package gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.validation; import com.nomagic.uml2.ext.magicdraw.classes.mdkernel.NamedElement; import gov.nasa.jpl.mbee.mdk.docgen.docbook.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * if showSummary is true, will show summary of each rule in the suite, the * rulel's severity, and number of counts if showDetail is true, will show * detail table of all element violations in the form of rule, element, * description of violation (optional) if both are true, detail table will come * after summary table the title for the tables are suite name + Summary and * suite name + detail if ownSection is true, the 2 tables will be put in its * own section, with title suite name results * * @author dlam */ public class ValidationSuite { private boolean showSummary; private boolean showDetail; private boolean ownSection; private List<ValidationRule> rules; private String name; public ValidationSuite(String name) { = name; rules = new ArrayList<ValidationRule>(); showSummary = true; showDetail = true; ownSection = false; } public void addValidationRule(ValidationRule rule) { rules.add(rule); } public void setShowSummary(boolean b) { this.showSummary = b; } public void setShowDetail(boolean b) { this.showDetail = b; } public void setOwnSection(boolean b) { this.ownSection = b; } public List<ValidationRule> getValidationRules() { return rules; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { = name; } } public boolean hasErrors() { for (ValidationRule rule : rules) { if (!rule.getViolations().isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } public List<DocumentElement> getDocBook() { List<DocumentElement> res = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>(); if (showSummary) { DBTable summary = new DBTable(); summary.setTitle(name + " Summary"); summary.setCols(4); List<List<DocumentElement>> headers = new ArrayList<List<DocumentElement>>(); List<DocumentElement> header = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>(); headers.add(header); header.add(new DBText("Validation Rule")); header.add(new DBText("Description")); header.add(new DBText("Severity")); header.add(new DBText("Violations Count")); summary.setHeaders(headers); List<List<DocumentElement>> body = new ArrayList<List<DocumentElement>>(); for (ValidationRule vr : rules) { List<DocumentElement> rule = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>(); rule.add(new DBText(vr.getName())); rule.add(new DBParagraph(vr.getDescription())); rule.add(new DBText(vr.getSeverity().toString())); rule.add(new DBText(Integer.toString(vr.getViolations().size()))); body.add(rule); } summary.setBody(body); res.add(summary); } if (showDetail) { DBTable detail = new DBTable(); detail.setTitle(name + " Detail"); detail.setCols(3); List<List<DocumentElement>> dheaders = new ArrayList<List<DocumentElement>>(); List<DocumentElement> dheader = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>(); dheaders.add(dheader); dheader.add(new DBText("Validation Rule")); dheader.add(new DBText("Element")); dheader.add(new DBText("Description")); detail.setHeaders(dheaders); List<List<DocumentElement>> dbody = new ArrayList<List<DocumentElement>>(); for (ValidationRule vr : rules) { for (ValidationRuleViolation vrv : vr.getViolations()) { List<DocumentElement> rule = new ArrayList<DocumentElement>(); rule.add(new DBText(vr.getName())); if (vrv.getElement() instanceof NamedElement) { rule.add(new DBParagraph(((NamedElement) vrv.getElement()).getQualifiedName())); } else { rule.add(new DBText("Unnamed Element")); } rule.add(new DBParagraph(vrv.getComment())); dbody.add(rule); } } detail.setBody(dbody); res.add(detail); } if (ownSection) { DBSection section = new DBSection(); section.setTitle(name + " Validation Results"); section.addElements(res); res.clear(); res.add(section); } return res; } }