _name_12 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_12 = _name_12.equalsIgnoreCase("randomblob"); if (_equalsIgnoreCase_12) { _or_10 = true; } else { String _name_13 = ((Function)expr).getName(); boolean _equalsIgnoreCase_13 = _name_13.equalsIgnoreCase("zeroblob"); _or_10 = _equalsIgnoreCase_13; } if (_or_10) { return ColumnType.BLOB; } } } return ColumnType.TEXT; } } return ColumnType.TEXT; } public static ArrayList<ColumnSource> getViewResultColumns(final CreateViewStatement stmt) { ArrayList<ColumnSource> result = new ArrayList<ColumnSource>(); SelectStatement _selectStatement = stmt.getSelectStatement(); SelectCoreExpression coreExpr = _selectStatement.getCore(); if ((coreExpr instanceof SelectCore)) { SelectCore core = ((SelectCore) coreExpr); SelectCoreExpression _right = core.getRight(); SelectList selectList = ((SelectExpression) _right).getSelectList(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(selectList, null)); if (_notEquals) { EList<ColumnSource> _resultColumns = selectList.getResultColumns(); final Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final ColumnSource it) { boolean _and = false; String _name = it.getName(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_name, null)); if (!_notEquals) { _and = false; } else { String _name_1 = it.getName(); boolean _equals = _name_1.equals(""); boolean _not = (!_equals); _and = _not; } return Boolean.valueOf(_and); } }; Iterable<ColumnSource> _filter = IterableExtensions.<ColumnSource>filter(_resultColumns, _function); Iterables.<ColumnSource>addAll(result, _filter); } } else { SelectList selectList_1 = ((SelectExpression) coreExpr).getSelectList(); boolean _notEquals_1 = (!Objects.equal(selectList_1, null)); if (_notEquals_1) { EList<ColumnSource> _resultColumns_1 = selectList_1.getResultColumns(); final Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final ColumnSource it) { boolean _and = false; String _name = it.getName(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_name, null)); if (!_notEquals) { _and = false; } else { String _name_1 = it.getName(); boolean _equals = _name_1.equals(""); boolean _not = (!_equals); _and = _not; } return Boolean.valueOf(_and); } }; Iterable<ColumnSource> _filter_1 = IterableExtensions.<ColumnSource>filter(_resultColumns_1, _function_1); Iterables.<ColumnSource>addAll(result, _filter_1); } } return result; } public static HashSet<CreateViewStatement> getAllViewsReferencingTable(final SqliteDatabaseSnapshot snapshot, final TableDefinition tableDef) { HashSet<CreateViewStatement> matches = new HashSet<CreateViewStatement>(); Collection<CreateViewStatement> _views = snapshot.getViews(); for (final CreateViewStatement view : _views) { boolean _isDefinitionReferencedByView = ModelUtil.isDefinitionReferencedByView(tableDef, view); if (_isDefinitionReferencedByView) { matches.add(view); } } return matches; } public static HashSet<CreateViewStatement> getAllViewsInConfigInitReferencingTable(final Model model, final TableDefinition tableDef) { HashSet<CreateViewStatement> matches = new HashSet<CreateViewStatement>(); Collection<CreateViewStatement> _configInitViews = ModelUtil.getConfigInitViews(model); for (final CreateViewStatement view : _configInitViews) { boolean _isDefinitionReferencedByView = ModelUtil.isDefinitionReferencedByView(tableDef, view); if (_isDefinitionReferencedByView) { matches.add(view); } } return matches; } public static boolean isDefinitionReferencedByView(final TableDefinition tableDef, final CreateViewStatement view) { TreeIterator<EObject> _eAllContents = view.eAllContents(); final Function1<EObject, Boolean> _function = new Function1<EObject, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final EObject obj) { if ((obj instanceof SingleSourceTable)) { SingleSourceTable sourceTable = ((SingleSourceTable) obj); TableDefinition _tableReference = sourceTable.getTableReference(); if ((!