package org.magmax.masterj2ee.practica1; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * @author Miguel Angel Garcia <> */ public class LectorTest { private Lector sut; public LectorTest() { } @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() throws Exception { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() throws Exception { } @Before public void setUp() { sut = new Lector(); } @After public void tearDown() { } private ByteArrayInputStream getInputStream(String s) { return new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()); } private Reader getReader(Object s) { return new InputStreamReader(getInputStream(s.toString())); } @Test public void exists_Lector_class() { assertTrue(Lector.class != null); } @Test public void is_a_BufferReader() { assertTrue(sut instanceof; } @Test public void default_constructor_is_linkedto_Stdin() throws IOException { String expected = "Ace of Spades"; System.setIn(getInputStream(expected)); sut = new Lector(); // recargo para que use el nuevo stream. assertEquals(expected, sut.readLine()); } @Test public void input_reader_is_used() throws IOException { String expected = "Ace of Spades"; sut = new Lector(getReader(expected)); assertEquals(expected, sut.readLine()); } @Test public void readInt_gets_last_line_as_int() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { Integer expected = 123456; sut = new Lector(getReader(expected)); assertEquals(expected.intValue(), sut.readInt()); } @Test public void readInt_gets_last_line_as_int_always() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { Integer expected = 123; sut = new Lector(getReader(expected)); assertEquals(expected.intValue(), sut.readInt()); } @Test public void readDouble_gets_last_line_as_double() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { Double expected = 123.231; sut = new Lector(getReader(expected)); assertEquals(expected.doubleValue(), sut.readDouble(), 0.0001); } @Test public void readManyInt_gets_last_line_as_intArray() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { int[] expected = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 7}; String values = "1,2,3,4,7"; sut = new Lector(getReader(values)); assertArrayEquals(expected, sut.readManyInt()); } @Test(expected = NumeroNoValidoExcepcion.class) public void readInt_launches_exception() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { sut = new Lector(getReader("abcde")); sut.readInt(); } @Test(expected = NumeroNoValidoExcepcion.class) public void readDouble_launches_exception() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { sut = new Lector(getReader("abcde")); sut.readDouble(); } @Test(expected = NumeroNoValidoExcepcion.class) public void readManyInt_launches_exception() throws IOException, NumeroNoValidoExcepcion { sut = new Lector(getReader("1,2,abcde,4,5")); sut.readManyInt(); } }