package; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import org.openrdf.model.BNode; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.model.impl.BNodeImpl; import org.openrdf.model.impl.LiteralImpl; import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF; import org.openrdf.repository.Repository; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryResult; import; /** * Various RDF processing shorthands for Fresnel. * * @author ryanlee */ public class FresnelUtilities { /** * Reads data from a URL in a given syntax into a Sesame repository. * * @param store Add RDF to this <code>LocalRepository</code> * @param url The <code>String</code> location of the data * @param syntax The <code>String</code> syntax of the data * @throws Exception For any problems encountered during read of data from the URL */ public static void read(Repository store, String url, String syntax) throws Exception { RDFFormat format = null; if (syntax.equals("TURTLE") || syntax.equals("N3")) format = RDFFormat.TURTLE; else if (syntax.equals("RDFXML")) format = RDFFormat.RDFXML; else if (syntax.equals("NTRIPLES")) format = RDFFormat.NTRIPLES; if (null != format) { myRDFData = new; String baseURI = url; RepositoryConnection conn = store.getConnection(); InputStream is = myRDFData.openStream(); conn.add(is, baseURI, format); is.close(); conn.commit(); conn.close(); } } /** * Fetch resources into an iterator that match the property-object pair from the given graph. * * @param in The source <code>Graph</code> * @param property The <code>URI</code> property to match * @param object The <code>Value</code> object to match * @return A Sesame <code>ResourceIterator</code> */ public static Iterator<Resource> listSubjectsWithProperty(Repository in, URI property, Value object) { Vector<Resource> resources = new Vector<Resource>(); try { RepositoryConnection conn = in.getConnection(); RepositoryResult<Statement> it = conn.getStatements((Resource) null, property, object, true); while ( it.hasNext() ) { Resource subject = dupResource(; if (!resources.contains(subject)) { resources.add(subject); } } it.close(); conn.close(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // TODO: how to handle this exception } return resources.iterator(); } /** * Fetch the object value of a resource's property from the given graph. Only * returns the first, which is an arbitrary selection. * * @param in The source <code>Graph</code> * @param subject The subject <code>Resource</code> * @param property The property <code>URI</code> * @return A sesame <code>Value</code> */ public static Value getSinglePropertyValue(Repository in, Resource subject, URI property) { Value out = null; try { RepositoryConnection conn = in.getConnection(); RepositoryResult<Statement> it = conn.getStatements(subject, property, (Value) null, true); if (it.hasNext()) { out = dupValue(; } it.close(); conn.close(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { // TODO: how to handle this exception } return out; } /** * Fetch the rdf:type of a resource from the given graph. Only returns the first * which is an arbitrary selection. * * @param in The source <code>Repository</code> * @param subject The subject <code>Resource</code> * @return A <code>Value</code> */ public static Value getType(Repository in, Resource subject) { return getSinglePropertyValue(in, subject, RDF.TYPE); } /** * Copy a value so the original can be finalized without locking problems. * * @param v A <code>Value</code> * @return A copy of the original <code>Value</code> */ public static Value dupValue(Value v) { if (v instanceof Literal) return new LiteralImpl(((Literal) v).getLabel(), ((Literal) v).getDatatype()); return dupResource((Resource) v); } /** * Copy a resource so the original can be finalized without locking problems. * * @param r A <code>Resource</code> * @return A copy of the original <code>Resource</code> */ public static Resource dupResource(Resource r) { if (r instanceof BNode) return dupBNode((BNode) r); return dupURI((URI) r); } /** * Copy a URI so the original can be finalized without locking problems. * * @param u A <code>URI</code> * @return A copy of the original <code>URI</code> */ public static URI dupURI(URI u) { return new URIImpl(u.toString()); } /** * Copy a BNode so the original can be finalized without locking problems. * * @param b A <code>BNode</code> * @return A copy of the original <code>BNode</code> */ public static BNode dupBNode(BNode b) { return new BNodeImpl(b.getID()); } }