package sk.tomsik68.mclauncher.impl.login.legacy; import sk.tomsik68.mclauncher.api.common.MCLauncherAPI; import sk.tomsik68.mclauncher.api.login.IProfile; import sk.tomsik68.mclauncher.api.login.IProfileIO; import sk.tomsik68.mclauncher.util.FileUtils; import*; public final class LegacyProfileIO implements IProfileIO { private final LegacyLoginEncryptionProcessor proc; private final File dest; public LegacyProfileIO(File mcInstance) { proc = new LegacyLoginEncryptionProcessor(); dest = new File(mcInstance, "lastlogin"); } @Override public IProfile[] read() throws Exception { String user, pass; DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(proc.decrypt(new FileInputStream(dest))); user = input.readUTF(); pass = input.readUTF(); input.close(); return new IProfile[]{new LegacyProfile(user, pass)}; } @Override public void write(IProfile[] profile) throws Exception { // warn the developer if they want to save more profiles if(profile.length > 1){ MCLauncherAPI.log.warning("Saving multiple profiles using LegacyProfileIO is not possible! MCLauncherAPI will only save the one that is 0th in the array. Other profiles won't be saved!"); } // create the file if it doesn't exist if (!dest.exists()) { MCLauncherAPI.log.fine("lastlogin file doesn't exist. Creating it..."); FileUtils.createFileSafely(dest); MCLauncherAPI.log.fine("lastlogin file created."); } // write the profile as 2 UTF strings encrypted with LegacyLoginEncryptionProcessor DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(proc.encrypt(new FileOutputStream(dest))); out.writeUTF(profile[0].getName()); out.writeUTF(profile[0].getPassword()); out.flush(); out.close(); } }