(_tableReference instanceof CreateViewStatement))) { TableDefinition _tableReference_1 = sourceTable.getTableReference(); String _name = _tableReference_1.getName(); String _name_1 = tableDef.getName(); boolean _equals = _name.equals(_name_1); if (_equals) { return Boolean.valueOf(true); } } else { TableDefinition _tableReference_2 = sourceTable.getTableReference(); return Boolean.valueOf(ModelUtil.isDefinitionReferencedByView(tableDef, ((CreateViewStatement) _tableReference_2))); } } return Boolean.valueOf(false); } }; return IteratorExtensions.<EObject>exists(_eAllContents, _function); } public static boolean hasAndroidPrimaryKey(final CreateTableStatement stmt) { EList<ColumnSource> _columnDefs = stmt.getColumnDefs(); final Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final ColumnSource it) { String _name = it.getName(); return Boolean.valueOf(_name.equals("_id")); } }; return IterableExtensions.<ColumnSource>exists(_columnDefs, _function); } public static boolean hasAndroidPrimaryKey(final CreateViewStatement stmt) { ArrayList<ColumnSource> _viewResultColumns = ModelUtil.getViewResultColumns(stmt); final Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final ColumnSource it) { boolean _and = false; String _name = it.getName(); boolean _isEmpty = Strings.isEmpty(_name); boolean _not = (!_isEmpty); if (!_not) { _and = false; } else { String _name_1 = it.getName(); boolean _equals = _name_1.equals("_id"); _and = _equals; } return Boolean.valueOf(_and); } }; return IterableExtensions.<ColumnSource>exists(_viewResultColumns, _function); } /** * Find column definitions from caller going back to the definition */ public static ArrayList<EObject> findColumnDefs(final DDLStatement caller, final TableDefinition definition) { final ArrayList<EObject> columns = new ArrayList<EObject>(); LinkedList<TableDefinition> tableHistory = ModelUtil.getHistory(definition); TableDefinition last = tableHistory.peekLast(); if ((last instanceof CreateViewStatement)) { CreateViewStatement view = ((CreateViewStatement) last); ArrayList<ColumnSource> _viewResultColumns = ModelUtil.getViewResultColumns(view); columns.addAll(_viewResultColumns); return columns; } EList<ColumnSource> _columnDefs = ((CreateTableStatement) last).getColumnDefs(); columns.addAll(_columnDefs); while ((!tableHistory.isEmpty())) { { final TableDefinition stmt = tableHistory.removeLast(); ArrayList<AlterTableAddColumnStatement> _findStatementsOfTypeBetween = ModelUtil.<AlterTableAddColumnStatement>findStatementsOfTypeBetween(AlterTableAddColumnStatement.class, stmt, caller); final Function1<AlterTableAddColumnStatement, Boolean> _function = new Function1<AlterTableAddColumnStatement, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final AlterTableAddColumnStatement it) { TableDefinition _table = it.getTable(); return Boolean.valueOf(Objects.equal(_table, stmt)); } }; Iterable<AlterTableAddColumnStatement> _filter = IterableExtensions.<AlterTableAddColumnStatement>filter(_findStatementsOfTypeBetween, _function); final Consumer<AlterTableAddColumnStatement> _function_1 = new Consumer<AlterTableAddColumnStatement>() { public void accept(final AlterTableAddColumnStatement it) { ColumnSource _columnDef = it.getColumnDef(); columns.add(_columnDef); } }; _filter.forEach(_function_1); } } return columns; } public static LinkedList<TableDefinition> getHistory(final TableDefinition ref) { LinkedList<TableDefinition> refs = new LinkedList<TableDefinition>(); TableDefinition current = ref; while ((current instanceof AlterTableRenameStatement)) { { refs.add(current); TableDefinition _table = ((AlterTableRenameStatement) current).getTable(); current = _table; } } refs.add(current); return refs; } public static ArrayList<EObject> getAllReferenceableColumns(final SelectCoreExpression expr) { final ArrayList<EObject> items = Lists.<EObject>newArrayList(); if ((expr instanceof SelectCore)) { SelectCoreExpression _left = ((SelectCore) expr).getLeft(); ArrayList<EObject> _allReferenceableColumns = ModelUtil.getAllReferenceableColumns(_left); items.addAll(_allReferenceableColumns); SelectCoreExpression _right = ((SelectCore) expr).getRight(); ArrayList<EObject> _allReferenceableColumns_1 = ModelUtil.getAllReferenceableColumns(_right); items.addAll(_allReferenceableColumns_1); } else { if ((expr instanceof SelectExpression)) { ArrayList<EObject> _allReferenceableColumns_2 = ModelUtil.getAllReferenceableColumns(((SelectExpression) expr), true); items.addAll(_allReferenceableColumns_2); } } return items; } public static ArrayList<EObject> getAllReferenceableColumns(final SelectExpression expr, final boolean includeAliases) { final ArrayList<EObject> items = Lists.<EObject>newArrayList(); boolean _and = false; SelectList _selectList = expr.getSelectList(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_selectList, null)); if (!_notEquals) { _and = false; } else { _and = includeAliases; } if (_and) { SelectList _selectList_1 = expr.getSelectList(); EList<ColumnSource> _resultColumns = _selectList_1.getResultColumns(); final Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean> _function = new Function1<ColumnSource, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final ColumnSource it) { String _name = it.getName(); return Boolean.valueOf((!Objects.equal(_name, null))); } }; Iterable<ColumnSource> _filter = IterableExtensions.<ColumnSource>filter(_resultColumns, _function); Iterables.<EObject>addAll(items, _filter); } ArrayList<SingleSource> _findAllSingleSources = ModelUtil.findAllSingleSources(expr); final Function1<SingleSource, Boolean> _function_1 = new Function1<SingleSource, Boolean>() { public Boolean apply(final SingleSource item) { if ((item instanceof SingleSourceTable)) { String _name = ((SingleSourceTable) item).getName(); return Boolean.valueOf(Objects.equal(_name, null)); } return Boolean.valueOf(false); } }; Iterable<SingleSource> _filter_1 = IterableExtensions.<SingleSource>filter(_findAllSingleSources, _function_1); final Consumer<SingleSource> _function_2 = new Consumer<SingleSource>() { public void accept(final SingleSource item) { SingleSourceTable source = ((SingleSourceTable) item); DDLStatement _ancestorOfType = ModelUtil.<DDLStatement>getAncestorOfType(item, DDLStatement.class); TableDefinition _tableReference = source.getTableReference(); ArrayList<EObject> _findColumnDefs = ModelUtil.findColumnDefs(_ancestorOfType, _tableReference); items.addAll(_findColumnDefs); } }; _filter_1.forEach(_function_2); return items; } public static Collection<CreateViewStatement> getConfigInitViews(final Model model) { final ArrayList<CreateViewStatement> items = Lists.<CreateViewStatement>newArrayList(); DatabaseBlock _database = model.getDatabase(); InitBlock _init = _database.getInit(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_init, null)); if (_notEquals) { DatabaseBlock _database_1 = model.getDatabase(); InitBlock _init_1 = _database_1.getInit(); EList<DDLStatement> _statements = _init_1.getStatements(); Iterable<CreateViewStatement> _filter = Iterables.<CreateViewStatement>filter(_statements, CreateViewStatement.class); Iterables.<CreateViewStatement>addAll(items, _filter); } return items; } public static Collection<CreateTableStatement> getConfigInitTables(final Model model) { final ArrayList<CreateTableStatement> items = Lists.<CreateTableStatement>newArrayList(); DatabaseBlock _database = model.getDatabase(); InitBlock _init = _database.getInit(); boolean _notEquals = (!Objects.equal(_init, null)); if (_notEquals) { DatabaseBlock _database_1 = model.getDatabase(); InitBlock _init_1 = _database_1.getInit(); EList<DDLStatement> _statements = _init_1.getStatements(); Iterable<CreateTableStatement> _filter = Iterables.<CreateTableStatement>filter(_statements, CreateTableStatement.class); Iterables.<CreateTableStatement>addAll(items, _filter); } return items; } }